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Surprise Daddies: A Contemporary Romance Box Set

Page 59

by London James

  “Oh, he has no idea what is about to hit him,” Blaire grins.

  Only time will tell, but I certainly hope so.


  I check my phone for the tenth time to see if Everly has texted me, but it’s been radio silence for hours, which is unlike her. The only time we go that long without talking is if we are sleeping. A part of me is worried about her. This isn’t normal.

  “Rowan, are you listening?” Brittany, a senior this year, interrupts my thoughts by rubbing her hand down my chest. I take a step back. I don’t want her touching me. I don’t want any girl touching me. The only one that matters isn’t even here.

  I plan on telling Everly how I feel about her tonight. It has been a long time coming, and I’m not sure if she feels the same, but it will be worth the risk. If she doesn’t, it’ll hurt, but I know that no matter what happens, we will still remain friends.

  “Brittany, you’re a nice girl. I’m just not interested,” I repeat, for what seems like the hundredth time.

  She throws her drink down, and the beer soaks my boots. Great, now I’m going to reek of alcohol when I’m not even drinking. “You’re a stupid man, Rowan Michaels. Any guy here would want me.”

  “Then go to them! I don’t know how many times I have to tell you I’m not interested, Brittany. I’ve been nice about it, but that didn’t seem to work,” I sigh, rubbing my temples with my fingers. I’m getting a headache.

  “You’re such an ass!”

  She twirls on her heels because who the hell wears heels in the damn woods, and wobbles away.

  Maybe I should go. Everly isn’t here, and it doesn’t seem right to celebrate without her.

  “Hey, Rowan. Isn’t that Everly?” Liam, one of my good friends, points to a girl getting out of a red Toyota Camry.

  That is her car, but the person getting out of it can’t be her.

  “That can’t be her,” I shake my head.

  “Yeah man, that’s Blaire, isn’t it? I’d know that hot little punk goth babe anywhere.” Liam takes a sip of his drink as we watch the two ladies come forward.

  I lick my lips, and my heart races when I see Everly. She’s in a tight, purple dress. It hugs all of her curves, and her hair is up in a messy bun, showing off the elegant curve of her neck. Her skin is illuminated by the glow of the fire, making her look almost ethereal like she is out of this world.

  “Holy shit,” I gasp, slapping Liam’s shoulder as I watch her stop and talk to a few people.

  “I’ve never seen her wear something like that. She looks good. Are you finally going to ask her out?” Liam mutters, never taking his eyes off Blaire.

  Blaire is a cute girl, but I just can’t get past the black lipstick. Besides, all my attention has always been on Everly. How could it not be? Her long, creamy legs are so easy to imagine wrapped around my waist as I lay her down for the first time.

  Our first time.

  That is something she doesn’t know about me. I know she is a virgin because I’ve never seen her kiss or date a guy. She’s seen me date other girls, but I never had sex with any of them. It never felt right. I don’t know why I bother trying to be with other girls. None of them ever compare to Everly. I think it’s because I don’t want it to ruin our friendship, but something more is there. We just have to be brave enough to discover it.

  Another reason why I never took the leap is because I know what happens when people go to college—and on other sides of the country, on top of that. We will drift apart. She will find some fancy New York City boy and forget all about me. And that’s why tonight must be the night I tell her how I feel. I want it to be memorable, just like the last decade I’ve shared with her. A part of me hopes we won’t drift apart. Maybe we can be the exception to the rule.

  But the only way to know is to do it. And now, it is time to take some sort of action.

  Wait. Where did she go? She was there. She was just right there, walking toward me. I spin around, looking left and right, but Everly is nowhere to be found. I see Liam sitting on a tree stump trying to schmooze on Blaire, but she seems just as interested as a mouse wanting to be friends with a cat.

  There’s no way Everly would drift far from Blaire. It’s one of their rules. They’ll be roommates in college, for fuck’s sake. They can’t even be without each other for a minute.

  I look around again and do a double-take. My eyes flash red when I see Malcolm Grimlock pushing Everly against a tree. That asshole. He always did have a problem with touching things that don’t belong to him.

