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Serenity (Forever Book 1)

Page 5

by India R. Adams

  I laugh while Dereck opens my door, not even acknowledging Jolene. He squats to my level. “Hi.” The sun shines off his mystical ocean-green eyes.

  “Hey,” I whisper in awe.

  Jolene waves, still hanging inside the car. “Hi. Remember me?”

  He looks surprised. “Oh, hey, girl. Didn’t see you there.”

  With a chuckle, she points at me. “My point exactly.” She winks, grabs some towels, and walks off with Sky, who’s waiting with a small cooler hanging from her hand.

  Dereck ignores Jolene. “I had the craziest dreams about you last night.”

  My eyebrows rise.

  Dereck laughs. “No, not that kind. Time-traveling kind. Different places with you. You didn’t always look like you do now, but I always recognized your big green eyes. Weird, huh?”

  You have no idea.

  Dereck grabs my hand and pulls me from the car. When the sun hits me, I remember why I love tubing so much. My eyes close while I soak up some rays. I still can’t believe this delicious energy ball in the sky causes cancer. I guess too much of anything is bad for you. That makes me think of Dereck. I hope that having too much of him blows that theory to hell, because I want all of him.

  “Josh is right,” Dereck says, causing me to open my eyes. “You have no idea how beautiful you are. Do you?”

  The compliment almost chokes me. “What?”

  We start walking to catch up with the Crew. Josh runs across the field and grabs Jolene. “Been too long since I’ve touched you!”

  Their light blends and illuminates, causing me to inhale deeply. Love their mystic ways. Josh kisses her then takes the cooler from Sky while pulling her to him. “Shorty. Gimme some love.”

  Sky smacks him but snuggles, soaking up the light the Wise Ones just created. While holding her, he tells Jolene, “Babe, follow me in your car. I have to drop off Roc’s truck.”

  The last time we forgot a pickup vehicle at the end of a river trip, Josh had to listen to us girls whine and complain during a three-hour walk back to the starting point—where his truck was parked. Sky gave him hell.

  “I want to stay with Serenity.” Sky lets go of Josh and heads to me, observing. “Tubing in clothes?”

  Jolene laughs at me. “Distracted much, Serenity? Strip. I’ll take your clothes back to my car.”

  I pull a top over my head, but when pulling off my shorts, I lose my balance. Dereck grabs my hand to steady me.

  Josh gestures. “Oh, hell no. You are not holding her hand while she strips. Move.”

  Dereck chuckles as he’s pushed away from me.

  As Josh takes over holding my hand, I laugh. “I’m not naked, Joshua.”

  “Well… it’s too close for comfort.” Sky reaches into the cooler Josh is holding. “Hey!” he says, “Those are for after the trip.”

  She grabs a sandwich. “I made an extra for the big guy. Don’t need him bitching about being hungry the whole damn time.”

  Josh leans down and coyly whispers to her, “Aw, made an extra sandwich for your Teddy Bear?” He jerks his upper body back as her hand swings through the air. “Missed!”

  She punches his gut. He’s now bent over, coughing and laughing. “Didn’t miss.”

  Now that I’m in my yellow bikini, Josh and Jolene head for vehicles as Dereck, Sky, and I head to where Rocco is organizing tubes. Sky grins and walks toward him, tossing a sandwich.

  He catches it. “Lil’ Mama, you tryin’ to win my heart?”

  Sky picks up a tube and walks away. “It’s a sandwich. Not an engagement ring. Don’t start with me, Roc.”

  “I is what I is.” He studies her while following her. With a tube in one arm and her sandwich in the other hand, he mumbles, “Damn, I love her smart-ass ways.”

  Dereck and I pick up two tubes each, for us and for Josh and Jolene, and head to the river as Josh drives away in Rocco’s black truck, Jolene’s car following. Roc’s muffler rumbles, making his fine truck that much hotter. I live in Texas. I’ve got a thing for trucks. With my tubes bouncing off my hips because of the narrow path, I stroll under the familiar canopy of trees. They whisper, “Did you enjoy your winter?” I want to answer, “No, and I missed you dearly.” But Dereck may reconsider things if I start talking to trunks and leaves. The trees bow with no resistance to the wind. Nature has this unspoken understanding that I respect at the highest level.

  As we make our way to the small riverbank, other tubers appear out of nowhere, running down the narrow passway, almost plowing me over. I drop the black donut tubes as Dereck pulls me to him. The tubers run by, leaping over my tubes, yelling, “Sorry.” Splash! They float away, screaming and laughing. Rocco and Sky miss the action, talking up ahead.

