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Adepts in Self-Portraiture

Page 35

by Stefan Zweig

  The Post-Office Girl [Rausch der Verwandlung]. Translated by Joel Rotenberg. 257p. New York: New York Review of Books, 2008.

  The Royal Game [Schachnovelle]. Translated by Benjamin W. Huebsch. Edited with an introduction and notes by Hisazumi Tagiri. 91p. Tokyo: Eihōsha, 1969. Excerpts from this translation have appeared in various journals and anthologies.

  The Royal Game [Schachnovelle. Translated by Jill Sutcliffe] in Ten of the Best. A Reader’s Digest Collection of Great Short Novels. Compiled by Herbert Lieberman. Pleasantville, NY: The Reader’s Digest Association, 1985, pp. 357-408.

  The Royal Game [Schachnovelle]. Translated by Benjamin W. Huebsch. 79p. London: Pushkin Press, 2001.

  The Royal Game * Amok * Letter from an Unknown Woman. 187p. New York: Viking Press, 1944 [Reprinted 1945, 1960, 1961]. Contents: [1] The Royal Game [Schachnovelle. Translated by Benjamin W. Huebsch]. [2] Amok [Der Amokläufer. Translated by Eden and Cedar Paul]. [3] Letter from an Unknown Woman [Brief einer Unbekannten. Translated by Eden and Cedar Paul].

  The Royal Game * Letter from an Unknown Woman * Amok. 156p. London/Toronto/Melbourne/ Sydney: Cassell, 1944 [Reprinted 1945]. Contents: [1] The Royal Game [Schachnovelle. Translated by Benjamin W. Huebsch]. [2] Letter from an Unknown Woman [Brief einer Unbekannten. Translated by Eden and Cedar Paul]. [3] Amok [Der Amokläufer. Translated by Eden and Cedar Paul].

  The Royal Game * Amok * Letter from an Unknown Woman. 223p. New York: Editions for the Armed Services, 1944 [Copyright 1944 by Viking Press]. Contents: [1] The Royal Game [Schachnovelle. Translated by Benjamin W. Huebsch]. [2] Amok [Der Amokläufer. Translated by Eden and Cedar Paul]. [3] Letter from an Unknown Woman [Brief einer Unbekannten. Translated by Eden and Cedar Paul] [Armed Services Editions, No. 860].

  The Royal Game and Other Stories. Translated by Jill Sutcliffe. Introduction by John Fowles. 250p. London: Jonathan Cape / New York: Crown [Harmony Books], 1981. Reprinted: 250p. New York: E. P. Dutton [Obelisk Paperback DO 69] / Toronto: Clarke, Irwin , 1983. Reprinted as The Burning Secret and Other Stories. 250p. New York: E. P. Dutton, 1989 [Obelisk Paperbacks DO 496]. Contents: [1] Introduction [John Fowles]. [2] The Royal Game [Schachnovelle]. [3] Amok [Der Amokläufer]. [4] The Burning Secret [Brennendes Geheimnis]. [5] Fear [Angst]. [6] Letter from an Unknown Woman [Brief einer Unbekannten]. See The Burning Secret and Other Stories.

  The Royal Game and Other Stories. Translated by Jill Sutcliffe. Introduction by Jeffrey B. Berlin. 211p. New York: Holmes & Meier, 2000 [Both hard cover and paperback editions]. Contents: [1] Introduction [Jeffrey B. Berlin]. [2] The Royal Game [Schachnovelle]. [3] Amok [Der Amokläufer]. [4] The Burning Secret [Brennendes Geheimnis]. [5] Fear [Angst]. [6] Letter from an Unknown Woman [Brief einer Unbekannten].

  The Runaway [Der Flüchtling / Episode am Genfer See. Translated by Eden and Cedar Paul] in Adventures in Modern Literature. Edited by Ruth M. Stauffer et al. New York: Harcourt Brace and Company, 1951, pp. 190-195.

  Selected Stories. Translated by Anthea Bell and Eden and Cedar Paul. 253p. London: Pushkin Press, 2009. Contents: [1] Fantastic Night [Phantastische Nacht. Translated by Anthea Bell]. [2] Letter from an Unknown Woman [Brief einer Unbekannten. Translated by Eden and Cedar Paul]. [3] The Fowler Snared [Sommernovellette. Translated by Eden and Cedar Paul]. [4] The Invisible Collection [Die unsichtbare Sammlung. Translated by Eden and Cedar]. [5] Buchmendel [Buchmendel. Translated by Eden and Cedar Paul]. [6] Twenty-four Hours in the Life of a Woman [Vierundzwanzig Stunden aus dem Leben einer Frau. Translated by Anthea Bell].

