Must Be Wright (The Wrights Book 3)
Page 14
God, when this woman was kissing him, touching him, loving him, he needed nothing else. Not the excitement of the road, not the overtures of the fans, not the attention of other women.
She’d seen him at his worst, like when his brother committed suicide and when he’d been faced with taking custody of Belle. Yet she’d treated him like a person, like a friend. Offered her help and support. Over the years, she’d always been there, for the good and the bad. And she’d never asked for a thing. Which was why this bar was always his first stop as soon as he got off the plane.
The truth was, he’d been in love with her for a long damn time. And feeling her wanting him was a true fantasy realized.
“Man,” he murmured against her hair. “Nothing’s ever felt this right before. Do you know how long I’ve wanted this?”
She tilted her head to look into his eyes.
“Years, Gypsy. Years.”
She smiled, but her gaze turned somber. “You’re an amazing guy. Really amazing.”
His heart dipped. “I hear a but coming.”
“Look, I know what life is like on the road. I know all about the never-ending party on tour. That might not have been a problem for me at one time, but Cooper changed everything. I don’t regret one second of it, but that lifestyle doesn’t work for me now. This, you and me, is just for now. No commitment. No promises. No strings. When you go back to the road, this ends.”
He’d known that going in, but now that he’d experienced life with her in it, he wasn’t willing to settle. He just needed to find a way to convince her he was worth the risk.
He fingered a piece of hair from her forehead. “That high life doesn’t work for me anymore either. I stopped all the hard-core touring shit years ago.”
“Well.” She sat up and maneuvered until she straddled his lap. “I guess that’s good news for Belle. With all she’s been through, she’s really going to need you.”
“What about you?” he said, wandering out onto an emotional ledge. “Could you ever see yourself needing me?”
She pulled his T-shirt over his head and dropped it on the floor, stroked her hands over his upper body. She pressed a kiss to his shoulder, and her hands slid to his waist, working on the button and zipper of his jeans. “As a matter of fact, I need you right now.”
He gripped her biceps and pushed her into a sitting position again. Her eyes were dark and hot. Her expression hungry. The light from her desk lamp cast the room in shadows. The noise from the bar dimmed even more.
“You know what I mean,” he cupped her face and held her gaze. “Beyond this. Because I do. I need a lot more of you.”
She searched his eyes with something that looked like confusion clouding her gaze.
“I’ll take that as a maybe,” he said.
Her smile was slow and sweet. The confusion cleared, and warmth filled her eyes again. “I could get on board with a maybe.”
He pulled her close and put all of himself into the kiss. Gypsy wrapped her arms around his neck, tilted her head, and opened to him. But now it felt like she was giving him more than her body. Now it felt like she was willing to entertain the idea of giving him her heart.
Hope filled Wyatt’s chest, and desire flashed through his body. He flicked her bra open and took both her breasts in his hands. He pulled himself up to sitting and pressed his face against the soft flesh, kissing and squeezing. Gypsy wrapped her arms around his head, running her fingers through his hair with a hum of pleasure.
“You’re a drug,” she murmured against his hair.
He lifted his head and kissed her. “Let’s see if we can get you addicted.”
Wyatt eased her backward slowly, giving her time to get her legs out from under her. Braced on his elbows, he spent long moments just kissing her, tasting her, loving the way her hips lifted against his.
He broke the kiss and unfastened her jeans, then tugged them down her legs along with her silk panties. He sat back and dragged them off her feet, pausing to pull off her boots.
God, she was beautiful. He slid his hands over the flat expanse of her belly. “You were so sexy when you were pregnant with Cooper.”
She laughed and rolled her eyes. “Oh my God, hardly.”
He leaned in and kissed her belly. “You were.” He slid his hands down her thighs. “Before I knew you were single, I used to think the guy in your life was a goddamned lucky bastard.”
Her hands slid through his hair as he cupped his hands behind her knees and eased them apart. He pressed a kiss to the softness between her legs, then slid both hands under her ass and lifted her hips to his mouth. He covered her and licked long and deep for his first real taste.
