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How We Fell in Love: Grace and James's short story

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by Toni Aleo

  She blinks twice and then leans back, a slow grin spreading over her fake face. “I know where I stand with you brother, Grace. I know what we’re doing—he is very honest. Do I hope he’ll fall desperately in love with me? Of course I do, but I’m not naïve. We’re enjoying each other’s company, but that doesn’t mean I can’t hire a damn good designer.”

  I don’t believe her for a second, which means one thing. I’ve got to get in here, learn everything I can, make some contacts, and get ready to be on my own.

  ’Cause she’ll fire me the moment Shea kicks her out of his bed.

  That Night.

  “I’m under the impression she thinks she’s got her claws into you. Though, she did say she’s not naïve.”

  Shea glances over at me from his matching recliner, sipping a beer. “She’s a decent enough girl. Just not my girl.”

  I shrug as I kick back in my own recliner, holding my beer loosely in my fingertips. This is how I picture a perfect night. SportsCenter on the TV, a beer, my recliner, and my brother. All that’s missing is some KitKats. Life would be really good then.

  Since leaving the office of the Planning Guru with my new planner and business cell phone, I’ve felt a few different emotions. Excitement for the opportunity, nervousness because Jackie could and will drop me the moment Shea drops her, and I am actually a little embarrassed to say this…but I’ve been thinking about that James guy since I left. He was yummy.

  “So, you know James Justice?”

  Shea glances over at me. “Yeah, he’s a good buddy.”

  “I met him today,” I say, looking down at my beer bottle.

  “Real nice guy.”

  A silence falls over us. I want to ask questions, but I don’t want to seem interested. Because I’m not. He’s hot, but I doubt I’ll ever see him again. When Shea clears his throat, I look over at him as I lift my beer to my lips. He’s pulling at the label on his beer. Crap, he’s nervous.


  He doesn’t look at me; he just keeps pulling at the label. “I have a question.”

  That doesn’t seem bad, but his face is all twisted up. “Okay.”

  “Don’t take this wrong, okay? I love you, and I’m so glad you’re here. Honestly.”

  He finally looks at me, and I raise a brow. “Okay,” I draw out, trying to read what he is going to say, but he looks away.

  “What happens when I do meet the one?”

  Oh. “Well, that came out of nowhere.”

  He smiles shyly. “Grace, you moved in and made this place yours.”

  “Hey, it’s both of ours!”

  He gives me a dry look. “No, it’s yours. I’m just going with it, and I’m not trying to start a fight.”

  I raise a brow because that’s what it feels like. I thought he liked the design.

  “I thought you’d only stay until you got on your feet, but I feel like that isn’t your plan. You’ve moved in, and I really don’t see you leaving.”

  I blink. “I thought I was moving in with you.”

  He takes a deep breath and then holds up a hand. “Yes, of course, you are, but what happens when I meet her? Will you be okay?”

  My heart hurts a bit. “Are you looking for her?”

  He smiles. “Eh, not really, but I get around. She could fall in my lap.”


  “Or better yet, what happens when you do?” he asks, and when he flashes me a grin, I can’t help it, I laugh.

  “Shea, be real. You’ll find someone before I do.”

  “I don’t think so. I think you’ll go first.”

  I laugh ruefully. “No way. Men and I don’t mix. Something always goes wrong.”

  “But what happens? We can’t all live together with our spouses. I bet you anything they’ll already hate our relationship.”

  I look away then, really thinking it over. “Well, that won’t work. We’ll have to find people who love us both.”

  “That hardly ever happens. You’ve heard the horror stories of in-laws.”

  I have, and I refuse to live like that. “Fine, we’re a package deal. They don’t like it, we move on.” He gives me an incredulous look, and I blink. “I don’t know. Shit, are we weird?”

  He’s holding in his laughter. “I think Dad has been telling us that for years.”

  I snort as I lean my head back, our laughter dying down. “I guess when all that happens, we’ll know.”

  “Know what?” he asks, his brows nearly touching.

  “That we’re adults.”

  He smiles widely. “I think that’s what we are now.”

