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Covenant Breakers (The Covenant Series Book 2)

Page 21

by Lynn Landes

  Elina returns to her room. It took a few days to gather all the required documentation to put her plan in order. Malach made sure years ago that she had the money she needed. She pulled enough cash for Hunter, Varena, Alex and the baby. It is the least she can do to protect her brother. Hunter insisted on taking care of the identification, documentation and destination. Elina did not want to know anything beyond that, in case they were able to trace them through her. Elina picked up some track phones, and a small lap top all paid for with cash.

  She packs a duffel bag with the envelope of cash and gifts; and places the bag by the door. With a sigh, she sits on the edge of the bed, and rubs her neck. Her attention is drawn by a noise outside her window. She looks outside and sees to her astonishment, six angels standing in the back yard.

  Inhaling quickly, she calls for Malach just as Nameed shifts to his archangel form to land in front of them. Holding his sword, he speaks to the angels. A sound above causes the group to look up and they drop to their knees in reverence as Malach and Simeon join their brother. Elina ports to the back deck, drawing her black sword. If they have fallen from grace, she will need it to battle them. Eyes on the ground, they tremble as they look at Malach.

  “You are not welcome here. Why have you come?” Malach asks.

  One of the smaller angels looks up and says, “We heard of the child!”

  Malach looks at Simeon and they know they are out of time.

  “What child do you speak of?” Simeon asks. The six smaller angels rise up and one steps forward boldly.

  “All of Heaven knows what it is you protect brothers. The question is why? Why do you protect something that should never have been born?” he questions.

  “Are we not protectors of the weak, defenders of the Children of the Light? When did we become baby killers?” Nameed asks angrily.

  Malach holds his friend back “The child born here belongs to Hunter, the Gunskaliski and no other. The lies you have heard are just rumors and innuendos. Leave us, or does your allegiance belong to another?”

  In accusation they look past the archangels and stare at Elina. A chill runs over her body as the leader of the angels with blonde hair and red and black wings winks at her. Malach pulls his sword and points at the leader.

  “Are you Shadow or are you Light?” he asks glaring at the angel staring at Elina.

  “Perhaps that is a question you should answer, Malach? You cannot hide them forever brother; soon the truth will set us free and you will pay for the lies you spread!” Turning as one they take flight to leave.

  As they watch them fly away, the guardians turn and stare at Elina. Nameed shifts and flies back to his woods to patrol, as Simeon says, “I will follow them to make sure they do not come back today.”

  Elina takes a deep breath and puts her sword away as she waits for him. He leaps into the air spreading his massive wings and flies to her, snapping his wings closed. Malach lands in front of her.

  “Who was the blonde angel, the leader?” Elina asks.

  He looks closely at her and responds, “He is called Kane, and he is a trouble maker.”

  “No, he is fallen, Malach.” She steps close and asks, “How is it that you did not see that and why did Nameed not tell you? He is the leader of the angel’s who ambushed us, the one we fought before.”

  In that moment he realizes Nameed did not tell him everything. “I will take care of it. He will not bother you again, Elina. Many are falling, more every second and it makes detection difficult now.”

  Touching his arm, she looks at him and says, “Have faith, Malach. We know where the third part of the book is, I just have to get it from Raphaim. I am going to concentrate on finding the other two parts quickly. You stay safe, Malach.” Elina turns away from him feeling guilty that he does not know of her plans to move everyone, but things are shifting.

  “Elina, do you not want your Christmas gift?” Malach asks softly. With a smile she starts to, “You didn’t have to…” only to find him standing right behind her. Spreading his wings, he wraps them completely around her creating a shield of protection making them no longer visible to angel or humans

  “Malach what are you…” grabbing her upper arms he pulls her slowly to his chest.

  “A Christmas kiss to carry me through the dark days to come, Elina, will you deny me that?” Tears fill her turquoise eyes as she looks at the pain in his.

