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Black Scarface

Page 6

by Jimmy Dasaint

  At that moment, he promised himself he would never be played or manipulated again and that he would curb his sexual appetite. Onceagain, his lustful flaws had nearly gotten him killed.

  As he drove down Belmont Avenue, a devilish smirk came across his face. He could still smell the scent of Pamela's French perfume, the scent of her hot, vehement body and the feel of himself enclosed in her most intimate orifices. He felt himself getting an erection at the memory. He listened to the flow of the music coming from the stereo system, his imagination ran wild with the memory of being inside Pamela's warm, wetvagina.

  Chapter Seven

  Two Days Later...

  After Pamela was released from the local hospital, she went back home. Her injuries were serious, but she would make a full recovery. During the few days that Pamela had spent in the hospital, Momma had been taking care of Lil' Norman. The cut under his left eye required six stitches. Other than that, Lil' Norman was doing just fine. He was more concerned for his mother than for himself.

  While at the hospital, Pamela’ best friend, Veronica, and a detective by the name of Ron Perry visited her. When the detective asked her questions, Pamela had no answers for him. He left and didn't return. Pamela knew she was a lot of things, but a snitch wasn't one of them. She would handle Hood herself and in her own way.

  18-year old Veronica was Pamela's friend. They met several years earlier at a party for a local drug dealer named Jay. They quickly learned they had a lot in common and ended up being good friends. Even though Veronica was a few years younger than Pamela, she was a lot more mature than the average girls her age. She possessed the mind and body of a full-grown woman and she knew how to use them both very well.

  She stood five feet, six inches tall, with a dark brown cocoa complexion that covered her sexy, well-toned figure. She kept her hair cut short to bring out the beauty in her lovely exotic features.

  The reason they got along so well was because there was no competition between them. They were both young, beautiful women, confident in themselves and determined to get what they wanted from life.

  Pamela was lost deep in thought lying across her living room sofa. Hearing the doorknob turn, she was quickly brought back to reality.

  When the front door opened and Veronica stepped in, smiling and waving, Pamela relaxed back into the comfortable cushions of the sofa and laughed at her run-away imagination. At first, she thought the worst: Hood seeking revenge.

  Veronica had a Saks Fifth Avenue shopping bag hanging from one arm. What it contained, Pamela had no idea but her curiosity had gone to full alert. She watched Veronica’s smiling white teeth gleam brightly as she closed the door.

  It was obvious she was full of love and life for Pamela. She crossed the room and tightly embraced her friend. Veronica sat on the sofa beside Pamela and continued to hug her.

  She stared at her glassy eyed friend, with the dark ugly bruises and swollen areas obscuring her beautiful features. She felt her friend's pain and anguish. She gently touched Pamela’s swollen right eye and lips with her trembling fingertips. Her anger began to rise at her friend's pain and suffering.

  "What did you find out?" Pamela asked through her swollen lips.

  "Nothing"! Veronica said angrily. "All those fake, wannabe gangsters are scared of Hood. Every time I brought up his name they would change the subject. Even Jay told me that Hood is not a man to play with. But, I did find out one thing."

  "What's that?"

  "I found out that Hood is the supplier for all the local drug dealers in this area. He's the real boss!"

  "Damn!" Pamela mumbled under her breath.

  “Pam, don't you worry," Veronica said seriously. "One day Hood will get what's coming to him. How is Lil' Norman doing?" she added, changing the subject.

  "He's holding up well," she responded. "Right now, he's over Momma's house playing with Reese and D.J."

  "Girl, you're grooming one helluva man. That boy is gonna be a problem one day. The way you told me how he ran to your rescue swinging that knife, don't surprise me at all. That boy loves the ground you walk on, Pam. Why can't he be ten years older?" she joked.

  "What's in the bag?" Pamela asked, her curiosity finally getting the best of her.

  "A few outfits I bought you," she smiled. "When you're back to normal we're gonna get all dressed up and go out and find us some real men," she continued, her smile growing bigger with each word.

