Diplomatic Recruit: A Kurtherian Gambit Series (The Empress' Spy Book 1)
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“Political Structures and the Laws That Created Them was rather dry. I kept falling asleep.”
Link barked a laugh. “I’m sure K’Kolorn will be thrilled to hear it.”
“Grey.” Anna’s sharp tone held a warning. “You’ve made your point. Don’t encourage the students to be disrespectful.”
“Ah, so you agree Phina should come with me.”
Phina held her breath as Anna’s eyes narrowed. “No, you have made your point about whether she needs to be in class to learn the material. What you are proposing puts her in danger at the edge of the Empire. I can’t in good conscience approve of her going with you.”
Link’s eyes held the dean’s as he raised his voice. “Meredith?”
“Yes, Greyson?”
“Please play the feeds from the dock last night.”
Meredith took a moment to respond. “Based on the context of the conversation, you are asking to review the fight that took place between you, Seraphina Waters, and the three Baldere?”
“Yes, Meredith. Start the recording three minutes before the fight began, please.”
A screen in the wall displayed various angles that appeared to have been taken by small flying camera drones, based on the movement. Phina had not seen them last night. As the scene unfolded from multiple camera angles, Phina winced at seeing herself stumbling around on the heels and determined that she would ever after wear only footwear she could use effectively in a fight.
Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Link and Jace wince when she smacked the alien in his nethers, and she was surprised at the pride that grew within her when she kicked Brodin in the chest, causing him to fall into the freezerator. Phina was even more surprised to see a smile filled with pride on Link’s face as he watched before he turned to the silent young man.
“To answer your misguided question, Jace, what’s so special about Phina is that within two and a half months, she has learned ninety-eight percent of seventy-five percent of the written curriculum for the whole Institute, and if I know her at all, probably more.” She smothered her annoyed glance at Link since he was correct. “She has learned enough in training to take out a Baldere on her own when many find them formidable opponents, knows four alien languages—”
“Five.” She couldn’t keep herself from correcting him even though it gave them even more information. Fudging crumbs. It was like she was becoming a whole different person.
Link turned back to her with his eyebrows raised. “Five?”
She shrugged a shoulder. “I learned Shrillexian during language class since I already knew Karillian.”
Link turned back to Jace. “Speaks five languages, is extremely gifted, remembers just about everything she reads, and is one of the top hackers in the Empire. The entire Empire, not just those here on the station.” He waited for a moment to make sure Jace took his point, then turned back to Anna. “Basically, she’s backup, and not just backup, she’s essential to this ending peacefully. She knows everything we do about each of the parties involved and can more easily gain the rest she needs to know than many others you could send with me. Not to mention that we wouldn’t even have connected the two developing situations this soon without her.”
Anna Elizabeth gazed at Link, then stared into space. Phina glanced over to see Jace looking at her with resignation and not a small amount of envy. She shrugged, not certain what else she could do. It wasn’t her job to make sure he was all right, but she felt bad that something about her or her position with Greyson Wells caused him pain. Finally, Anna shook her head. “I don’t even know where to begin.”
“How about with saying she can go?”
Anna growled, “Grey, you are pushing me hard this morning. Please remember that I am still your boss.”
“Of course you are, Anna. You and Stephen. However, a good boss listens to their employees when they have skills and instincts that are different from hers—”
She held up her hand to stop him and turned to Phina, her expression gentle but still carrying an edge. “Phina, do you wish to go? Do not say yes just because you know that Greyson wants you to go with him. Do you feel ready?”
Phina looked down at her feet so she could avoid the prying gazes of the people in the room. She wiggled her toes inside her shoes. Her regular boots felt much better than the ones she had worn last night, even though those were stylish. She could have easily distracted herself by thinking about it further, but the others weren’t going to wait long. Was she ready?
She finally looked at Anna and nodded, her gaze steady. “Yes, Dean Hauser. There’s book knowledge, and there’s experience. I have a feeling that while I can learn a lot from a classroom and from the reading material, a lot of what I need to learn will come from hands-on experience. I don’t know what…Greyson…” she glanced pointedly at him so he would know she had remembered to use the proper name before turning back to Anna, “did before he entered into his current role, but he likely had a lot of experience based on how the Empire did things before they left Earth, with snatching up those who are best in their fields. I have to play catch up, which means a lot of learning and gaining experiences I won’t get here. I have no issues with going along and would like to learn more about how the Baldere, and especially the Gleeks, work as a people.”
Anna Elizabeth held Phina’s gaze, and the young woman did her best not to squirm or seem uncomfortable. The dean sighed and turned to Link with a resigned expression. “Very well, but you are taking even more backup with you. Phina’s reasoning is correct that the Gleeks wouldn’t have left just for stolen goods. The chances are good that those missing Gleeks were killed. You don’t want to give the Baldere any reason to think you aren’t strong enough to handle the situation.”
“Of course, Anna.”
“You will take a team of Guardians.” Her hands flew over her tablet. “Maxim and his group are still here and available since he’s been training Phina, so I will request them to go with you.”
No sooner had she finished speaking than there was a ping from the door. It opened to reveal Maxim, Drk-vaen, and a sandy-haired man Phina guessed was Ryan Wagner.