  With no hesitation she steps close and says, “I will never deny you, Malach.” He hears her heart pounding. Looking at her lush lips, he lowers his head softly and captures her sigh with his mouth. All thoughts of heaven and hell disappear in an instant. Only the dance of spirits embracing and lovers uniting fill the moment.

  Just a kiss, she thinks, as she buries her hands in his long black hair pulling his hot mouth closer. Just a kiss, he thinks as he savors the feel of her body pressed against his. Releasing her mouth for a moment, he looks into her turquoise eyes and sees the passion burning for him. Malach smiles, “No more tears when you look at me, Elina.”

  “Just one more, Malach,” she pleads softly taking his bottom lip between her teeth.

  Growling low Malach thinks; “I could spend a lifetime kissing you. One more will never be enough, Elina”.

  Smiling smugly she says, “No more pain in your eyes when you look at me, Malach. Every moment with you is a gift.”

  Malach leans in and runs his lips over her eyes, temple, ear, neck, back up to her mouth. Moist heat sends chills over her entire body. His mouth pauses over hers and he savors the taste of her one last time before they part.

  “Merry Christmas, Malach” she says smiling softly. The cold hits her the moment his wings unfurl, wrapping her arms around herself she watches as he flies away to join Simeon.


  Time to move on, Elina thinks. She hurries back to her room, grabs the duffel bag, and carries it out to the tree. As she looks at the tree she hopes Hunter and Alex will be here soon. Varena walks out holding the baby and pales when Elina tells her what happened.

  “We have to go soon, Elina. Do you think this will work? Will they be able to shield us?”

  “I know they can. I don’t know how the angels knew about the baby, but I do know that Hunter is capable of protecting both of you. I would not send you with him if I didn’t think so,” Elina replies.

  “I trust them, Elina. I am just afraid that Raphaim will find us.” Looking at her daughter so tiny and new she says, “I will never let him take her from me! She deserves better. None of this was her choice.”

  “She does, and so do you. I would ask that you look after Alex for me. He is very hard headed. I worry that he will not listen. It is imperative that you all stay together and stay hidden.”

  Grasping Elina’s hand, she says, “I owe him our lives. I will do all I can to keep him safe.”

  Elina hugs her and says, “What a Christmas this is turning out to be! I get my brother and my best friend back at the same time, and now I have to send you both away.”

  They break away as the baby squirms in protest, and laugh as Varena says, “I have learned to take each moment as the gift that it is because we are never promised the next one.”

  “That is excellent advice” Hunter says, Turning, they see Hunter standing with his arms full of gifts. Alex dashes around him saying, “Merry Christmas!” making a beeline for the baby.

  “How is Lexi this morning?” He asks, pushing his finger into her tiny hand. He watches fascinated as she sucks her pacifier.

  “Lexi? Oh no, she has her fist nickname,” Polly says in mock horror. She brings fresh juice to the table, followed by Ruby with a pot of coffee.

  For the next few hours they gather for breakfast and gifts. Elsbeth waits until they all sit and hands them each a singular wrapped gift. She nervously watches as they open each one.

  Uncle Ronnie opens his small box to find an antique signet ring. It is set in gold and holds a square bloodstone. His stone is deep green with red veins run
ning through it and is carved in Hebrew. Ronnie slips it onto his right ring finger; he smiles and looks at Elsbeth. “I love it, what does the carving mean?”

  Elsbeth says, “For he shall command his angels for you, to guard you on all your paths. It is from the book of Psalms,” Elsbeth continues, “just as you protected and guarded over me.”

  Ronnie hugs her and wipes at his eye. “I will treasure it, Elsbeth, thank you.”

  Ruby is next opening her small box. She finds a vintage silver filigree ring, which matches Ronnie’s. Her ring fits perfectly on her right hand, “It is beautiful, thank you” Ruby says with a smile.

  Polly opens her gold wrapped gift to find a small silver bangle with an oval bloodstone in the center. Her stone is a red, with a mix of green running through it. “It is amazing, Elsbeth, thank you!” she says slipping it onto her wrist.