  Twenty-Four Hours in the Life of a Woman [Vierundzwanzig Stunden aus dem Leben einer Frau]. Translated by Anthea Bell. 100p. London: Pushkin Press, 2003.

  Twenty-four Hours in the Life of a Woman * The Fowler Snared. Translated by Eden and Cedar Paul. 92p. London: Pushkin Press, 1999. Contents: [1] Twenty-four Hours in the Life of a Woman [Vierundzwanzig Stunden aus dem Leben einer Frau]. [2] The Fowler Snared [Sommernovellette].

  Twilight * Moonbeam Alley. Translated with an afterword by Anthea Bell. 96p. London: Pushkin Press, 2005. Contents: [1] Twilight [Geschichte eines Unterganges]. [2] Moonbeam Alley [Die Mondscheingasse]. [3] Translator’s afterword [Anthea Bell].

  Vienna Spring. Early Novellas and Stories. Translated with an afterword by William Ruleman. 132p. Riverside, CA: Ariadne Press, 2010 [Studies in Austrian Literature, Culture and Thought. Translation Series]. Contents: [1] A Loser [Ein Verbummelter]. [2] Two Lonely Souls [Zwei Einsame]. [3] The Love of Erika Ewald [Die Liebe der Erika Ewald]. [4] Spring in the Prater [Praterfrühling]. [5] Scarlet Fever [Scharlach]. [6] Afterword [William Ruleman]. [7] Works Cited.

  Wondrak and Other Stories. Translated by Anthea Bell. 123p. London: Pushkin Press, 2009. Contents: [1] In the Snow [Im Schnee]. [2] Compulsion [Der Zwang]. [3] Wondrak [Wondrak]. [4] Translator’s notes [Anthea Bell].

  Historical Studies

  Adepts in Self-Portraiture: Casanova * Stendhal * Tolstoy [Drei Dichter ihres Lebens: Casanova - Stendhal - Tolstoi]. Translated by Eden and Cedar Paul. 357p. New York: Viking Press, 1928 [Master Builders. An Attempt at the Typology of the Spirit. Vol. 3]. British edition. 357p. London: Allen & Unwin, 1929. Reprinted: 335p. London: Cassell, 1952 [Hallam Edition]. Contents: [1] Introduction [Stefan Zweig]. [2] Casanova. [3] Stendhal. [4] Tolstoy.

  Amerigo. A Comedy of Errors in History [Amerigo. Die Geschichte eines historischen Irrtums]. Translated by Andrew St. James. 128p. New York: Viking Press, 1942. An amplified pirated photocopy reprint of 140p. was published in 2010 by the Ishi Press International, New York/Tokyo.

  Balzac [Balzac]. Translated by William and Dorothy Rose. 404p. New York: Viking Press / Toronto: Macmillan, 1946. Reprinted: 404p. Garden City, NY: Garden City Publishing Company, 1948. British edition. 400p. London: Cassell, 1947 [Reprinted 1970].

  Balzac, Dickens, Dostoevsky: Three Masters [Volume 1 of ‘Master Builders of the Spirit’]. Translated by Eden and Cedar Paul. New introduction by Laurence Mintz. Cover design by Seema Mazhar. liii/238p. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers, 2010. Contents: [1]. Author’s note [Stefan Zweig]. [2]. Introduction to the Transaction Edition [Laurence Mintz]. [3]. Introduction [Stefan Zweig. Salzburg, 1919]. [4]. Balzac. [5]. Dickens. [6]. Dostoeffsky.

  Brazil. Land of the Future [Brasilien. Ein Land der Zukunft] Translated by Andrew St. James. 282p. New York: Viking Press, 1941 / London: Cassell, 1942 [Reprinted 1943]. An unauthorized reprint was also published by the Zweig Press in 2007. No address for this Zweig Press can be found.

  Brazil. A Land of the Future [Brasilien. Ein Land der Zukunft]. Translated with an afterword by Lowell A. Bangerter. 259p. Riverside, CA: Ariadne Press, 2000 [Studies in Austrian Literature, Culture and Thought. Translation Series]. Contents: [1] Introduction [Stefan Zweig]. [2] Brazil [Eight chapters]. [3] Chronology. [4] Afterword [Lowell A. Bangerter].