  “Nah, it’s all a lie.”

  He chuckles softly, and I smile as I watch him. I’ve always wondered how I’ll love anyone more than Shea. It’s a beautiful thing to have someone who just gets you and has your back no matter what. With most men, I have to put out for even a fraction of the support and love Shea gives me. His words don’t fall on deaf ears. But, he’s wrong thinking I’ll go before he does. Shea’s a catch, and when he meets the one, he’ll be knocked on his ass for sure. He’s a hopeless romantic, while I’m not. Sometimes I feel like I’m not lovable. Which is why I’m drinking beer with my brother on a Friday night. In our condo. In our recliners like two old biddies.

  Yup, I’m a real catch.

  March 31st

  As the door shuts on Shea’s best friend and another player on the Nashville Assassins, Alex Welch, I fall back in my recliner with a heavy sigh. Shea moves across the living room to place his guitar against the wall. When he told me he was going to start playing, I remember laughing out loud. I was sure he didn’t have a musical bone in his body, but I was wrong. He actually sounded good, but I think that’s mostly because Alex is a god. I don’t say that lightly. Alex is absolutely gorgeous, dark hair, bright-blue eyes, and a body to kill for. But it’s not only his looks. He’s hysterical but serious at the same time. Add in the fact that his wife and his girls are his world, and he makes single girls like me green with envy.

  I want an Alex Welch.

  Someone who would die for me but who looks as if he could break my heart at the same time.

  “His wife is the luckiest woman on the earth.”

  Shea scoffs, shaking his head as he turns to face me before heading across the living room toward the kitchen. “She has to deal with a lot. Girls claiming they’re sleeping with him and shit. He has to treat her like the queen she is, or she’ll take him for everything he’s worth.”

  When he laughs, I smile. “But it’s more than that.”

  “Oh yeah, he loves her. Like soul-mate love. It’s refreshing.”

  Good Lord. Shea looks so silly, shrugging and acting all shy. I snort. “Shea, be real. All that is totally fake.”

  He rolls his eyes. “Says you. I actually can’t wait to meet my soul mate.”

  “She doesn’t exist. We just find someone we don’t hate and stay with them until they cheat on us.”

  “That’s bullshit, and you know it,” he says to me, his face blank. “Mom and Dad are made for each other.”

  “That’s a fluke.”

  “Alex and Mary Ann.”

  “Whatever,” I say, still not believing that stupid soul mate shit. If soul mates were true, where the hell is mine? Where is Shea’s? By now, we should have met at least someone who sparked the idea that they could be the one, but neither of us has. We’re both still screwing around, and I’m getting cheated on left and right. So yeah, where is my soul mate?

  “You know I’m right,” he calls to me as he heads to the front door. I didn’t hear the doorbell, but when he opens it, Jackie enters in all her fake glory. She goes up on the balls of her feet to plant a wet kiss on my brother’s lips. I turn my attention to the TV as soon as she pushes him to the wall. I want to laugh; Shea says he wants his soul mate, but he’s still getting dirty with Jackie. Then again, if he can keep that up until I learn everything about her business, that would be great. Jackie may be really annoying and fake
as all get out, but she’s a genius when it comes to party planning.

  “What do you want to do tonight?” I hear her ask, and Shea’s chuckle makes me gag.

  “You know what I want.”


  I shake my head as I cuddle deeper into my blanket. I consider leaving, but I’ve already taken my bra off.

  “You’re impossible,” she says, and her voice is closer.

  I glance up to see her coming toward me, and I brace for the interaction. It physically pains me to have a conversation with her. She talks down to me at work and makes me feel stupid when I don’t know something. I’m holding my own because she will get me far, but I don’t like her. But since she is my boss, I put on a bright smile.

  “Hey there, Grace.”


  “Don’t have plans tonight?”

  Before I can answer, Shea sits down and pulls her into his lap, kissing her shoulder. “Grace never has plans.”

  “Jerk. I do too,” I throw at him, but he’s too busy with Jackie’s ear. “Just not lately. Still moving in and stuff.”

