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Protect Me: A Mafia Romance (The Rossi Crime Family Book 1)

Page 8

by Cassandra Hallman

  “A soon to be dead man.” I pull my phone from my pocket and dial Toni’s number.

  After two rings, he answers, “Boss?”

  “I need some men sent out to Keira’s place. I’ve got a live body, and I need it moved to the basement.”

  Keira’s eyes go wide. She doesn’t understand anything I’ve said, but she will when she sees what’s going to happen.

  “All right. I’ll send some men out now.”

  On Toni’s confirmation, I hang up and pocket my phone. I have half a mind to kill this bastard now, but if I do, I miss the precious opportunity to get information from him.

  “Are you going to kill him?”

  I shrug. “Eventually, but right now, I’m going to use him to the best of my advantage. The guy he works for is after you.”

  I watch as she stands in the hall nervous, her eyes refusing to look at anything but the two feet in front of her. Being here scares her, and I wish it didn't. I wish the world was a better place and she never ended up in this situation. But the world is hateful, cruel, and will kick you when you’re down. And some of the scariest monsters hide in plain sight.


  My fist connects with his jaw again, making his head swing to the side. Blood pours from his nose and mouth. My knuckles start to swell and turn blue. The pain is an absent thought—I could do this all night, but beating the shit out of him with my fists isn't going to get me the answers I want.

  I decide to switch to a knife to get this show on the road. As soon as I unsheathe the blade the bastard’s eyes go wide.

  “Are you ready to tell me why my brother sent you? Or maybe what the fuck he wants with Keira?” I loom over him, sliding the blade across the fucker’s bare chest. He has a Rossi Crime tattoo on his chest, and I consider skinning him and sending the fucking thing to my brother.

  “I’m a dead man anyway, but you know that already—so why would I tell you anything?” He can barely talk. Blood is filling his mouth from a cut inside his cheek, and he keeps spitting the red out. It flies everywhere, and it’s fucking annoying the shit out of me.

  “You are right about that, but if you do tell me what I want to know I’ll kill you much quicker and with much less pain. Maybe if you tell me now, I won’t come after the people you love next.” The asshole starts laughing, actually fucking laughing, and I wonder if this guy has balls of steel.

  “You know better than anyone that guys like us don’t get to love anybody. No family. No kids. No wives. You can try to kill ‘em but they don’t exist.”

  I know we shouldn’t have attachments.

  I walk over to the table and select a new knife, a deadlier one. I run my thumb over the sharp edge. The blade cuts into my skin, causing the blood to swell over the insignificant cut.

  Sharp enough to cut through bone...I hope. I rub at my jaw, staring down at the idiot like he’s a science project instead of a human.

  “Alright then, let’s see if you change your mind after I carve some holes in your legs.” With complete precision, I take the knife and start cutting slowly into his upper thigh. I take my time slicing through skin as if I’m field dressing an animal. The fucker starts screaming right away. Music to my fucking ears.

  I would be a lying bastard if I said his screams didn't bring me immense pleasure. Having this kind of control and power makes me feel invincible—like a fucking king. I toss the chunk of flesh to the floor like it's a piece of garbage. Blood is everywhere—on my hands, dripping on the floor.

  I’m about to slice a second piece of flesh out when the door opens.

  I look up from the task at hand, ready to yell at the unlucky bastard who walked in at the wrong time when I realize it isn't one of my men—but my woman. Beautiful, vibrant brown eyes stare back at me, and for a moment, they make me stop and forget where I am and what I’m doing.

  “I told you to wait upstairs,” I snarl.

  I don’t like her seeing this side of me—the darker, unhinged side. I want to be a good man and hide and shield all the bad in the world from her.

  “I don’t want you to kill him.” Her voice is small and pleading, and that makes me furious.

  Doesn't she understand how this works?

  “You do realize he would have killed you in a heartbeat. Actually, he would have probably raped you first, then killed you.”