  Veronica saw the serious expression on Pamela's face and asked, "Pam, what's wrong?"

  After a long sigh Pamela said, "Veronica, I'm through living the fast life. These last few days I've been doing a lot of serious thinking. It's time for me to slow down. I was raped and my son

  Black Scarface

  was cut trying to save me. We both know things could have ended up a whole lot worse. I promised myself that I would never let my son see me in a weak position like that ever again. I know he's hurting inside. He's just too stubborn to show it. It's hard raising a boy without his father around. A single woman can only teach her son so much and I want Lil' Norman to be like no one else. And in order for him to become that special kind of man, I’m ‘a have to be a special kind of woman," she said, staring seriously at Veronica.

  "Whatever help you need Pam, just let me know," Veronica said, her heart going out to her friend.

  Inside Reese' s bedroom...

  Reese and Lil' Norman were sitting on the bed talking.

  "Do it hurt?" Reese asked, looking at the stitched up wound

  under Lil' Norman's eye.

  "No, it don't hurt," Lil' Norman replied.

  "Momma said that you're gonna have that scar on your face

  forever after the doctors take those stitches out."

  "I know already. She told me," Lil' Norman replied sadly. "Don't worry, when we grow up we're gonna get that man for

  doing this to you," Reese swore.

  Lil' Norman smiled and shook his head, then stood up and

  walked over to the mirror. Reese followed right behind him.

  Together they stood and looked at the wound on his face. "Don't worry, you're still gonna get all the girls," Reese said,

  playfully pushing Lil' Norman's shoulder. "You know what?" he asked.


  "You remember that movie we watched with Uncle Buddy? The

  one about the drug boss?"

  "Yeah, the movie was called Scarface." Lil' Norman replied.

  "Well, you can be Black Scarface," Reese joked.

  Lil' Norman playfully pushed his shoulder as they walked

  back to the bed and sat down. "What are you talking about, Reese?"

  "You gonna be rich when you grow up, right?" he asked.


  "And you're gonna have all the nice cars and pretty girls, right?"

  “Yeah," Lil' Norman replied with a grin.

  "Well, the guy in the movie had everything, too. They called him

  Scarface and his scar was so small you couldn’t even see it. Besides,

  it wasn't even like the one you got on yours."

  "So, what do all this mean?" Lil' Norman asked.

  "It means you're Black Scarface. When you grow up, you

  gonna be just like the man in that movie and powerful,"

  Reese said.

  "I don't want to be like him. He died at the end of the movie. And

  he messed up everything he had," Lil' Norman said seriously. "Then you're gonna be better than him. And I'm going to be

  your right hand man all the way to the end."

  Lil' Norman looked at Reese, smiled and shook his head,

  knowing Reese meant every word.

  "Black Scarface?" Lil' Norman said, his face splitting into a

  wide grin.

  "Yeah, do you like it?"

  "To be honest, I like the name 'Face' better," Lil' Norman said. Reese thought about it for a moment and finally said, "I think

  'Face' will work. It's a lot shorter."

  "Okay, then. My new nickname will be Face. I'll start letting

  people know," Lil' Norman said. "Let's go outside," he added, turning

  to the door and walking out of the bedroom.

  When they got down stairs, Momma was sleeping soundly on

  the couch with D.J. snuggled up under her protective arms. They both tip toed out of the house and quietly closed the

  door behind them.

  Chapter Eight

  Later that night...

  Inside his plush downtown condo, Hood walked from the balcony and into the elegantly furnished living room, which was laid out with the finest items money could buy. A large beige leather sectional sofa sat in the middle of the decorated room. The sofa was surrounded by wall-to-wall carpet and off to one side was a one hundred and fifty gallon exotic fish tank. A gold chandelier was suspended from the ceiling and a $100,000 Mark Livenson home entertainment center faced the sectional while on it’s opposite side, was a large stone fireplace.

  Dressed in an all black silk Gucci bathrobe, Hood walked over to the wall intercom and pressed a button.

  "Yeah, who is it?"

  "It's me," a male voice answered.

