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Death Eater Complete Collection

Page 16

by Catherine Stovall

  “I don’t know.”

  She heard the waiver in his voice, a battle between the demon’s need and the boy’s resistance. “Let’s just drive for a minute. Drive and think.”

  She turned off the main road and headed farther into town, away from the businesses and the people still heading home from a long day of work and life. The streets were not busy, and children played in well-manicured lawns. Vega turned her head, deeply disturbed by the hungry look in Zane’s eyes. Only death could sate the beast, and he was beyond the point of caring whose.

  She made another turn, and the houses grew shabbier, the area less pristine. A row of small brick duplexes ran along one side of the road, and an empty field ran down to the other side. She recognized the income based housing units. Every town had a brick city somewhere along its borders.

  She hoped they’d stumble across a drug addict who hurt others and was evil to his core, though it seemed unlikely to happen. It would be less terrible if Zane killed someone with a blackened soul. When no such person appeared, Vega turned once more. As they cruised through the seedier bits of the small town, she was almost able to forget their reason for being there.

  Suddenly, as if struck by lightning, Zane shot up in the seat. His body went rigid, and his nostrils flared as if trying to catch a scent. The growl rose from deep inside of him once more, and his grip painfully tightened on her hand.

  “Keep going. There. Do you see it?”

  The sun had nearly set, making it hard to see the L-shaped building. “What?”

  “Pull in there, but drive slowly,” he ordered, rolling down the window as he spoke.

  She did as he told her, scared not too. When they reached the driveway, she blanched. “Zane, no! Oh god, no! You can’t.” The squelch of her voice made him wince, and she quickly fell silent again.

  “She’s in there. She’s dying. She wants death.” The cords in his neck stood out as he clenched his jaw.

  “Who? How do you know?”

  The effort to be kind and patient showed in his face. “Be quiet. Be still. Just…trust me. If you love me, you must trust me.”

  As they followed the circular drive, illuminated by the dim lamps glowing here and there, Vega bit into her cheek. Praying she could trust him, wanting to accept the monster that was both her lover and her enemy, she waited.

  A light came on at the far end of the building, and a shadowy figure appeared behind the blinds. Zane opened the door before Vega could fully stop. Leaning back into the car, his face looked haggard and old, the darkness spreading over his features.

  “Drive away. Go down the road a mile, wait fifteen minutes, then drive back.”


  “No. Don’t argue.” Eyes narrowed, he hissed a breath through his teeth. “Now.”


  Zane watched the taillights disappear into the night. Exhaustion tugged at his muscles and muddled his mind, but hunger sharpened his basic instincts. He turned, a feral smile spreading on his lips as he fought to hold back the monster within.

  “Rise, you bastard. Rise up and take your kill. I will give you a death, but this will be done my way.”

  He stalked across the grass, his eyes on the window as the demon clawed its way up from the darkened hole. The woman stood, still silhouetted by the light, looking very much like an angel with her soft halo of white hair. When he drew near enough to see her eyes, they were wide, but not with fear.

  The lady understood he’d come to answer her desire to be rid of a decaying body. Zane thought of Gerald’s wife as the window opened, and the woman beckoned him inside.

  “Are you the angel of death?”

  “No, ma’am. Though, I do come to offer relief.” Despite his efforts, the demon leeched into Zane’s voice.

  She pulled back, the first signs of regret and fear etching across her expression, but he held her arm.

  “I am not good, but I am not evil either. At least not completely. But you have asked to die, and your death will save a life tonight. An innocent with years still left to experience will not fall because of you. I will be gentle.”

  As he leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on her soft, powdered cheek, she sighed. “I am ready. All the people I’ve known are gone. I am all alone. The woman God has forgotten.”

  “He did not forget you. I don’t know your name. Forgive me, what is your name?”

  “Elizabeth Connor.”

  “Elizabeth Connor, God did not forget you, he saved you for this. He knew you were strong enough to be the woman who called death to her window.”

  “Then let’s be done with this. I want to go home.”

