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Covenant Breakers (The Covenant Series Book 2)

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by Lynn Landes



  Lynn Landes

  Covenant Breakers

  Book 2 of

  The Covenant Series


  Lynn Landes

  Published by:

  Lynn Landes

  Edited by:

  Shane Landes

  Cover art by:

  Fiona Jayde Media

  Copyright © 2014 by Lynn Landes

  All rights reserved.

  Other titles by Lynn Landes:

  The Covenant Series:

  Book 1

  The Angel's Covenant

  The Fae Series:

  Fae Queen

  Shadow King

  (Release date April 2014)

  This book is a work of fiction. All of the characters, names, and events portrayed in this novel are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  License Notes:

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only, and may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, recommend them to the Kindle website where they can purchase a copy.

  Thank you for respecting the author’s hard work, and please enjoy.






























  Slipping quietly down the stairs and out the back door, Varena tries to slow her breathing and think dark thoughts. What will happen if they know it’s growing inside of her, getting stronger every day? Will they come for her when the sun sets and she can conceal it no longer? She knows better than most what will happen then. It will not matter that she is the daughter of the Queen; it did not matter for her mother. The screaming still rings in her ears and heart.

  She sees the way they look at her, watching and wondering if she will betray them as her mother did. Shaking herself, she tries to focus. She must get there quickly and quietly before it is too late, her sanctuary.

  It is starting to burn; the pressure in her chest is growing. She is at a full run now, tears streaming down her cheeks. Her only thought is to find him. He is waiting, as all shadows do. He is drawn to her by the beauty in her soul. He sees the light that is growing; his only thought is to protect her. Bursting from the cover of his cave, he spreads his scaly wings and cocoons her into his welcoming embrace.

  The blast hits him full force but he does not waiver. The burning is stronger this time, but no light escapes. He knows what will happen if he fails her. He cannot lose her; she is the key to his redemption.


  Outside an inhuman scream echoes through the night. Varena and her mother look at each other. Standing up, Rebecca hands the eight week old baby to her daughter.

  “I lost two of your brothers today; I will not lose any more of you. We must get to safety.” Throwing things for the baby into a basket, she grabs a small blanket and drops it inside.

  Micah hurries in carrying Hemana and wraps his wife in an embrace. As he looks at his beautiful dark haired daughter, he touches her cheek gently. “We have to get to the caves. Do you remember where they are Rena?”

  With a nod, she asks, “Is he coming back?”

  He lays Hemana on the bed and looks at his wife “He will be here any minute. You have to get them to safety. I will try to lead him away from you.”

  “I won’t leave you, Micah! I can’t lose you too!” she cries, desperate to make him hear her.

  “Beck, you know this is bigger than we are. We do not have time to argue!” he says.

  Micah picks up the basket his wife filled and gives it to Varena. He watches as Rebecca picks up their son “I love you both. Go with God, go quickly do not stop for anything, hurry!” he urges, as he moves them out of the door. With a final look at his family running into the woods, he turns, determined to meet his destiny and buy them time to get to safety.

  As she runs through the woods holding the baby tight against her chest, Varena wonders what will happen to the warriors left behind to fight. They did not stand a chance during the first attack. How will they fight him now, without Elina? An explosion rocks the camp from behind. Her mother screams and spins around. “NOOO!” she moans, taking a step back towards the village.

  “Mom” Varena yells! “We have to keep going!” She pulls her mother along, frantic to pick up the pace. She knows what will happen if the demon catches them. Now that the keeper is gone, he will kill them all.

  Another explosion shakes the woods behind them, and Rebecca knows they will not make it to the sanctuary. “Varena, you must get Hemana to safety. Go now” she says while pushing the basket at her.

  Varena grabs the basket as tears pour from her hazel eyes. With the baby still in her arms, she runs as if the devil himself is on her heels. A demonic howl echoes through the night and around her in the woods more demons return the call. She is surrounded, and the caves are still miles away!

  Her mother’s scream rings through the night and Varena does the only thing she can think to do. She runs to the river and drops to her knees. Quickly pouring everything out of the basket, she lays Hemana inside and covers him with the blanket. Bowing her head, she blocks out the screaming, the destruction and the death behind her. She prays for protection.

  “Father, I ask that you cover this child with your wings. Keep him safe in your care. Protect and defend him from the evil here.”

  A soft cool wind blows around Varena, cleansing the air. She pushes the basket gently away from the edge and watches as the winds carry him around the bend in the river, out of sight. Varena then looks at the scattered contents of the basket, now on the ground. With a triumphant smile, she picks up the hunting knife her mother packed and prays for strength. A sudden jolt shoots through her hand. She is amazed to see the knife glow for a moment before returning to normal. Jumping to her feet, Varena begins to run; but not to the safety of the caves. She is going back home to fight with her family.