  Up against Dereck’s chest, I slowly look up at him. I’m not used to this sort of contact with a male other than Josh. And with Josh, I’ve never felt this ache inside, causing my heart to thump loudly. I feel an unfamiliar longing for Dereck. His eyes pierce my soul—something else I’ve never sensed with Josh. Josh’s eagle eyes are always inquiring about my well-being, not staring at my lips with a hunger I can completely relate to. Maybe Josh was right to separate us while I stripped. Dereck’s lips are full, almost seductively pursed. As if reading my mind, Dereck pulls me closer, spinning his hat backward. My breath stolen, I open my mouth, trying to remember how to inhale. I already know what it’s like to kiss Dereck when our lives are in danger. What will it be like to kiss under stressless moments?

  More tubers bump me as they run by. Dereck’s eyes snap to them. His disapproving glare breaks the sensual moment, so I back away—tripping over fallen tubes. I awkwardly land in one, hoping that by some miracle my clumsy side has gone unnoticed.

  No such luck.

  With a mouth full, Rocco yells, “Hey!” to the passersby.

  Sky is right next to him and has his back—which is hysterical because of their size difference. “Yeah! Manners, freaks!”

  “You tell ’em, Lil’ Mama.”

  Another “Sorry” echoes from the river as a large hand appears in front of my face, offering help. I accept Dereck’s hand and get pulled from the butt-sucking tube. “Uh, sorry about that. Thank you.”

  “No need to apologize for others’ bad behavior.”

  For some reason, those words resonate with me. I’m puzzled, because I can’t put my finger on precisely why this is.

  Dereck asks, “What is it?”

  “I don’t know. Weird.”

  Sky approaches—still fired up. “You want me to send Goliath down the river to beat some ass?”

  He stands behind her, casually eating his sandwich. “I’ll do it. Half Pint gives the go, it’s on.”

  She slams her foot to the ground. “Roc!”

  He jumps. “What?” he says, fumbling his sandwich.

  Sky turns on her heels and proceeds to poke his chest. “I. Am. Not. Short!” With every jab from her fingertip, he takes a step back, grinning ear to ear.

  I pick up my tubes for the rest of my short journey.

  Dereck says, “Oh, you have some dirt on you.”

  “My hands are full. Mind getting it?”

  “Uh, no. Do you?”

  “What?” I giggle. “Dereck! Help a girl out.”

  “Uh, okay. If you say so.”

  I understand his reservations as Dereck starts wiping my ass free of dirt. I freeze with the unexpected invasion.

  Sky laughs, and Roc utters, “Uh-oh.”

  “What are you doing with my baby girl?”

  Dereck jolts—ceasing the butt rub. “No, no, no! This is not my fault, Josh. She told me to do it.”

  “Oh yeah? And if she says, ‘Hey, Dereck, will you buy me some crack?’ You gonna do that too?”

  Sky and Roc burst out lau
ghing—till ol’ Eagle Eye glares at them. Sky steps behind Rocco for cover. He looks over his shoulder. “Nope.” Then he steps behind her. “He won’t hurt you. You do the protecting.”

  It’s like King Kong trying to hide behind a fairy. “Umm,” Sky says, wide eyed. “Uhhh…” Just then, her expression shows an idea has hit her. She becomes determined and angrily places her hands on her hips. “Some strangers just pushed Serenity, Joshua.”

  “What?” Josh yells, looking around. “Where are they?”

  Good distraction, Sky.

  The boys are braver, plopping into their tubes with no reservations. We girls are a bit squeamish with our eeks and oohs, resisting the cold water. The sun is fantastic, though, glistening off the river as we begin our float. The water and rays help me forget my troubles every time.

  Josh and Jolene lead the way. Sky and Rocco—who barely fits in his float—follow. Dereck and I lag behind. The trees say hello and goodbye with no judgment as we float freely under them. Nature knows not to oppose the inevitable. I wish to be more like that and accept life with all its turns and twists. Dereck “accidentally” bounces his tube off mine, bringing me out of my serene thoughts. Maybe Dereck and I are like nature—water flowing—resembling our feelings, traveling where they must.

  He asks Josh and Jolene, “So, what do Roc and I need to know about the Shorties before you’re off to college?”

  “How much time you got?” Jolene smarts off.

  Josh beams proudly. “Let’s see. Sky is a smacker. She hits and kicks when she wants her way. Serenity is a pouter—” He points at Dereck. “Beware of the pout. It’s a powerful tool she possesses, my friend.”

  “That’s how she works Josh over,” Jolene mumbles defiantly.

  “Shush, woman. I didn’t say you could talk!”

  Jolene is off her tube and has Josh under water in the blink of an eye. Mama Hen doesn’t play that game. Sky and I laugh as Josh sheepishly crawls back into his tube, soaking wet. “Damn, she’s quick.”

  Dereck and Rocco don’t seem surprised in the slightest with her actions. Josh shakes his hair like a wet dog, winks at his beauty—acknowledging her self-respect—then continues, “Ah, where was I? Oh yeah. Serenity mumbles smart-ass remarks under her breath, and Sky lets them soar out loud.”

  Rocco appears to be made of the same cloth. “Yeah, and they soar directly at me. Skyler, will you marry me?”

