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A Sorcerer's Fist

Page 3

by Guy Antibes

  “Do you really think you can win?” Nemo asked.

  “Can you tell me who I am fighting?”

  “King Leon, of course.”

  Ricky shook his head. “I’m fighting the sorcerers who enthralled you. They are the enemy, but King Leon willingly joined them. The fight isn’t restricted to Paranty.”

  “A global conspiracy?”

  Hemo walked closer. “He can’t say that, but all of Kerrothia might be affected. If you are to be a minion of King Leon, we will leave you tied up and line up the three bodies next to yours.” Hemo nodded to Ricky. “We will leave Applia in the morning if Ricky approves.”

  “What about Princess Pira?” Mattia said.

  “She will come with us. The princess has no future in Sealio, at least not as things stand.”

  Mattia snorted. “I’ll agree with you there. I’ll go with you on the condition that you let Nania join me.”

  “At the right time,” Ricky said. “Is she being held against her will?”

  “Not at present.”

  Ricky pursed his lips. “I can do something about that if you agree to be put under an interrogation spell.”

  “There is such a thing?” Nemo asked.

  Hemo nodded. “Ricky should interrogate all of us. The compulsion spell compromised our activities.”

  “I will.”

  Ricky moved Mattia, Mirano, Hemo, and Siria away from the soldiers. He interrogated all four of them. No one had intentionally lied to him, and Nemo Mattia had understated his respect for Ricky.

  “How are you feeling, Mirano?” Ricky asked.

  “I’m nearly back to normal.”

  “Then we will take Mattia with us. I’ll head back to Sealio and get Nania.”

  “You can do that?” Nemo Mattia said.

  Ricky nodded. “I can bring Nania to wherever you end up tonight or tomorrow morning. We should get going. I’m sure Merry and Pira have some packing to do.”

  Ricky and Hemo took Mattia’s arms, and all five of them lifted up out of the forest and headed towards Applia. They landed in the back garden of the duke’s safehouse. Ricky opened the lock with a song and led them in. He woke up the house and soon everyone, and then Ricky headed towards Tossa. Merry would stay there, and perhaps Mattia.

  After locking up the house and leaving a note with the housekeeper for Duke Noacci, Ricky flew west towards Sealio. He regretted not meeting up with the duke’s sorcerer, but under the circumstances, it couldn’t be helped.

  What had taken a day-and-a-half for the two women, took Ricky a few hours. He landed on the University grounds and headed for the professors’ housing. He knocked on Nania Sarini’s door just as the sunlight touched the very tops of the Five Towers.

  The door opened. “Who are you?” Nania said, yawning. She looked at Ricky more closely. “Ricky? I hardly recognized you. You have done some growing since we last met. Come in. You shouldn’t be in the city.”

  Ricky walked into her flat. Contrary to what he thought, the pair didn’t live together.

  “What are you doing here?”

  Ricky told her of Mattia’s latest task. Nania agreed to the counterspell of compulsion and a spell of interrogation. She was innocent of any tampering by University sorcerers.

  Her decision to join Ricky took only a few moments. “I’ll be ready in a bit,” Nania said, disappearing into her bedroom. “Help yourself to any food you find. It will only spoil.”

  By the time Ricky had stuffed himself, Nania had returned to the sitting room looking more like a bodyguard than at any time he had seen her. She looked over her depleted food stores and stuffed a buttered slice of bread in her mouth after a long draught of water.

  “Let’s go while Sealio is waking up,” she said.

  Ricky nodded and took her into the air. They flew out over the harbor, gradually gaining altitude before they turned to the east, keeping the River Lironi on their left as they sped towards Tossa.

  Carrying another person while flying definitely cut down Ricky’s speed and endurance. Midday, they descended close to a village and walked in for a meal and a rest. He found that he enjoyed the experience with Nania.

  “My aunt and I would like to know what you are serving for lunch?” Ricky said, as they walked closer to the long, scarred bar.

  “Butchered a couple of lambs yesterday, so I guess lamb of some kind.”

  “Lamb chops? I’d gladly pay extra,” Nania said, rubbing her hands.

