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Evermore: The Rylakian Heir

Page 27

by Caroline Metzlaff

  Mercury glanced up at her portrait again, he would hated to have met her on a battle field, of that much he was quite sure.

  As the glow stick illuminated the dark room, Mercury became aware of a beautiful blonde vampire blocking the doorway that led in to the actual nest. The vampire had thick, golden blonde hair brushed back from his high forehead, reaching almost down to his shoulders, large brilliant aqua coloured eyes, and just the barest hint of a blush on his cheeks; he looked like an angel. An angel with a sarcastic half smile on his full lips.

  “My name is Mercury.” He greeted apprehensively.

  “I know.” The vampire said in irritable amusement, as he drummed his fingers against the back of an exquisitely carved bench. The vampire seemed so familiar to the exhausted wolf, but he couldn’t quite put his finger on what it was that made him appear so.

  “You made quite a spectacle of yourself in town a while back didn’t you.” The blonde vampire continued. “Devouring a poor human girl’s dress right off her back...” Now the vampire stopped looking irritated, and simply looked tremendously amused. “You beast!” He whispered with a mocking twist to his lips.

  Mercury had no idea that the sensationalised story had traveled so far; that certainly wasn’t going to help his people’s reputation he realised with a sinking feeling.

  “Well, I guess you know who I am then. I had half expected to have to wake someone; I have never been to a coven during daylight before.” Mercury sat down on one of the benches and stretched his tired and aching legs out before him.

  “We had an impudent elf breach our coven a few days ago; we didn’t like it.” The vampire offered simply.

  “Magella.” Mercury nodded, feeling every moment of the last few days in his muscles. “I met her.”

  “I hope you ate her.” The vampire said with a slight smile as he inspected his fingernails.

  “No.” Mercury said with a shake of his head as he suppressed a laugh. “Why didn’t you?”

  “It was considered.” The vampire said shortly.

  “And?” Mercury couldn’t help asking.

  “We had already dined. Gluttony is one of the seven deadly sins you know.” The vampire made an impatient sound. “And now we have a werewolf at our doorstep. My my, have we somehow unintentionally set out a welcome mat? In that case, our apologies, you are not welcome.”

  “Look, as much as I am enjoying this playful banter, I’m really tired and I came for your help. What is your name? What can I call you other than ‘Vampire’?” Mercury asked in what he hoped was a neutral tone.

  The vampire threw him a withering look. “I would prefer you not call me at all but if you insist you may call me Gabriel...Wolf. And if it is my help you are looking for, forget it, I would say that I am sorry, but I’m not.”

  Mercury held up his hands quickly, he’d had enough. He was tired and hungry and he just wanted to find his friend. “Sorry, Gabriel, I was getting off track, trying to be polite, but I’m running out of time now. I’m here looking for Manuel, he is...a friend of mine, and he is missing. We had hoped that he came here last night with a young human girl, I guess it would have been this morning...” He trailed off as he looked at the vampire’s beautifully blank face.

  “There is only one reason Manuel would have brought a human girl here...” The vampire made a rather unattractively evil face which turned an ethereally beautiful man in to a mocking monster.

  “No. Manuel cares for this girl.” Mercury asserted through clenched teeth. He was beginning to really dislike vampires; they were all so damn hard to deal with. “He’s not interested in eating her.”

  “I’m just playing with you. Manuel has not been home in many days. He has been busy with his own crusades. Would you care to leave him a little note? He’ll be terribly hurt that he missed you.” Gabriel produced a small pad of paper and a feathery pen with a flourish.

  “No thank you.” Mercury replied evenly, he began to wonder why he even bothered sometimes.

  “Are you quite sure? He loves the attention you know. My brother has so many fans these days.” The Vampire laughed at what he considered to be a fantastic joke.

  “Your brother! That’s why you are so irritating! I was just thinking that all vampires were asses, but now I see that it’s just your family; what a relief. I came here because I was worried; I was hoping Manuel was here, because if he wasn’t, then there was a very good chance that he was caught outside by the sun.”