  "Hold on. I'll buzz you up."

  After allowing the person into the complex, Hood walked over andunlocked the front door.

  As he returned to the sofa and sat down, a few loud voices came from a back room. Hood turned and yelled toward the hallway, "Calm down back there! I'll be back in a minute." The loud voices ceased instantly.

  Moments later the front door opened and a tall, dark skinned man, dressed in jeans and a white t-shirt stepped in.

  "What took you so long?" Hood asked, lifting his feet onto the designer wood and glass coffee table.

  "I had to go check out a homicide on 54th and Chestnut Avenue," the man replied.

  "What happened the other day when you went to visit Pamela?" Hood asked.

  "She held up like a soldier," he replied. "I asked her a few questions and she refused to answer any of them. She didn't mention a word about being raped and beaten up by you," he added.

  "Thank God," Hood sighed. "Cause I really wouldn't want to be the one who sends her away forever. You did good Ron." Hood reached into his pocket and took out a white envelope. He tossed it to Ron, who caught it in mid air.

  "Do you want me to continue to keep an eye on her?" "No, your job is done. Me and Pamela have no more use for each other. Her game of revenge backfired and now she has to live with it." Hood grinned, obviously satisfied with the way things worked out.

  Hood stood up and walked Ron to the door. "Did you hear anything on Jay and Mick yet?" he asked, opening the door. "No, not yet," Ron replied. "I'm still looking and so are all your goons. Don't worry, sooner or later they'll show up. Dead or alive." Ron said with an evil smile.

  "Let's hope dead and sooner," Hood laughed.

  "I'll see you in a few days. And in the mean time I'll keep searching until I find 'em," Ron promised before walking out the door.

  Hood nodded and closed it behind him. He locked the door and walked back out onto the balcony. Looking down, he watched Ron get into his car and drive off.

  Ron Perry was a homicide detective for the 16th District, a police station in West Philadelphia; he had been on Hood's payroll for over a year. With Ron's help, Hood was able to eliminate most of the competition throughout the surrounding area. Hood's drugs of choice were heroin and cocaine. And with Ron on his side, Hood was able to flood the entire community.

  There was no competition. Either you worked for Hood or you didn't work at all. Those who resisted ended up dead or simply disappeared.

  After taking in some of the clear midnight air, Hood walked into the living room from the balcony. He went around dimming all the lights inside his plush condo then walked down the hallway to one of the threebedrooms.

  The sight of the two attractive and naked women brought a smile to his face. Their names were Joy and Desire; and tonight the two lovely ladies were Hood's special invited guests.

  After taking off his robe, Hood joined the two brown beauties in hisking sized waterbed. His right shoulder, wrapped in a white bandage, ached from his healing stab wound, but he hoped the two beauties would soon make him forget about it.

  He laid his hard, naked body across the huge bed; with Desire on one side and Joy on the other. Both had model class bodies and faces, just the way Hood liked his women.

  "Are you ready to go on that cruise we promised you,

  Black Scarface

  Handsome?" Joy asked, her smile mischievous, her voice sexy. "I'm ready when ya'll are," he smiled back, his erection throbbing.

  Without further hesitation both women began licking and kissing his

  dark, hard athletic body, from top to bottom.

  Moments later Hood and Joy were locked in a long sensual

  kiss, while Desire pleased him with a wonderful oral performance. In

  the passion-filled tranquility of the bedroom, he allowed the two

  women to take him on the long, slow sexual cruise around the world.

  When Pamela walked into Lil' Norman's bedroom he was lying on his back staring up at the ceiling with both hands interlocked behind his head. Pamela walked over and sat down beside him. She reached out with her right hand and started playing with his short, black curly hair. "Why are you still up," she asked in a soft voice, with motherly concern.

  "I couldn't go to sleep," he responded, sitting up beside her.

  "Do you want to come and sleep with me in my bed?" she asked, smiling.

  "No, Big boys don't do that...only babies."

  Pamela smiled and shook her head in agreement. He's growing up so fast, she thought. "Well, talk to me and tell me what's on your mind. And be honest," she said.

