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Secret Hearts: A Small Town Forbidden Romance (Harts of Idaho Book 3)

Page 9

by Elle Linder

  Tori followed him with her heart racing. Was she actually going to spend the night with Rex and not have sex? She wasn’t sure how she felt about it.

  Yes, she wanted to stay with him. But he wasn’t the only one turned on. Her panties were wet, and she was throbbing worse than the last time she was with him. She’d love to have another orgasm but didn’t have it in her to ask him to take care of her. Especially when she was terrified out of her mind to go all the way.

  Damn you, Grant Bishop!

  It wouldn’t be fair to Rex to not get his release. He must have been straining in his jeans. It couldn’t have felt good at all.

  “My room is this way,” he whispered at the end of a hallway and took her hand. “This is the guest bathroom. Across from it is the guest room.” He pointed at each room. “This is Lyla’s room. She has her own bathroom.”

  The hallway was long and the wooden floors creaked, making Tori wince with each step. She hoped they didn’t wake Lyla up. Tori wasn’t ready to explain why she was there, mainly because Lyla would be confused and disappointed for not knowing Tori was there.

  The closer they got to the last door at the end, where she guessed the master bedroom was, the more fiercely her heart hammered against her chest.

  “This is a small bedroom I’m using as an office,” he said. “And finally, my room.”

  Rex released her hand and disappeared into the dark space in front of her. A lamp turned on perched atop a bedside table. Tori froze at the threshold of the room.

  She was smacked in the face by the elegantly decorated master suite. A four-poster bed had sheers expertly hung over the top of the cherry wood slates, cascading down the posts. The navy comforter didn’t appear to go with the rest of the stately room. Rex had probably changed it after the divorce. A romantic fireplace was in the corner with an ornate white mantle similar to the kitchen cabinets. Tori’s eyes scanned the space quickly. Even in the dim lighting, it was easy to see the room was fit for a queen. Queen Raquel.

  Numbly, she backed up. “I’m sorry. I can’t be here…” She turned on her heel and ran for the front door.

  “Tori!” Rex shouted but she didn’t stop.

  Tears stung behind her eyes. Under no uncertain terms could she sleep in another woman’s bed.

  “Wait,” he growled and caught her by the wrist. Rex spun her around.

  “I can’t sleep in her bed,” she blurted, her voice cracking at the end. She could hardly make out Rex’s face. Was he disappointed in her childish behavior? If he was, she didn’t care. “It feels wrong, Rex,” she continued. “Another woman’s bed. Where you made love to her. God… I just can’t.”

  Unexpectedly, she was yanked into a warm embrace. Rex held her firmly, almost squeezing the air out of her.

  “I’m so sorry. I’m an idiot.” He kissed her temple. “A stupid, old idiot.”

  “Stop it. You’re not old or stupid.”

  “I should have known it would be weird for you sleeping in what used to be mine and Raquel’s room. I’m sorry. I should’ve known better.”

  The sincerity in his voice defused her anxiety, and she found herself wanting to make him feel better.

  “I overreacted. I freaked. I’m sorry.”

  He laughed softly. “We’re quite the pair, both apologizing like this.”

  “A couple of idiots,” she added, amusement in her voice. “I guess I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  His grip on her increased. “No. I still want you to stay.”

  “But I just refused to sleep in Raquel’s bed.”

  “Come on…” He guided her back to the hallway. “We’ll sleep in the guest room.” He opened the door and flicked on the lights. “No one has ever slept in it. Come to think of it, it might be a bit dusty, and I’m not sure when the linens were put on it. At least two years ago.” He frowned, studying her.

  “Do you have another set of sheets?”

  He flashed her a charming grin. “I do.” He left the room. A moment later, they were stripping the bed together and making it back up with fresh sheets. “I’ll go get you a T-shirt to sleep in and a toothbrush.”

  She smiled, appreciating how he tried to make her feel comfortable and welcomed.