“We got a message that you wanted to see us about a job?”
Anna lowered her tablet and glared at Link with exasperation. “Greyson Wells, you are incorrigible!”
Link just grinned. Maxim’s eyebrows rose as his gaze moved between the two of them.
“So, was that a yes or a no?”
QBBS Meredith Reynolds, Spaceship Docks
“I can’t believe you are traveling off the MR!”
Alina alternated between jumping up and down in her excitement and moping that Phina and Maxim would be gone for a while. Phina didn’t know yet how she felt aside from being nervous. The whole situation felt much more real now.
The two friends walked together to the docks, Phina carrying her bag of clothing. As they approached their surprisingly large ship, they saw two Yollins and two humans standing outside. Phina wasn’t surprised to see that the two Yollins were Drk-vaen and Sis’tael. However she was very surprised they were standing off by themselves and were far too close to each other for Yollins unless they had an intimate relationship.
While Phina waited for her brain to catch up and start working again, she missed Maxim introducing them to his other second, Ryan Wagner. The third of the Guardian team watched the girls approach with a grin on his handsome face, the sandy blond hair and blue eyes complementing Maxim’s lighter looks.
“Well, hello, you two beautiful ladies! Looks like it’s our lucky day, eh, Maxim?” Ryan elbowed the Were with a grin and received one of the few less-than-pleasant looks Phina had ever seen on Maxim’s face. Ryan apparently took the man’s response in stride since he just kept going, eventually drawing Alina to the side as they very obviously flirted with each other. Maxim stood with his arms crossed, alternating between glowering at Ryan and looking at Alina with longing and confusion.
Phina casually walked up to him, lowered
her bag to her feet, and spoke just loud enough for his enhanced ears to pick up. “You know she’s not serious at all about him, right?”
“What?” Maxim looked at her, startled but trying to keep his face devoid of expression.
She waved at the two attractive blond people standing a short distance away. They really did make quite a picture, but Phina knew looks weren’t everything. Alina was too gone over Maxim to change where her heart had taken her.
“She’s very obviously flirting. She does this often as one of her ways to show appreciation of people she finds interesting and attractive. However, you might have noticed that she doesn’t do that with you.”
Maxim gave her a flat look. “For trying to reassure me, you aren’t doing such a great job.”
Phina flashed him a grin while eying her best friend. “That’s because you are still getting to know who she is. She can be excitable and even flighty at times, but when it comes to the serious things, she’s all business. It’s why she hasn’t flirted with you that much. She doesn’t want anything fake or put upon to interfere with a potential relationship that could develop between you two.”
“And you know this….how?”
“Come on, we’ve been friends since we were in diapers. We could read each other’s minds if we wanted to.” She grinned at the tall Were, ignoring his grumpiness. “Plus, she pretty much told me the day you two met.”
“Really?” His eyebrows were raised in speculation as he looked from Phina to Alina.
“Yes, really. I keep telling you to go for it. You guys should get to know each other better. As long as you don’t hurt her, I’m all for you getting together.”
“And if I end up doing so?”
“Did you see the video of the fight with the Baldere the other night?”
Maxim winced, not mistaking her meaning. “I’ll keep it in mind.”
Phina caught movement from the corner of her eye and saw Link striding toward the ship, pulling a transport cart behind him. He looked preoccupied, but as he drew closer, he called, “Five minutes, people! Get yourself and your stuff on the ship or get left behind.”
Link picked up his bags from the cart and walked past them to board the ship. Maxim and Ryan moved to carry aboard a few bags that were still sitting around. Drk-vaen and Sis’tael joined Phina and Alina.
“Phina, was that your mentor?” Alina craned her neck to see into the cargo bay of the ship. “He’s so handsome! He has that graying-with dignity-look to him like that really famous actor from Earth or even Mal’s father.”
“Mr. Prez? My ethics teacher?”
“He does look rather distinguished for a human male.” Sis’tael spoke to them, but her eyes had followed Link as he boarded, causing Phina confusion.
“Who, Mr. Prez or my mentor?”
“Well, both.”
“I think that’s my cue to leave.” Drk-vaen clicked his mandibles, then rested his hand on Sis’tael’s shoulder, giving her a Yollin smile before walking up the ramp.
Phina introduced her friends to each other, then said goodbye. As Phina hugged her, Alina whispered, “Please be careful.”
“What about Maxim?”
“Stars, Phina, I don’t know what to do.”
“Just hold on. I know he’s interested, and it bugged him that you were flirting with Ryan.”
Alina pulled back with her mouth open in shock, then frowned in concern. “I wasn’t even thinking about that!”
“I know. Don’t worry, I got you covered.” Phina smiled as she gave Alina a final squeeze and turned to Sis’tael.
“So, you and Drk, huh?”
The Yollin female clicked her mandibles and shifted sheepishly. “Yes.”
“We’ll have to talk about that later.” Phina smirked to let her know she was teasing, then picked up her bag and went on board. At the top of the ramp, she turned and smiled when she saw her female friends eying each other. Just before the hatch closed, she heard Sis’tael’s voice.
“So, you and Maxim?”