  I watch her recoil at my words, and I almost wish I wouldn't have said them, but she needs to hear this. Needs to understand what kind of people are after her. They're not like me. They will not offer her a chance. They'll just take. Which is why I'm here now, protecting her, making certain she’s okay.

  “Why don’t you stay and watch?”

  Her eyes go wide, but she doesn't make a move to leave. Her body trembles, and I fear how she'll look at me after this moment.

  Shoving the insecure thoughts away, I turn my attention back to the asshole in front of me. “Last chance to speak.”

  “Fuck you,” he gurgles.

  I’m shocked the man hasn't bled out yet. Must be his lucky day.

  “Nice choice of final words.” I grab him by the head and pull it back, exposing his throat. I hold the knife to the skin under his ear and drag it across to the other side. The knife easily slides through the flesh.

  If he wasn't bleeding out before—he is now. Blood pours from the wound like a small waterfall over his chest and into his lap. There's a copper tinge to the air, and I can taste blood on my tongue.

  My gaze flashes to Kiera standing in the doorway, looking like she grew roots and became one with the floor. I place the knife back on the table and take a step toward her. All the blood drains from her face, making her look as pale as a ghost. I'm not doing this to scare her, but to show her how ruthless this world can be—and maybe so she can see the real monster I am.

  “This is how my world works, Keira. It has been like this since before I was born, and it’s never going to change. It’s kill or be killed.”

  Shock and fear reflect back at me in her eyes, giving away just how terrified she is. I want to comfort her, but my hand and clothes still have this fucker’s blood on them.

  I can’t touch her like this. I don’t think she would want me to touch her either. I take another step toward her, and she takes a step back. Then she stares at me for a long moment before turning and running back the way she came.

  Emotions swirl out of control inside me. Maybe giving her some time to digest this would be the best plan of action—because as badly as I want to go to comfort her, I know she needs to see this for what it is.

  A world where you kill or be killed.

  Chapter 11


  Witnessing Damon as the cruel criminal he’s always claimed to be is terrifying. I knew he killed people, but there’s nothing like actually seeing it occur right in front of you. I walk up the stairs two at a time and right past two of his men standing guard at the top.

  They don’t pay me any attention, and I don’t pay them any. I’m confused. My stomach twists into knots. The same hands that bring me pleasure, also deliver death.

  I need to stop thinking about that man in the basement, imagining him dead. I start walking around the club carelessly. I don’t want to be here right now, but I told Damon I wouldn’t leave again, and I wasn’t going to break that promise—no matter what he had done.

  Instead of breaking down crying or running away, I head back to Damon’s office. The hall is quiet, quieter than usual. I’m almost to the door, my fingers grasping for the knob, but that’s as far as I get.

  In an instant, someone grabs me from behind, flipping me around and slamming me into the nearest wall. My vision blurs. The air in my lungs expels. Fear overtakes me.

  Before a scream can rip from my throat, a hand is wrapping around it, squeezing so hard, blackness overtakes my vision.

  Eyes so dark and cold they make me shiver stare me down. I’ve never seen this man’s face before, but he looks oddly familiar.

  “Sweet, Ki
era, I’ve been looking for you.”

  He smells dangerous, and his body takes up all the space in the hall. He holds me with little effort, and I don’t even make an attempt to escape. There would be no point. He could easily snap my neck.

  “Didn’t you get my message? I told you I was coming for you. You should have just waited for me at your place.” There’s a hint of humor to his words. A sinister smile pulls at his lips, revealing perfectly straight white teeth. Of course, the lion about to devour me has perfect teeth.

  He leans closer, his nose skimming over my throbbing pulse. “I hope my brother has taken good care of you for me.”


  He must see the confusion and shock in my eyes. He pulls back a little and releases his grip on my throat. I suck in a greedy breath.

  “Damon didn’t tell you, did he? That you belong to his big brother.”

  The man before me picks up a piece of hair off my shoulder. His eyes inspect it like it’s the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen.

