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Easy Kisses

Page 16

by Kristen Proby

  “I know what it is to feel responsible for making a partner happy, and how defeating it is when nothing you ever do is good enough. To have your significant other threaten personal harm if they don’t get their way. It’s a helpless, horrible position to be in.

  “And I’m here to tell you that it’s not normal, and it’s not okay. If you are being treated this way, by anyone in your life, whether it be a colleague, a boyfriend or girlfriend, a family member or friend, it is imperative that you draw the line in the sand and make it very clear that while you care about them, they may not manipulate you. Offer to help them find a counselor, and if they insist they don’t need help, perhaps it’s time to step away from the relationship, no matter how scary that may be.

  “I want you to remember that no matter what, your physical and mental health are the most important thing. That is not being selfish; that is protecting yourself, so you can participate in healthy relationships. Cutting toxic people from your life is necessary for your own personal health and growth.

  “I personally think a lot of us feel ashamed when we try so hard to help someone, only to have that help thrown back in our face or ignored altogether, and we are doing ourselves such a disservice in feeling that way. It’s important to speak up, and to talk to those closest to you so they can help you. No one who loves you will stand for you being manipulated or hurt, and you should not be ashamed to talk about it.”

  He smiles kindly at the camera and I can feel tears in my eyes. Something tells me this is a huge step for Simon.

  “Thank you for joining me this week.”

  He nods and I stop the recording, and then take a long, deep breath. I don’t quite know what to say.

  Simon scrubs his hands over his face.

  “Please tell me that was okay because I don’t think I have it in me to do it again.”

  “You did great,” I reply and clear my throat. “I think it was a beautiful message, and you were eloquent in your delivery.”

  “I rehearsed it all day. I’ve never done that before.” He looks up at me, still across the table. “I still don’t know if I should air it.”

  “Can I be brutally honest?”


  “I think you’d be doing yourself and your fans a disservice by not airing it. If even one person sees that and recognizes herself and pulls out of an abusive situation, it will have been worth it. And I think that fans like it when they can see that you’re a human being. That you may know a lot of things, but you don’t know everything. We are all a work in progress.”

  Without a word, he stands and walks around the table, then pulls me to my feet and into his arms. He hugs me tightly, rocking back and forth, his face buried in my hair.

  “Thank you, Charly. You have no idea what you did for me today.”

  “Simon, you already had all of this in you. I just talked you through it. I imagine I’m not the first to try.”

  “No, but it was the first time I was willing to hear it,” he says, his voice muffled against my head. “You are a brilliant, gorgeous woman, and I’m so thankful that I found you.”

  I cling onto him, enjoying the way he’s rocking us, settled against him. “I think I found you, remember?”

  “Either way,” he says, a smile in his voice. “Thank you.”

  Chapter Fifteen


  “They’re here already,” I say to Simon as we walk into a restaurant just a few blocks away from my shop the next day. “Now you’ll have met everyone.”

  “Rumor has it, Beau and Eli are the hardest to win over.”

  “That rumor is probably true,” I reply and smile sweetly. “Don’t worry.”

  “I’m not,” he says and kisses my forehead, just as we approach the table, earning glares from both of my brothers.

  “Hi, guys, sorry we’re late.”

  “You’re not,” Kate says. “We were early because your brothers wanted to have home court advantage.”

  “You’re not supposed to tell them that,” Eli says to his wife with a scowl. “I’m Eli.”

  “Simon,” Simon says, shaking Eli’s hand. “You must be Beau.”

  “That’s right. I’m the oldest brother,” Beau says, and Kate and I both roll our eyes at the way my brothers puff out their chests and give Simon stern looks.

  “I’m thirty,” I remind them all. “And this isn’t some sort of weird approval thing. This is just lunch.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Eli replies and holds Kate’s hand.

  “Neither do I,” Beau says. “We’re just here to enjoy a meal with our sister and her…friend.”

