Hers to Keep (Irresistibly Bound Book 3)

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Hers to Keep (Irresistibly Bound Book 3) Page 6

by Anna Stone

  Lindsey had never thought that having things fed to her could be so sensual. Now and then, Camilla’s fingers would brush against Lindsey’s lips, sending a frisson through her.

  “That’s enough for now,” Camilla said. “I don’t want you stuffed full for what comes next.”

  “What comes next?” Lindsey asked.

  “Next, I’m going to give you a sampler of all my favorite spanking toys. Would you like that?”

  Lindsey’s breath quickened. “Yes, Mistress.”

  Camilla went over to a cabinet, a different one this time, and pulled out a long, black leather roll with a velvet tie around it. Lindsey was reminded of a roll-up case she used to carry her paintbrushes around. But this one was longer than Camilla’s arm.

  “Go lie on the bed on your stomach,” Camilla said.

  Lindsey got up from the chair, which was a feat in itself with her hands tied behind her back. As she climbed onto the four-poster bed, she noticed that peeking out from the curtains at the foot of the bed was an X built into the frame, made up from the same dark wood. Camilla said she liked to tie up submissives. Would Camilla one day tie Lindsey to it?

  Lindsey lay down on her stomach, her head tilted to one side to watch Camilla. Camilla untied the roll, set it down, and unraveled it along the bed next to Lindsey. The roll had a dozen long, thin pockets. But instead of paint brushes, it contained a variety of whips, crops, and canes. There were also a handful of short paddles and floggers as well as a few implements Lindsey had never seen before.

  “First, I’m going to get you all warmed up,” Camilla said.

  She dragged her fingers up the back of Lindsey’s legs, all the way to the top of her thighs. Her hands stayed above Lindsey’s dress. Camilla was staying true to her word not to cross any boundaries. But right now, Lindsey was ready to throw those boundaries out the window.

  “Move your hands,” Camilla said.

  Lindsey lifted her bound wrists up to the middle of her back.

  Camilla raised a hand and slapped Lindsey on her ass cheeks, over and over. Lindsey cried out, her skin sparking with electricity. It barely hurt. But with every slap came the perverse thrill of being punished, of enjoying something that she knew she shouldn’t, the taboo of playing at a game so deliciously twisted. All those feelings blended together made a heady cocktail.

  After a minute or so, Camilla stopped. She straightened up and surveyed the roll of spanking tools before her. “Let’s go from the mildest to the most intense. I’ll start with this.”

  Camilla grabbed one of the paddles from the roll. It was large, flat, and made of hard leather. She flexed it a few times in her hands.

  “Didn’t I tell you to lie on your stomach?” Camilla said.

  “Sorry, Mistress.” Lindsey hadn’t even realized she’d rolled onto her side to watch Camilla.

  “I know this excites you, but I expect you to follow my instructions.”

  Camilla spanked Lindsey with the paddle a few times, ramping up the force. Each hit made a loud slap that made Lindsey jump and squirm.

  “That’s all?” Camilla said. “I was expecting much more of a reaction. I’ll have to try something with a little more bite.” She tossed the paddle to the side, then pulled out a short whip with dozens of tails. “Like this flogger.”

  She flicked the flogger across Lindsey’s ass cheeks. It hit with a heavy sting that made Lindsey yelp.

  Camilla whipped her a few more times. “Better. But I don’t think we’re there yet.” Camilla reached into the roll again. “Let’s try a quirt.”

  The item she produced was a short whip, this time with only two thick tails. Lindsey had never seen one like it before. Camilla struck Lindsey with it. She sucked in a breath, the sharp kiss of the tails penetrating deep. Lindsey wriggled and pulled at the ropes around her wrists as Camilla brought the quirt down over and over.

  Camilla stroked her hand down Lindsey’s arm. “Still okay there?”

  “Yes, Mistress.” Lindsey craved more. Of Camilla’s touch, of the whip, of everything.

  “Just one more.” Tossing the quirt aside, Camilla picked out a long thin riding crop and flexed it in her hands. “Actually, I think what you really need is a firmer hand.”

  Camilla returned the riding crop to its place and reached into the pocket next to it, selecting a thick rattan cane. She swung it through the air a few times. It made a sharp, cutting swoosh.