  “You know the only reason he wants you is because I own you. He always wants things that don’t belong to him. He’s been that way since we were kids.”

  I know I need to try and remain calm, to use my voice, to make myself heard.

  “No one owns me, not you, and definitely not Damon.” The man smirks at me, and in his eyes, I see pain and death.

  “Is that so?” His words tickle my ear, and before I know it, I’m being dragged through the back door. I’m just about to ask a question when the door to an SUV opens and the man holding my arm pushes me inside. “Let’s go for a ride, Keira. I have a couple questions to ask you about your brother.”

  I gulp as his big body climbs in behind me. I move across the bench seat, going to the other side of the car, huddling near the door.

  When the door to the SUV closes, trapping me inside with this nameless man, I panic. My body starts to shake, and black dots appear over my vision.

  “Relax. I’m not going to kill you.” He smiles, then adds, “Yet.”

  “I don’t have anything, and I know nothing. I swear.” Tears sting my eyes. A part of me feels like life would be easier if I died. All I’m doing now is running from one monster to another.

  When the SUV starts moving, I sink my fingers into the leather seat, wishing I could go back in time.

  “I’m sorry for not introducing myself sooner. I’m Xander Rossi.”

  I blink, my eyes lifting to his. Now I understand why his face looked so familiar. He’s an older looking version of Damon. Everything he said now makes sense.

  “You’re Damon’s brother,” I whisper.

  He chuckles. “I see you’ve finally put the pieces together.” The man before me screams danger and oozes power. It’s a scary combination.

  “You’re the one after me, so what do you want?” I already know the answer.

  He stares at me a moment. There is no warmth in his brown eyes, no emotions, nothing.

  “That. I. Am. I have some questions for you, and as long as you answer them to the best of your knowledge, nothing ill will happen to you. But lie to me, Keira…” His hand lifts and comes to rest against my knee. He gently squeezes it, a warning, proving the hold he has over me.

  I shiver. Fear like I’ve never felt spirals out of control inside me. “Please don’t,” I whimper.

  “I won’t hurt you...not unless I have to. You’re more valuable alive than dead, but that doesn’t mean I won’t hurt you if you lie to me.”

  I nod. All I need to do is answer his questions, and then I can walk away.

  “What...? What do you want to know?” I stumble, feeling small and insignificant in his presence.

  “Well, first…” He releases his hold on my knee and casually leans back, “were you aware your brother was stealing money from me?”

  I shake my head. I get the feeling I’m not going to like the things I discover about my brother today.

  “Use words,” Xander demands.

  “No. I didn’t know.” I gain enough courage to spit the words out, knowing if I didn’t, I could end up with a black eye. Xander doesn’t look like he’s opposed to beating women, and I don’t really want to find out.

  “Good. So, you’re telling me you had no idea your brother was doing illegal things? Drug trafficking, auctions, prostitution.”

  I blink, the contents of my stomach churning. Now I know why my brother always had money—why he was able to afford clothes and my schooling.

  “I didn’t know. I knew he was making good money, but I didn’t know what he was doing. He never shared his work with me—and I never asked.”

  Xander stares at me, appearing to digest my response. I lick my lips, afraid he may not accept my answer and I’ll end up dead on the side of the road in a gutter—or worse, raped and beaten.

  “I swear…” I whimper, feeling Xander’s cold gaze on my face. Time seems to stand still.

  “Do you know what is going to happen to you if you lie to me, or try to run from me again?”

  I shake my head. “N-N-o-o.”

  Xander smiles, leaning his body into mine, causing me to curl into myself. “If I find you’ve done either of those things, I will hunt you down and take you back to my club, then I will fuck you bloody until you beg me to stop. And when I’ve had my fill, I’ll give you to my men to be used. They’ll fuck you as well, and then they’ll slit your throat and watch the blood drain from your lifeless body.”

