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Black Scarface

Page 20

by Jimmy Dasaint

  After giving the cabbie her address, he quickly pulled off while pushing the flag over to start the meter. As he maneuvered out of the ‘Universal City’ movie complex parking lot, Pamela settled back in the seat and relaxed. She smiled. Revenge had never felt so fine, she thought, nor tasted so sweet!

  Chapter Forty

  Early the next day...

  After the cab driver had packed the luggage into the trunk, he got back inside his cab where Pamela and Face were both waiting. He pulled away from the curb and headed for the Los Angeles International Airport.

  Pamela looked out the window, watching as the cab drove farther and further from her former home. All the wonderful memories there withMouse flashed through her mind. Just the thought of leaving it all behindbrought sadness to her soul. She still couldn't believe Mouse was dead, and that the house they had once shared was no longer hers.

  When she looked over at Face, she saw a look of sadness plastered on his handsome young face. "Baby, what's wrong?" she asked, in a concerned voice, then wrapped her arm around his shoulders.

  Face looked into his mother's caring eyes and said, "Mom, before wego back to Philly, can you please do something for me?"

  Pamela saw the seriousness in her son's eyes and asked, "Face, what is it? You know I'll do anything for you."

  Forty-five minutes later, the cab pulled up and parked in front of the Fred C. Nellis School For Boys. Better known as "Gladiator School" forhousing some of the most violent young men in the L.A. County area. The building housed gangbangers, rapists, killers, and arsonists. For most of the young inmates there, it was just a stepping-stone to San Quentin or another maximum security federal penitentiary. And it was currently Quincy's new home.

  After attacking a female staff member at the juvenile hall, Quincy was immediately shipped out and sent to the Youth Authority for a 24- month sentence.

  When Pamela and Face both walked into the visiting room, Quincy was sitting at a table waiting. Seeing them walking toward him had brought a long overdue smile to his face. When Pamela and Face approached the table, he gave them both a tight, sincere hug. He had missed them both very much, even though he had called the house from time to time and talked to Face, there was nothing like seeing friends and loved ones face to face. "Boy, you're getting big!" Pamela smiled, noticing how much weight Quincy had gained. "And tall, too!" she added, looking him over.

  "I been working out in the gym, Miss Pam," he said proudly.

  "Did you get the birthday card we sent you?" Face asked, smiling, happy to see his friend.

  "Yeah, and the money, too. Thanks," he answered.

  "You and Miss Pam is the only ones been looking out for me since," he paused and put down his head. "Ever since my mother andAllen was killed," he mumbled sadly.

  Face reached over and touched his hand. "Don't you worry, you're my big brother. Me and my mom will always be here for you," he said seriously.

  "That's right, Quincy. You're family. My brother loved you like his own son," Pamela said as her eyes watered up.

  "One day I’m ‘a find the people who killed my mother and Allen andI’m ‘a kill'em! I swear!" he said upsettingly.

  Both Pamela and Face saw the seriousness in Quincy's eyes. They could tell he had meant every word.

  "You just try to stay out of trouble while you're here doing your time. Mouse told me many stories about this place and none of them weregood," Pamela said.

  "Don't worry about me, Miss Pam. I can hold my own, and plus, there's a lot of my boys here. They got my back," Quincy said confidently.

  "These days you gotta worry about the front too," Pamela replied.

  Right before the visiting hours ended, Pamela gave Quincy a few phone numbers for him.

  "Don't lose 'em," Face cautioned, as they stood and gave each other a long brotherly hug.

  "I won't, and I'll call you soon!" Quincy promised.

  After Quincy and Pamela hugged, he watched sadly as she and Face started walking toward the exit. Suddenly, Face turned and ran back to him.

  "What's up, Face?" he asked, curiously.

  "Thanks for everything, Quincy. I love you, Big Bro."

  "I love you, too, Lil' Bro," Quincy replied. They hugged each other again, both of their eyes filled with tears, but neither would allow them tofall down.

  "Make sure you check your books," Face said, smiling once again as he backed toward Pamela, "Me and mom left a surprise for

  Black Scarface you.”

