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Meta Gods War 2

Page 27

by B N Miles

Lord Remorn glared at Elder Frew, but the large man didn’t back down. Slowly, Remorn’s gaze swept back to Cam.

  “All right then,” he said, his tone icy. “Speak your mind, Camrus.”

  “Thank you, Lord Remorn.” Cam inclined his head. “I understand this may seem like a surprise, but my relationship with your daughter is very much real and very important to both of us. We went to the Elders for their blessing, and we have every intention of marrying within the week. I hope you can accept that, Lord, and I very much look forward to being a part of your family.”

  Lord Remorn’s face twisted into a sneer. He leaned forward, his fingers digging into the wooden table, his face turning red.

  “I will not hear of this again,” he said. “You are not marrying my daughter. You will not waste any more time here.”

  “Father,” Galla said. “We are marrying. Please, Elder Frew, tell him.”

  Elder Frew threw his hands wide and let out a grunt. “The girl speaks true,” he said. “We gave her our blessing.”

  “All of you?” Lord Remorn asked.

  “Enough of us,” Frew said, his eyes hard. “Almost all of us.”

  “You can’t just… you can’t just…” Lord Remorn’s face turned purple as he stood up straight and whirled on his daughter. “You embarrassing little bitch,” he said. “You’ve been poking, prodding, manipulating, and playing your little games in these halls for too long. I’ve turned a blind eye because I love you and you’re so much like your mother, but Urspirit as my witness, you’ve gone too far now. You will not marry Cam, and you will not speak at these councils again.”

  “Father,” Galla said, her voice calm and even. “I’m marrying Cam.”

  “Get out,” he said. “Both of you, get out. You foolish, stupid children. Get out and think about what you’re doing. We’ll speak of this later.”

  Galla nodded, turned, bowed to the assembled group, and walked around the table. She flowed like water toward Cam, graceful and light on her feet. Every man stared at her, including Cam. He couldn’t keep his eyes off his future wife. Where she looked calm and collected, he felt like he was going to fall apart.

  But he refused to show it. When she reached him, he offered her his arm, which she accepted with a smile. Together, they walked out of the council chamber.

  Once the door was shut, and they were a safe distance away, Cam let out a breath and leaned up against the wall of a dark, deserted hallway.

  “That went great,” he said.

  Galla laughed and her eyes sparkled in the light of their single lamp. She stepped close to Cam and put her hands on his chest. His eyes moved down from her nose to her lips to her breasts and back up again.

  “You were perfect,” she said. “Oh Urspirit, Cam. My father is going to scream at me.”

  Cam shook his head. She sounded delighted, like it was exactly what she wanted.

  “I don’t understand why making him angry is a good thing.”

  “He looks weak,” she said. “Did you see the way the others looked at him? Cam, we have permission from the Elders. There’s nothing he can do about it. And even if he wanted to try and break it off, the smart thing would have been to pretend like he was happy and wait until after council. But instead, he acted like a little child.”

  She stood up on her toes and kissed Cam’s cheek. He felt a flush as his hands came up to rest on her hips. His heart beat quickly as she stared into his eyes.

  “If you say that went well, I’ll believe you,” Cam said. “But I suspect I won’t be welcome in council for a while.”

  “Oh, I wouldn’t be so sure,” she said. “I have a feeling the Elders will protest, and we’ll be back in there the next time they meet.”

  Cam tilted his head and couldn’t help but smile. “You have it all worked out, don’t you?”

  “I have some of it worked out,” she said.

  They stayed there in the empty tunnel, the light of a single lamp flickering in the invisible patterns of flowing air that wafted through the Mansion. He stared into his future wife’s eyes and wanted her, gods he wanted her right then and there. He could almost taste her skin, her tongue, her lips.

  But a Warden could be along at any moment, and besides, he still hadn’t spoken with Key. He couldn’t do anything with Galla, not really, not until he explained everything to Key.

