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Evermore: The Rylakian Heir

Page 17

by Caroline Metzlaff

  “Beautiful Rapunzel, evenings such as this are what they live for.” He replied quite truthfully with a beautiful smile.

  “May I inquire as to why you are looking for muses this evening?”

  “I am looking for a particular muse, it seems that she has lost her crystal and I have found it. I would like to give it back to her.” He replied casually.

  “And you would save her life!” Rapunzel exclaimed wrapping her arms around the stunned vampire. “And that of the creativity she champions, not to mention the balance in our own world! Manuel you are truly a hero!” Standing on her tip toes, she placed the gentlest of kisses on his marble cheek. Startled by her own forwardness, she froze in his arms.

  Manuel smiled softly down at her and with one finger he traced her lips. The world seemed to have shrunk to contain only the two of them. She held her breath, their eyes locked on one another.

  “Holy crap! Look at her shoes!” Cindy’s voice from beside them broke the spell and the world came rushing back abruptly.

  With a look of supreme annoyance Manuel slowly turned his head towards the offending voice.

  “Must you squawk like an inebriated chicken? An impaired banshee? In a crowd this size, surely there is one other being you could torment with your grating tone.” He shuddered slightly as if at the memory, Cindy rolled her eyes at him.

  “Whose shoes have captured your attention?” Rapunzel asked with a smile.

  Pointing at the band, Cindy’s voice was once again full of enthusiasm. “Those shoes, the shiny silver ones with the incredibly high heels!”

  “I don’t think I see them, what is the lady wearing?” Rapunzel squinted as she looked over at the band.

  “The girl with the long black hair and the skin tight white...body suit!” Cindy replied pointing again.

  “I am so sorry Cindy; I can’t see anyone like that.” Rapunzel replied sadly shaking her head.

  That comment caught Manuel’s attention and he regarded Cindy intently, narrowing his eyes.

  “Right there! In front of the band! You can’t miss her!” Cindy insisted as she pointed in the direction.

  Again Rapunzel shook her head. As hard as she tried, she simply could not see any such lady standing in front of the band; she furrowed her brow in frustration as she tried again.

  “Cindy dearest.” Manuel said smoothly slipping his other arm around the little blonde. “Could you please describe in detail this lady that you are referring to?”

  Cindy looked up at him in suspicion at his noticeably different tone. “Okay.” She agreed cautiously. “She has long black hair, and I think she’s pretty tall even without the fabulous heels, she’s wearing a skin tight bodysuit like I said, and she’s holding her arms out and she’s swaying with the music. Oh and she has a necklace with a beautiful topaz or something hanging from it...I think the topaz is pulsing. That is so bizarre!” She took a closer look. “I think...I think she’s glowing....”

  “Cindy, darling Cindy. This is the first time I have felt grateful that I did not eat you when I first had the inclination.” Manuel beamed at her in delight. Rapunzel hid a silent laugh behind her slender white hands.

  “I don’t think that’s a compliment, you dopey white fanger.” Cindy huffed.

  Manuel ignored her insult. “The woman that you see is a muse, and she is invisible to most people. Some, a very select few, can view her as a transparent form. But I have never heard of a human who could see a muse in a solid form without their knowledge or approval.”

  “A muse?” Cindy asked. “What is a muse?”

  Manuel sighed. “I do not have time to go on to a full explanation, so in the simplest of terms; a muse is a source of creative energy, a very, very magical being, that rarely interacts directly with beings on this plane. It is rather shocking that you, as human child, can see them. And for that I have no reasonable answer.”

  “Perhaps it has something to do with the magic placed upon her by her fairy godmother’s blessing.” Pointed out Rapunzel. “Also, Cindy is among the most creative people I have ever heard of, if a human were to connect with a muse, I believe it would be Cindy.”

  “Yeah, and I drank the magic well water too.” Cindy added with a nod.

  Manuel appeared to mull this over. “For whatever the reason, you have been gifted. I need you to look for a particular muse. You will know her by her missing necklace. I need to return her crystal to save her life.”

  “So this is like a mission, a quest.”