  Zane unleashed the invisible tether he had wielded to terrorize his victims in the past. With a gentleness he had not known possible during the rapture of feeding, he touched the woman’s mind. There, he found her memories. Not ugly, horrid things she had done to deserve his kind of sick punishment, but sweet, happy things.

  He chose the best of her moments, like a gardener plucking the fullest roses and sweetest daffodils. With careful motions, his hands took hers and led her to the small bed, his mind still sifting through hers as if he were a breeze.

  Elizabeth rested her head on the pillow, trusting him completely. A tear crept down her wrinkled cheek, but her brave gray eyes remained on his face, refusing to blink away her last wistful longing for life.

  The hunger slammed into him, knocking Zane to his knees at the bedside. The demon screeched as it tore its way to the surface with tooth and nail. A sudden wave of hatred boiled in his guts. The desire to mutilate and destroy burned his mind.

  Zane struggled not to squeeze Elizabeth’s hands. He fought against the want of her pain. He heard the woman gasp, but darkness filled his vision as instinct battled restraint. Images of her frail body broken by his hands filled him, and he wanted to crush her mind with his power.

  Squeezing his eyes shut, he begged, “Do not fear me. Have faith, Elizabeth. Help me fight it.”

  She tugged on his hands, pulling one of her own free. As if she were a loving mother, she caressed his cheek. “Boy, I don’t know your name either. Tell me your name.”

  The sound of her voice reminded him of his own grandmother from hundreds of years before, and he felt a shift inside. “Zane,” he whispered.

  The death eater roared in his head.

  “Zane, I don’t know what evils you are fighting. I don’t want to know, but you will win. If God sent you to me, then God will lead you out of the darkness surrounding you. I will pray for you.”

  The death eater still raged at the forefront of his mind, but he regained control. He opened his eyes to her faint smile and began. A whispered brush of the invisible link brought up the memories he had selected, and Zane wrapped Elizabeth in a cocoon of warmth. The woman would slumber. She would never feel the end.

  In her mind she was young again, beautiful and full of vibrant laughter. She danced in the arms of the boy she loved, dressed in wedding finery. As the champagne glasses tinkled, the two kissed, their lives wrapped in the promise of forever.

  Zane lifted the pillow from the bed, his fingers clenching the fabric. He hated himself in that moment, more than he ever had. This is murder. She has done no wrong.

  Unable to rationalize away the loathing, even though the woman wanted death, he nearly backed down. But, when the demon screamed, he knew he had to choose between the stranger and the girl he loved. With trembling hands, he pressed the pillow down.

  Elizabeth lay in a white room, her husband standing at the head of the bed. Together they stared down into the deep blue eyes of a newborn babe. Their first child, a daughter to love and cherish, filled her heart with a joy that swallowed and frightened her.

  The body didn’t struggle because the mind was lost in the visions he created, but the woman’s spirit was strong. She clung to life even as Zane pressed harder, wanting her death to near. Far more than the gnawing hunger and pain, the need to escape pressed at him.

ly, she was a woman in her golden years, still a beauty. Her children gathered together, home for the holidays. From her place by the fire, holding a grandchild on her knee, she saw her life complete. She had known love, heartache, desire, and pain. Had lived beyond her years and both above and below her means. Had spent years caring for her children and loving the man by her side. She smiled, knowing they would be her legacy to the world.

  Elizabeth’s heart stuttered, and her lungs fought to draw a final breath. Zane threw the pillow away from him and leaned over the dying woman. He whispered, “Goodnight, sweet Elizabeth,” and drew in her final exhale. Her death tasted like milk and honey, sunshine and fresh picked berries.

  The demon nearly choked as it fed, hunger and anger consuming it. Such a pure soul was like poison to him, but starvation pushed the monster to swallow down the goodness that burned like fire.