  “The cane can be intense, but I think it’s exactly what you need. Some old-school discipline for a very wicked sub.”

  Camilla’s words made Lindsey’s whole body pulse. She shut her eyes, waiting for that telltale swoosh.

  But it all happened at the same time. Lindsey heard the sound and felt the sting on her cheeks simultaneously. Lindsey gasped. Camilla struck her again, once, twice, three times. Every blow vibrated through her, traveling up her spine, down to her toes, and right between her legs.

  Camilla slid her hand down to caress Lindsey’s ass cheeks over her dress. “You like that, don’t you?”

  “Yes, Mistress,” Lindsey said.

  Camilla swatted her with the cane again, over and over. She writhed on the bed, helpless with her arms restrained, adrenaline and arousal rushing through her veins.

  She felt Camilla’s hand on the back of her shoulder. “That’s enough for tonight.”

  Lindsey whimpered. Her body was awake now. She didn’t want things to be over yet.

  “Don’t worry, we have three whole months to explore all this. I’m going to untie you now.”

  Camilla unbound the ropes from Lindsey’s wrists, releasing her. Lindsey rolled onto her back and flexed her hands, letting out a contented sigh.

  Camilla placed the rope to the side, then slipped onto the bed beside Lindsey. “Did you enjoy that?”

  Lindsey nodded. “Thank you, Mistress.”

  Camilla pecked Lindsey on the lips. “There’s water on the nightstand next to you. And we still have all that dessert if you’re hungry.”

  “I’m okay.” There was something Lindsey wanted, but it wasn’t food.

  “Then there’s only one thing left to do.”

  Camilla untied the sheer drapes, letting them fall around the bed. Like magic, the outside world disappeared, and it was just the two of them. Camilla wrapped her arms around Lindsey and drew her in close.

  Lindsey purred. She liked the feel of Camilla’s body against hers, in more ways than one. She knew Camilla’s intentions weren’t sexual. All of this was just standard aftercare. Camilla was looking after her submissive’s needs, making sure Lindsey was warm, fed, hydrated, and most of all, offered comfort and affection to prevent her from crashing both physically and mentally.

  But Lindsey didn’t want comfort. She didn’t want food or water or anything else.

  She wanted Camilla.

  Camilla kissed her again. This time, Lindsey kissed her back with double the intensity. Lindsey felt a shift in her Mistress’s body, a response to Lindsey’s obvious hunger. She parted her lips and let Camilla’s tongue dance around hers, desire flaring inside her.

  Camilla pulled away. Lindsey whimpered in protest.

  “What is it?” Camilla asked.

  Lindsey’s words caught in her throat. She was feeling so many things that she wasn’t expecting to feel, and she found it impossible to articulate them all. Instead, she reached out and pulled Camilla back to her.

  “Is there something you want?” Camilla’s teasing tone made it clear that she already knew the answer.

  Lindsey finally found her voice. “You know what I want, Mistress.”

  “We haven’t discussed this part of our arrangement yet.”

  Lindsey groaned. “Please?”

  “I did tell you that I take consent very seriously. I wouldn’t want to cross any boundaries.” Camilla traced her thumb down Lindsey’s chin. “I’ll make an exception, just this once. But you’re going to have to tell me exactly what you want.”

  Lindsey nodded. Her ch
in tingled where Camilla had touched her.

  “Tell me,” Camilla said softly. “What do you want your Mistress to do for you?”

  “Mistress, please.” Lindsey’s voice quivered. “Take off my dress.”

  Camilla reached around behind Lindsey and unzipped the emerald-green dress, her hands brushing down Lindsey’s naked back. A shiver spread over her skin. Lindsey sat up, allowing Camilla to pull it off. She wasn’t wearing a bra underneath the low-backed dress, and her nipples perked up in the cool air. Lindsey lay back down on her side facing Camilla.

  “What else?” Camilla asked. “What else do you want me to do?”

  “Mistress, please,” Lindsey said. “Touch me.”

  “Like this?” Camilla drew her hand down the front of Lindsey’s body, snaking her fingertips down her shoulders and over her chest.

  “Yes, Mistress. Like that.”

  Camilla’s hands wandered all over Lindsey’s bare skin gently, as if she were touching something precious. Lindsey murmured with bliss.

