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Evermore: The Rylakian Heir

Page 3

by Caroline Metzlaff

  Several sets of eyes watched the two girls as they trotted through the dark forest that evening; but only one set assured their safety. Neither of them was “Her”, but he wasn’t completely unfamiliar with these girls, and since it was a rare occurrence for a human to traverse The Lonesome Forest after dark, he decided to follow them. None of the creatures of the night dared to interrupt a wolf in what appeared to be a hunt, and so Cindy and Snow arrived safely at their destination.


  “It’s a masterpiece.” Breathed Cindy as she placed the last pin in Rapunzel’s hair.

  Snow turned from her lookout at the window to take in Cindy’s handiwork. Amazed, her jaw dropped.

  Rapunzel’s silvery blonde hair had been braided and re-braided, caught, looped and wound. The finished effect was stunning, although it still cascaded down to the small of her back and stood about six inches off her forehead, making her appear even taller, but it was beautiful, and oh how it shone in the moonlight. She ran a hand through her own long, satiny black hair and wondered if she should let Cindy have a go at hers as well. Maybe she would.

  Outfitted in riding breeches, tunics, boots and cloaks, the girls were finally ready to leave the tower. Cindy was about to burst with mischievous excitement, Rapunzel was about to faint, or perhaps fall backwards from the weight of her hair, but Snow was still frowning as she looked out the window. She couldn’t shake the feeling that someone had followed them, and although she had heard nothing, and seen even less; she had felt the eyes upon them. And it bothered her. A lot. But then again, all dark forests at night bothered her; anything and everything could be lurking.

  “Are you sure you want to do this?” She asked the visibly trembling Rapunzel, who simply nodded in response.

  “Okay then.” And with that, Snow began to crawl out the window and down the rope ladder, there was no way she was leaving either of her friends alone so, as uneasy as she was...she was in.

  Reaching the bottom, she waited nervously for Rapunzel to descend. Somehow climbing up the rope ladder hadn’t seemed quite as frightening but Cindy had given them one important piece of advice that in her opinion would make or break this part of the adventure. ‘Whatever you do, don’t look down.’ Simple, but effective, Snow had found it invaluable and began to wonder just how much experience Cindy had with breaking out. Something told her tonight wasn’t Cindy’s first time.

  Sneaking out had been much harder for Snow. True, the idea had never crossed her mind before, but truly, sneaking out of a castle posed many more logistics problems than sneaking out of a cottage. When she’d yawned and announced that she was retiring early that night, seven pairs of eyes had fallen upon her in concern.


  She felt terrible. And if they had asked her what was up, she knew she would have told them; she was a terrible liar. She still felt guilty. She hadn’t had much of a choice really, if she hadn’t come along, Cindy would have done this alone and who knew what kind of trouble would have ensued. Cindy could plan the mischief, (and Cindy was very good at doing just that) but Snow had to be there as the voice of reason; and with that she banished all feelings of guilt. Well, almost all.

  Halfway down the ladder, Rapunzel paused. Her long white fingers clutched desperately at the rope ladder, her eyes wide with apprehension as her slender form lagged against the ropes.

  She had looked down.

  “Oh crap, oh crap.” Whispered Cindy from the tower window.

  “Rapunzel,” Snow’s voice came very softly. “No, don’t look at me, just listen. Look at Cindy.”

  Rapunzel looked up toward Cindy who was nodding and smiling from the window encouragingly.

  “Take your time. You can do this, you’re almost there.” Snow encouraged quietly.

  “Besides,” Cindy’s voice floated down. “It’s the same distance up or down, and if you fall going down now, it’s not so far. You’ll be fine.”

  Snow rolled her eyes and shook her head. So not helping; but wait, Rapunzel began to slowly make her way down again. As the frightened girl carefully descended, the moon crawled out from behind the clouds illuminating the small yard, almost as if she was welcoming Rapunzel in the night. Finally she planted one tentative foot on the ground.