  “Men,” I mumble and smile apologetically at Simon, who just squeezes my thigh reassuringly.

  “I’ve seen you on television,” Beau says, breaking the ice after the waitress takes our orders. “You seem to know what you’re talking about.”

  “I hope so,” Simon replies. “People pay a lot of money to learn my techniques. I’d better know what I’m talking about.”

  “Do you actually have a degree in psychology, or are you self taught?” Eli asks.

  I try to kick him under the table.

  “It’s good to hear you have your own money and aren’t after Charly for hers,” Beau says, earning a kick from me, which connects because I’m sitting right next to him. “Ouch.”

  “Stop being an ass.”

  “No, I’m not with Charly for her money. She has a successful business here in New Orleans, and I have a successful business as well. But frankly, that you would imply that her business is the only thing that a man would find attractive about her says a lot about your opinion of her.”

  “I like him,” Kate says, grinning at me.

  “Head Over Heels is not all she has,” Eli begins, but I cut him off.

  “It’s all that matters,” I say sternly. I realize that I’ve never really gotten into my family money with Simon, and I’d rather talk to him about it alone.

  “God, you’re stubborn.” Beau scowls at me.

  “And yet, you love me anyway.”

  “Sometimes,” Beau says with a half smile. “How long are you in town, Simon?”

  “A couple more weeks. I decided to extend my stay,” Simon replies.

  “How can you run a business from half way across the world?” Eli asks.

  “The internet is a beautiful thing,” Simon says. “Video conferencing. Phone calls. I can really work from anywhere, unless I need to be somewhere for an appearance.”

  “I see,” Eli says. “And what are your intentions with my sister?”

  “Eli!” I exclaim. “Simon, you do not have to answer that.”

  “Oh, I think he does,” Beau says, pissing me off.

  “We didn’t come here for this.”

  “You guys are being ridiculous,” Kate adds.

  “It’s okay, ladies.” Simon holds up a hand and never flinches under the scrutiny of my overbearing brothers. “My intention is to continue pursuing a consensual, mutually respectful, and affectionate relationship with Charly. Where it goes from there is our business.”

  Eli’s eyebrows climb into his hairline.

  “I don’t think you understand the dynamic of this family.”

  “I understand it just fine. I can respect and admire your need to protect Charly. But as she already told you, she’s an adult, and what we have between us is healthy. To be frank, it may be the healthiest relationship I’ve ever been in.”

  Beau and Eli both sit back in their chairs, studying Simon silently.

  “For Godsake,” Kate mutters.

  “If you try to make her move to London, I will beat you to a pulp.” Eli’s face is hard.

  “And if you hurt her, I’ll also beat you to a pulp,” Beau adds.

  “So noted,” Simon replies. “And likewise.”

  Everyone looks up at Simon in surprise.

  “Do you think it’s only non-family members who can hurt each other?” Simon asks seriously.<
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  “No,” Beau says, looking at Simon with a new respect in his eyes.

  “Charly,” Eli says, turning his attention to me. “I have papers at the office for you to sign.”

  “Which papers?” I ask and take a drink of my sweet tea.

  “Your new lease is in. I don’t know why you insist on it, but it’s ready for you.”

  “Because it’s the right thing to do.” I shrug and glance at Simon. “Do you mind going over to my brother’s office after lunch? It’ll only take a moment.”

  “That’s fine with me,” he says and smiles. “So you lease your building from Eli?”

  “No, she leases it from the company,” Beau replies as he takes a bite of bread. “Boudreaux Enterprises owns the building, and Charly is a part of Boudreaux Enterprises, but she insists on paying rent.”

  “We’ve discussed this,” I say.

  “You’re so fucking stubborn,” Beau says.

  “Gee,” Kate adds with a roll of the eyes. “I have no idea where she might have come by that. It’s not like it’s a family trait or anything.”