  “I should go,” he said.

  She tilted her head, a little disappointed smile on her lips. “Are you sure?” she asked. “We are going to be man and wife soon.”

  He gripped her hips, and for a moment, he thought he might tear off that pretty dress and take a look at that beautiful body he knew she was hiding.

  But instead, he moved her away and pushed off the wall.

  “I need to find Key,” he said. “We didn’t leave things in a good place.”

  “Ah,” Galla said, tilting her head. “She’s not happy about this.”

  “She needs some convicting.”

  She laughed. “I can help, if you want,” she said.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  “All right then.” She reached out and took his arm. “Walk me back to my rooms. Then you’re free to go.”

  Cam nodded and let her lead the way. They moved from the sparse eastern wing into the more heavily populated western half, and he could have sworn she was purposefully walking them through densely packed halls and large common areas. It was like she wanted them to be seen together by as many eyes as possible.

  They reached the far side of the eastern wing and the Lord’s rooms. It was a single door at the end of a short hall guarded by a man in leather armor with a sword at his hip. He didn’t turn toward them as they approached, simply stared straight ahead.

  “You don’t have to pretend to be a statue, Shaggar,” Galla said.

  The guard glanced at her and frowned. “It’s more professional.”

  “Statues make terrible guards.” Galla sighed and shook her head then stepped up to the door. She produced a key and unlocked it. She turned back to Cam and put a hand on his arm.

  “I’ll see you later,” Cam said. “We have a lot to discuss.”

  “Yes, we do, my future husband.” She kissed him on the cheek again then turned and disappeared into the room.

  He lingered for a moment then turned away. He caught Shaggar staring daggers at him, but he ignored the guard’s glare. He figured the man was a personal guard for the Lord, and of course he wouldn’t be happy about some new interloper.

  None of it mattered, though. He wouldn’t actually marry Galla, not until he got Key’s blessing.

  What happened back in that council chamber was just playacting. They were playing their roles according to Galla’s script, and as far as Cam could tell, the show went exactly as she intended it to.

  He had to admit, she really was formidable. With her by his side, he was sure he could go on to big things. If she could work her magic on the whole Mansion, he could end up the head of the army, and maybe the Mansion really did have a chance.

  He took a deep breath and walked away from the Lord’s wing, angling back toward the western half of the Mansion.


  Cam stood in the entrance to the training room and watched as Key went through the forms and motions Miuri had taught them.

  Key wore a light gray tunic that was buttoned at the top and tucked into her tight trousers. She had no boots on, and she morphed from one form into the next, seamless and with surprising ease. Her spear flashed through the air, slicing and stabbing and spinning, as sweat dripped down her smooth, pale skin and her golden hair bounced with each rough motion.

  When she finished the forms, she stood in the middle of the room, breathing hard. She half turned toward Cam, the spear gripped in her hand.

  “You sure you want to talk to me right now?” she asked.

  Cam shrugged. “I like to think you’re not mad enough to run me through.”

  She gave him a look. “I wouldn’t assume anythi

  He hesitated with a hand on his sword hilt before stepping into the room. For a second, he thought she was going to stand down.

  But instead, she turned to him, spear in her hands held ready.

  “Key,” Cam said.

  “If you want to be in here, then we’re sparring,” she said.

  Without giving him time to consider, she came at him fast, her spear tip flashing out.

  He barely managed to dodge the strike. The tip sliced through the air inches to his right and would’ve impaled him if he hadn’t moved. He took a sharp breath, dancing back, just as Key sliced a wide arc where his neck had been.

  She wasn’t messing around. Cam dodged another flurry of blows, barely keeping her out of range. She closed with quick feet, slicing, spinning her staff, and brought the dull end up to connect with a hard thwack against his ribs.

  He grunted in pain and slipped in close. She tried to backpedal but he was faster. He brought his palm in hard to slam against her midsection, knocking the breath from her. She gasped and stumbled back, whipping her spear up, knocking the dull end against his knee.