  Snow felt tears spring to her eyes as she witnessed Rapunzel’s first step outside of that tower in years. Rapunzel knelt down to touch the dusty path, marvelling at the uneven texture of the ground. She looked up and gazed at the moon that fairly blazed down at the girls. A slight breeze caressed her face and she covered her mouth to stifle the laughter that had nearly escaped. In awe Rapunzel gazed at the world around her, a stray tear of joy slowly made its way down her soft cheek.

  Quicker than anyone could have imagined, Cindy had made her way down the ladder and joined them on the path. But even Cindy was not inclined to interrupt this beautiful moment. Finally Rapunzel looked at the girls, and enveloped them both in a hug.

  “This has been the most wonderful night of my life. Thank you. You have given me the world.” She whispered in her soft and breathy voice.

  “Oh, it’s not over yet”. Cindy straightened her cloak and patted her hair. Both the girls looked over at her questioningly. “We’re going to Vampire Night School.”


  Vampires have existed alongside humans, elves, pixies and all manner of creatures since time immemorial. But, like most non-humans, they did tend to keep to themselves, regardless or perhaps still unsure of the growing equality/coexistence movement. This was not to say that they were ostracized or unwelcome in Lonstasian towns or cities, why vampires are among the most talented musicians in all the realms. No, they were simply, like the Weres, regarded with a certain sense of apprehension, perhaps a lot of apprehension. Now this was most likely due to the large number of folk tales and fictitious stories that cast both species in a bad light. Not that they were “tame” mind you, but in essence, both vampires and werewolves are much like anyone else...most days... or nights as the case may be.

  Legend, as old as the hills themselves has it that vampires and werewolves have both evolved from the Fairy Folk of Old. Not to be confused with fairies, the Fairy Folk of Old are a completely different set of beings...reclusive, almost myth now. And fairies, well fairies are becoming so mainstream they are unionized already, although a fairy godmother is still a rare, rare honour. It wouldn’t be wise to walk around calling fairies ‘mainstream’ though; an angry fairy is truly something to fear. But since the theory as to the origins of both the vampires and werewolves was largely unsubstantiated, both sets of creatures rejected the association.

  The main difference between a vampire and a human is of course, sunlight. It burned their bodies starting with the blood, leaving nothing left save a tragic pile of ash. It was an excruciating way to die, and although fairies, witches and sorcerers have been working on a solution for centuries, the answer still eludes them. For this reason, the vampires tended to keep secret their daytime place of rest, but at night...they could be anywhere; and you can be sure a good many of them could be found at school.

  Vampire School, of course, could only be held at night, and usually outdoors if the weather co-operated.

  Cindy knew they were getting close, she could feel her excitement rising. She hadn’t been entirely sure Vampire School existed in this part of The Lonesome Forest, but a conversation overheard between a crone and a witch, had made reference to the school (not a wicked witch, just your average garden variety witch) had piqued Cindy’s curiosity. Vampires were reportedly stunningly attractive, although Cindy had never actually met one...yet, so that might have helped in the actual decision making process.

  As she brushed cobwebs away from her face, she turned back to see how her friends were fairing. Snow seemed apprehensive, which was typical, Cindy expected nothing less from her all too responsible friend, but Rapunzel, Cindy had never seen her look more alive. Her face was positively shining with joy, and just as Cindy began to congratu
late herself on a most impressive adventure, she collided with something very, very hard and fell back down on her bottom...very, very hard.

  “What are three human children doing in The Lonesome Forest at night?” A dark and melodic voice questioned.

  Cindy looked up at the ‘Wall’ and discovered an incredibly handsome, and very pale young man. He was perhaps six feet tall with long dark hair pulled back at his neck, beautiful bottomless dark eyes set beneath arched black brows and a perfect nose. His sculpted face, for a moment, made Cindy forget all about Prince Leonardo Charming. But only for a moment. He wore an exquisitely embroidered waist coat, ruffled sleeves covered his wrists and he had really great boots. Really great boots. No sword swung at his hip, but then again, he didn’t need one. Cindy could hardly fault his clothes; however a gentleman would have given her a hand up after knocking her down at the very least. But then again this was no gentleman, this was a vampire. At a loss Cindy said the only thing she could think of.