  Everly’s hands go to his chest. I stop marching forward, waiting to see if she actually wanted that creep’s attention, but she turns her head to the side to miss his lips. She tries to push him away, but he keeps trying to catch her mouth with his.

  I’ve never felt so much anger in my entire life. My fists clench, and my blood boils from uncontrollable rage. I bypass a few girls trying to talk to me, getting out of their reach. They huff and puff, but I don’t turn back. They aren’t important like Everly is. When I get close enough, I hear Malcolm trying to pressure her.

  “Come on. Just one little kiss. You want to, or you wouldn’t be wearing that slutty dress,” he sneers, his hand grabbing her thigh, trying to pull it up.

  I grab the back of his shirt with my hand and toss him to the side.

  “What the fuck, man?” Malcolm gets himself off the ground and dusts off his pants.

  I’ll deal with him in a minute, but my first priority is Everly. I stand in front of her, cup her face, and wipe the lone tear cascading down her cheek. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine,” she whispers, but I can hear the fear trembling in her voice.

  She isn’t fine. She’s scared. I let my thumb linger over her cheek and bring my lips to her forehead. Everly sighs, seeming more relaxed.

  But I’m not relaxed. I turn around and push Malcolm’s chest. The force makes him fall again. And when I stomp forward, he crawls back, kicking dust up with his shoes.

  “She clearly wasn’t into it. And yet, you pushed anyway,” I snap, backing him into a tree, so he has nowhere else to crawl to.

  “Rowan, it’s fine. Let’s just go.” Everly wraps her delicate fingers around my arm, and some of my anger flees. She always has a way of calming me right before I cause mass destruction.

  I take a deep breath and nod, taking her hand in mine and turn away.

  “Wearing a dress like that, she’s asking for it,” Malcolm says from behind me.

  I move so fast, Everly doesn’t have time to stop me from doing anything. Malcolm has gotten to his feet, and he is wearing a smirk that I’m about to rip off his face. I swing my arm back and let my fist fly, catching him right in the jaw.

  He drops like a fly. Unconscious and back on the ground.

  “Does anyone else have anything to say about Everly?” I roar, waiting for the next asshole to step up and say something. Everyone is staring, slack-jawed, and the only thing that can be heard is the crackling of the wood in the fire. My chest heaves, and I’m doing all I can not to explode.

  “Rowan?” Everly’s sweet voice floats through the air, sweeping over me like a feather. She calms me again.

  “Yeah, Eve?” My voice comes out rough, like gravel.

  “Let’s go,” she pleads, pulling on my hand.

  I wrap my arm around her shoulder, kiss her forehead again, and guide her toward my truck.

  “Whatever you want.” I open the passenger side door for her, unable to keep my eyes from staring at her long legs. Her dress lifts up her thigh, and I should look away, but the tease of her pink panties hypnotizes me. I can’t look away.

  Not until she gets herself situated and buckled in the truck can I finally shut the door. I turn my head over my shoulder to see Malcolm still passed out on the ground. Someone shoves him with their foot, but his limp body just flops over. Good. I hope he wakes up with a killer headache and swollen jaw. He deserved more than a simple tap to the jaw.

  The breeze
brings over the smell of the bonfire as I make my way around the front of the truck to my door. I’ve always loved the smell of wood burning, but I can smell that anytime. What’s most important is that I get Everly out of here.

  I jump in the truck and buckle up. The truck rumbles to life, and I lean my arms against the black steering wheel. I glance to my right to see Everly fumbling with her hands in her lap, twisting and turning her fingers like she does when she gets anxious. “Are you really okay, Eve?”

  “I’m fine. Just a shock, is all. No one ever looks my way twice, then suddenly I’m flung against the tree. I told Blaire this dress was too much,” she mutters, tugging on the hem of her dress to pull it down her legs.

  “It’s not about the dress,” I say softly. “That guy is just an asshole. You don’t deserve to be treated that way; no matter what.”

  “Thank you,” she whispers.