  Cam grunted and dropped down. He threw himself to the side as the spear tip sliced downward, cutting through the air. He rolled and scrambled to his feet in time to dance backward away from her again.

  “Key,” he said. “Enough.”

  “I’m not done,” she said through a clenched jaw, coming right back at him.

  Cam drew his sword as she charged. He knew he had no chance unarmed against her when she was like this. He knocked a thrust away, parried the dull end, and slipped to the side. He brought the flat of his blade down hard on her right hand, making her cry out and release the spear. She spun and kicked out, landing a blow on his thigh. He grunted in pain and came at her, slicing through the air.

  She caught his attack on the haft of her weapon, holding him away. But he pushed, forcing her backward. She took slow steps as Cam growled and shoved her once. She stumbled and slammed back against the wall.

  Cam came fast. Before she could get her spear up, he caught the low end with the tip of his sword and spun it up. He wrenched the weapon from her one hand, then stepped in her guard, releasing his blade with one hand, and grabbed the haft of her spear. He slammed his shoulder into her body, making her gasp, and ripped the spear away. He threw it down on the ground and pinned her there against the wall.

  Her eyes were wide with anger and she took sharp, heaving breaths. Sweat poured down her forehead.

  “Let me go,” she said.

  “No,” Cam said. “You tried to cut my throat open. You need to calm down.”

  “Let me go!” She struggled, kicked at him, but he held her tight. He let her hit him a few times, let her get her frustration out, and he clenched his jaw in pain.

  “Stop, Key,” he said. “You need to calm down.”

  They stared at each other for a long moment, and then she abruptly stropped struggling. She let him pin her there, and he saw her lip quiver as her expression shifted from anger to pure, simple hurt.

  “Why would you want to marry her and not me?” she asked.

  Cam blinked in surprise. He saw tears well up in her eyes and she blinked them away, her jaw set. She turned her face and stared down at the floor, and for a short beat Cam didn’t know what to say.

  He released her and sheathed his sword. She stayed there but crossed her arms over her chest like she was hugging herself.

  “Key,” he said, his voice soft. “It’s not about what I want.”

  “Yes, it is,” she said. “Of course it is. I don’t blame you. Galla’s beautiful and rich. She’s a real lady, and I’m just…” She trailed off.

  “Key.” Cam stepped forward again. He reached out and touched her cheek and she didn’t flinch away. “For as long as I’ve known you, I’ve wanted nothing more than to marry you.”

  She met his gaze. Tears were in her eyes, but she refused to let them fall. He admired her, gods he truly did. He’d loved her for so long, his first love, his deepest love. She knew him better than anyone else, and he knew in that instant that if nothing had happened, if the wolves had never come, he could’ve been happy with her, happy with her and their children in their little village. Key would have made a perfect wife, and he would have been happy to have her.

  But the world crumbled instead, and they found themselves in a strange position.

  “Maybe that was true once,” she said. “But now you have so much more.”

  “Key,” he said. “I love you. I’ve always loved you.”

  “But you love Miuri and Felin too.”

  He nodded. “I do,” he said. “And you love them just as much as I do.”

  “But I don’t love Galla,” she said.

  “I don’t either,” Cam said. “I’m marrying Galla because she’s the first step toward something bigger. She knows it just as well as I do. Maybe one day I’ll develop more for her, and I think you will, too. But right now, I promise you Key, this is only about moving our little family forward.”

  She stood there for several deep breaths before dropping her eyes. Cam let his eyes roam her body for a moment before meeting her gaze. She bit her lip and her fingers curled back against the stone.

  “Is that what you really want?” she asked. “To play these political games?”

  “No,” Cam said. “It’s not what I want at all. I want to be out there helping people. But I can help more people if I play the games and take power while I still can. Galla knows this place, she knows how to make it work for us, and I’d be a fool to turn my back on that. With her by our side, we can do things we never would have dreamed of.”