  The kill done, Zane placed another kiss on Elizabeth’s cheek and exited through the window once more. He’d been gone longer than he had intended, and Vega would be distraught, but the woman had inspired something inside him. As if the demon had receded even farther than before, Zane almost felt purely human. The darkness completely lifted from his vision for the first time in many years, and he looked up into the night sky, wondering if the Elizabeth Connor had truly been a divine gift.


  “Damn it!” Vega screamed into the empty car as she turned to make a third pass down the road. “Where are you, Zane?” She bit into her bottom lip, worrying it with her teeth and fighting back the tears. An onslaught of nightmarish images filled her mind until she punched the wheel. “Please, please be okay.”

  She slowed as she neared the nursing home, prepared to turn in and go hunt for him if needed. Staring so hard into the shadows that her eyes blurred, she nearly missed him standing at the edge of the road. With a desperate jerk, she slammed her foot down on the brake pedal, and the car shimmied to a hard stop.

  The way he stood, hands in his pockets and head tilted toward the starlit sky, looked out of place. Before Zane’s fingers could grasp the door handle, Vega reached over and slammed her hand down over the lock. Terror seized her as he bent down to look at her through the window.

  Zane didn’t speak. There was no need.

  She knew he was okay the minute their eyes met through the dusty glass. Feeling silly, she unlocked the door, a fragile smile curved her lips as he slid inside.

  “Did you? Are you?” She couldn’t even form a full question. No words could cover what she knew he’d gone to do.

  “Yes. Please don’t ask for details. She did not suffer, and what I did for her, it was what she wanted. I might be a monster, but I am also a man.” The fear of Vega’s rejection made his tone turn sharp with defensiveness.

  “I love you.”

  Chapter Six

  Vega opened her eyes and groaned. Sunlight blazed through the broken blinds over the window, and the sounds of the nearby highway echoed through the sparsely furnished motel room. The journey had worn her down until she felt physically raw and emotionally drained. Only the warmth of Zane’s arm draped across her body and the sound of his deep breathing kept her from falling apart.

  She lay there for a long time, listening to the world outside. She needed to wake him, but the thought of ruining the moment kept her from doing so. They had the demon’s name. All that remained between them and freeing Zane was finding a priest who would believe them and perform the exorcism. Every moment she delayed, she risked his life and hers. However, she couldn’t bring herself to move.

  “Good morning, beautiful,” he grumbled against the back of her neck.

  A warm tingle of desire crept up Vega’s spine and fear made her skitter from the bed. “Good morning, love.” Stretching her aching muscles, she added, “You slept very well.”

  His eyes traced the line of the shirt she wore as it inched up her bare thighs with every movement. “I’ve waited a very long time to lay my head down next to yours without the fear you would fade away come sunrise.” His voice was a husky mixture of sleep and desire as he growled. “C’mere.”

  “Zane…” Her words trailed as she studied his handsome face.

  “Vega, come here.” He folded back the covers, and the early morning light danced on his muscles.

  “We. Can’t.” She bit her lip, trying to force the refusal from her lips, even as she imagined pressing them against the hard lines of his abs.

  Something fierce flashed in his eyes for a moment, and then he sighed. “I forgot. I’m sorry. It’s just… So many times, I held you in the darkness. I’ve cried as I’ve made love to you because I knew, when the sun rose, you’d be gone. Now, I have you here in the light of day, and I can’t have you.”

  Vega slipped on a pair of jeans and went to the bed. Swallowing her fear, she pulled him into her arms and held him. She had made the deal with the demon to save Zane, and yet, he had suffered more than she ever had. With each life, she’d had the good fortune to forget the last while he was forced to watch her live, love, and die time and time again.

  “I’m so sorry, Zane. So sorry,” she whimpered.

  Tears dropped onto her arm, but he cried in silent misery. His strong shoulders tensed to prevent them from shuddering, and he clenched his fists. For a long time, he stayed that way, curled against her and taking comfort in her embrace. At last, he ran the backs of his hands over his eyes and straightened.

  With a brave smile, he said, “I’m okay. It’s okay. We are okay.” Pulling Vega in for a long hug, he whispered, “We will find a way to beat this thing.”