Her gasp fluttered past his ears and lit him on fire.
He hummed and pressed his mouth against her with more hunger, tasting with more need, and the woman who was always as strong as steel shivered.
Lust spiraled inside him, fogging his brain. Gypsy responded with sounds that heated his blood, the rock of her hips that confirmed he was doing everything just right. He teased her into wanting more by breaking the intensity with featherlight kisses and a whispering touch with his tongue. She was tangy and sweet, and the more he ate, the hungrier he became.
She lifted her hips, moving against his mouth. Wyatt gave her everything she needed. More pressure, more movement.
She came with a series of sharp shivers, her hand fisting his hair. When she finally melted into the sofa, breathing ragged, gaze dazed, she released his hair, then combed her hands through it, scoring her fingers along his scalp. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to pull your hair.”
He grinned and kissed his way up her body again. “You can pull my hair any damn time you like, sugar.”
He covered her mouth with his and kissed her deep, letting her taste herself on his tongue. Her hands were already in his pants, stroking his erection. Then searching in his back pocket for his wallet.
She broke the kiss to search the billfold, and while she did, Wyatt kissed every inch of skin he could reach.
“What am I going to have to do to get you in a bed?” he asked. “Naked? For an entire night? Or more?”
She plucked the condom from his wallet with a sigh. “Just move a few mountains.”
He smiled. “Is that all?”
She sat up and pushed Wyatt to his back. Stripped him the same way he’d stripped her. Then tasted him the same way he’d tasted her.
And, damn, she was good with her mouth. A little too good.
He took the condom from her hand and ripped it open. Gypsy pulled her mouth off him with a pop and a groan of disappointment as he rolled it on.
She laid her body over his. “I like the taste of you.”
Wyatt framed her face and kissed her. The scent and taste of them mixed was intoxicating. While she was still kissing him, he rocked her hips into alignment with his, then broke the kiss to look into her eyes as he pulled her hips down, sinking deep into her body.
Her gaze went hazy, and pleasure washed her face. “God, that’s good.”
So damned good.
And then she made it even better by sitting up and rocking his world.
Wyatt soaked in every stunning second of Gypsy Wright riding him like she was on a mission to drill herself into his DNA.
Wyatt stroked her body, gripped her hips, and pulled her down harder, faster. Until her eyes drifted closed and her head dropped back. Until he felt the first squeeze of her climax.
Then he let go and flew with her.
Gypsy was running late. Way late.
After Wyatt had worn her out the night before, she’d come home, passed out, and hadn’t woken until Dylan had dropped off Cooper at her house.
Gypsy rushed around, pulling together work for Brandy. It was so time-consuming to break in someone new, but Gypsy was excited for the time it could potentially free up. She could stop playing musical chairs with her siblings when she needed a place for Cooper overnight. Depending on how quickly Br
andy picked things up, Gypsy could be home with Cooper as soon as tomorrow night.
She stuffed a pile of bills into her purse to give to Brandy after Cooper’s doctor’s appointment, then scoured through files for Coopers immunization card. He was going to need shots today, and the thought of the way shots terrified him twisted Gypsy’s stomach.
“Is it time for the doctor, Mommy?”
From her bedroom where she kept a desk for her office work, Gypsy saw Cooper roll to his back and pretend to fly a Lego car through the air.
“Sure is.” She spotted the yellow cardstock that documented all of Cooper’s immunizations in the bottom of a folder and plucked it out. He was so excited for this camp, it thrilled her. This would fill at least half his days with fun activities and friends and alleviate a lot of stress on Gypsy.
She slid the immunization record into her purse and started for the door. “Grab your shoes, Coop.”
He scrambled to his feet and ran to the door, fists in the air, cheering. She pushed aside the knowledge that shots awaited her son and glanced at her watch.
“Shoot.” Why did everything take twice as long as she expected? She opened the door and crouched to help Cooper into his shoes. “We’ve got to hurry, buddy.”