  After Pamela and Face left, Quincy went to his counselor and had him check the money on his books. A surprised look came to his face when he found out that Pamela and Face had given him $3,000. It was themost money he had ever had in his life. It was the same $3,000 that Pamela had taken from Poo.

  LAX: Los Angeles International Airport...

  Pamela and Face sat next to each other inside the crowded airport lobby waiting for their American Airlines flight to Philadelphia. Swarms of people were moving all around them. Every so often, a voicewould come over the intercom letting people know about plane arrivals and departures.

  An older white man was seated next to Face reading a L.A. Times newspaper. He noticed Face watching him and said, "I'm finished with it,you wanna check out the comics?"

  Face smiled and nodded as the man passed him the paper.

  As Face flipped through the pages, he reached the Metro-City section and saw a picture of a man he recognized. When he saw the person's name under the black and white photograph, he knew exactly who it was. The small headline read: Man savagely gunned down inside the Universal CityMovie Theatre - his name was Vincent 'Poo' Thomas.

  After Face sat back and read the small article, he looked over at his mom. Pamela was sitting back with both eyes closed, lost in deep thought. Face got up and walked to a nearby trashcan and threw the paper in, thenreturned to his seat.

  Pamela opened her eyes and noticed Face staring at her. He reached over and gave her a long hug.

  "What was that for?" she asked, smiling and hugging him back. "Just because," he answered smiling, his eyes twinkling.

  "Just because what?" she asked.

  "Just because you the best mom in the whole world!" he smiled, showing his brilliant white teeth.

  "Thank you, Sweetie," Pamela said, smiling and leaning back in her seat again. Her eyes slowly drifted closed.

  Face knew what his mother had done; and he knew she had done it as revenge for Mouse. It was a secret he would never reveal to anyone - not even to her.

  When they heard over the intercom that their flight to Philadelphia had finally arrived and was ready for boarding, they stood up from their seats and walked together through the crowded airport lobby. Excitement filled both of their bodies. Their time spent in Los Angeles had been very eventful, but now it was time to go back home to Philly.

  Chapter Forty-One

  March 3rd, 1992

  Five months later...

  Pamela , Veronica, and Momma stood around conversing while the children were enjoying Face's birthday party. He had turned twelve. Momma's house was packed with most of the kids from around the neighborhood.

  Candies and cookies of all kinds were laid out on the living room table, surrounding a large frosted cake with twelve green candles and ‘Face’ written on top of it in green icing. There were balloons, streamers, party hats, noise makers -as if twenty kids wouldn’t produce enough sound- and ice cream in several different flavors. As well as music by the most popular singers and rappers, adding to the festivities.

  When Momma had walked away to go use the bathroom, Pamela yanked Veronica's shirt and pulled her to the side, smiling as if holding agreat secret.

  "What is it, Pam?" Veronica asked, a look of excitement glimmering in her eyes.

  "Veronica, I think it's time," Pamela said in a staid voice. "Time for what?" Veronica asked with confusion in her face and voice."That time! You know what I'm talking about!” Pamela said, her smile growing.

  Veronica looked
deep into Pamela's eyes, saw the importance there, and asked, "Girl are you sure? He's only twelve. You said when he turnedthirteen."

  "Look at him, Veronica. He's ready! Look at how fast he's growing up," Pamela said, pointing out the fact that Face had grown several inches in the past year and had gained weight as well.

  Veronica looked over at Face, who was standing by the stairs talking to Tasha. Even Veronica had to admit that Face was growing up fast. Not only was Face the cutest boy at his own birthday party, he was the tallest and smartest as well.

  The truth was that she had been looking forward to taking Face's virginity. Since Pamela first told her what she wanted, Veronica had been waiting patiently to one day introduce her handsome young student to the joys of sex, and she intended to fully educate him properly.

  She and Pamela didn't look at it as rape, or child molesting, even though Face was still under age. They considered it schooling, turning a boy into a man; at least one of the necessary steps on the road to manhood.

  "So, you really think so, huh?" Veronica grinned, once again lookingFace up and down.