Chapter Nineteen
Etheric Empire, QBS Stark
Phina wandered through the big ship until she heard voices, noticing that the vessel appeared to be scuffed up and marked like it had been in action. She finally came upon the others in a lounge area that had straps to use when needed. It also proved to be the bridge, where the pilot sat to fly the ship. The console stretched on one side with seats for the pilot, the navigator, and the weapons specialist.
Drk-vaen attempted to use the seats made for four-legged Yollins in the lounge area. Since he stood taller than the average Yollin, he had difficulty with the height. Still, he looked up at her when she came in to give her a smile. Link and Ryan talked about their piloting experience, trying to one-up each other. Maxim stood to the side with his arms crossed, deep in thought. Phina believed his thoughts to be more preoccupied with Alina than who might be the best person to pilot.
Phina looked around the room and realized she was the only female on board, as well as being the youngest person. She shook her head. They hadn’t left the station yet, so it wasn’t too late to change her mind. However, when she glanced at Link, she remembered his pride in how much she had learned and grown in just weeks. Phina still believed she needed hands-on experience to continue learning.
Her thoughts wandered to where they were going first, which caused her to think of the Gleeks and the Balderian people. Barnabas, the Empress’ number one ranger and resident mind reader, had graciously offered to read the captured Baldere. He reported that they did not know much of note except that the food imports had been stolen from the Gleeks and the Baldere thought the Gleeks were weird, peaceful, and ineffectual. To a Baldere, this meant they thought the Gleeks wouldn’t fight back or make a fuss about the stolen goods. They didn’t know anything about the missing Gleeks, but they suspected the Jeskir’s guards were involved in shady operations. If it was true that the Baldere were involved in serious crimes against the Gleeks, they had no idea of what they had unleashed.
She sighed at the weight of their task at hand and finally spoke up as she dropped her bag at her feet. “So, where are we going first?”
The males broke off what they were doing and looked at her in surprise. She hadn’t thought she had been that quiet, but perhaps the sound of her bag hitting the deck combined with her question had been enough to startle them. Link recovered first.
“Excellent question, my dear! I believe we should head for the Gleek planet first since they are the ones who may be headed toward rash actions on a large scale. I sent a message asking them to wait for us since we have information for them.”
“Sounds good to me.” She shrugged. “How long ‘til we get there?”
“Well, that all depends on Stark here.” He leaned over and patted the bulkhead.
“Hey, guys.”
The male voice coming from the speakers sounded relaxed but carried a slight tone of snark.
“Hi. Stark?”
“That’s me.”
Link introduced them all to the EI, but Phina was anxious to get moving.
“So, how soon are we leaving? Do I have time to put my stuff somewhere?”
Link broke in. “We will leave as soon as I get over there and get us going.”
“I believe I mentioned I have more flight time and should pilot us instead.” Ryan inched toward the console.
Link turned to him with a frown. “And I’m the one in charge, so I will decide who does what. I will be the pilot.”
“Who has flown in battle and has a better reaction time, though? I believe that’s me—young and speedy.”
“Really, young and speedy? Watch what happens when older and experienced comes into play.”
He sped to the console in time to trip Ryan, who grabbed Link on the way down, pulling him off-balance enough to fall to one knee. They had just finished a series of blocks and began to use grappling moves when Phina heard the ship powering up and going through all the processes needed to leave
“Hey, dumbasses!”
Ryan and Link froze on the deck and looked at the console, which had begun lighting up on its own.
“You guys are forgetting that I don’t need either of you. I’m my own pilot. Now sit down and buckle up, buttercups! We’re hitting the road!”
Ryan began to snicker and sing off-key. “On the road again!”
Link smirked. “Roads? Where we’re going, we don’t need roads!”
Maxim rolled his eyes as he sat down in one of the seats and buckled himself in. “Great. Now there’s two of them.”
Phina walked over, sat down in another seat, and began to strap herself in. Link and Ryan had disentangled themselves, and now they clapped each other on the back in solidarity and grabbed seats of their own. Phina had Link on one side and Maxim on the other, with Ryan and Drk-vaen across from them.
She felt a hand on her arm and looked over to see Maxim giving her an encouraging smile. “Don’t worry, it will be fine.”
Phina narrowed one eye and raised the other eyebrow in an exaggerated look of suspicion. “I didn’t realize mind reading was in your repertoire.”
“It isn’t, but body language is, and yours shouts pretty loudly that you are nervous.”
She nodded, feeling the ship detaching from the station. “I am, but I think it will work out fine.” She smiled, mostly believing what she had said. He gave her another quick smile, then leaned over to talk to Ryan.
Phina felt the ship begin to accelerate as she leaned toward Link. From the corner of her eye, she saw her bag slide down the corridor. Oops! She would have to get that later.
“So, Stark. He seems kind of unusual.”
“Ah, yes. You know ADAM likes to watch shows and movies from Earth?”
“Of course. We’ve watched a bunch of them together.”
His eyebrows rose in surprise. “You’ve watched…” He shook his head as if to clear his thoughts. “Yes, well, Stark here was born during ADAM’s superhero kick. He got a little too much influence as it were.”