  “Well, the condo looks amazing. I should have you do some stuff for James.”

  James. Hm. I’ve thought about his fine ass from time to time the last couple days. I haven’t seen him or anything, but I’ve been sort of hopeful I would.

  “I would greatly enjoy that,” I say with a smile, but she isn’t paying attention to me.

  Jackie giggles softly, leaning into Shea, and I roll my eyes. I’m sure they’re going to get up to head to the bedroom, but Jackie glances over to me. “I never asked if you had a boyfriend…”

  I scrunch up my face in confusion. “I don’t. Why?”

  She giggles once more, and I’m considering throwing cold water on my brother. “One second, love.”

  He doesn’t look happy about that, but he nips at her jaw, a blinding grin taking up his whole face. “Fine.”

  Jackie’s face is flushed when our eyes meet. “Would you be willing to be set up?”

  My brows furrow more. “With whom?”

  “James Justice.”

  Shea stops mid-kiss. “Wait, what?”

  Jackie meets his intrigued gaze. “They met the other day, and he has called me daily, wondering if I’ve talked to her about him. I haven’t brought it up because we’ve been at work, but we’re not at work right now.”

  No, you’re here for a booty call. But again, since she’s my boss, I can’t say that. “James Justice? The real estate guy?” I feign confusion so neither of them senses that James may be on my radar.

  “Yeah,” she says, throwing her legs over one of Shea’s knees so she can hold his face in her hands. I want to say they look good together. She’d be a great trophy wife. She’s gorgeous, but she isn’t Shea’s. I know that doesn’t make sense, and I think that means I believe in the whole soul mate nonsense. Maybe I do, but only for Shea and not for me. If I did, someone would actually have to want me for something more than sex.

  Which is probably why James has been asking about me. If I know anything about rich men, it’s that not only are they shallow, but they also only want women for one thing. Loads of sex—and mostly butt stuff that I’m not into. I wouldn’t mind hooking up while I’m here. Be better than spending my nights in the recliner watching Law & Order: Special Victims Unit. That show makes me feel like I can be a detective, and that can’t be good. I don’t need to know the ways not to get caught for committing a crime.

  “He has been talking about you nonstop, wanting to know everything.”

  “No way,” I laugh, and Jackie nods.

  Shea makes a face as she speaks. “So that’s why he called me the other day and invited me to dinner. He even said to let him know if I want to bring anyone so he can make the reservation. He wanted me to invite you.”

  I side-eye him. “I doubt it.”

  “No, he did. He wanted your number, but I didn’t want to give it to him without making sure it was okay with you first. Then I didn’t know if you were dating someone, so I wanted to ask,” Jackie says before she turns to make googly-eyes at my brother.

  What in the world? “I mean, he’s good-looking, and we were checking each other out, but if he was digging me, he should have said something.”

  “He didn’t want to seem unprofessional.”

  Shea nods. “James is all about being professional. He’s actually a great guy.”

  “Very sweet and thoughtful.”

  “Way different from the asshats you usually date,” Shea volunteers.

  “I don’t know,” I say, because I know the asshats I date. I know the way they do things, and I like that. We have great sex, we have some fun, and I always know when they’re about to cheat, so it doesn’t hurt so bad. Being with someone different from my usual wouldn’t work. I wouldn’t know what to do.

  “He told me, ‘Someone that stunning is someone I need to know.’”

  Well, that’s very nice.

  Shea glances back at me, his eyes dancing with mischief. “Well then, I think you might have to call him.”

  I shake my head. “I’m not calling him. I don’t even know him.”

  “More of a reason to call him.” Shea moves Jackie out of his lap and pulls out his phone.

  “Don’t you dare, Shea Ryan!”

  “Oh, I’m doing it,” he says, moving through his contacts.

  “Shea, seriously. He can ask me out if he wants.”

  “Or I can call him,” he suggests. “Since I know you won’t.”

  “I will if it happens…organically.”

  He shoots me a deadpan expression. “I’m gonna organically call him about getting together, and then I’m gonna organically put you in my car to meet him.”

