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Shadaya: Out of Darkness (Gemstone Royals)

Page 30

by Kelly A. Purcell

  Shadaya blinked and the tears that were suspended during Jasper’s passionate speech tumbled down her cheeks. She lowered her gaze as her mind reeled with Jasper’s confession and the excitement, she now felt within her, having heard it. She remembered Drayton’s last words to her, and she felt proud to prove him wrong, she was capable of love. For she knew without a doubt that she loved Jasper too. Fresh tear drops fell as her heart broke afresh for the friends she had lost, the mistakes she had made and the people who had loved her through it.

  Jasper reached up and wiped away her tears, cupping her cheek protectively. She could almost feel his protectiveness towards her in his touch.

  “I think El brought me here, to this place. To not only find him but to finally find the woman I have spent so many years looking for. I love you Shadaya Quadin and I don’t care…”

  Her lips stopped him from rehashing her short comings, she knew all that she was that would make loving her difficult. She didn’t want to hear them uttered in the same sentence as Jasper’s declaration of love. Jasper pulled away and laughed at her attempt to shut him up.

  “Lady Quadin,” he scolded playfully, “if we’re going to do that, we’re going to do it right.”

  He kissed her again and with his love, drowned out the darkness around them, the weighty expectations of their titles and the troubles that surely lay ahead. For in Shadaya the prince of Aldor had found the love he had longed for and in Jasper, the troubled Dravian heiress had found a reason to open up her heart again.


  Markus finished packing away the last of the books and scrolls he would carry and dusted the invisible dust from his hands. He felt accomplished and ready. His work here in Dravia was done and a much riskier missions was before him; finding prince Drayton and the Element. He had not doubt in his mind that Drayton was alive, but even if he was proved to be wrong, the element was still out there. He could not rest until it was secure. He would miss his new friends, especially Shadaya. In the couple days since her rescue he had seen major changes in her, his trained eyes could see the light of El shining in her eyes, intermingled with the excitement of new love. He was happy for Shadaya and Prince Jasper, he would not have guessed it but now he could not think of a better match. The prince had returned to Aldor shortly after the funeral, leaving Geoff behind to look after the community and his new-found love. Now Markus was setting off on his own mission, having said good bye to his new friends in a most Ilksvardian way; with good food and well wishes. It would not be an easy journey for any of them and he knew that they were all prepared for the worst. As he turned his back on his travel trunks, about retire to his chambers to freshen up, he heard a commotion outside his door. He frowned and took a step forward. Suddenly the door to his study burst open and two men dressed in the plain black attire of assassins stood before him. He knew who they were, even before he noticed the engraving on their swords. Henry was right, the order would send for them.

  “You intend to murder a man in the light of day,” he said bravely, but he knew he was no match for them.

  The men stepped forward and one of them spoke, “his highness wanted you to know that he is aware of your treachery and that he is a man of his word. Where is the sorcerer?”

  “So, the prince sent you.”

  “I think you mean, the king. Now answer the question!”

  The other assassin extended his sword threateningly.

  “He’s in a holding cell… downstairs,” Markus said, hating the tremor he heard in his own voice.

  The man who spoke chuckled cruelly, “For your cooperation, I’ll make this quick…”

  Markus took a step back into his desk, bracing himself for what was coming.

  “Oh El,” he prayed, “your will be done.”

  He winced at the sound of steel piercing flesh. It took him a few seconds to realize that that flesh was not his own. His eyes snapped open in time to see that another person had entered the room and was now going blade to blade with one of the men. The other lay motionless in a bloody pool on the ground. With a loud thud the other man fell onto the floor of his study and his rescuer turned to him, breathless.


  Personally, Markus missed Cad. This would have been his first time setting off on a journey without his old friend. As their eyes met Cad’s offenses faded in the light of what he had just done. He may have been a thief and a murderer, but he still came back to help him.

  “What are you doing here?” Markus asked.

  Cad rushed towards him, grabbing his arm and dragging him towards the door, “We don’t have time. They’ve already found the old sorcerer, with him they will be upon us in no time.”

  Markus resisted him, yanking his arm from Cad’s grip, “wait.”

  He rushed to one of his trunks and removed an envelope, “I can’t leave without this.”

  “Alright come on!”

  Cad opened the door then immediately shut it, swearing as he leaned his head against the door.

  “We have to find another way out,” he said, already scanning the room around them.

  “How many?”

  Cad sighed, “counted seven dragon warriors.”

  “There is no way you can fight off seven dragon warriors!”

  “I know, but I can get you out of here. Come, to the window.”

  When Markus eased himself down the side of the wall and his foot touched solid ground, he immediately felt relief. Cad was standing across from him with his arms folded.

  “That was painful to watch,” he said.

  “Shut up,” Markus said.

  “Come on, we’re not safe yet.”

  Markus stood up and folded his arms, “if you think that I’m just going to follow you anywhere after what you have done, you are greatly mistaken.”

  Cad groaned in exasperation, “can we not do this now Markus?”

  “You betrayed me. You were working for my father this whole time; how do I know that you’re not leading me right to him now.”

  “Look Markus, I’m sorry. I did what I thought was right for you. Now I know that I shouldn’t have made that decision knowing fully well that it wouldn’t be what you would want.”

  He looked around them then took a step towards Markus, “sitting in that basement with that very odd old man, put some things in perspective for me. You are right, the threat of Maldeev is very real and the forces we are up against are powerful ones. Saharia is a mess, but… it’s home and at least we still have the right to choose which side we stand on. I am against anything that tries to take that right away from us. You Markus have been right all along; the Great war is coming and you my friend are the one to make sure that everything falls into place. I believe that now and I’m sorry if I doubted you before.”