  “We didn’t have much for lunch or dinner,” Ricky said.

  “Where did you come from, and where are you going?”

  “Heading to Sealio from Tossa. I think we might be a little lost, though,” Nania said. “I wanted to walk in the countryside. I like life a bit on the rough side,” she said.

  “You aren’t a highway woman, are you?” The innkeeper looked at both of them.

  “Not at all. We don’t have horses, if you couldn’t tell,” she said, laughing. “I dragged my nephew out on a long, long hike since he’s between jobs and needed some distraction from the troubles in Tossa.”

  “I heard they were over,” the innkeeper said.

  Nania looked at Ricky, who would be the one to make up a tale.

  “I worked at Doubli Academy,” Ricky said. “It’s a school for sorcerers and gentlemen. Duke Bariani closed it down. The head gardener had to let me go. Nothing to do, no one to pay.”

  “You know Jockal? What’s his last name?”

  “Forbaska, but we called him Jock,” Ricky said. “He was a bit gruff, but underneath he was fair enough.”

  The innkeeper grunted. “It is a shame.”

  “With Baron Mansali trying to pick up the pieces, maybe they will open the school up again. Until that happens, we’re headed to Sealio to visit the Five Towers and see if broomball season has started up.”

  “You a player?” the innkeeper said.

  “I was, a bit. Dean Doubli let me practice with the team from time to time. They never were as good as they were three years ago,” Ricky said.

  “I’ll see about your lamb,” the innkeeper said.

  They were left alone in the common room. A few customers came in before the innkeeper returned.

  “I thought Mattia, and you would have married by now,” Ricky said.

  Nania made a sound. It certainly wasn’t a happy sound. “We aren’t quite as close,” she said. “I never forgave him for what he did to you in Dimani.”

  “I wouldn’t worry about that,” Ricky said. “Mara was the one that had the last word. Nemo didn’t sound as if he wanted me captured.”

  “He didn’t?” Nania said.

  Ricky shook his head. “I heard them talking just before I was about to grab Mara and take her away. She was a fraud at the Home. You heard about her demise?” Ricky said.

  “No. Did something happen to her?”

  Ricky looked away. “She found me in southern Naparra, and we dueled. She lost.”

  “You killed her?”

  He nodded. “It was a serious duel. It was the third time she had tried to kill or capture me on the island in Dimani, she had hired an assassin to attack me at the Rings and in Naparra. She won’t be bothering anyone again. I never imagined her to be such a cold person.”

  “That’s what Nemo said. I didn’t believe him, and our relationship cooled because of that.”

  “He wouldn’t join my cause unless I extracted you from Sealio. He must still like you.”

  Nania fell silent for a bit.

  “Ricky!” a voice called from behind him. Jockal Forbaska rushed to his table and sat down. “Do you have news from Tossa?”

  The innkeeper had a surprised look on his face when Ricky looked back in his direction.

  “Some. I never introduced you to my aunt. This is Nania Crabacci. I go by Vincent Crabacci.”

  “Sure, sure. Have you seen Dean Doubli lately?” Jockal said, his voice much lower. He beamed at Ricky. “You have sure grown up nicely. You were barely taller than me whe
n you left, and I’ll be, you tower over me now.”

  “Merry is fine. She’s on her way to Tossa. I’m sure if you want to return to your old post in a bit, she’ll take you in.”

  “I know the Dean will. She promised. I honestly didn’t know what would happen when Duke Bariani started acting right strangely. I have a daughter and her family who live in this village.” Jock looked around the common room and grinned. “This has become my second home.”

  “You know I’m on the run. I told the innkeeper that I’m heading to Sealio, but I’m really going to Tossa. Please don’t tell anyone that I’m a sorcerer. My personal situation has worsened, if you can believe it.”

  “How did you do in Duteria? Saganet said you were doing well.”

  “I was, but then I returned to visit, and Paranty has suffered.”

  Jock looked at Nania, raising his eyebrows.

  Ricky smiled. “This is Nania. She is a friend of Effie’s, and we have a few other mutual friends.”