  Key let out a sigh and leaned her head back against the stone. She closed her eyes and tears rolled down her cheeks. Cam reached out and wiped them away, and she smiled a little as she opened her eyes again.

  “I know you’re right,” she said. “And maybe this is stupid. But I always thought I’d be the first one you married, you know? Miuri doesn’t care about marriage, and Felin has some weird notions about it, and I just thought…”

  “I thought that too,” Cam said. “I always planned on making you my wife. And Key, if you still want it, I will. I promise you, after I’ve made things official with Galla, I’ll marry you, too.”

  She smiled. “Imagine the gossip.”

  “A man can have more than one wife.”

  “If he can afford her.” She tilted her head, the smile getting bigger. “Can you afford me, Cam?”

  He stepped close and pinned her hands against the wall. She took a little breath as he kissed her neck then kissed her lips. She struggled, but he held her tight, and she was smiling when he pulled back.

  “I can afford you,” he said. “I can more than afford you.”

  “We’ll see about that.”

  He tightened his grip and kissed her one more time before releasing her. He stepped away, his heart beating fast. He walked a few paces away and picked up her spear. He held it in his hands for a moment, testing its weight. He hadn’t fought with a spear in a few weeks now, and it felt good to hold one again.

  “You really tried to kill me back there,” he said, tossing it to her.

  She caught it. “You deserved it.”

  “I doubt that.”

  She shrugged. “I guess I knew you could handle it, at least.”

  “Good thing I’ve been taking lessons.” He patted his sword hilt. “Otherwise, I think I’d be dead right now.”

  She snorted. “I wouldn’t kill you,” she said. “Just wound you. Badly.”

  Cam smirked at her and slid his sword from its sheath. “How about we go again,” he said. “Loser takes off some clothes.”

  Her eyes went wide and a little smile quirked her lips.

  “Are you sure about that?” she asked. “You’ll end up naked and frustrated if we keep going.”

  “I have a feeling you’ll end up naked, and I’ll be very satisfied by the end of this.”

She grinned. “All right then,” she said. “But I’m not sure Galla would approve.”

  “I suspect Galla would watch and love every second of it.” He dropped into a fighting stance. “Now get over here and let me kick your ass then fuck you until you scream.”

  She spun her spear and laughed. “Gladly.”

  She came at him fast, slicing forward with a vicious grin on her lips.


  The next morning, Cam woke early and prepared breakfast for his girls.

  Key came out first, her golden hair askew. Her tunic hung unbuttoned down the front, barely covering her breasts. She kissed Cam’s neck and accepted her bowl of warm oatmeal, strips of grilled fish, and a healthy dollop of spicy Elven sauce.

  Felin was next. She snuggled up with Key on the couch, and the girls ate and talked about training and finding some better food.

  Miuri came last. She looked tired, which wasn’t like herself. She drifted over to Cam and kissed his cheek.

  “Look at you,” she said. “Cooking for the girls.”

  “I’m full of surprises.”

  She laughed and lingered next to him. “I assume you talked to her,” she said.

  “What makes you think that?”

  “She’s not trying to kill you in your sleep.” She smiled at him and nuzzled against his neck. “And I poked my head in during your little training session yesterday. Just so you know, those were definitely not techniques I taught you, but it looked very… effective.”

  Cam grinned. “Key seemed to like them, at any rate. Why didn’t you join in?”

  “I thought you two might need some alone time.”

  Cam kissed her lips. “Thank you.”

  She waved him away but stayed leaning against him. She watched as Felin said something and Key laughed, leaning her head back against the couch. They were sprawled on each other and looked so comfortable. Cam remembered when Felin first joined them, and how awkward she had been at first.

  But now, she was a part of their lives. Galla might be a part of their lives soon too, he realized.

  “A lot’s going to change,” Miuri said, staring at Key and Felin.


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