  When Rex returned, he was shirtless and in a pair of black sweatpants. For forty, he sure looked amazingly fit—no soft belly or man boobs. She wondered if he worked out as she admired his broad chest and cut biceps. He had a dusting of dark hair across his pecs. She let her gaze drop to his toned abs and further down to the elastic waistband hanging low on his hips. It didn’t appear he was wearing underwear. The very thought made her tingle.

  Rex cleared his throat. “Like what you see?”

  Her face flamed with sizzling heat. “Sorry.” She grimaced. “But yes, I do like what I see,” she told him honestly—no sense lying about how she felt.

  “So do I.” He gave her a chaste kiss. “Go change. I’ll be waiting in bed for you.”

  “Thanks.” She took the toothbrush and T-shirt from him and went to the bathroom directly across from the guest room.

  Rex was the most considerate man. If he’d expected her to undress in front of him, she’d have to disappoint him. She wasn’t ready for him to see her without clothes on. Only one man had seen her naked before, and that was Grant.

  She hated how he’d resurfaced in her mind after all these years, now that there was a man she was crazy about. Many times she’d wondered what would happen when she’d finally found someone worth her time. Someone she could bare her soul to and show her vulnerability without worrying they’d take advantage of her trusting nature as Grant had.

  Rex appeared to be that man. He certainly made her feel like he cared about her. She felt safe with him, protected. She wouldn’t let the memories of Grant Bishop taint what she hoped would be a beautiful, loving relationship with Rex.


  REX HAD A weird feeling in his gut. He couldn’t put his finger on it, but it didn’t seem quite right the way Tori reacted toward sex. No question she’d gotten hot and bothered with him. The second night they were together, she’d orgasmed just by dry humping.

  No, her womanly parts worked beautifully. Rex felt her desire, her need for him. But something was holding her back, making her hyper-cautious. He didn’t want his mind to run wild with ideas as to what might have caused her hesitation regarding him and sex. It could only lead to one thing, which would strike a rage in him the likes he’d never felt before.

  A murderous fury would rip through him, and he’d want to give the person who had hurt Tori excruciating pain.

  Rex shook his head as he climbed into bed. He couldn’t go there. If a horrible event had occurred in Tori’s life, he hoped she would trust him enough to share it with him. Jumping to conclusions was wrong. His mind could fabricate something entirely different than what might actually have happened. If anything at all. Perhaps she was just shy and playing it safe with him.

  He shook his head again. Not likely. Embers smoldered in his belly, hovering on the edge of a raging fire. A desperate need to protect Tori gripped him. He’d never let anyone or anything harm her.

  God, I hope she clears this up for me soon, or I might go mad.

  The door slowly opened. Perfect timing. Just seeing Tori calmed him, and she looked utterly delectable in his T-shirt.

  She bit her lip, her cheeks rosy. “Hi.” She issued him an adorable wave.

  “Come here, beautiful. No need to be nervous. Tonight, I’m only going to hold you.”

  “What about tomorrow night?” She tiptoed over and sat on the bed.

  “I’ll follow your lead.” He patted the bed.

  She slipped under the covers and turned on her side to face him. “Men don’t usually follow a woman’s lead. I mean, if they sense she’s interested, they just take what they want.”

  “Take what they want” struck him like a bolt of lightning. He bit down on his back molars, trying to keep his cool.

  “Not this man.” H
e traced the curve of her jaw with his finger. “You have all the control for when we take the next step. If we have sex. You have nothing to fear—”

  “Shh.” She cut him off with her mouth on his. She kissed him deeply. “I feel safe with you. I want to be intimate with you… soon.” She nibbled his bottom lip playfully.

  “Only when you’re ready.”

  “You are an amazing man, Rexford Knolls.”

  “And you, Tori Hart, are an enchanting, beautiful woman on the inside and out.”

  They kissed a little more before Rex spooned Tori and they drifted off to sleep.

  Like clockwork, he woke before the alarm on his phone went off at five in the morning. He didn’t need to be up so early; he just naturally woke at this time, ever since his rodeo days.

  Typically, he’d grumble and rise from a fitful night’s sleep, then dress for the day. He’d drink his morning cup of joe, enjoying the quiet before Lyla padded into the kitchen around seven.