  “Yes, we will. First, you have to get up and get dressed. I’ve got a few things to do.” She paused and kissed him deeply. “Go grab a shower while I search for some stuff we are going to need.”

  Zane groaned, stretched, and tossed her a scintillating smile before he trotted off to the bathroom. Alone in the quiet room, Vega looked around her. Somehow, having him even a room away made her feel alone. As if his presence had been the only warmth, she suddenly felt cold.

  To battle the chill, she slipped back under the covers, pausing for a moment to treasure the scent and heat left from Zane’s body. The sheets cooled too quickly and left her feeling hollow inside. Thoughts of another ten minutes of rest faded as she shook off her longing and sat up.

  “Well, I guess I should start with what I have,” Vega told the empty room as she opened the top drawer on the bedside table. The requisite copies of the King James Bible and a phone book lay tucked inside, next to a notepad and a sharp number two pencil.

  She had nowhere to start, no idea how to find someone to help them, but doing nothing would only kill her and destroy Zane. With a deep breath, she grabbed up the phone book and searched for churches.

  Tapping the pencil against her lips, Vega mumbled, “In the movies, it’s always a catholic priest.” Her finger traced down the list of churches as she jotted down names and numbers. Saint Mary, Saint Alfonzo, Saint Leo, and Sacred Heart Cathedral were all nearby. Vega aimlessly wondered if there was a church somewhere that honored the priest who had helped her and Zane. She didn’t even know his name.

  After a few minutes she had a list of numbers, the demon’s name, and the knowledge of what Zane was, but little more. There was no way anyone would believe her, but she dialed anyway.

  “Saint Mary Cathedral. How may I help you?”

  Vega cringed at the sound of the woman’s nasal tone. “Hi. I was wondering if I might talk to a priest please.”

  “May I ask what this is concerning?”

  “I…um…I’d rather not say. It’s private.”

  “Ma’am, confessions are held seven days a week, times vary. Would you like more information?” The irritation was already eking into the woman’s voice.

  “Look, I just have a quick question. Isn’t there anyone available?”

  “Ma’am, you are more than welcome to schedule an appointment. Father Able holds meetings the third Wednesday of every month. You may also
come to services or to confession.”

  “No. No, thank you. Have a great day.” Vega hung up the phone and stared at the list in her hand. Feeling dejected, she bumped her head against the headboard and groaned.

  “Trouble?” Zane came out of the small bathroom, towel wrapped around his waist and beads of water dripping down his sculpted torso. He ran a hand through his dark hair, leaving it in spiky disarray as he threw her another careless grin.

  “Put some clothes on, you ass.” Without thinking, her hand snatched up the bible and chucked it at his head.

  In a simple motion, he dodged the heavy book. “Touchy. Not even a week into our reunion, and you’re already throwing stuff, sweetheart. Here I thought we’d at least have a honeymoon phase.”

  Vega refused to look at him, refused to give into the urge to either kiss him or slap him. Instead, she stared down at the open phone book. “If I didn’t need this so bad, I would throw it at you too. Stop being so damn cavalier about everything. It isn’t funny. We are never going to find a priest to do an exorcism. I can’t even get one to talk to me. And….” Her words trailed away as she glanced up.

  Zane stood across the room, his arms stretched above his head and his jeans riding low on his hips. As he slipped the black t-shirt over his messy hair, the muscles on his back rippled and stretched in a decadent dance of temptation.

  He turned, and she jerked her eyes downward, heat rising to her cheeks. Strange to know he knew her better than she’d ever know herself. Even stranger to only remember their couplings as flashes of love and passion when he remembered everything. She wanted to know him as he knew her, but he wasn’t really him. Not completely. Thoughts of the death eater inside him felt like a splash of ice water on her heated skin.

  “Hey, what’s this?”

  Zane’s voice cut through her running thoughts, bringing her mind back to their present situation. “What are you talking about?” She looked up, not knowing what to expect.


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