  The river picks up speed and pushes its captive faster. The rocking of the basket sends the baby to a peaceful sleep. Overhead the call of an eagle sounds. The majestic bird soars through the night sky; he drops down and buries his claws deep into the basket. With a push of his massive golden wings he carries his prize high into the stars.

  Varena runs back the way she came and soon hears the sound of her mother screaming for help. Rebecca is being dragged by her hair and is struggling to hold her baby, as a demon pulls her back towards the camp. Varena picks up a rock and creeps silently along behind it. With a toss she throws the rock in the opposite direction. The demon spins with a snarl and releases his prize momentarily. On all fours, he turns his head sideways to look into the dark.

  She seizes the moment and leaps on its back as she plunges the knife deep into the top of the demon’s head. Rising up on its hideous
legs, he launches her from his back into the dirt and turns his reptilian gaze on Varena. He takes a step towards her as he smiles and gnashes his black shark like teeth. Slowly he pulls the knife from his skull and throws it to the ground. He leaps toward her with a burst of incredible speed only to explode midair, showering Varena with dust. The knife was infused with holy power!

  Startled, Varena shields herself against the blast, as she cowers in the aftermath. At the sound of her mother’s voice, she gets up and looks around desperately for her knife. She finds it in the dust and rushes to her mother.

  “Take him, take the baby! Rena, run. Get him to safety!” Rebecca says weeping on the ground.

  “We can go together Mom, I won’t leave you,” Rena tells her while she tries to pull her mother up.

  “My leg is broken! I can’t run, go now!” desperately she shoves the baby at her. “Listen to me daughter, get him to safety,” she screams!

  “How sweet,” a raspy voice says from behind her “A mother desperate to protect her children. I do believe you have something I want, Reeeena” he says walking towards her.

  “NOOOO” Rebecca moans trying to stand up. Clutching her baby brother to her chest, Varena knows they are in trouble. The demon stalking her is powerful. He would have killed them all if it weren’t for the Keeper’s protection. Gone is the beautiful mask he formerly wore. Now a demon once more, Raphaim is burnt beyond recognition. He is hairless, except for the patches that remain on his leathery scalp. His once beautiful black wings are now tattered and riddled with holes.

  Rebecca struggles to her feet by holding her broken leg off the ground. She leans on her daughter and tries to protect her by standing in front of her. She goes still when she feels Rena press something into her hand from behind. The knife!

  Raphaim stalks them. He is through playing games, he wants the child. Desperate for its rejuvenating blood, he can hear it flowing and pumping through the tiny body. His mouth begins to salivate at the thought of what it will taste like. The scent of the blood throws any thought of Elina and the book out of his mind. Growling like an animal, he reaches out towards Rebecca, intent upon the baby. He does not see the knife in her hand until she stabs it into his chest.

  Varena runs. She does not hesitate. She does not look back. She clutches the now screaming infant against her chest and runs for both of their lives.

  Raphaim slaps Rebecca hard enough to send her flying across the ground, unconscious. As he looks down at the knife protruding from his chest, he begins to laugh. Grasping the handle, he jerks the knife free and drops it on the ground. Blood seeps from the wound and he feels the burn, a moment before his body begins to react. As the burn of holy fire spreads, he knows only fresh blood can purify his system. It seems the blood stays in his system only for a few hours before he loses the potency. Once it burns off, he is forced to relive the agonizing pain of his attack over and over again. When he entered the village his intention was to have some fun. He did not know he would find one of the lost tribes and a Keeper.

  Quickly he rushes towards Rebecca and grabs her by her hair. Jerking her head back, he sinks his teeth deeply, moaning in ecstasy as her blood pools in his mouth. The burning in his chest eases and his body begins to recover. The pain fades and his wings return to their former glory. “Maybe these humans have a use after all” he thinks.

  He feels her heartbeat weaken as he drinks and the images from her mind fill his own. He sees the woman and her daughter running, each holding a baby. With a smile, he releases his hold on her, dropping her to the ground once more.

  “Twins! This must be my lucky day,” he says, as he wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. He leaves Rebecca alive and twitching on the ground.


  As the youngest of the village elders, Daya struggles with her emotions. Most of the elders were killed in the attack. Confused, she returns to the hut of the elders to pray and wait. She now knows what needs to happen in order to save them all. With a sick feeling in her heart, and realizes her envy caused her to want him. The death and destruction he has brought make no sense. He promised that he only wanted the Keeper; she was the key to free the fallen angels. If what she saw today was any indication of what releasing them on earth would do, she must not help him. He used her and her desire for him to achieve his goal. Daya knows she will only get this one chance to absolve her mistakes.