  Hunter opens his gift to find a pendant necklace. Hanging from a braided leather chord is an oblong bloodstone. Resting on top of the green stone is a silver feather and holding the feather to the stone is a fire opal. Elsbeth steps close, speaking softly she says, “The blood stone increases the flow of our life’s energy. It symbolizes justice, increases strength and courage.” Slipping the necklace over his head, she continues, “It purifies our thoughts and heals when called upon.” Her smile matches his as she steps back and finishes saying, “I added the fire opal because it increases the power.”

  Kissing her forehead, Hunter says “I am truly blessed to call you friend. Thank you, Elsbeth.” Wiping tears she turns to Alex.

  Alex rips the paper off his package and says, “Sick!”

  Everyone laughs as Hunter translates “That means he likes it.”

  He lifts his necklace from the box and sees a small red sword flanked on each side by a silver dragon. Elsbeth tells him as she slips it over his head, “Alex, the sword is made of the purest bloodstone I could find. Each dragon’s eye holds a tiny fragment of green bloodstone as well.” Alex hugs Elsbeth thanking her and turns to show his dad.

  Elsbeth turns to look at Varena holding the baby, and says, “Open it.” She encourages her friend. Varena hands the baby to Ruby and slowly opens the box, careful not to rip the paper. Resting on black velvet are two identical bracelets. The larger bracelet is made of small sterling silver chain links with a tree of life charm resting on top of a circular green bloodstone. Nestled inside the larger bracelet is a tiny matching bracelet for the baby. With trembling fingers she traces the silver tree; afraid to touch it.

  “The tree of life represents our family, Varena. The family we are in Christ. The branches reach toward heaven because it is where we all long to be. If we keep our faith rooted in the truth of God’s love, it is where we will be united once more. I made the baby’s bracelet out of woven chord. I had help crushing the bloodstone, and it is imbedded into the very fabric of the chord. Alexandria’s tree of life is made out of wax for safety reasons. I hope they serve you well.” Tears flowing, Varena doesn’t know what to say. “I am speechless, Elsbeth. They are priceless, thank you.”

  As they all watch Ruby hands the baby to her mother as Varena places her bracelet on her. Turning to look at Elina, Beth says “I saved the best for last.”

  “Beth, you didn’t have to make me anything.”

  “That is why it is called a gift, Elina” she says handing her a small silver box with a purple bow. “I hope you like it.”

  Removing the lid, Elina gasps. Resting on a bed of black velvet is a beautiful silver dragon pendant. The dragon is wrapped around a ruby red blood stone protecting its treasure. Looking up, Elina says “Beth, it’s spectacular!” She hooks the silver chain around her neck; she lets the pendant drop and finds it rest over her heart.

  “I am glad you like it, but I have one more gift. I need everyone to stand in a circle and hold hands, including baby Alexandria.” Elsbeth bows her head and begins.

  “Father, you have blessed us with many gifts. As your children, we know our task is to realize them.”

  At the sound of Elsbeth’s voice a pulse of energy leaps down her arms and into the hands of those holding hers. Warmth floods into each person, lighting each blood stone filling the room with a glow. Startled gasps run through the group. Smiling, Elsbeth continues,

  “Help us never to underestimate our potential. Help us never to lose hope. God grant us the strength to strive for better, the courage to continue on and the energy to give all we have to offer” united they all say, “Amen.”


  Hell is never silent; the moans, screams, and pleas echo throughout the underworld singing its morbid lullaby. Weakened from the battle, Samiel hurries to his chambers, calling out for the Fallen to assist him. Thinking of the fresh blood of the human slaves, he smiles as he shifts back to his true form. All senses go on alert when he steps into his silent chamber.

  Ready for anything, he slowly scans the underworld and finds a large group in the throne room. With a thought he finds himself entering the room. A hush runs across the crowd as he pushes his way to his throne.

  Seated on the large, black rock throne, Raphaim lifts his hands with a smile. "We have been waiting for you, Father."