  Casanova. A Study in Self-Portraiture [Casanova]. Translated by Eden and Cedar Paul. 158p. London: Pushkin Press, 1998.

  Conqueror of the Seas. The Story of Magellan [Magellan. Der Mann und seine Tat]. Translated by Eden and Cedar Paul. 335p. New York: Literary Guild of America / New York: Viking Press, 1938. Reprinted: 335p. New York: Blue Ribbon Books, 1940. A pirated version of the 1938 edition was printed in 2010 by the Ishi Press International, New York/Tokyo. British edition. Magellan. Pioneer of the Pacific. Translated by Eden and Cedar Paul. 311p. London: Cassell, 1938. See Magellan. Pioneer of the Pacific and The Story of Magellan.

  Decisive Moments in History. Twelve Historical Miniatures [Sternstunden der Menschheit. Zwölf historische Miniaturen]. Translated with an afterword by Lowell A. Bangerter. 253p. Riverside, CA: Ariadne Press, 1999 [Studies in Austrian Literature, Culture, and Thought. Translation Series]. Contents: [1] Foreword [Stefan Zweig]. [2] Flight into Immortality [Flucht in die Unsterblichkeit. Die Entdeckung des Pazifischen Ozeans, 25. September 1513]. [3] The Conquest of Byzantium [Die Eroberung von Byzanz, 29. Mai 1453]. [4] George Frederick Handel’s Resurrection [Georg Friedrich Händels Auferstehung, 21. August 1741]. [5] The Geniu
s of One Night [Das Genie einer Nacht. “Die Marseillaise”, 25. April 1792]. [6] The World Minute of Waterloo [Die Weltminute von Waterloo. Napoleon, 18. Juni 1815]. [7] The Marienbad Elegy [Die Marienbader Elegie. Goethe zwischen Karlsbad und Weimar, 5. September 1823]. [8] The Discovery of El Dorado [Die Entdeckung Eldorados. J. A. Suter, Kalifornien, Januar 1848]. [9] Heroic Moment [Der Märtyrer. Dostojewski, 22. Dezember 1849]. [10] The First Word to Cross the Ocean [Das erste Wort über den Ozean. Cyrus W. Field, 28. Juli 1858]. [11] Escape to God [Die Flucht zu Gott. Ein Epilog zu Leo Tolstois unvollendetem Drama ‘Das Licht scheinet in der Finsternis’]. [12] The Battle for the South Pole [Der Kampf um den Südpol. Kapitän Scott, 90. Breitengrad, 16. Januar 1912]. [13] The Sealed Train [Der versiegelte Zug. Lenin, 9. April 1917]. [14] Afterword [Lowell A. Bangerter].

  Emile Verhaeren [Emile Verhaeren]. Translated with a foreword by Jethro Bithell. 274p. Boston/New York: Houghton Mifflin / London: Constable, 1914 [2nd impression 1915]. Reprinted: 274p. Freeport, NY: Arno Press, 1970 [Select Bibliographies Reprint Series]. 274p. Freeport, NY: Books for Libraries, 1971 [Select Bibliographies Reprint Series / Facsimile of the 1914 edition]. 274p. Salem, NH: Ayer, 1984.

  Erasmus [Triumph und Tragik des Erasmus von Rotterdam]. Translated by Eden and Cedar Paul. 226p. London: Cassell, 1934. Reprinted: 226p. Philadelphia: Richard West, 1974.

  Erasmus of Rotterdam [Triumph und Tragik des Erasmus von Rotterdam]. Translated by Eden and Cedar Paul. 247p. New York: Viking Press, 1934. Reprinted: 247p. Garden City, NY: Garden City Publishing Company, 1937. 247p. New York: Viking Press, 1956 [Reprinted 1966] [Compass Books C 10].

  Joseph Fouché. The Portrait of a Politician [Joseph Fouché. Bildnis eines politischen Menschen]. Translated by Eden and Cedar Paul. 327p. London: Cassell / New York: Viking Press, 1930. Reprinted. 327p. New York: Blue Ribbon Books, 1932. 327p. London: Cassell, 1934. New edition. 224p. London: British Publishers Guild, 1948 [Guild Books, 400]. 327p. Philadelphia: Century Bookbindery, 1983.

  Magellan. Pioneer of the Pacific [Magellan. Der Mann und seine Tat]. Translated by Eden and Cedar Paul. 311p. London: Cassell, 1938. See Conqueror of the Seas. The Story of Magellan.