  “Watch yourself,” Eli says and kisses Kate’s hand. “Punishments happen.”

  “Excuse me?” Simon chokes out over his own sweet tea.

  “He’s kidding,” Kate says, waving Simon off. “Honestly, Eli would never really hurt me. Been there, done that, had the hospital stay to prove it. Eli saved me from a lot.”

  Eli kisses Kate’s hand again as she blushes. “I’m not sure why I told you that.”

  “He has this weird thing about him,” I say, nodding. “He’s like a priest. You just want to tell him stuff. Except, he’s no priest, let me tell you.” I wink at Kate, then bust out laughing when Eli and Beau both scowl at me. “Oh, lighten up.”

  “We really should get back to the office,” Kate says after Eli pays for lunch. “You can ride with us, if you want.”

  “We have a car,” I reply. “We’ll be right behind you.”

  We all gather our things and leave, and when we’re in Simon’s rental, he pulls me in for a long, hot kiss before I have the chance to buckle my seat belt.

  “What was that for?” I ask breathlessly.

  “I just needed to get my hands on you,” he says, still looking at me with lust-filled eyes.

  “And your lips, apparently.” I swallow hard. “I’m sorry for the third degree from my idiot brothers.”

  “They’re not idiots,” he replies and starts the car. “Do you know how lucky you are to have the family you do? I’ve never seen anything quite like it.”

  “I know.”

  “You are down to earth, and loyal and fun, all rolled into one. They wanted to make sure I wasn’t just fucking around with you, and like I told them, I respect that.”

  “Thanks for being so open minded about them,” I reply and point out a parking space in front of the building. “This is where we’re going.”

  “The office is in this building?”

  I take a deep breath and turn to him, ready to share more about my family with him. “No, this building is Boudreaux Enterprises.”

  His jaw drops for a moment, but then he shakes himself out of it and climbs out of the car. He follows me inside the posh, ornate foyer where I say hello to the receptionist. She immediately buzzes us up.

  The building is expensively decorated and recently renovated. Savannah and Kate led that project last year.

  “Eli and Beau’s offices are on the top floor,” I inform him. He’s suddenly grown quiet, but before I can ask him about it, we reach our destination.

  The doors open up to another opulent lobby, in grey, yellow, and hints of red. Eli’s assistant smiles at me as we walk past her to Eli’s office.

  “You guys got here fast,” I say as we walk inside and find all three of them gathered around Eli’s desk.

  “Kate drives too fast,” Eli replies with a frown. “Here are the forms that need your signature.”

  “Great.” I sit and look through each one, but nothing has changed. I sign and pass them back to Eli. “There you go. I get to stay another year.”

  “You get to stay forever,” Beau replies. “Unless you kick yourself out.”

  “So tell me more about Boudreaux Enterprises,” Simon says, interrupting us. “I was under the impression that it was a small family business.”

  “It is a family business,” Eli replies. “But it’s not small. Well, not anymore.”

  “We are the fifth generation to lead Boudreaux Enterprises,” Beau says. “When our father passed away, all six of us inherited it evenly, but only Savannah, Eli and myself were interested in working here day to day. Eli is the CEO, Savannah is the CFO, and I’m the COO. We have about five hundred employees here in this building and another three hundred that actually build the ships in the harbor.”

  “I see,” Simon says. “I’m not much of a sailor, but now that I see your logo, I realize that I’ve seen it before.”

  Simon won’t look me in the eyes. Is he mad at me? And if so, what in the world for?

  “Would you like a tour? I can show you around up here,” I offer, relieved when he smiles and nods. “Do you need anything else from me?”

  “We’re good,” Eli says and stands, offering to shake Simon’s hand. “It was nice to meet you.”


  I wave as I lead Simon out of Eli’s office and down the hall. “This is Savannah’s office. It looks like she’s out somewhere. And on the other side there is Beau’s office.” We continue along, and I point out different offices and what happens in each one.