  "I'm positive. I want him to have a birthday he'll never forget," Pamela replied, as they both burst out with laughter.

  "Don't worry, he won't once I put this on him!" she added, indicatingher trim curvaceous body.

  "What are you two laughin' and gigglin' ‘bout," Momma asked, walking back over to her two daughters. "I know whatever it is, you twoheffas is up ta' no good."

  Pamela and Veronica continued to laugh while watching as all the children played games, ran around chasing each other, and ate up all the food and ice cream.

  Momma looked at both women and nodded her head. She knew they were both up to something. Momma was no fool. She'd keep her eye onthem two.

  After the wish making and the candle blowing ceremony was over, Momma sliced everyone at the party a piece of Face’s birthday cake.

  After they finished their cake and started grabbing their coats and jackets, heading out the door to play or go home, Pamela, Veronica, and Momma started cleaning up the large mess the kids had left behind. Face, Reese, Tasha, and D.J., were helping too and picked up all the loose trash on the floor.

  After the house was back to normal, Pamela, Veronica, and Face grabbed their coats and were ready to leave. After warm hugs and kisses, back pats, and well-wishes, Momma and the kids watched as Pamela, Veronica, and Face walked out the front door. Reese, Tasha, and D.J. ran over to the window while Momma climbed the stairs to her cozy bedroom. They watched as Pamela, Veronica, and Face climbed inside Veronica's new Mercedes Benz, a giftfrom one of her wealthy clients. After Veronica pulled away from the curb and drove down the dark street, they all turned away from the window and followed Momma up the stairs.

  Forty-five minutes later...

  Veronica pulled up and parked in front of her new Chestnut Hill home. The house was two stories with four bedrooms, two full baths, and a two-car garage in the back. One of Veronica's wealthy clients had helped her get it.

  The street was nice and quiet, with tall trees lining the block. The house was in a perfect location for Veronica to enjoy her privacy and entertain her list of wealthy white clients.

  When they walked inside the house, Veronica winked at Pamela andsmiled as she walked up the stairs. Pamela and Face took off their coats and sat side by side on the white leather sofa. Pamela looked lovingly into Face's eyes and smiled, then reached out and took both of his hands intohers.

  "Face, did you enjoy yourself today?" she asked, her loving smile never faltering.

  "Yes, Mom. Thanks for the party," he replied, leaning forward and kissing her cheek.

  "Face, what do you think of Veronica?" she asked after a short breath-holding silence and a long sigh.

  "Huh?" he asked, his face a mask of confusion.

  "I want to know what you think of Veronica. Do you think she's pretty?"

  Face didn't know what his mother was getting at, but he answered honestly, anyway. "Yes, Mom, Veronica is real pretty." "What do you mean 'real pretty'?" Pamela asked, grinning.

  "You know, real pretty. Real pretty, just like you!" he answered, butfeeling a little embarrassed by telling her.

  "Well, I'm glad you think she's real pretty. So, you won't mind if sheshows you a few things?"

  "You show me everything, Mom. What can Veronica show me that you can't?" Face asked, curiously.

  Pamela smiled and shook her head. "She can show you things that Ican't. Now, would you let her?"

  "Yes, Mom. I'll do anything for you," he replied proudly.

  Pamela stared deep into his eyes and said, "Face, Veronica is upstairs in her bedroom waiting for you to come inside. She's going to show you some things tonight that will help you in the long run. I want you to listen and do whatever she tells you to do. And don't be afraid, she won't hurt you. You're a big boy now and I'm only doing what your father would have done for you if he was still alive. Do you understand?"

  "Yes, Mom," he replied, wondering what she was talking about. "Do you trust me?"

  "Yes, Mom."

  "Okay, give me a kiss and go upstairs where Veronica is waiting for


  Face leaned forward and gave Pamela a soft kiss on the lips, then stood up and walked toward the stairs. When he saw Pamela grab her coat and Veronica's car keys he stopped and said, "Mom, where are you going?"

  "I'm going back home. I'll drive back over here early in the morning and pick you up," she answered before opening the door, stepping out andclosing it behind her.