  The problem is that Elina is not the only key. That must remain a secret because if he knows of the baby all will be lost. She concentrates on the images in her mind, making sure to show only Elina. Kneeling on her knees, she prays.

  “Father; forgive my sins, the sins of my heart, my soul, and my body. Guide my thoughts and actions so I can do your will. Amen.” She stands and wipes her tears, determined to help the villagers. A sound from behind has her turning in fear. Her fear quickly turns to resolve. Daya runs to him and flings herself into his arms. He pulls her close, kissing her deeply and stealing her breath.

  With a push, she breaks away and says, “I don’t understand; this was not the plan. I thought we were to wait until she revealed herself?” Turning in confusion, she walks away.

  “All will be explained in time, where is the Keeper?” he asks her.

  “Don’t you know?” she asks, pretending to be stunned. “We were attacked. I thought they were yours! The Keeper is gone, she left when…” His roar of rage has her backing away in fear.

  “I, I, thought…” she stutters as he rushes to her. Grabbing her by her neck with both hands, he hears her plead “Please Micah, I have done everything you asked.”

  “I require one more gift, Daya” he says smiling “but I promise you will enjoy it,” he whispers against her throat. With a long, black fingernail, he runs it down her neck slicing the robe across her right shoulder, baring her flesh to his mouth. Moaning in pleasure, excited by the feel of his teeth nibbling on her neck, she pushes into his body as he takes her mind. As he finds the images he needs, he is outraged. “Raphaim! How could he know of the village?”

  Ashamed of her desire for him, Daya finds she can’t refuse him. Releasing her, he takes her mouth one last time. Looking into her passion filled eyes he rips the front of her robes open baring her beautiful body to his gaze. Smiling at him, she lifts her arms, inviting him to take more.

  “Thank you for your gift, Daya” he says as shadows slowly seep in from all the corners. He sighs, “I wish we had more time to play, but I no longer need your services. Enjoy your treat, my sons.” He turns away while the demons fall upon her. Their roars of joy swallow Daya’s screams. Enraged by the images he has seen, he leaves to find his son!

  Varena clutches the crying baby to her chest and runs through the woods while praying for help.

  “It’s okay, bubby,” she says calling him by his nickname, “please stop crying.” He is at a full scream now, and she is exhausted.

  She hears the sound of his wings overhead before he lands in front of her. Skidding to a stop, she stares at the dark angel. He is beautiful in his remade form, and Varena’s hatred for him is as strong as her love for her brother. She bounces the baby softly and he begins to calm. Her heart beats wildly as she glares at him. The pounding of her heart in her ears, and his hiccups are all she hears.

  “Why don’t you let me take him, Vareena,” he asks with a beautiful smile.

  “Never!” she screams. “You can’t have him!” she says as she backs away from him. Desperately she looks around for help, she steps back again with tears of anger rolling down her cheeks.

  “Do you taste like your mother Reeena?” he asks as he catches her gaze with his eyes. Licking his lips, he stares at her and she begins to feel sleepy.

  Confused she steps towards him thinking, “Why am I running? He is an angel, he can help us.”

  As if he can read her mind he stretches his large black wings out behind him, “Bring him to me, Varena, everything’s going to be okay now.” Overwhelmed by the scent of the girls fear, and the blood that
pumps through both little bodies, he does not hear the others come up behind him. They are the Fallen, working for his father. Immensely powerful, they fall upon Raphaim quickly and seize him while dragging him to the ground.

  Varena comes out of the trance to the sight of angels all around her. Backing away with the baby, she turns around only to stand frozen in shock at the sight before her. “Daddy,” she whispers like a prayer. She runs to his outstretched arms and sobs uncontrollably.

  “Release me, Father!” Raphaim screams from behind her. Jumping at the sound of his voice the baby begins to cry. Varena bounces him to soothe his screams and turns away, unable to bare the sight of Raphaim any longer. She looks up at her father and stares in terror as his face morphs and everything goes black.


  Time does not move the same here, below the realm of mortal existence. The women were all treated like slaves; they age slowly after being captured. Rebecca was thirty four when they came here. She was still healthy and able to have children and that is all Samiel wanted. If the women wanted to see the female children who survived the attack on the village, they did what they were told. The Mocker Samiel picked his favorites and Rebecca was among them. The rest of the women were given to the Fallen.

  Samiel took her children from her and promised to let them live, if she became his queen. She would have given her last breath for them and in many ways, she did. She was broken and drained by the evil one Raphaim. Varena, her daughter, was just fourteen when they came here. Tristan was just eight weeks old and Samiel adopted him as his son, changing his name to Cole.


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