She grabbed his coat and coaxed him out the door. While Cooper sang a made-up song about superhero camp, Gypsy secured him into his car seat, smiling. “Maybe you’ll be a song writer when you grow up.”
“Like Wyatt!”
The happiness that vibrated in Cooper’s voice when he talked about Wyatt warmed her heart. He’d slipped past her filters because she’d never considered him a possible romantic candidate, so she hadn’t had any objection to the two of them spending a little time together while Gypsy was working. But he’d been good with Cooper from the start and had become a de facto uncle of sorts. Which just made taking a chance with Wyatt that much easier.
She shut Cooper’s door, slipped into the driver’s seat, and turned over the Jeep’s engine. Along the gravel path off the property, Gypsy buckled her seat belt and pulled her phone from her purse. Autodialing the doctor’s office, she paused before turning onto the main road.
“Doctor Seymour’s office,” the receptionist answered.
“Hi, this is Gypsy Wright. I’m bringing my son, Cooper, in for a physical and shots today. I just wanted to let you know we’re running a little late.”
“How late do you think you’ll be?” she asked. “Doctor Seymour is booked today.”
Oh, how well she knew. The man was booked every day, months in advance, which was why Gypsy had begged her way into this appointment.
“Yes, I know. Maybe only five or ten minutes.”
“Okay, I’ll let him know. If you’re here more than fifteen minutes late, we’ll have to reschedule the appointment.”
“No need. We’ll be there soon. Thank you.”
She disconnected and dropped her phone in the cup holder as she eased toward the road, waiting for a break in traffic. She might not be late at all, but she wanted to give herself a little cushion just in case. And she was glad she had when car after car continued to stream by. The school down the road must be letting out soon.
Her cell rang. She glanced at the display but didn’t recognize the number, so she let it go to voicemail and rested her elbow on the window ledge as she waited for a break in traffic.
The phone stopped ringing, then pinged with a voice message. With her eyes on the line of cars, she picked up her phone, tapped into the voicemail, and listened on speaker.
“Ms. Wright,” a female voice came on the line. “This is Deanna at Whispering Oaks Elementary School. I’m the nurse on staff here, and I’m calling because you are listed as the emergency contact for Belle Jackson.”
Gypsy pressed harder on the brake, sat back in her seat, and cut a look at her phone. “What?”
Cooper started kicking the back of her seat. “What, Mama?”
“Cooper, honey, stop.”
“Belle has had an accident,” Deanna said, then quickly added, “She’s okay, it’s not life-threatening, but she is going to need to be seen at a hospital, and I can’t get ahold of anyone in her family.”
She disconnected from voicemail. “Oh my God.”
Gypsy’s mind tangled with questions. Where was Wyatt? Why wasn’t he answering his phone? Why the hell was Gypsy listed as an emergency contact for a girl she barely knew?
A break in traffic finally came, but her conscience wouldn’t let her take the opportunity. She glanced at the time on her radio, then dialed Wyatt. He didn’t answer so she left a message, then texted him with the same message.
A flurry of frustration riled up inside her, but she couldn’t just disregard the information that Belle was hurt, so she called the school to see what arrangements could be made.
“Whispering Oaks Elementary School, Deanna speaking.”
“Hi, Deanna, this is Gypsy Wright.” She spoke quickly, getting everything out to hurry the conversation along. “I got your message, but I don’t know why I’m listed as Belle’s emergency contact. I’m just a friend.”
“Thank you for calling back.” The woman was compassionate and direct. “I wouldn’t have called you, but I’ve been calling Belle’s grandparents and uncle for over an hour and haven’t been able to get ahold of anyone.”
“Her grandparents are on a cruise, but Wyatt should be available. I don’t know why he’s not answering, but I’m on my way somewhere important with my son.”
“Oh.” She sounded both disappointed and worried. “Normally, we would just keep her comfortable, but,” she lowered her voice, “I’m pretty sure her wrist is broken. We don’t have approval to give her any medication, and she’s in a lot of pain. The ice isn’t helping much. She really does need to be seen in the ER, and at this point, you are the only authorized person available to take her.”