  But the woman snuggled against him was changing up his routine. He’d also slept better than he had in years.

  Lyla. She hadn’t called out for him in the middle of the night. Had she? He would have heard if she had… he hoped.

  His heart and mind warred over leaving the bed to check on Lyla or staying put. Damn, it shouldn’t be a difficult decision. His daughter was his priority.

  He removed the arm that was over Tori and the one under her pillow, trying to not disturb her. As soon as he was sure Lyla was okay, he’d return to the bed.

  Getting out of bed might not be such a bad thing. He could use the bathroom and will his morning wood to go away. In the last few weeks, it had been a daily occurrence, one he attributed to Tori. She had perked up every aspect of his doldrum life, improving it more each day.

  He peeked into Lyla’s room. Everything seemed normal. He quietly entered to check if she was breathing, a somewhat morbid thing to do but essential to his peace of mind. Thankfully, she was just fine.

  After using the bathroom, he went back into the guest room and crawled in beside Tori.

  “Is she okay?” Tori asked just above a whisper.

  “Perfect. I didn’t mean to wake you.” His arms went around her waist, and he held her close, kissing the curve of her neck. It was official: he’d fallen for Tori Hart.

  “It’s okay. I want to be gone before she wakes. I did miss your warm body though.”

  He liked hearing she missed him. “Did you sleep okay? Did I snore too loud?”

  “You didn’t snore.” Her body shook like she was laughing though he couldn’t hear her giggles. “I never slept better.”

  “Does that mean you’d be up for doing this again tonight?”

  “I was hoping you’d want me to stay over again.” She twisted in his arms to face him. “Same time?” The smile on her face brightened his morning in the best way ever.

  But he furrowed his brow when Lyla came to mind.

  “What?” Tori grew serious.

  “We should tell Lyla. I don’t like lying to her.”

  “You don’t think it’s putting the cart before the horse? What if we don’t work out? It’ll break her little heart.”

  She had a good point, but did Tori think they wouldn’t last?

  “You think we won’t work out?”

  “Rex…” She rubbed his bare chest, and the tips of her fingers swirled through the smattering of hair he had, some brown, some gray. “I don’t know. I’m just being cautious.”

  He snaked his hand over her waist and pulled her closer. “I like you a lot, Tori. I only see my feelings deepening.”

  “I feel the same.”

  “Then I don’t see the problem.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “I want to keep moving forward. Lyla should be included in this thing we have going on.”

  “This thing?”

  “You know what I mean. Us. Our relationship.” He pecked her lips. “We spent the night together and we’re doing it again tonight. Baby, I’m not going anywhere. For the last several weeks I’ve studied you. I knew I wanted to be with you before we kissed Saturday night. And now that I’ve tasted your sweetness, I’m addicted to you.”

  “You sure know how to make a girl weak and swoony.”

  “Swoony? I like that.” He stared into her emerald depths. “How long should we wait?”

  “I don’t know. A couple of weeks?”

  Rex sighed. “Do you honestly think waiting will make a difference? I’ve never felt like this before. I feel it in the marrow of my bones; you’re my person. I can finally take a deep breath and relax because you’re here.”

  Her eyes glittered in awe. “I’m your person?”

  He rolled her to her back and covered her body with his. He didn’t care if she felt how hard he was for her. Making her understand what was going on inside him was more important.

  “I want you to listen to me. Okay?”

  She nodded with a broad smile.

  “God, you’re so beautiful.” He kissed her without giving any thought to it being morning and her not brushing her teeth yet. He would’ve never done that with his ex-wife. Rex was, or used to be, fussy about morning breath and proper oral hygiene. Surprisingly, none of that mattered to him with Tori. Lucky for him, even in the morning, she tasted sweet as ever. “Okay, good.”

  “Before you start, I have to say this is the best morning of my life.”

  “You have no idea how glad I am to hear that. I’ve lived a long time, met a lot of men and women. I’m not complicated. I know what I like and what I don’t. And you, Miss Hart, have found your way into my life and heart. I’m confident we’ll be good together and last.”