  God, he gets on my damn nerves. “No!”


  I fly out of my seat, but Shea is already moving, up and over the couch, much to Jackie’s shock. His laughter trails back to me as I chase him through the kitchen. I reach for an apple and chuck it at him, but he dodges it with no problem. When he trips over a basket, I reach for his phone. I almost have it, but he’s too agile and protects it with ease. He then runs into the bathroom, locking the door behind him.

  It’s like we’re twelve all over again.

  “You’re such a dick!”

  “Hey, dude. How’s it going?”

  “Ugh! I hate you, Shea!”

  I roll my eyes as I go into the living room.

  Jackie’s gaze is cautious. “Wow, you two are crazy.”

  “Just a bit,” I say, falling back into my chair, irritated. “He’s such a jerk.”

  “But oh so hot,” Jackie adds, but I roll my eyes.

  She’s blinded by his package and doesn’t see how much of a dick he is. I, on the other hand, find my brother to be aggravating as hell. I don’t want to be set up. If James wants to ask me out, he can do it himself.

  When Shea comes out of the bathroom, he’s grinning from ear to ear.

  “Jerk face,” I call to him.

  He laughs at my comment before sitting on the side of my chair. “So, James is showing some properties tonight, but he is free tomorrow. Which means, we are all going out.” I glare up at him, and he taps my nose. “You’re welcome.”

  “You can stick that welcome straight up your ass.”

  He taps my nose once more, his stupid face full of enthusiasm and mischief. “He’s very excited to get to know you.”

  I continue to glare, but I have to admit, I’m kind of excited too.

  Kind of.

  Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. He’ll probably be a shallow jackass who wants to put his dick in my ass.

  April 2nd

  James is very quiet.

  All through dinner, neither of us said much. I was starving since I’d spent the afternoon getting ready and so skipped lunch. I am happy with the way I look, though. I’m in a tight black skirt and pink tank, and my boobs look great. My hair is bone straight over my shoulders. My
makeup is dramatic, in shades of pink with bright-pink lips. I might look like I belong in an eighties music video, but I’m digging it. I think James is too. But I haven’t really been paying attention because I’m dying of hunger. That’s why my ribeye had no chance, and I almost asked Shea if I could have his potatoes. Since all Jackie ate was a Cobb salad with no cheese, bacon, eggs, or dressing—I could say so much—I decided against asking for my brother’s potato full of cheese, bacon, sour cream, and butter.

  Instead, I listened as Shea and Jackie went on and on with each other. They never stopped, both sharing stores about James and me but never allowing us to comment. They just kept talking, almost as if it was a contest. It was so stupid, and while I stuffed my face, James didn’t say much, but he listened intently and smiled. A nice smile. Not overly large like Shea’s or even Jackie’s but a nice one. It makes his eyes shine. And in a nice blue suit, he looks even dreamier than he did the last time I saw him.

  I sort of feel as if he didn’t want to get to know me. Which is fine, I guess. I got a free ribeye, and I get to be over-the-top pretty for a night. Plus, even though Shea and Jackie are annoying, I still find myself laughing. They’re a good time, but I can’t help but feel like Shea is holding back. Jackie is basically humping him and begging him to love her, but she has no chance. She isn’t his soul mate. Nor is James for me.

  Which is okay. It isn’t the first time one of my dates has been a bust.

  I wasn’t too keen on going to a nightclub. I figured dinner was enough, but when everyone decided to take the party elsewhere, I went with it. Mostly because I figured I’d sleep better with some alcohol in my system. Plus, maybe James will talk to me. I don’t know why I care or if I even want him to talk to me. I’m getting mixed signals because, while he doesn’t talk, his eyes always find mine and trap me in a heated embrace. It’s weird but also intriguing. Maybe this is all in my head. Maybe I’ve decided this guy doesn’t like me and I’m jumping on the defense. Seems like something I’d do.

  When we enter the club, Shea disappears on the dance floor with Jackie.

  James looks to me shyly, almost in a boyish way, and the side of his mouth quirks. “Do you wanna dance? Or get a drink?”


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