  “You have the same look about you that Effie did, at least until she gave birth. It’s softened her up a bit, but then motherhood always does.”

  Nania smiled. “It always does,” she said wistfully. “I’m very glad for her and look forward to seeing her again.”

  Jock stood. “It was good to see you. I’ll have someone write to Dean Doubli. Enjoy your trip to Sealio. I’ve got to get back to my grandkids and do a bit of babysitting.” He ruffled Ricky’s hair and quickly left the inn.

  “That’s the first time he’s done that,” Ricky said.

  Nania looked amazed. “You really did know him.”

  Ricky nodded. “Saganet taught me a long time ago that if you are going to lie, make it as close to the truth as you can. It worked this time.”

  They talked about the University, and Ricky was just getting to the Rings when their lamb chops arrived.

  “Are these good?” he asked.

  Nania flashed him a smile. “Much better than mutton, much. Spring is the best time.” She took a chop and bit into it. “There is a good cook back there,” she said. “I’ll pay anything the innkeeper asks and still give him a tip.”


  Chapter Three


  I n the evening they found a little inn, not far from Tossa. Ricky had already flown them to the northern shore of the river. Their evening meal hadn’t compared in the slightest to lunch. Ricky sat against the wall in the common room and leaned back.

  Pira? Ricky said when the link engaged.

  Is your friend Nania with you? Pira said. Ricky couldn’t detect any alarm.

  She is indeed. We are at an inn an hour or two’s walking distance from Tossa.

  I’m jealous, she said with a little bit of a pout to her voice. It isn’t easy dragging that big man in the air. He’s not a very happy person, is he?

  Mattia is gruff like Jock Forbaska. Tell Merry we met Jock along the way. Nania is with me. That might make Mattia a bit happier.

  Who is Jock Forbaska? Pira said. Surely, not a woman.

  Surely not. He is the head gardener at Doubli Academy. He currently lives in the village where we ate lunch. When I said Doubli Academy, the innkeeper ran and got him. I had good news for him.

  You hope it’s good.

  Ricky smiled. He wants his job back. I would, too. He’s a babysitter these days.

  Pira laughed in her mind. You’ve had that duty before.

  I have. Where are you? We can meet you somewhere.

  Ricky had to wait for a few moments.

  Merry thinks it would be better for Nania and you to go on ahead. We will be another day.

  Ricky nodded to himself. I look forward to seeing your regal image again.

  Not so regal today, but an image, nevertheless, Pira said.

  Ricky blinked.

  “Did you fall asleep?” Nania asked.

  Ricky shook his head. “Finish up. We will stay in Tossa, tonight.”


  Ricky woke up in his old room in the Bisiccia Building. Students weren’t at the Academy, so Nania took the room across the hall. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and looked out the window. Jock’s tender care was evident by its absence. The grass was overgrown, the walkways were littered with debris, and the Academy had an abandoned feel.

  He washed up and walked over to Saganet’s cottage. He smiled at the smoke coming from the stove’s chimney. Someone had to be up. He knocked on the door and looked into the face of a stranger.

  “What do you want?” the man said. His face was covered in soapsuds, and he held a straight razor in his hand.

  “I was looking for Saganet Crabacci.”

  “Oh, he moved to his house. I’m taking care of the Academy while the Dean is gone.”

  Ricky smiled. “I have it on good authority that she will return within the next day or two. If you need to do some extra care-taking, I might be able to help. I’m staying in the Bisiccia Building.”

  “And who said you could do that?”

  “Merry Doubli,” Ricky said. She hadn’t, but the man had no way to check, and Ricky needed an out-of-the-way place to stay.

  “You can straighten out her apartment in the Administration Building, then. I’ll get a key.”

  “I don’t need one,” Ricky said. “I suppose the commissary is closed.”

  “You suppose right.”

  Ricky nodded and returned to his dormitory room. He heard sounds coming from the washroom and would wait for Nania before they walked to Saganet’s townhouse.

  In a few minutes, the pair of them walked through Tossa’s streets and finally looked up at Saganet’s home. Ricky had never gone through the front door. He looked around and didn’t see any suspicious figures, so he walked up the steps and pulled the doorbell. He heard it ring inside.