  After a long sigh, Face took his time walking up the flight of stairs. Nervousness was flowing through his body. From the conversation with his mother, he had figured out what she wanted him to do. At twelve yearsold, he had a general idea about what sex was. He had heard things from his friends and the older kids he had been around, so he wasn't a dummy when it came to how things worked. He and Reese even had a few old copies of Playboy magazine stashed around Momma's house.

  Still, the closest he had ever gotten to sex was kissing and grinding on Tasha. Each time, he felt his erection and knew he liked it.

  When he reached Veronica's bedroom, he turned the doorknob and entered. He stood in total disbelief. Veronica lay in the middle of the queen-sized bed completely naked. He felt his eyes widen and his eyebrows rise along with other parts of his body.

  The only time he had ever seen a naked woman was inside the pages of the Playboy magazines. His erection grew as he watched Veronica swivel her way to the edge of the bed and sit up. "Face, I want you to take off all your clothes and come get in bed with me," she said, in a seductive voice that made his erection pound even harder.

  He quickly did as he was told. He was a little shy, knowing Veronica was watching him. He wondered if his dick was big enough. He saw Veronica's eyes widen slightly when he removed his underwear and walked toward the bed and eagerly joined her.

  For tonight's special occasion there would be no need for the secret hidden cameras. Tonight wasn't about videotaping her wealthy, successful clients living out their compromising sexual desires and fantasies. Tonight was special, she thought. Tonight was about a woman introducing a young boy into the world of manhood.

  Early the next morning...

  When Pamela walked into the house, she heard sounds of laughter coming from the kitchen. When she walked into the kitchen, Face was fully dressed, sitting at the table eating breakfast. Veronica had cooked him a plate of cheese eggs, grits and beef sausages, with buttered toast and a glass of orange juice. Veronica sat across from him, dressed in a white silk robe with nothing on under it.

  "Hey Mom!" Face said elatedly.

  "Hey Baby," she replied with a perplexed look on her face. "Having fun?"

  Face grinned and nodded his head.

  "Veronica, I need to talk to you for a minute," Pamela said.

  Veronica stood up from the table and followed Pamela into the livingroom. Pamela turned around and looked into her smiling fac
e. "What happened?" she asked.

  "Pam, Pam, Pam!" Veronica smiled, as they both sat down on thesofa. Veronica stared straight into Pamela's waiting eyes and said, "Pamela, that son of yours is special. I ain't never seen somebody learn things so quickly. It's scary!"

  "What?" Pamela grinned.

  "Girl, I'm dead serious. He's very eager to learn, and he did everything I told him. Last night we had a lot of fun. I wanted Face to feelvery comfortable and I was surprised that it didn't take him very long to relax into the pleasures of love making," she said convincingly, before she stood up. "Pam, believe me when I tell you, the girls better look out for Face," she said, then turned and walked back into the kitchen.

  A few minutes later, Face walked into the living room and joined hismother on the sofa.

  "So, you enjoyed yourself, huh?" she asked, still smiling proudly. "Yes, Mom," he replied, smiling large.

  "Was you scared?"

  "A little bit. But, Veronica made things better. She made me relax," he answered.

  "Didn't I tell you that everything would be okay?"

  "Yes, Mom, you did."

  "Now, let me ask you something very serious, Face," Pamela said, her expression changed.

  "Yes, Mom."

  "Do you understand sex a little more?"


  "Do you understand lust and love?"

  "Yes, Mom," he answered confidently.

  "Then, tell me the difference."

  "Sex and lust is what me and Veronica did last night, but I only loveher as a friend," he said. "I really love Tasha," he added.

  "I want you to remember this Face. Never, ever, trust a woman you lust after and don't love! A lot of men are dead because of women they lusted after. Never let sex, lust, or a woman have control over you. A real King must be smarter, sharper and always focused, to stay on top. Yesterday, you was still a boy, Face. Today you are a man. A future King!”

  As Face sat on the sofa listening to Pamela talk, he let her words sink deep into his wise young soul. Her words touched him deeply. He would never forget the things Pamela told him for as long as he lived.


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