  “I am not a child, I am a lady.”

  “What are three human...ladies...doing in The Lonesome Forest at night?” He questioned again in the same dark, melodic and somewhat bored voice.

  Snow rushed forward to help Cindy up off the forest ground; time to use her diplomacy skills...would they work on a vampire? She supposed she would soon find out; taking a deep breath she began.

  “My name is Snowy; this is Cindy, and this.” She pointed to Rapunzel who stepped out of the shadows and lowered her hood. “Is Rapunzel. We meant no offence, we...” She trailed off as she realised that he was looking right through her at Rapunzel.

  Rapunzel returned his gaze. She had never seen a man before, and he was quite something to look at. He was so beautiful, beautiful and lethal. Snow began to get nervous as she realised how alone they really were in the depths of the forest. Then, as she notated the way the beautiful vampire was looking at her tall innocent friend, she began to feel more than simply nervous...she felt afraid.

  “You know, we should be getting’s late, people will be, probably are looking for us already, right Cindy?” She turned to her friend who had stopped brushing herself off and nodding furiously.

  “Oh yeah, there’s going to be like a search party, any minute so, we really have to go. Now. Nice meeting you though.”

  The vampire ignored them, stepping forward he took Rapunzel’s slender white hand in his and brought it up to his mouth for a kiss. “I am called Manuel; I guard the entrance to this School of Night. I am honoured to have met you.”

  “Okay, nice to meet you too, Manuel, we are very sorry to have disturbed you but we’re leaving now so....” Please don’t eat us, she finished silently in her head as she rushed over attempting to take Rapunzel’s hand back from the beautiful vampire, which was somewhat like trying to move a statue. He ran her wrist under his nose, inhaling deeply. He stood incredibly still. Carefully he inhaled again before gazing in to Rapunzel’s dark and innocent eyes.

  “Cindy, a little help here?”

  “Uh, my father represents a great number of performers from all over Lonstas...if you let us leave, without eating us, I’ll put a good word in for anyone you want. We’re kind of important; big deals and all.” Cindy babbled as she nodded and chewed her lip. Cindy had fantasized a great deal about meeting a real vampire, but this was not going according to her fantasy at all.

  “Call off your dog.” Manuel drawled in his beautiful bored voice, his eyes never leaving Rapunzel’s.

  “Excuse me?” Snow was positive she hadn’t heard correctly. She didn’t even own a dog; she could hear her heart pounding. She hoped Manuel couldn’t; but knew he could.

  “Your dog, send him home.” Manuel smiled slowly at Rapunzel who mirrored the same smile and shyly looked down.

  Now Snow began to feel real fear. A vampire was dangerous enough, but an insane one? What were the chances that they were going to get out of this alive...she didn’t dare ask herself.

  “I don’t think I know what you are talking about.” She slowly replied, racking her brain for anything she could possibly remember about vampires. She found exactly nothing; vampires were notoriously secretive about almost every aspect of their lives. Unless they were performers, and a great number of the best musicians were, they tended not to mix with humans.

  Manuel sniffed the air once. “I see.” An arrogant flash in his deep, dark eyes.

  Rapunzel reclaimed her hand and turned to her friends. “There is no cause for alarm; Manuel wouldn’t hurt us, would you?” She looked up at him with complete innocence. Of course she would, she had no idea what a vampire was let alone what they were capable of. Come to think of it, none of the girls knew what vampires were really capable of; Manuel was their first.

  Manuel spoke to the forest. “These human girls shall be my responsibility for the remainder of this evening. This I pledge on the honour of my forbearers.”

  Cindy and Snow exchanged wide eyed looks; this evening was not turning out as expected that much was certain. Manuel took Rapunzel’s arm gently and began walking her back the way they had came. Cindy and Snow started in behind them exchanging looks of confusion.

  “The Lonesome Forest is a very dangerous place at the best of times, especially for human children. What on earth are you doing out here in the dead of night? I shall escort you safely home myself. Now ‘Rapunzel’, that is a beautiful name.”