  “A hero’s journey, a-.”

  “Just look for the ladies.” Manuel replied wearily.

  “Oh! I see another one...nope she has a necklace.” Cindy began to get excited. “You mean you really can’t see them?” Rapunzel shook her head.

  “I see only transparent forms, I could in time identify the correct muse but you will find her much quicker and I fear she may be running out of time.” Manuel responded steering the girls, one on each arm through the crowd. “Keep your eyes open and look for the glowing ladies.”

  “This is so much fun!” Exclaimed Cindy as she eagerly scanned the crowd.


  Mercury turned to face his next dancing partner, and his breath caught in his lungs as his head was instantly flooded with her scent. His head swam, and he thought for one horrifying moment that his legs might give way and send him tumbling down in front of his beautiful and majestic Red. Slowly he looked down in to the navy blue eyes of his greatest love. She looked back up in to his green and gold flecked ones and nodded slightly she extended her hand. He froze. His heart beat out a merciless tune in his broad chest.

  Looking around he suddenly realised that she was simply making the appropriate opening gesture of the dance. Cursing his foolishness, he quickly took her cool hand in his large warm one. He hoped it wasn’t too sweaty. A slight smile formed on her perfect bow like lips and they began the first steps.

  Dancing with Red, Mercury took the time to memorise every line, every eyelash, and every stray hair around her face. She was utterly and eternally perfect in his mind. He hoped she couldn’t hear his heart beating that wild rhythm against his chest. Suddenly aware of this close scrutiny, Red blushed slightly, making Mercury’s heart skip a beat.

  “My name is Red.” She whispered close to his ear, the sound of her voice a caress against his ear as her warm breath tickled him. He struggled for composure. He wanted to smell her; he wanted to taste her.

  I know. He wanted to say in return, I know and love everything about you, but knew that would simply scare and confuse her...give the wrong impression. Mostly the wrong impression.

  “That’s a beautiful name.” He whispered back instead. “My name is Mercury.”

  “Mercury.” She repeated with another small smile. “I thank you again for retrieving my bag for me last week. It was very gentlemanly of you.”

  “It was my pleasure, Lady Red.” He whispered back with just the hint of a wink.

  She smiled wider as she caught the intended flirt and looked away shyly before looking back up in to his beautiful green and gold flecked eyes. Time stopped and a missing piece of her heart fell in to place...she was overcome with the knowledge that this was an important moment in her life, a defining frightened and excited her all at the same time.

  Suddenly intent on the dance, they both concentrated carefully on performing the steps as the dance increased in pace. Twirling Red in his arms Mercury hoped the dance would last forever.


  Snow got up as the routine ended, clapping with enthusiasm for the many talented performers.

  She felt a tap on her shoulder.

  A white faced mime held out her sparkly hair comb, gesturing wildly with it. Recognising it immediately as her own, Snow blushed and reached for it. It must have come loose during the gypsy dance; but the mime made a gesture indicating that he/she would replace it for her, so Snow obligingly turned around and let the mime catch her long dark hai
r up in the sparkly comb.

  “Ouch!” She jumped as the comb sliced in to her scalp.

  The mime jumped back feigning extreme, apologetic grief at having replaced the comb so clumsily.

  “It’s okay, it’s okay. It’s just a scratch; it’s a sharp comb anyway, it wasn’t your fault, I’ll be fine.” She assured the mime who bowed gratefully and retreated back to the other mimes.

  It might only have been a small scratch, but it did sting fiercely she thought absently as she scanned the crowd, looking for her friends.

  She made it exactly three steps.

  Dizziness assaulted her, and she quickly sat down on the closest bench. Faces swam out at her and the music began to sound distorted, she felt suddenly strange, like she was caught in the funhouse and not having any fun; her stomach lurched. Mentally she went through everything she had eaten that day. The only thing that seemed suspect was Mercury’s mini doughnuts. And if she had food poisoning, the rest of them must be getting sick too; she better warn them. Looking up she caught sight of Mercury’s strong back in the court formation dance so she decided to head for him first.