  Suddenly, George comes around a corner and smiles in surprise when he sees me.

  “Charly. What a pleasure.” He hugs me and then pulls back. “We should get together soon for lunch or drinks.”

  “Absolutely,” I reply and turn to Simon, who has completely stiffened up and is glaring at poor George. “George, this is Simon. I’m just showing him around before we head out.”

  “Nice to meet you,” George says. “Seriously, call me. I’d like to catch up.”

  I nod and lead Simon further down the hall, but he stops me.

  “I’d like to go.”

  “Oh, okay. Are you feeling okay?”


  He’s so not okay.

  I don’t say anything as we walk out to his car, and continue to sit in silence while he drives back to my house rather than the store.

  I have someone working for me today, so it’s no big deal. I’d rather have this conversation in private anyway.

  Without a word, we walk into the house, set down our keys and my bag, and then he turns to me.

  “So, let me get this straight. You’re wealthy.”

  Is this a trick question?

  “My family is wealthy.”

  “That’s not what I said,” he replies and paces away from me.

  “Why are you angry?” I ask, getting angry myself.

  “Because you weren’t honest with me.”


  “When you told me what your family business was.”

  “I was honest.” I plant my fists on my hips and look at him like he’s stupid. “I told you my family builds ships.”

  “You failed to mention that it’s a huge conglomerate, or that you’re a freaking heir to an empire.”

  “Hold up.” I hold my hand up and have to take a deep breath so I don’t slap him across his handsome face. “You’re mad because I have a trust fund you didn’t know about? When was I supposed to say that? When I met you? Hi, my name is Charly, and I have a sizeable trust fund.”

  “That’s not—”

  “I’m not done. I haven’t touched that trust fund since college. My business, my home, my car…it’s all mine. I work my ass off for what I have. It made sense to put the building that Head Over Heels is in in the company name for tax purposes, but because it’s not in my name, I pay fucking rent. Because it’s technically not mine.

  “And yes, that pisses my f
amily off, but they can just deal with it. So if you’re pissed because I didn’t tell you that my family is wealthy, well, that’s your problem, Simon. Because it’s not even something that I think about on a daily basis. And let’s not forget that you, my friend, are fucking rich.”

  “Which you knew from the minute you met me,” he says. “It’s not like I can hide that. I’m a public figure, for bugger sake.”

  “I refuse to apologize for not telling you that my family has money. Especially when I wasn’t being deliberately dishonest. I told you all about my business, and you’ve been freaking living in my home. Everything you know about me is real.”

  He shakes his head.

  “You don’t believe me?”

  “I do believe you, and I’m still fucking pissed.”

  “Well, so am I.”

  “I should have known the scope of your family’s business before I walked into that lunch today. I was thrown off guard. Now I know why they wanted to know if I’m with you for your money.”

  “I’m successful on my own, damn it, and I will continue to be.”

  “I know you will. But come on, Charly, at some point you could have elaborated on what your family does and what they have.”

  “I showed you the inn. My family owns that, and I told you that it had been in the family for generations. I was never hiding anything from you.”

  He takes a deep breath and shoves his hands through his hair. “It never occurred to me.”

  “And it never occurred to me to spell it all out for you.” I cross my arms over my chest. “And while I’m mad, why were you rude to George?”

  “Because he wants to fuck you,” he replies immediately. I feel my mouth fall open.

  “No, he doesn’t.”

  “Trust me, darling, I’m a man. He wants you.”

  “I went out with him,” I reply and feel like a bitch when Simon’s eyes ice over. “Eli set us up on a date after I got home from Montana.”

  “So you’ve already fucked him, then.”

  I stop moving, stop breathing as I stare at Simon in shock.

  “Who the fuck do you think you are?” He closes his eyes and drops his head to his chest.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “No. You assume that if I’ve gone out on one motherfucking date with a man that I must have fucked him? Why, because I let you in my pants so easily?”


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