  I let out a soft laugh to try to lighten the mood and put the truck in drive. “Anyway, you’re blind if you can’t always see guys looking your way. You’re beautiful. And tonight, Blaire was right. That dress looks amazing on you.”

  Her green eyes sparkle from the compliment as she pushes a long strand of her honey brown hair behind her ear. I love her hair. It always reminds me of the fresh honey I pour in my tea in the winter. A habit I got from my mother. In the winter the air will be cold, so cold, but crisp at the same time. And nothing beats a warm cup of tea at the end of a cold day.

  It’s my favorite time of year, and it just so happens my favorite girl has hair that goes with it.

  “I’ll make sure not to tell Blaire that you think she is right. She’ll run with that,” Everly giggles, and the sound goes straight to my cock. Everything about her makes my body react in ways I have never experienced before.

  Sure, I’ve gotten erections with other girls I’ve dated, but it never felt right. We never went further than kissing. With Everly, I always feel like I’m on cloud nine. My heart races, my palms sweat, and I can never stop staring at her lips. They are so damn beautiful; they drive me to the edge of madness with that little cupid’s bow forming on the top lip, readying to shoot its love straight through me.

  It doesn’t even need to. I’m shot. I’m a goner. There’s no hope for me. I’m drowning in my love for her.

  We drive in silence, the windows rolled down, and the occasional waft of her pear-scented perfume drifts to me. I’ve always loved that smell. Everly unbuckles her seatbelt, slides herself to the middle, and lays her head on my shoulder. “Thank you for doing what you did back there,” she says.

  “You don’t have to thank me. No one messes with my girl,” I say it to sound like I’m teasing, but I’ve always viewed her as my girl. Whether it be my best friend or my soulmate, she’s mine. And I know she has to feel it too.

  “I’m glad. I don’t want to think about what would have happened if you weren’t there.”

  “You never have to worry about that, Everly. I’ll always be here.” I take her hand and bring the soft palm to my lips, giving it a kiss before intertwining our fingers and placing them on my lap.

  Damn, it feels right.

  I turn onto a dirt road that only locals know about. It doesn’t even have a street name because it isn’t supposed to exist. The truck bobs, hitting all the divots, potholes, and bumps. Everly laughs as she slides back and forth across the leather seat. And I wrap my arm around her when we hit a big one to hold her securely next to me. She could have hit her head on the window.

  “I thought I told you to put on your seatbelt. You’re going to hurt yourself.” I scold her, but all she does is giggle. “I’m serious, Everly.”

  “You’re such a worry-wart. I’m fine.”

  I put the truck in park and shut off the engine before stretching my arm over the seat. “It’s only because I care.”

  “I know.” She doesn’t argue. Instead, she puts her head on my shoulder again as we stare out at the overlook.

  It’s gorgeous. The night sky is dark with a blue hue, and the stars are so bright and shine by the millions. The Spokane city lights twinkle below us. Another soft breeze comes through the windows, teasing me with another waft of pear.

  I’d be content sitting with her here forever because it’s so peaceful. I’m not sure how much time passes, but her hand on my thigh brings me back to the present. I swallow and tilt my eyes down to see her thumb swiping back and forth on my inner thigh.

  It’s nothing. Don’t freak out.

  But then her hand drifts up, and she rubs her thumb right below where my cock is. If she keeps it there much longer, she is going to feel how hard my cock is. I try to take a few deep breaths, but by now, she can sense the change in me.

  I look over and see her staring up at me with big, emerald eyes that are glossed over with lust. “What are you doing?” My voice cracks. I clear my throat. I want to curse. I sound like I hit puberty all over again.

  “I don’t know.” She moves her head closer to me until her lips are just an inch away. I can feel the warm puffs of air ghosting over my mouth. It’s an aphrodisiac.

  “We shouldn’t.” It’s a poor protest, but something in the back of my mind screams at us to stop. This can ruin our friendship, but isn’t this exactly what I want?

  Her eyes move from mine to my lips. “I know, but I’m tired of fighting it, Rowan. I want my first time to be with you. I want all my firsts with you.”