  “I found her!” Cindy squealed excitably pointing towards the stage. Manuel concentrated hard on the crowd and was able to make out a small form swaying in time to the song.

  “She is not wearing a necklace?” He asked to clarify.

  “Nope.” Cindy shook her head.

  “Lead me to her.” Manuel instructed as he reached in to his pocket and slowly removed the crystal.

  Cindy stepped forward and turned to watch Manuel. The beautiful green crystal seemed to pulse with the music, Cindy could barely keep her eyes off of called to her. Her bright green eyes widened, and she inhaled carefully, completely mesmerized by the magical crystal. Slowly she reached her hand out to touch it but pulled back at the last moment. She wasn’t entirely sure that she could give it back should she touch it, so she didn’t dare. The pull from the crystal was astounding and she fought to place both of her hands behind her back...away from the crystal.

  Manuel nodded at her to lead the way; she took one last longing look at the crystal, and led them quickly to the muse. Stopping just behind the little muse, she motioned to Manuel and he stepped out in front holding the crystal up. It pulsed and shimmered as if alive...urgently calling for its partner.

  Slowly a transparent form became solid. Rapunzel stepped back in shock and Manuel squeezed her hand in reassurance. Cindy smiled broadly, nodding at the startled muse.

  The muse was only slightly taller than Cindy, but her thigh high white boots gave her the illusion of great height, she wore a sleeveless white turtle neck and white shorts. Her huge masses of streaky blonde hair stood inches off of her head, falling in big waves well past her shoulders, her huge blue/green eyes looked frightened.

  Manuel took a step closer to the little muse, holding the crystal out in front of him. The muse slowly reached out her hand and Manuel placed the fine silver chain in it. With a look of pure gratefulness the muse slipped the chain around her neck letting the crystal fall to its rightful place. Issuing a great sigh of relief the muse took a huge breath before stepping closer to the trio.

  “However did you find my crystal?” She asked in a sweet breathy voice.

  “That is a very long story gracious lady. Let it suffice to say that I retrieved it and set about to return it.” Manuel said with a bow.

  “How did you find me?” She asked after a moment.

  “I knew you would attend this festival, and this human child has been gifted with the ability to see muses it appears.” Manuel explained politely.

  The muse studied Cindy for a moment before a beautiful smile crossed her face. “I see, you have been blessed by a fairy. How marvellous.” She stepped forward and took both of Cindy’s hands in her own. “Never doubt your instincts child; I see my sisters have loved you well. You are such a source of joy for them.”

  Cindy blushed and smiled back at the little muse who turned and took Rapunzel’s hands next.

  “Oh , you are like a rose just beginning to open in the sunlight. How exciting for you!” She turned to Manuel. “You must guard her like the jewel she is.”

  He nodded solemnly.

  How strange, Cindy found herself thinking, it’s like the music has become simply a background, I can hear her perfectly, and she has such a soft voice. It was then that she realised that the muse had never uttered a single word out loud.

  “Courageous vampire, how can I repay you for returning my crystal to me? Have you any idea what its loss has meant? Yes, I feel that somehow you do. What can I offer you?” She asked.

  Manuel paused for a moment. “Gracious lady, forgive me if I speak out of place or if I offend, but I understand that you have an association with the Great Oracle.”

  “Yes.” She affirmed. “You understand correctly.”

  “If I were to obtain a meeting with the Great Oracle, however brief, I would consider it far more repayment than I could deserve.” He said with another small bow.

  “I will open a portal.” She said with a smile. “Are you ready?”

  Turning to Cindy, Manuel asked. “Can you deliver my Rapunzel to Mercury’s keeping, I will return as soon as possible but it is quite likely that time runs differently on another plane.”

  “Of course! I would never let anything hurt her, and neither would Merc.” Cindy promised.

  Manuel turned to his precious Rapunzel, taking her face in his hands he whispered quietly to her. “Would that I could see you safely home myself this evening, but be assured that I will return. This is of the upmost importance, nothing less could tear me away.”

  “I look forward to your return.” She whispered back.