  Marie Antoinette [Marie Antoinette. Bildnis eines mittleren Charakters]. Translated by Eden and Cedar Paul. 528p. New York: Washington Square Press [A division of Simon & Schuster], 1967 [W 928]. 528p. New York: Pocket Books [A division of Simon & Schuster], 1972. 590p. London: Pushkin Press, 2010.

  Marie Antoinette [Marie Antoinette. Bildnis eines mittleren Charakters. Translated by Eden and Cedar Paul. An abridged version] in Reader’s Digest Family Treasury of Great Biographies. 12 vols. Pleasantville, NY: Reader’s Digest Association, Vol. 2 [1970], pp. 281-430.

  Marie Antoinette. The Portrait of an Average Woman [Marie Antoinette. Bildnis eines mittleren Charakters]. Translated by Eden and Cedar Paul. 476p. London: Cassell / New York: Viking Press, 1933 [2nd impression 1934]. Reprinted: 465p. London: Cassell, 1935. 476p. Garden City, NY: Garden City Publishing Company, 1935. 608p. London: Cassell, 1953 [Reprinted 1955, 1960. Hallam Edition]. 528p. New York: Pocket Books, 1954 [A Cardinal Giant, 21]. 476p. Philadelphia: Century Bookbindery, 1983. 476p. New York: Crown, 1984 [Harmony Power and Personality Series]. 476p. London: Cassell, 1988 [Cassell Biographies]. 476p. New York: Grove Press, 2002 [Grove Great Lives]. A pirated photocopied version reprinted with a foreword by Sam Sloan. New York/Tokyo: Ishi Press International, 2010.

  Mary Queen of Scotland and the Isles [Maria Stuart]. Translated by Eden and Cedar Paul. 366p. New York: Viking Press, 1935. Reprinted: 366p. New York: Garden City Publishing Company, 1937 [Star Books]. 366p. New York: Lancer Books, 1962. 366p. New York/Tokyo: Ishi Press International, 2010. This is a pirated photocopied version of the original 1935 Viking Press edition. See The Queen of Scots.

  Mary Stuart [Maria Stuart]. Translated by Eden and Cedar Paul. 446p. London: Pushkin Press, 2011.

  Master Builders. A Typology of the Spirit [Baumeister der Welt]. Translated by Eden and Cedar Paul. 906p. New York: Viking Press, 1939. Contents: [1] Author’s note. Three Masters: [2] Introduction. [3] Balzac. [4] Dickens. [5] Dostoeffsky. The Struggle with the Daimon: [6] Introduction. [7] Hölderlin. [8] Kleist. [9] Nietzsche. Adepts in Self-Portraiture: [10] Introduction. [11] Casanova. [12] Stendhal. [13] Tolstoy.

  Mental Healers: Franz Anton Mesmer - Mary Baker-Eddy - Sigmund Freud [Die Heilung durch den Geist: Mesmer - Mary Baker-Eddy - Freud]. Translated by Eden and Cedar Paul. 363p. New York: Viking Press, 1932. British edition. 363p. London: Cassell, 1933. Reprinted: 363p. Garden City, NY: Garden City Publishing Company, 1934. 363p. New York: Ungar, 1962. Contents: [1] Introduction. [2] Franz Anton Mesmer. [3] Mary Baker-Eddy. [4] Sigmund Freud.

  Paul Verlaine [Verlaine] Translated by Otto Frederick Theis. 91p. Boston: John W. Luce and Company, 1913. Simultaneous printing: Dublin/London: Maunsel, 1913. Reprint of the 1913 Boston edition: New York: AMS Press, 1980.

  The Queen of Scots [Maria Stuart]. Translated by Eden and Cedar Paul. 368p. London: Cassell, 1935. 468p. London: Cassell, 1941 [Reprinted 1950, 1962]. Hallam Edition printed 1950.

  The Right to Heresy. Castellio Against Calvin [Castellio gegen Calvin, oder Ein Gewissen gegen die Gewalt]. Translated by Eden and Cedar Paul. 276p. London: Cassell, 1936. American edition. 238p. New York: Viking Press, 1936. Reprinted: 238p. Boston: Beacon Press, 1951. 300p. New York: Markus Wiener, 1985 [History and Biography Series / Paperback edition].