  In an instant Gabriel had caught one of Mercury’s well muscled arms in his hand. “Are you saying that my brother is dead?” All mocking was gone now, as the blonde vampire looked Mercury intently in the eye, his fangs unintentionally extended.

  Mercury looked down meaningfully at the vampire’s hand clutching his upper arm, a low growl escaping from his throat as the beast flashed behind his eyes. Gabriel released him instantly.

  “I hope not...he my friend.”

  “As soon as the sun goes down I will aid you in a search.” Gabriel was all seriousness now. I am trapped in the nest till sundown.”

  “I will let you know if you are needed; hopefully Manuel will let you know himself. But in the mean time, do you know of any other place he might go to hide from the sun?”

  Solemnly Gabriel shook his head, something closely akin to fear and grief shone in his eyes.


  When Rapunzel opened her eyes, she was distinctly aware of two things, one: the sun had gone down and she was damp and chilly, and two: Manuel’s glorious face was staring down at her. Staring back in to his beautiful black eyes, she was powerless to stop the tears from escaping and running in zig zag trails down her cheeks.

  They had made it through the day.

  He looked confused.

  “Why are you crying? You saved my life.” He whispered gently as his finger caressed the path of the tears down her silky cheek.

  I don’t know.” She whispered back honestly. There were a thousand questions she could ask; a thousand feelings she could share. But it was all so overwhelming. “I feel so much right now.” Which pretty much summed everything up.

  She had no home. She had no family. Everything she had believed all of her life was a lie. But she had Manuel.

  Impulsively she sat up and wrapped her arms around him; with great care he embraced her back, stroking her damp hair and she clung to him as if she would never let him go. They sat like that for a few minutes; shutting the world and all of its complications and all of its obligations completely out. For a few perfect minutes they could do that.

  “You are so cold. I need to take you home.” He realised with sudden concern. Slipping one arm underneath her he lifted her up and began walking towards the forest.

  “I don’t have a home.” She whispered sadly.

  “Yes, you do.” He reassured gently.

  “I can walk.” She said. “I feel fine.”

  “I know.” He replied with a smile. “But I would much rather carry you if I may.”

  And they entered the dark forest together.


  They met at the base of the Lonesome Forest. Snow and Prince Leo, Cindy and Mercury. They had split up as they searched for Rapunzel and Manuel, searching everywhere they could possibly think of. Now they met at the base of the famous forest. It wasn’t safe for any of them to enter without Mercury.

  “So what do you think?” Leo asked Mercury as he gazed at the eerie forest.

  The forest was dark, and shadowed. Strange birds made calls in the distance that Leo had never heard before, even the air felt powerful. He had never been through this forest, or any one like it before. Although many such dark and dangerous forests existed throughout Lonstas, being a Royal, he had never been this close to one like this. He found it frightening as well as exciting...most people simply found it frightening.

  “The other side of the forest, that’s all that is left. His coven has not seen him in days. And his brother didn’t seem to know of any sp
ecial hiding places.” Mercury supplied, trying not to sound as hopeless as he felt.

  “His brother?” Cindy squeaked.

  “Yeah, you know that special part of Manuel’s personality that makes us love him so much?” He asked.

  Snow nodded.

  “Well times two.” Mercury said with a grimace.

  Snow and Cindy both decided that they didn’t need to meet him any time soon.

  They walked on in silence through the forest, with Mercury leading the way. Every once in a while one of the girls would point out some place that held some special memory to the awe struck prince before retreating back in to silence again.

  “You girls used to traipse through this forest at night all alone?” Leo asked again in disbelief.

  “Yup.” Cindy nodded. “But we had Mercury, even though we didn’t know it.”

  “And Manuel.” Snow added, very quietly.

  “Yeah, big, ol’ sarcastic Manuel.” Cindy agreed with a choke, as she wiped a tear.

  Mercury stopped short as he sniffed the air.