Gypsy slammed her eyes shut. This can’t be happening.
“Is there any way I can—”
The sound of a little girl’s whimpering cries in the background cut off Gypsy’s words. All hope of putting off Belle’s needs until Cooper’s had been fulfilled vanished.
She pressed her elbow to the window ledge and her fingers to her closed eyelids. “I’m on my way.”
Gypsy made her way into the flow of traffic and raced to Belle’s school. It was on the way to Cooper’s doctor’s office, so she held out hope she could calm Belle down enough to get through Cooper’s appointment.
She parked in a no-parking zone, unfastened Cooper from his car seat, and pulled him along by the hand. Children seemed to move so slowly in these circumstances.
Inside the office, she showed her driver’s license and was led down a hall and into the nurse’s office. As she passed through the door, she glanced at her watch. Even if she grabbed Belle and left, she’d be seriously pushing the fifteen-minute limit Cooper’s doctor’s office had given her.
When she looked up, she saw Belle sitting in the lap of a middle-aged woman with a kind smile. The little girl’s face was splotched red and wet from crying, and her little chest heaved in irregular breaths.
The sight and sound unexpectedly shot Gypsy back in time like a rocket. To a day when something similar had happened to Gypsy as a kid. Maybe an accident during a dodge ball game? She couldn’t quite remember. But she knew exactly how it felt to cry until you couldn’t breathe right. Knew exactly how it felt to wait in the cold office of the school nurse, in pain, wondering when your mother would come.
And she was no doctor, but if Cooper’s arm looked like Belle’s did now, Gypsy would be utterly panicked. The nurse had put her forearm and wrist in what looked like a splint, held close to Belle’s body by a sling. Still, the swelling and bruising tore at Gypsy’s heart.
She bent and brushed at the tear streaks on Belle’s pretty face. A face that reminded Gypsy of the uncle who wasn’t here. “Hey, sweetheart. I’m so sorry you hurt yourself.”
“W-where’s Uncle W-Wyatt?”
Good question. Gypsy knew Wyatt wasn’t irresponsible, but there had been a time she’d thought Cooper’s father was a stand-up guy too.
“I’m not sure, sweetie,” Gypsy told her. “Did he tell you what he was doing today when he dropped you off this morning?”
Belle shook her head. “No. But Kailey’s mom was supposed to take me home.”
Gypsy looked at Deanna for some kind of clarification. “He did leave a note giving Mrs. Tucker permission to take Belle home today, but I couldn’t let her take Belle with this injury because she’s not on Belle’s emergency list.”
Gypsy would have to get to the bottom of this arrangement later. “Okay. I’m going to call him again, but let’s get you to the doctor, okay?”
Deanna eased Belle to the floor and steadied her with Belle’s good arm. “Keep your arm tucked close to your body, honey.”
Belle sniffled before offering a brave “Okay.”
“Belle has an owie, Mommy,” Cooper said, his eyes wide and concerned.
“She sure does.”
He took Belle by her good hand and gave her a compassionate and serious “We’re going to the doctor now, Belle. You’ll be okay.”
Gypsy teared up with pride in her son and disappointment in both Wyatt and in herself. If she’d been putting Cooper first, the way she should, this wouldn’t be happening. She wouldn’t have let Wyatt get close, Wyatt wouldn’t have put her name on Belle’s intake form, and Gypsy would be at Cooper’s doctor appointment right now the way a good mom would be.
She let the kids step out of the office before turning to Deanna and lowering her voice when she said, “I’m not related to Belle. How am I going to get her care at the ER?”
Deanna offered a copy of the page that listed Gypsy as Belle’s emergency contact. “Show them this, but you shouldn’t have any problem. The law allows for minors to receive emergency medical care without a parent’s consent. I would have taken her myself, but we’ve had a run of the flu lately, and I had other sick kids in the office. One is still waiting for his dad. If they have any questions about Belle’s accident, just have them call this number.” She pointed at a number handwritten on the form. “This is my cell. They can reach me anytime. I’ll call ahead and let them know you’re coming.”