  “Mistress, please,” Lindsey said. “May I touch you?”

  “Yes,” Camilla replied.

  Lindsey reached out and swept her fingers along Camilla’s side, from her knee, up her thigh, and over her hip. She let her hand creep up the front of Camilla’s chest. Her curves were so smooth and supple. Lindsey wanted to ask if she could take off Camilla’s clothes, but the way Camilla’s hands were exploring Lindsey’s own body left her too distracted to focus on anything but her own pleasure.

  “Mistress,” Lindsey whispered. “Please kiss me.”

  “Where do you want me to kiss you?” Camilla asked.


  Camilla pushed Lindsey’s shoulder down to the bed so that she was lying on her back, then dipped low, kissing Lindsey’s lips, and up behind her ear, and down the side of her throat. The touch of Camilla’s soft lips made Lindsey’s skin sprout goosebumps. Camilla painted a swathe of kisses down to Lindsey’s breasts, then took a nipple in her mouth, circling it with her tongue.

  “Oh god.” Lindsey’s head fell back, her toes curling to grip the sheet beneath her.

  Camilla switched to the other nipple, her hands trailing down Lindsey’s sides. Lindsey’s chest rose up to meet her. Camilla’s hands roamed down Lindsey’s hips and thighs as she kissed Lindsey all the way down to her bellybutton.

  “Mistress,” Lindsey begged. But what did she want? She wanted Camilla to kiss her, to touch her, to fuck her, all at once. “Please-”

  “Hush.” Camilla looked up at her. “I haven’t finished kissing you everywhere yet.” Without breaking her gaze, Camilla took the waistband of Lindsey's panties and tugged them down her legs, then she pushed Lindsey’s knees apart.

  Lindsey trembled. Camilla grazed her lips along the curve of Lindsey’s hipbone, down and inward to the apex of Lindsey’s thighs. Camilla kissed her way down Lindsey’s slit, her mouth skimming over Lindsey’s swollen bud.

  “Oh!” A dart of pleasure went straight through to Lindsey’s core.

  Camilla ran her tongue up and down, gliding it over Lindsey’s folds. Lindsey moaned. She had never been this wet in her life.

  Finally, Camilla settled her lips at Lindsey’s clit.

  Lindsey seized hold of the pillow above her head, writhing against the sheets. Camilla licked and sucked, harder now, every movement of her tongue bringing Lindsey closer to oblivion. Lindsey’s eyes rolled into the back of her head, the pressure inside her mounting.

  “Mistress!” Lindsey convulsed on the bed as an orgasm rippled through her. She clutched at the sheets, holding on as if to keep herself from getting washed away. Camilla didn’t stop until Lindsey sank back down to the bed, whispering the word Mistress like it was a prayer.

  Camilla slid back up beside her and pressed her lips to Lindsey’s. Lindsey melted into the kiss.

  “Mistress,” she said. “Thank you.”

  Camilla settled next to her. Lindsey rested her head in the crook of her Mistress’s neck.

  But as her haze of bliss cleared, it was replaced by confusion. She’d just had the most mind-blowing sex of her life. With Camilla. A woman.

  Maybe she wasn’t as straight as she thought she was.

  Chapter Nine

  Lindsey made her way down to the dining room for breakfast. Over a week had passed since she’d arrived, and she had finally learned how to get around the house. And she and Camilla were beginning to get into a routine. Camilla followed her schedule to the letter and spent most of the day working. But they always had meals together and spent long, lazy evenings lounging around before retiring to their separate bedrooms.

  Since that night in the playroom, they hadn’t returned there, and they hadn’t had sex again either. They’d had a long discussion about it. Considering the nature of their relationship, Camilla wanted to make sure that Lindsey was comfortable and didn’t feel pressured in any way. Lindsey appreciated Camilla’s respect for her boundaries. But she didn’t feel pressured. If anything, it was the opposite. She just wanted more.

  Camilla had awakened something in Lindsey that night. Her attraction toward Camilla had gone from a vague sense of admiration to something much more real, and Lindsey didn’t know what to make of it. Was it just Camilla’s dominant side that had the submissive in Lindsey so deeply enthralled? It wasn’t real attraction, was it?