  Leo ran up beside him. “What is it?” He unsheathed his sword.

  “Is that the stench of wet dog that is assaulting my nose? Or perhaps the pelt of a rabid...oh, I see it’s just you, I should have known.” Came a familiar bored yet sarcastic voice from the darkness.

  Everyone stopped and watched, as out from the blackness strode Manuel, Rapunzel wrapped up neatly in his arms. He set her down on her feet as Snow and Cindy launched themselves first at him and then at their friend. Mercury and Leo clapped him loudly on the back, and then Mercury surprised them all by hugging the horrified vampire as well. They all laughed at the expression on Manuel’s face.

  “Don’t do that again. Ever.” The horrified vampire instructed.

  “I thought you were dead.” The wolf stated simply in defense.

  Cindy’s eyes got huge as she pointed to Rapunzel’s hair. “Where is it? Where is it? What happened!” She shrieked, jumping up and down.

  “We had to give it to the dragon!” Explained Rapunzel who twirled around to give the girls a better view of her new, shorter haircut. It fanned out in rippling waves around her knees. “Manuel cut it for me!”

  “Though it broke my heart to do so.” He added, lovingly gazing at the twirling girl. She stopped and he took her hand in his own.

  “Dragon? You met a dragon?” Cindy clutched her throat. “Do they even exist anymore? Did you see any treasure?”

  “We have so much to talk about when we get to the cottage, Uncle Doc has kind of set up a bedroom for you, and I hope you don’t mind. We just thought you would be more comfortable staying with us in the cottage. I don’t know if you had anywhere else in mind...” Snow hugged her friend closely again.

  “No. I had nowhere to go. I would be so happy to stay with you and your Uncle Doc.” Rapunzel was touched by such generosity and kindness, her voice quavered slightly. The Mother had always told her how flawed she was, how undeserving she was of the crone’s generosity. Rapunzel realised that she had no idea who she was.

  “Oh, there are six more uncles’s kind of a cross between a funhouse and a gong show.” Snow cautioned.

  “You could have seventeen more uncles, a few ogrenots and a skunk that slept beside me every night, and I would still be happy to stay there. Remember I lived locked away in a tower.” Rapunzel reminded only half joking.

  Leo walked over and shook the vampire’s hand. “I won’t offend you by trying to hug you. But I too am glad to see you alive and well. You have to tell us how you managed this, and you must know as well; I never gave up on you.”

  “He really didn’t.” Snow affirmed happily shyly smiling up at the handsome prince.

  Manuel nodded meaningfully at the Leo; respect glowing in his eyes.


  Uncle Doc immediately set about showing Rapunzel her new room as soon as she had met all of the ‘Uncles’. Uncle Happy busied himself creating a feast in his cozy kitchen, humming his own special tune under his breath, and after the little man shooed Mercury out of his kitchen with a big cup of coffee, the wolf decided to relax in the Doctor’s new examination room. Manuel was already there, apparently trying out the couch himself.

  Mercury sat still as he drank his strong, dark coffee, it wasn’t his mother’s coffee, but it was good just the same. He paused for a minute as he considered how to bring the conversation up with his friend. The last few days had been such a blur, yet they seemed to have lasted a lifetime.

  “What is it? You quite obviously have something to say and you are doing a terrible job of hiding it. If I didn’t know better I would think those stolen glances were unspoken declarations of your undying affection for me.” Manuel felt the corners of his mouth twitch slightly.

  Mercury gave him ‘the eyebrow’. “Would that make you happy...Manny? Knowing that I loved you too?”

  “Don’t call me ‘Manny’...ever.” Manuel sighed.

  “Did I tell you I met your brother?” Mercury asked.


  “Did I tell you he was an ass?” Mercury inquired innocently.


  “Before the Crone jumped into the sea, she said some strange things.” Mercury started.

  “Perhaps you should tell me all that she said.” Manuel relaxed against the comfy couch as he listened to Mercury’s tale. “I fear she has left us with much to decipher.”