  Manuel kissed her hand and stepped forward toward the muse. A small silver distortion formed in the space beside her getting larger by the second. Taking the lovely vampire’s hand the muse whispered. “Close your eyes sweet vampire.”

  “Manuel! Manuel!” Mercury’s voice shouted desperately over the crowd.

  Manuel looked sharply up as Mercury came in to view, racing towards him with an apparently lifeless Snow in his arms. Cindy and Rapunzel rushed towards the anguished werewolf in horror.

  “Poison!” Mercury shouted. “I smell poison!” Fear firmly etched across his face, he cradled her body close to him.

  Both Cindy and Rapunzel began to cry openly as they clung together. Manuel looked towards the muse, back to his friends, he let go of her hand.

  “I am sorry. I cannot go.” He said sadly with a shake of his head.

  “I never forget a debt.” She replied with a smile and stepped in to the portal, disappearing completely.

  Rushing forward to the devastated wolf, he bent down and took Snow’s cold hand in his, listening intently.

  “She is still alive, but just barely. The poison is racing towards her heart. We have no time to lose.” He said and took Snow from Mercury’s arms. “I can move much faster than any of you, I will take her to the Gypsy Camp, if she can be saved, the Great Mother Sardinia will know. You take the girls and collect her uncle the doctor. Bring him to the camp; we may need his help as well.”

  And in a flash he was gone. Mercury took the sobbing girls by the hand and they set off to the cottage.


  Gypsy Camps, although falling well within the Charming family’s rule, had rarely, perhaps never had a royal visitor. So needless to say, when a small carriage bearing the Charming family crest careened around the corner at breakneck speed, you could have heard a pin drop. And if you have ever been to a Gypsy Camp, you would know that’s unheard of.

  Prince Leonardo, having just finished his exams, had decided to make a brief stop and visit Uncle Doc and Snow before heading on to the Holiday Palace. Strangely disappointed at missing Snow, he looked forward to a nice chat with the little doctor just the same. He was just sitting down to some rather strong coffee with the doctor, not to mentio
n a rather large plate of warm chocolate brownies, when Mercury and the girls burst in the cottage shouting that Snow had been poisoned. He had leapt in to action, and within seconds they were on their way.

  Manuel and Alessa stood at attention just outside of Mother Sardinia’s chambers, each wearing a very sombre expression. As Mercury led the doctor and the prince towards them, Alessa immediately dropped in to a low graceful curtsy and Manuel carefully nodded.

  “Prince Leonardo, we are so honoured to have you as our guest this evening. You have my heartfelt and humble apology; my Grandmother Sardinia is attending to a most urgent matter and is unavailable to greet you in the manner you deserve.” She stammered wide eyed. Never had a member of the Royal family had reason to visit this particular Gypsy camp...there was absolutely no protocol in place.

  “Please, be at ease.” Leo said gently, laying a comforting hand on her shoulder. “That is exactly why I am here. This is Miss Snowy’s Uncle Cornelius, a doctor of much renown. I myself am a student though I offer my services none the less. Would your grandmother allow us entrance? Perhaps we could be of assistance?”

  Manuel exchanged cautious looks with Mercury; perhaps he was not quite as nonplussed as he would like to appear. If the Royal families rarely associated with gypsies, they never associated with their kind, unless they were performers of course, and even then...

  “Of course your Majesty.” She said as she moved away from the door.

  Brushing aside the coloured beads just inside the doorway, she gestured for the doctor and the prince to step in.

  In the dim light, Mother Sardinia chanting quietly in an unrecognisable yet beautiful language over the still body of Snow, all the while massaging what appeared to be a ball of light over Snow’s head. She made no notice of the two men’s entry.

  Alessa came to stand beside them. “Grandmother, please forgive the interruption. I have brought Dr. Cornelius, Snowy’s uncle and Prince Leonardo Charming, here as a med student, they wish to assist you.”

  The old woman opened one black eye, but never stopped massaging the ball of light.

  “The poison used was not Lonstasian, and it was heavily laced with enchantments. Curses. Much dark energy. It entered her bloodstream on the tips of that comb.” She nodded to the sparkly comb, lying on the table beside her.


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