  They waited until footsteps arrived and the door opened, revealing Effie’s face.

  “Oh!” she said. “Come in, quickly.” She looked up and down the street before closing the door. “You weren’t followed? How did you get into the city without us knowing?”

  “We flew in,” Ricky said.

  Effie sighed and then noticed Nania. “Nania! I thought Ricky had brought another sorcerer with him. Oh, how are you?”

  “Following Nemo,” she said. “He is due to arrive tomorrow with a whole group of people.”

  “I thought we could put everyone up at the Academy,” Ricky said.

  “Good thinking,” Saganet said, walking down the stairs carrying a toddler. “We hired a caretaker last week. Did you run into him?”

  “Long enough for him to ask me to help him clean up Merry’s apartment,” Ricky said.

  “You told him she was returning?”

  Ricky nodded. “I hope I’m not upsetting any of your plans.”

  Saganet shook his head. “The baron has done a marvelous job of delegating duties to people who are on our side. Tossa is sane, again.”

  “Thank goodness,” Effie said. “Come in and bring us up-to-date.”

  Nania began and told them about what she had done after the Applia Juvenile Home. She had taught self-defense to women at the University of Sealio and had continued until Ricky took her away.

  Effie contributed her story. Ricky enjoyed listening to her talk about the marriage and her trials with little Mona. Everyone looked at Ricky, and he brought them up to date, as of last night, when he had talked to Pira.

  “The princess is coming to Tossa?” Effie said.

  “Princess, no more,” Ricky said. “We were going to stay in Applia for a week or more, but with King Leon and the Botoyans wringing what they could out of Hemo Grakel, everyone had to vacate Applia, and some of us are just passing through.”

  “Have you had breakfast?” Effie asked.

  Ricky and Nania shook their heads.

  “I’ll need a big one before I tackle Merry’s rooms.”

  “I can help,” Nania said. “I have nothing else to do.”


  Karian dropped
by the Administration Building just as Ricky and Nania finished. His wife, Mina Doria, Saganet’s grown daughter and former history teacher at the Academy, brought bags of food over.

  “We can use the commissary kitchen,” Mina said.

  Ricky sat a bit off by himself, watching the adults talk about adult things. He had spent a good part of dinner describing the Rings in more detail than he had when he stopped by Tossa with Hemo not that long ago. He looked at the rain pattering against the window when Merry Doubli tossed the door open and entered the room.

  “You can remain sitting because I am going to join you.”

  Following her in were Hemo, Mattia, Siria holding hands with Mirano, and Pira, making her entrance. All were bedraggled and soaked to the bone. They piled their bags close to the front door.

  Nania jumped from her seat and hugged Nemo, and then suddenly there were hugs all around. Hemo shrugged at Ricky, who hugged Pira, and then Merry. Mina went back to the kitchen. She had made plenty, and soon Ricky didn’t feel so left out, sitting with Pira, Mirano, and Siria at his table.

  “I am so tired,” Pira said. “I can’t believe you arrived before we did.”

  Ricky smiled. “I am faster than you.”

  “But are you better?” Pira said and pursed her lips.

  Ricky sensed a trap. “How can I be?”

  “A good response,” she said. “Mirano is as tired as I am. Siria and Merry couldn’t last very long even when they paired with Mirano and me, but we made it.”

  “And I am glad. Did you learn anything from Mirano and Siria?” Ricky smiled at the couple.

  “Only that Duke Noacci would have been forced to capture us if we had stayed in Applia for very long. Duke Noacci had already received an edict from King Leon ordering our arrest before we left.”

  “You are lucky the man didn’t run to your hideout and throw you all in his dungeons,” Siria said, shivering.

  “The Duke and I have an understanding of sorts,” Ricky said after a warning glance from Pira. “However, I have the use of the Naparran summer castle in Samira. We will go there to figure out what to do. If we stay in Tossa, we will put Saganet, Merry, and Baron Mansali at risk.”

  “Why don’t we return to Duteria?” Mirano asked. “You won’t have to worry about King Leon there.”


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