  Lil' Norman looked into his mother's caring eyes and said, "Mom, is that man coming back?"

  "No, Hood will never come back around here again," she assured him. "I can promise you that."

  "One day I'm going to get him for what he did to you. And what he did to my face," he vowed.

  "Baby, I'm so sorry for letting you get involved in my problems. It’s all my fault and it will never happen again," she promised, big tears filling her eyes and streaking down her cheeks. "Lil' Norman, you know I only want the very best for you, right?" "Yes Mom."

  "I want you to be the best man you can possibly be."

  "I will be. I promise."

  “Whatever you decide to become, I want you to become the very best at it. I'll always be there to support you." "I know you will, Mom."

  "I want you to listen to me closely and pay attention."

  "Yes, Mom," he responded, his eyes locked onto hers.

  "Never, ever let money or girls rule over you," she warned. "Okay," he nodded.

  “Never turn your back on a friend, the more friends you have, the more powerful you can become."

  He continued to nod his head in agreement, understanding exactly what she was trying to say.

  "Make sure you can tell your friends from your enemies. An enemy can be very tricky and they will do whatever it takes to bring you down."

  Lil' Norman sat there listening as his mother ran it down to him. She made sure he understood the true meanings of loyalty, trust, honesty,deceit, envy, love, betrayal, forgiveness and honor. He soaked it up like asponge. It was the deepest conversation that he and his mother had everhad.

  "Remember Baby, you are a strong black king. Never be anything less," she said, kissing him on the lips.

  Before she could get up, Lil' Norman took her by the wrist and held her in place. "Mom," he said.

  "Yes, Baby?"

  "I have a new nickname," he said proudly.

  "What is it?" she smiled.

  "My new nickname is Face," he stated firmly.

  "Face?" she asked, a little amused at the seriousness in his voice. "Yeah. Reese gave it to me," he smiled.

  "Do you like it?"

  "Yes, I like it
a lot. He got it from the movie Scarface."

  "Well, if you like it, Baby, then so do I. From now on I'll call you by your new nickname," she assured him, kissing his cheek again before standing up and walking to the door. "Face, huh?" she smiled. "Okay, Face. It's bedtime now. I'll see you in the morning. I love you."

  "I love you, too, Mom," he said, getting under the covers with a smile on his face as he closed his eyes.

  Chapter Nine

  Early July, One month later...

  Momma sat inside her old Buick LaSabre waiting for Pamela and Veronica to come out of the Family Medical Clinic. She had been waiting for almost an hour when they both walked out the door. After seeing the saddened look on Pamela's face, she could tell that something was wrong.

  It had been her idea, in the first place, for Pamela to go to the clinic and get herself checked out by a doctor. She didn't mind the wait, as long as it helped Pamela feel better.

  When they got in the car, Momma put it in gear and drove slowly out of the parking lot. Momma looked over at Pamela and saw a stream of tears sliding down her cheeks. "You gonna tell me what's wrong, or do I have to go back and beat it out of the damn doctor?" Momma said, looking at the side of Pamela's face.

  When Pamela didn't answer, Momma pulled the car off to the side of the road and parked. "Girl, what the hell is wrong with you?" she asked in an upset tone of voice. Pamela looked across the car, into the caring eyes of the woman she loved like a mother and said the words that Momma had already suspected, "I'm pregnant!"

  “Momma, the doctor told her that she's four weeks pregnant," Veronica added.

  "I knew it had to be something like that," Momma said with a nod.

  "So, you knew already?" Pamela asked, looking across at Momma for the first time. She wiped the tears from her eyes with the backs of her hands.

  "I suspected," Momma replied. "The morning sickness, the tiredness, grouchiness; the late-night crazy food cravings. It don't take no rocket scientist to figure these things out."

  Before Momma could restart the car, Pamela reached across and grabbed her arm. "Momma, I'm pregnant by Hood. The man who raped and beat me," Pamela stated miserably.

  "What! The same Hood I ran out your house that night?"


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