  When Lindsey reached the dining room, Camilla was already seated at the head of the table, reading a newspaper while she waited for Lindsey. Even though it was 8 a.m., she looked flawlessly put-together, as usual. Perfect hair, light makeup, a stylish blouse and skirt that had to be designer. Despite the fact that she wasn’t leaving the manor today, Camilla looked like she was ready to take on the world. Lindsey suspected that Camilla dressed like this every day, even when she was alone in the house.

  Lindsey walked over to the table. Several dishes were laid out, and a place was set for Lindsey next to Camilla. June placed a vase of freshly cut flowers in the middle of the table.

  “Good morning, Lindsey.” Camilla tilted her head for Lindsey to plant a kiss on her cheek.

  “Good morning, Mistre-” Lindsey clamped her mouth shut. June was standing right there. Lindsey had never called Camilla “Mistress” in front of anyone else.

  “Oh, don’t worry about June,” Camilla said. “She sees and hears nothing. Isn’t that right, June?”

  “I’m sorry Ma’am,” June said. “I didn’t catch that.”

  “You see? Have a seat, Lindsey.”

  Lindsey sat down. As June left the room, Lindsey was certain she saw the slightest smirk on the housekeeper’s face.

  She and Camilla helped themselves to breakfast. It seemed like the spread laid out before them was for Lindsey’s benefit. Camilla always ate the same thing—poached eggs on toast with a side of grilled mushrooms and a cup of coffee. Camilla was serious about her coffee. It was one of her many indulgences.

  “What do you have planned for the day, Mistress?” Lindsey asked.

  “The usual. Work, work, and more work. I’m up to my elbows in paperwork. And I have a video conference with the heads of one of our subsidiaries. There have been some irregularities-” Camilla stopped short. “I’m boring you.”

  “No, you’re not. I like hearing about your job.” Lindsey was beginning to enjoy their conversations about even the most mundane things.

  “What about you?” Camilla asked. “What’s on for the day?”

  “I brought a few books with me, so I’m going to start reading them. I never had the time to read when I was working full-time at the call center. And I might go for a swim in the pool later.”

  “That sounds lovely.” Camilla frowned. “Where’s June with the coffee?”

  As the two of them ate, Lindsey examined Camilla’s face. She seemed a little stressed. Lindsey wondered if she should say something, but she wasn’t sure if it would help.

  After a while, Camilla spoke. “Tonight, after dinner. Why don’t we watch a
movie together? The theater is very well equipped.”

  Lindsey swallowed her mouthful of food. “I would like that, Mistress.”

  Camilla seemed to perk up a bit at that. But it wasn’t to last. A moment later, June returned to the dining room with a pot of coffee.

  “I’m sorry, Ma’am,” she said. “We’ve run out of the Brazilian coffee beans you like.”

  “Really, June?” Camilla said. “Again?”

  “The suppliers have run out. I found you a Colombian blend that’s very similar. Just until we can get more.”

  “That will have to do.” Camilla waved June over.

  June poured Camilla a cup of coffee and scurried out of the room. Camilla didn’t even give her as much as a thank you. She knew Camilla hated any deviations from her routine, but this seemed like an overreaction.

  Camilla pushed away her plate, which she’d barely touched, and stood up. “I’m going to get to work. I’ll see you at lunchtime.” Without another word, Camilla picked up her cup of coffee and left the dining room.

  Midday arrived, but Camilla didn’t come down for lunch. Lindsey assumed it was because she was busy with work. But when dinnertime rolled around, and Camilla didn’t emerge from her rooms, Lindsey began to wonder whether something was wrong. It was just like the first few days after Lindsey had arrived.

  As Lindsey finished off her dinner, June entered the dining room. “Is there anything else you need?”

  “I’m good,” Lindsey said. “Is everything okay with Camilla?”

  “Everything is fine.”

  “Then why didn’t she come down for dinner?”

  “Look,” June said. “You should probably get used to this. It happens with Camilla sometimes.”

  “But why?” Lindsey asked. “What’s going on?”

  “It’s not my place to say. And I’d recommend that you don’t ask her about it either. Let her tell you if and when she wants to.”

  “Is she okay, at least?”

  “Yes, she’s all right. Is there anything else I can do for you?”


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