  "Seize the betrayer!” He orders his guards pointing at Raphaim. No one moves. They stare at him "What is the meaning of this!" He asks turning to survey the room.

  "Don't blame them, Father. They are only obeying their orders" Raphaim explains. Snarling at his son, he lunges for him in rage, a white hot burning sensation electrifies his back just before the darkness claims him.

  Waking in the darkness, Samiel feels the cold, damp stone beneath him. Confusion gives way to fury when he realizes his arms and legs are shackled to the floor.

  "Am I to be chained like an animal then?" he asks struggling to break free. A low murmuring sound fills the dark and he wonders at its meaning. The noise grows louder as he realizes it is voices all talking.

  "Raphaim!" he rages "I know you can hear me. Set me free!”

  An ember spark lights the night, flowing around him illuminating the prison wall.

  "Really, father, there's no need to scream." Stepping through the glass wall Raphaim smiles and lifts his hand gesturing as he asks, "Don't you recognize this room? I had a few modifications made just for you."

  Raphaim stays just out of reach as he walks close. With a smirk he says “The chains are infused with Holy Light,” laughing out loud at the look on the Mockers face. Bending over to look his enemy in the eyes the smile fades and his eyes fill with hate.

  “You are bound for all eternity by the very thing you can no longer possess. Ironic, isn’t it?”

  “How is this possible?” he demands.

  Raphaim laughs as Nameed lands in front of the Mocker.

  Nameed looks in disgust at the fallen before him; he turns to Raphaim with a grim smile. “The chains will hold. I infused them before I made my choice,” Nameed says. “The humans are on the move. Hunter took Varena and the baby with him.”

  Raphaim looks pleased “Follow them, and keep me informed. When I have the final parts you will be free to do what you will with your female.”

  Nameed flies away to do as commanded.

  “You give them too much freedom.” The Mocker says laughing from the floor. “You will regret this day. Release me before it is too late!!!” he rages.

  Raphaim looks at his father in triumph saying, “I figured it all out. You see humans as inferior. I see them as unique. They are simply tools to be used as I see fit. They are driven by one thing, the need for companionship. It drives their every thought. From the moment they are born, they need. The need is so great that without the physical and emotional contact from other human beings they wither up like a flower without sun."

  "You are an almighty angel" he sneers. "You were created to guide, comfort and protect humanity with no will of your own. Angels are superior to humans in power and intelligence, giving them the upper hand, but still your will is not your own. The sole purpose
of your creation is to carry out the will of God."

  Snarling in chains, the Mocker screams, "It is your humanity that weakens you!!"

  Raphaim looks down at him with disgust. "That is my point," he says excitedly "My humanity gives me the one thing I need to reign over all, free will! I am a supreme creation, the Alpha and Omega, I am Human and Angel. I am gifted with immortality, with all the gifts of the angels yet none of the weaknesses." He claps his hands together in glee.

  "My humanity gives me free will, Father." Pacing excitedly he says, "It is my get out of jail free card! It was during my imprisonment in this very cell that I heard him speaking to me. ‘Are you Shadow or Are you Light?’ I asked myself why? Why is he asking me that?"

  Turning his black eyes on his father he whispers, "That's when I understood. The human blood running through my body gives me so much more than I ever dreamed! I am given all the gifts of humanity, free will and forgiveness! It does not matter what I do. The question he asks tells me all I need to know."

  "You are insane. You are a mutation, a genetic freak!" He screams raging against the special chains. "She will come for the book and destroy you! Free me and we can work together! You can keep the human to yourself. Release me! I can help destroy the Children of the Light!"

  "I do not need your help.” With a wave of his hand he lifts the archangel off the floor, pulling the chains tight. Unable to move, the Mocker watches as Raphaim’s eyes go completely black and his fangs lengthen. Circling slowly he hears him inhale deeply, taking in the scent of fear and adrenaline.

  “The power in your blood will give me all I need.” Violently plunging his teeth deep into the Mocker’s throat, he moans with pleasure as the powerful blood explodes into his mouth.


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