  Silently they followed Rapunzel and the beautiful vampire home, listening carefully as he pointed out different places of interest for her. There was nothing else they could do.


  The vampire had stated his intention, and unless he wanted to declare a duel, a duel he may or may not win, he had no choice but to leave. He’d protected them as long as he could; they were now the responsibility of the young vampire. If they were harmed in any way, a duel would be called, and blood would be shed but he doubted the vampire would purposely destroy the peace their two people had held for the past two centuries. He’d done all he could; he began his run home.


  Snow crawled back up the olive tree outside her bedroom window, silently changed in to her soft silky powder blue pajamas and slid between her sheets.


  What a night. Not only had they broken Rapunzel out of her tower, they had met an actual vampire. A vampire. Unfortunately he hadn’t let them anywhere near the school, but seeing as he had introduced himself as a ‘guard’, she supposed that was his job. Leisurely he had walked Rapunzel back to her tower, quietly chatting with her; the pace had picked up considerably as he led Snow and Cindy to the edge of the forest in silence, a bored and somewhat disdainful look in his dark eyes. Apparently manners weren’t his strong suit.

  Snow had turned around to thank him, but he had already disappeared back in to the night. The good news was he hadn’t eaten them...this time, obviously a huge relief; Snow wasn’t completely sure she wanted to give him another opportunity. He didn’t seem friendly in the least.

  Maybe they should try the lagoon next just sounded safer. And with that thought she fell deeply and blissfully asleep.


  Rapunzel felt more alive than she ever had from the moment she awoke. For the first time in nearly seventeen years, she rose from her bed with more than merely the need to imitate the motions of life.

  Something caught her eye on the stone windowsill of her lonely tower. A rose. A single red rose, the exact color of her lips. Perfect in every way, and so vibrantly alive against the cold stone. Rapunzel knew it had not been there when she fell asleep.

  Chapter 4

  Candles lit of their own accord, great blazing flames illuminating the dark and fearsome hallway. Spiders hid in the depths of their webs, and rats scurried for a hiding place as the Queen of Rylak strode through the secret underground chambers of the Castle White; such was the cloud of malevolence that enveloped her.

  Angry. The queen was angry. And with each long stride she mad
e, the heels of her boots thundered against the floor, echoing off every wall, her long black cape flaring out behind her. Her face, both beautiful and terrifying was twisted with rage.

  With a sudden hand movement the massive steel doors of her most secret hidden room, that which was dedicated to the darkest of arts flung open. The room was dimly lit by several wall candles. Books lined two of the walls; shelves with brightly coloured flasks lined the other. A cauldron stood off to the side, and ancient symbols, known only to the most devoted of the arts decorated both ceiling and floor. Six soldiers in black armour immediately knelt as she entered.

  The queen stopped and ran a hand over her sleek black hair. “I was gazing at myself in my favourite mirror this morning, as I do most mornings,” Her voice like silky cream. “But this particular morning my mirror imparted to me some very...upsetting news. Can you tell me what that news might have been?”

  The queen began to pace in front of the soldiers. “Anyone?” She tapped her foot. “Come now, my most loyal soldiers? My eyes and ears in the Kingdom?” She asked sweetly.

  Suddenly she spun around, her cape swirling around her, she flung her arm out and all of the soldiers went flying in to the bookshelves across the room.

  “My trusted huntsman has betrayed me and fled, while Snow White still lives!” The soldiers fell to the ground and began to get up.

  “Find! Snow! White!” The queen roared, the sound increasing and increasing in volume with each word until each and every minion crumbled to the ground clutching their ears in a vain attempt to lessen her deafening roar.


  The Moon was filling. He felt it in his blood, how his heart ached as he pondered his dilemma. “She” would be making her trip again tonight, how he yearned to smell her, how he lusted for-stop that thought. The moon was gaining control, he knew it. He felt the wild emotions assaulting his mind. “She” was not safe with him. Not now.


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