  “So then, you don’t think we’re going too fast? Our first kiss was Saturday night. Four days later, I’m spending the night.”

  “No, darlin’, I don’t think we’re going too fast. Let’s just do as we please. If that’s you spending the night every night until we’re old and gray, so be it.”

  “Rex, I’m a traditional kind of girl. I’m going to want to get married and have kids.”

  “And I’ll be ready for both.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “I’ve never been more sure about anything in my life.”

  “I like a man who knows what he wants and isn’t afraid to go after it.”

  “Then, sweetheart, I’m your man.” And with that final thought, he showered her with kisses until she left, only a half hour before Lyla shuffled into the kitchen, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.

  Rex was determined to not keep Tori and him a secret. He just hoped he could convince her to do the same, sooner rather than later.


  THE SCHOOL BELL rang and parents entered her classroom one after another, collecting their child.

  “Don’t forget to sign up for the Trunk-or-Treat next Friday. The signup sheet is on the wall by the door,” she called. She always reminded her parents because so many of them were forgetful.

  “Look at you so bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.” Dana snickered. “Does a certain single dad have something to do with it?”

  “Stop. You know he does.”

  “So it’s going well?”

  “It is.” Tori smiled and waved good-bye to some of her students.

  “Well, I’m happy for you. Oh, speak of the devil.”

  Tori glanced toward the door as Rex entered. He issued her a discreet nod as he made his way to Lyla’s cubby.

  “Dare I say, he looks smitten,” Dana whispered.

  Tori tilted her head toward Dana. “You don’t let up, do you?”


  “Come on, Mommy,” Cassidy said, tugging on her mother’s sweatshirt. The two looked nearly identical with their light-blonde wavy hair and dazzling blue eyes. In fact, Connor had the very same coloring as his mama.

  Tori kissed the infant on the head and inhaled his heavenly scent. “You’d be a millionaire if you found a way to bottle his intoxicating scent.”

eh, I’m just fine being a farmer’s wife.” She winked. “You have a good weekend, Miss Hart.”

  “You too. See ya Monday, Cassidy.”

  Just as Dana left with her kids, Zoey entered, looking frazzled.

  “Sorry I’m late! Phoenix pooped through his pants just as we were leaving the house. I will not miss the diaper stage.” She blew her bangs out of her face and jiggled her infant son on her hip. He issued Tori a slobbery grin. “Come on, Ashlynn, your daddy is home tonight.”

  Tori took Phoenix’s chubby hand and wiggled it. “Zeke is back from his week-long tour in Oregon?” She kissed the baby’s head.

  “Yes, ma’am. He’ll be home for two weeks before he leaves again. I can’t wait to have him all to myself.” A mischievous grin appeared her face. “Then he’ll be in California for ten days. Then we’re going to my cousin’s for Thanksgiving. It’ll be a huge gathering. My parents and aunts will be there too.”

  “That sounds wonderful! We’ll have a bigger than usual dinner now that Dawson is home and he’s with Piper. And now Bailey too.” Her gaze shot to Rex, helping Lyla with her coat. How she would love to spend Thanksgiving with them… and her family. As if he felt her eyes on him, he looked her way. She inhaled a deep breath.

  “Tor?” Zoey’s voice snapped her out of the trance she was in.

  “Well, if you ever need anything while Zeke is away, call me. I’m happy to help.”

  Zoey laughed, rolling her eyes. “You are the sweetest.” She hugged Tori but didn’t release her right away. “Dana filled me in,” she whispered in Tori’s ear. “I’m freaking out for you. Mr. Knolls is hot as… the F-word.” Zoey snorted.

  Tori giggled, feeling her face heat. “Um, thanks?”

  “He keeps looking this way. I can see I’ve taken up too much of your time.”

  Tori pulled back. “Not at all. We’ve not gone public yet. Please don’t say anything.”

  “Your secret is safe with me.”

  Once Zoey and her kids were gone, and a few other students and parents left, she meandered closer to Rex like a moth drawn to a candle flame. He had a slight curl to his lips as if he knew her struggle. She was sure he was feeling just as put out by not being able to kiss her.


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