  The SUV comes to a stop, and without thinking, I open the passenger door. All the contents in my stomach empty onto the ground. My eyes burn, tears slipping down my cheeks. I feel a cold gun pressed into my side, halting any further movement.

  My body shakes with every breath I take. My brother got himself killed gaining an easy way out, but I’m still alive, and I’m paying for his actions.

  “Do you understand the consequences, Keira?” I feel his hot breath on my neck. I’m still hanging out the side of the car, my body swaying like leaves in the breeze.

  “Yes. Yes, I understand.” The words come out calm, too calm, and I wonder how long it’ll be before death and I meet.

  I’m alone, tired, exhausted, and above all, I am done.

  “Good. Get the fuck out of my car. I’ll be back to check on you, and when I do, you better be here.” Xander gives me a shove, and I slip out of the SUV on wobbly legs.

  “Oh, and don’t tell Damon about our little conversation. This one stays between you and I, sweetheart.”

  My knees go weak, and I almost fall to the ground. Then he closes the door behind him, and the SUV drives off into the night, as if it was never there to begin with.

  I’m back in Night Shift’s parking lot. The evil cycle continues. I’m trapped between the Rossi brothers.

  With the bright street lights shining down on me, I move into the packed parking lot. I’m not sure where I’m going or what I’m going to do. I doubt my bank cards work anymore, and even if I did run away, Damon and Xander would come for me. They both threatened me, and I believe them.

  I have no place to go. No place to hide. No way out of this.

  There’s only one thing to do.

  A choice must be made.

  And it will be the lesser evil.

  I drag my feet across the parking lot, forcing each step toward the back door. Before I can even lift my hand to reach for the handle, the door flies open and Damon's large frame appears in front of me. His eyes are full of fury, like a bull on the verge of charging—at me.

  “What the hell are you doing out here?”

  I want to tell him what happened—that I know his brother is the man after me. I want Damon to take me in his arms and tell me everything is going to be okay…tell me he will always protect me—even from his own brother. But Xander’s warning rings in my ears, and I can’t shake the threat. He might not kill Damon, but he’ll kill me, and I value my life—even if it is pretty shitty right now.

  “I just needed some fresh air,” I lie, trying
to hide the tiredness and sadness from my face. I’m starting to think the only way out of this mess will be from a bullet to the head.

  The fury rolling off Damon pulls me back to the present. His anger suffocates me, and I hate that he’s mad and there’s nothing I can do about it.

  He doesn’t buy what I’ve told him, and I think he can smell the lie on me.

  Instead of dragging me back inside—like I half expected—he walks outside, letting the door close behind him.

  “Let’s go home.” He unlocks his car and grabs my hand, tugging me along. I can still feel the anger radiating off him, but he does a better job concealing it now. It isn’t until we are in the car that I notice Damon is clean and wearing different clothes. I guess he keeps extra clothes on hand for when things get messy.

  I get into the car and lean against the window.

  I’m caught between two killers.

  One wants to love me, and one wants to literally kill me.

  The chances of surviving this horrible predicament seem slimmer and slimmer everyday...and still…when I close my eyes, I see myself with Damon, celebrating a life I know we will never be able to live.

  A life full of love and laughter—full of happiness.

  Chapter 12


  I don’t want to lose it, but I feel the blackness closing around me. This is why feelings never work. Why I promised myself I would never fall for a woman.

  My thoughts are twisted and warped, mixing with my past. I know I need to care for Keira, but she makes it so fucking hard when she doesn’t listen—when she’s so naive and kind. It literally kills me to bring her into the darkness.

  She rests against the passenger window. Her eyes are closed, and she looks as if she is sleeping. I grip the steering wheel, trying to cool my heated blood, trying to stop myself from losing it.

  I keep the fury contained long enough to make it home, and as soon as I park and get out, I lose it. I unleash myself against the brick exterior of the house. My fists slam into the unforgiving brick over and over. The pain reminds me I am in fact human, and very capable of breaking bones.


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