  It’s my undoing. I grab her by the hips and lift her onto my lap. Her dress rides up, and the small strap of the dress falls off her shoulder. I cup her cheek, and she leans into my touch like it’s the best feeling she has ever felt. I bring her forward and lick my lips. There’s no more hesitancy. I take what’s meant to be mine.

  I sigh deeply, feeling how soft her mouth is. My body becomes weightless as if I’m floating, as I kiss the only woman I’ve ever loved. I can tell she is inexperienced with how she kisses me back with so much uncertainty, but it drives home that she saved this for me. All of it. I relish in it. I treasure it.

  She rocks against me and whimpers as she grinds herself down onto my cock, still covered by my jeans. A hunger like no other rips through me, and I growl as I push my tongue inside her mouth, dancing it over hers. I increase the pressure, taking her lips harder. I can’t control myself. I have to touch every inch of her skin, or my entire world will be over. I will die if I can’t see my fingers running over her milky skin.

  Our lips break apart as she yanks my shirt over my head. I push my hands up her dress, torso, and breasts, until I’m tossing the purple material in the backseat. We stare at each other, both of us gasping for air. Her lips are red and swollen from our kiss. I’ve never seen her look more beautiful.

  Her hands ghost down my body, and those green eyes leave mine as they take in what she is touching. She runs her fingers over the ridges of my abs, and I moan from how amazing it feels to feel her touch. I’m not dreaming this. I’m not hoping. This isn’t some fantasy. It’s real life. I hardly know what to make of it, but I’m on cloud nine. That I do know.

  I push my fingers under the straps of her lace bra and push them down her arms. Her cheeks are red, and a small smile teases my lips. She’s shy.

  “You’re so beautiful, Everly. The most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.” I lean forward and take her mouth again, plummeting my tongue between her lips as I take her bra off. Once it’s off, I settle against the seat again and take in the goddess sitting on top of me.

  Her breasts are the perfect handful, with small, pink nipples that are begging for attention. I run my hands over her shoulders and chest, cupping her soft mounds. Everly tosses her head back and rocks against my straining cock as a luscious moan escapes her throat.

  The reality of what we are doing hits me hard. She has no idea that I’m a virgin, too. I hope I can make this good for her because I don’t have a clue about what to do. I just let my instincts take over. I pull her closer to me, pushing her breast into my mouth, and she rocks against me
faster. I can feel how wet she is through the flimsy pair of panties. Her juices soak my jeans, and if she keeps it up, she is going to make me come before I can get inside her.

  And that just won’t do for me.

  I flip her over until she is lying across the seat, long hair fanned around her. Her nails rake down my chest, and the sting makes me gasp.

  “I’ve wanted you for so long, Rowan,” she whispers as her shaky hands go to the button on my jeans. She swallows when the button comes undone and lowers the zipper.

  I’m not wearing underwear, never do, and my cock bobs free, leaking a stream of pre-come until it drips onto her stomach. Her cheeks blaze a bright cherry red, but she pushes her nerves aside and wraps her small hand around my aching flesh.

  “Everly,” I whisper and push my pants the rest of the way down. I kick them off, and they fall to the floorboard. I want to do so much with her. I want to feast on her entire body. I want to feel her lips around my shaft, but maybe next time. There is too much tension, too much build up. I have to have her now.

  I reach for the glove compartment and search for the box of condoms I threw in there the other day. I don’t know why I got them, but it’s better to be safe, and I’m so glad I did because the dream is literally laying underneath me.

  Finally. The box. I take it out and open it, pouring the three condoms out onto the floor. I grab one and tear it from the rest. Let me see if I remember how to do this correctly. God, what if I fuck up like a fool? I take a deep breath, calm and collected, and sheath my cock in latex.

  “Rowan, I’ve never done this before,” she says. “And you’re really big.”

  I curl myself over her, arms bracing her head. I run my fingers through her hair and take her lips in a soft kiss. I try and pour everything I feel into it. How much I care, love, and adore her. When we break free, she is breathless again, and I lay my palms on her cheeks and stare into her eyes.

  “If you don’t want to do this, we won’t, but I’ll try and make it the best I can for you. If you want to stop, tell me. And we will.”


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