  “She said that The Queen of Rylak had simply inherited Rapunzel, that her true master had been someone called ‘The Trickster’.” Mercury revealed in confusion. “She was very frightened.”

  Manuel sat up straight, his eyebrows disappearing up in to his hair. “As she should be...”

  The Trickster...that was a name you did not often hear these days. A more malevolent character of legend was never heard, it was rumoured that he had set an entire town upon itself...just to watch it burn. What kind of being exactly he was, no one had ever said, but he would be the one being that Manuel would feel deserving of the title ‘evil’. Perhaps the only one. On occasion he, The Trickster, had been known to grant small favours, but those favours came at an enormous price. The idea of dealing with this being sent shivers down Manuel’s spine.

  “Do you know of this ‘Trickster’?” Mercury asked. “Because I have never heard of him.”

  “I know very little, and nothing good, in fact the mere mention of his name is usually accompanied by intense feelings of dread. In some towns it is against the very law to speak of him. Explain about his connection to Rapunzel.” Manuel instructed, on complete alert now.

  “All the crone said, was that she was ‘the key’ and she was to guard her until she received the signal to, and get this, the signal to ‘unleash her’. Isn’t that an odd choice of words?”

  Manuel’s heart stopped. It was a very odd choice of words. But what on earth could it possibly mean; Rapunzel was as sweet and innocent as a freshly cut flower. There was more to this story than they knew, that much was abundantly clear, and much of it would have dealings with The Trickster, the afore mentioned feelings of dread began to set in. Idly he played with a pen between his fingers.

  “Unleash her to what end?” Manuel tried to consider this from all sides.

  Mercury shook his head. “I don’t think she knew. But she jumped before I could get anything else out of her; she thought Rosalyn was coming to discipline her for breaking. I don’t think Rosalyn cares enough.”

  “What makes you say that?” Manuel was curious.

  “I think she’s too busy trying to kill Snow; she seems obsessive about it. Like she is being driven to kill her, that’s another odd story if you ask me. But she hasn’t even laid eyes on Rapunzel, and if it was that big a deal to her, don’t you think her soldiers would have been guarding the cave? No, Rosalyn isn’t involved...yet.”

  The Wolf had made some very good points. If Rapunzel’s imprisonment had held much importance to the Queen of Rylak, she would have sent her ver
y own highly trained and skilled soldiers to guard the girl at the very least. It would have made even more sense for them to have transported the girl straight to Rylak. No, Mercury was right; Rosalyn was much more concerned with Snow’s demise. Which was odd indeed. Rosalyn might not even know Rapunzel was liberated yet.

  “The crone and Rosalyn might both be native to Rylak, but the Legend of the Trickster originates in Sarrilia. I will have to do some research, but I believe we may have to pay a visit to Sarrilia very soon.” Manuel said thoughtfully. “Go. Eat and sleep now, we will have much to discuss tomorrow.”


  After Mercury left, Manuel reflected on their conversation. What he wouldn’t have given to have another chat with the Oracle. The mad, blonde man had indicated that they were not through with their association, but how was he to contact him? He knew now, that he had not been led to the Great Oracle by mere coincidence...something had been guiding him. This would require much thought.

  The door opened and Cindy rushed in.

  Sitting on the floor beside the reclined vampire, she cautiously looked up at him. He peered down at her, completely unimpressed at having been disturbed from his thoughts.

  “Can I talk to you?” Cindy asked the restless vampire.

  “I’m sure you can, but I would much rather that you didn’t.” He responded, closing his eyes.

  “Something terrible is being done to me, and I need to tell someone. It’s not good to keep these things bottled up inside you know.” She urgently whispered.

  He sighed heavily. “What exactly is being done to you?” He dutifully asked with a distinct lack of interest.

  “My father is getting married.” She responded flatly, looking down.

  “Perhaps this isn’t so much something he is doing to you, as it is something he is doing to himself.”


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