  Romain Rolland. The Man and His Work [Romain Rolland. Der Mann und das Werk]. Translated by Eden and Cedar Paul. 377p. London: Allen & Unwin / New York: Thomas Seltzer Press, 1921. Reprinted: 377p. New York: Haskell House , 1970 [Studies in French Literature, 45]. 377p. New York: Thomas Seltzer Press, 1970. 377p. New York: Benjamin Blom, 1972. 377p. New York: Arno Press, 1973. 377p. Philadelphia: Richard West, 1973 [Here entitled Romain Rolland. The Man and His Circle]. 377p. Salem, NY: Ayer , 1984. 377p. Darby, PA: Arden Library, no date. 377p. Whitefish, MT: Kessinger, 2005.

  The Story of Magellan [Magellan. Der Mann und seine Tat]. Translated by Eden and Cedar Paul. 335p. Philadelphia: Century Bookbindery, 1983. See Conqueror of the Seas. The Story of Magellan.

  Three Masters: Balzac * Dickens * Dostoeffsky [Drei Meister. Balzac - Dickens - Dostojewski]. Translated by Eden and Cedar Paul. 237p. New York: Viking Press / London: Allen & Unwin, 1930 [Master Builders. An Attempt at the Typology of the Spirit. Vol. 1]. Contents: [1] Introduction. [2] Balzac. [3] Dickens. [4] Dostoeffsky.

  The Tide of Fortune. Twelve Historical Miniatures [Sternstunden der Menschheit. Zwölf historische Miniaturen]. Translated by Eden and Cedar Paul. 232p. London: Cassell, 1940. Subsequent editions. 280p. London: Cassell, 1940 [Reprinted 1941, 1942]. 285p. New York: Viking Press, 1940. 232p. London: Cassell, 1955 [Hallam Edition]. Contents: [1] The Head upon the Rostrum. Cicero’s Death, December 7, 43 B.C. [Cicero]. [2] The Conquest of Byzantium, May 29, 1453 [Die Eroberung von Byzanz, 29. Mai 1453]. [3] Flight into Immortality. Nuñez de Balboa Discovers the Pacific, September 25, 1513 [Flucht in die Unsterblichkeit. Die Entdeckung des Pazifischen Ozeans, 25. September 1513]. [4] The Lord Gave the Word. Handel’s Messiah, August 21, 1741 [Georg Friedrich Händels Auferstehung, 21. August 1741]. [5] The Genius of One Night. The “Marseillaise”, April 25, 1792 [Das Genie einer Nacht. “Die Marseillaise”, 25. April 1792]. [6] The Decisive Hour at Waterloo. Grouchy Obeys Orders, June 18, 1815 [Die Weltminute von Waterloo. Napoleon, 18. Juni 1815]. [7] The Marienbad Elegy. Goethe’s Last Love, September 5, 1823 [Die Marienbader Elegie. Goethe zwischen Karlsbad und Weimar, 5. September 1823]. [8] Eldorado. Sutter’s Gold, January 12, 1848 [Die Entdeckung Eldorados. J. A. Suter, Kalifornien, Januar 1848]. [9] First Word across the Atlantic. Cyrus Field’s Cable, August 5, 1858 [Das erste Wort über den Ozean. Cyrus W. Field, 28. Juli 1858]. [10] Quest of the South Pole. Scott Reaches the Pole, January 16, 1912 [Der Kampf um den Südpol. Kapiän Scott, 90. Breitengrad, 16. Januar 1912]. [11] The Sealed Train. Lenin Leaves Zürich, April 9, 1917 [Der versiegelte Zug. Lenin, 9. April 1917]. [
12] Wilson’s Failure, April 15, 1919 [Wilson versagt, 15. April 1919].

  The World of Yesterday [Die Welt von Gestern. Erinnerungen eines Europäers]. Translated by Anthea Bell. 474p. London: Pushkin Press, 2009.

  The World of Yesterday. An Autobiography [Die Welt von Gestern. Erinnerungen eines Europäers]. Translated by Benjamin W. Huebsch and Helmut Ripperger. 339p. London: Cassell, 1943 [Reprinted 1944]. Subsequent editions: 455p. New York: Viking Press, 1943. 310p. London/ Toronto/ Melbourne/Sydney: Cassell, 1944. 445p. London: Cassell, 1947. 449p. London: Cassell, 1953 [Hallam Edition]. 445p. Introduction by Harry Zohn. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1964 [A Bison Book, BB 181]. 445p. New York: Arden Press, 1977.

  Secondary Literature

  Acocella, Joan. “Quicksand” in Twenty-eight Artists and Two Saints. Essays. By Joan Acocella. New York: Pantheon Books, 2007, pp. 51-61.


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