  Markus dropped his hands to his side and sighed, he had not expected such a heartfelt apology. He looked into his friend’s eyes, and he saw the truth, Cad was telling the truth.

  “Alright,” he said finally, “but I’ve got my eyes on you. And this doesn’t mean we’re friends again.”

  “Okay I understand,” Cad said as he pushed him along, “now let’s go!”


  Haddin sat upon his throne, his ornate red robe flowing to his feet as he tossed his head back to receive the grapes being placed in his mouth by his female servants. He regarded the scene before him with unabridged pleasure on his devilishly handsome face. It had been a long time since they had been able to celebrate in true Dravian fashion. He still had a strong following, and though he had been forced to delay his plans, his power and influence within in his kingdom was growing.

  Now that he was officially crown king, he had more control over how things were done. The council was right where he wanted them as were the people; afraid of him. He scowled as he thought of the dent Kalgary's intrusion had left on trade, they were being pushed back and pushed aside by leaders everywhere, if he did not act soon, he would be nothing but a tale among aging men. But soon enough
his breaching spell would be ready, and he would make his move.

  A dark figure graced the door ways of the banquet hall and he sat up suddenly, his eyes twinkling with excitement. He lifted his hand and the music ended immediately, a wary hush immediately flooding the room. The figure was clad from head to toe in black leather, his face hidden beneath the hood of his cape. As he stepped toward Haddin the metal on his boots echoed throughout the room. The look of terror on the faces of his subjects gave Haddin a sense of pride as his most valued servant approached him.

  "Leave me!" he commanded.

  The room was cleared immediately, leaving him alone with the new comer. He leaned back regally, as the man knelt before him.

  "What news Dark Rider?" he inquired, testing the name given by the villagers on his own tongue, he liked it.

  "We have found a way in," came the gruff reply, that bitter scowl in place as usual.

  The prince nodded, "That’s great news. After you last two blunders I was beginning to wonder if you weren’t worth the effort.”

  He liked that the Dark Rider looked ashamed, Haddin had been furious when he’d heard that he had almost had the Aldorian prince in his grasp, until both Henry and Serin let him slip away. Henry was facing his due punishment by the order, not only did he lose their prized sorceress, but he had also had the power stone in his possession this entire time. Haddin ground his teeth and squeezed his eyes tight, reigning in his anger. He opened his eyes and returned his attention to the man kneeling before him.

  “Did you have any problems with the lead I gave you?”

  The dark rider shook his head, “the priest was as pliable as you said he would be, once I him your gift. Not too much, just enough to capture his interest. I promised him the rest when he delivered.”

  Haddin’s pleased smile widened “good work. It’s good to know that some people are still weak willed and disloyal. What will you be needing to proceed?"

  "Capable men your majesty," the man lifted his head and pulled back his hood with his gloved hands, "men who do not look like this," he said, his dark eyes accusing.

  The prince flinched visibly, relishing the way the action made his servant lower his gaze in shame. The deep dark cracks that covered half of his once handsome face were glaringly grotesque as were his blackened lips and tongue.

  "Consider it done Serin, anything to make sure you carry out my plans to perfection. We are almost there you know," he grinned wickedly.

  Serin glared at him but rose to his feet and bowed before stomping out of the room, his black cape whipping behind him.

  The prince tossed his head back and cackled, relishing the power that the throne gave to him. It gave him even more pleasure to know that it would not be long before Kalgary came face to face with the very darkness he despised within his perfect kingdom.


  Note from the Author

  Hey Royals! Yet another adventure has ended in this installment of The Gemstone Royals Series and I am so happy that you have decided to share this journey with me. When I decided to release this installment, I was a bit hesitant at first, because I knew readers were eagerly awaiting the promised book 2 (Kingdom’s Darkness) and I did not want to disappoint, but Shadaya’s story was begging to be told.

  My hope for part 1.5, was to bring to insight into the kingdom of Dravia, to explore the work and purpose of the community and to further develop some key characters in the story’s plot. But it was also to show that pain, uncertainty and trauma is no respecter of persons and it can lead anyone into a very dark place.

  I hope that Shadaya’s journey to the light has given you hope. Whatever darkness you are facing in your life right now, there is light waiting to be embraced, in the support and care of others, the joy of fellowship and the grace of God.

  This is by no means the end of the story, the battle between light and darkness continues in the next installment of Gemstone Royals. If you liked this story or any other GSR release make it known, leave your comments on Amazon, like my Facebook page, or connect with me on Twitter, you can even send me an email about how this story might have impacted you! If you would like some thing more while you wait, I recommend taking a look at my website, where I have a lot to say about lifestyle, faith and relationships. See the connect page that follows and remember…

  Be a blessing,


  Connect with Kelly A. Purcell

  Facebook Page: Kelly A. Purcell

  Twitter: @KellyAPurcell



  The GSR Series

  Up Next….

  Kingdom’s Darkness (Book 2)

  The cities surrounding the kingdom of Dravia breathed a sigh of relief when King Kalgary chose mercy over war. But all is not well in Saharia, as the evil prince continues to plot against Aldor’s kingdom, as the princess’ true heritage is revealed and as El finally has something to say. What new obstacles will Deswald and Ruby face as they navigate their affections and new responsibilities? Will prince Haddin finally succeed in bringing Aldor to its knees?




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