  I guess he likes it?

  “Don’t start with me, Lumberjack.”

  “Lumberja—Hey, I’m quite the catch, ya know.”

  “What I know is you’re probably catching cooties from hoochies.”

  Jolene shoots Roc a glare. Big Teddy Bear sounds like a kid. “I’m not. I use condoms! Just like I promised you.” Jolene gives an approving nod.

  “So you do sleep with hoochies!” Now Sky is doing the glaring.

  Rocco is losing this war. “I, uh, well…”

  Laughing at the lashing Roc is receiving, again, I’m not paying proper attention to the water. I hear Josh’s concerned tone when I float into a danger zone. “Serenity, come toward us more.”

  I’m being sucked into a fast-paced rapid we usually try to avoid by sticking to the other side of the river. My hands are paddling fast. “I’m trying.” I try not to sound as scared as I suddenly feel. The water pulls me into the rougher parts, and I begin bouncing out of my tube. Not weighing much is a curse on the river at times such as this. “Josh?”

  “I’m coming, baby. Don’t let go.” He sounds a little panicked, which is not helping calm me. Anyone who’s never been in a river before doesn’t get the magnitude of who’s in charge: the river.

  Once someone is pulled in, it can suck a person under and slam them into any rock it chooses, as many times as it pleases, and that is exactly what happens. It’s a surreal, spooky feeling as I look at the blue sky from under the water. Josh grabs my arm and yanks, but at the same time, the side of my body hits a rock, hard, causing me to inhale water and pull Josh into the river with me. He doesn’t let go, though. Josh holds tight as the water finally pushes me around the rock. Water rushes past my eyes as I struggle to get my bearings. Josh’s tube catches on the rock, giving him just enough time to throw me up onto it. I land on my stomach as he jumps off another rock, his stomach landing on my back. He doesn’t mean to squish me—the life-or-death situation gives him no choice.

  I cough up water as Josh asks, “Dereck, you got her?”

  Wait. What?

  “I’m crushing her, but we’re almost through it.”

  It’s official. Dereck and I are in an all-too-compromising position. I weakly glance up and see Jolene’s eyes bugging out of her head. I finally get enough air into my lungs to choke out, “I’m okay. I’m okay” to calm her.

  When in placid waters again, Dereck skillfully tries to slide off me. Grace isn’t exactly my middle name, so I find myself sliding with him. And since the river almost claimed my life moments ago, the river is the last place I want to be. I cling to the tube like a cat taking a bath and end up half in and half out of the water, placing my butt directly in Dereck’s face as he floats behind me. Unbelievable!

  “Can you please stop staring at my baby girl’s ass!”

  “Josh, it’s not my fault!” Dereck proclaims from behind me.

  My face falls into my palms. Tell me this is not happening.

  “You’re still doing it,” Josh insists.

  The tube starts spinning. Dereck, now beside me, soaking wet, appears almost as embarrassed as I am. “Sorry, Serenity.”

  I smile in hopes of providing some relief. “I’m sorry I made you stare at it.”

  Josh grumbles in the background, “Huh, I bet it was torture. I can’t seem to keep him away from it today.”

  “No, that part rocked,” Dereck tells me. “It’s just—” He grimaces. “I’m sorry I couldn’t get to you sooner. It’s your hip.”

  Jolene practically rockets out of her tube. “She’s hurt?”

  I’m confused. “I don’t feel a thing.”

  Dereck shamefully nods at Jolene as she swims over, Olympic style.

  Josh’s tone instantly changes from playful. “Take her over there.” He points at another entrance of the river where we can stand.

  After catching Jolene’s abandoned float, Rocco helps Sky.

  As Dereck walks me up the shore, I tell him, “I owe you a hat.”

  “You almost died, and you think I’m worried about my lost hat?” He stares with those turbulent eyes, as if trying to figure me out.

  Josh and Jolene are all over me. “Josh! Look at her hip!” My bikini doesn’t properly hide the ugly bruise in the making.

  Josh’s finger lightly touches me. “Ouch, that’s going to be black and blue. Serenity, how are you not crying?” I shrug. Josh examines my whole body for more injuries. “What’s with this older bruise, over here on your other thigh?”

  “Slipped down my stairs,” I answer quickly.

  I’m afraid Josh is going to inquire more about my old marks, but I’m relieved when he eyeballs Dereck. “How did you get her on the tube like that? It looked like you defied gravity.”

  The sun reflects off the water and onto Dereck. “I… don’t… really know. It just… felt wrong… for her to get hurt.”

  Jolene appears intrigued. “That’s twice you’ve said that.”

  Dereck seems more concerned about me than his heroism. “Want me to walk Serenity back to the truck?”

  He tells me, “Or I could carry you.”

  “What? But I’m not done tubing.” I glance around. “Uh, where is my tube?”

  Skyler points down the river.

  Damn. “Okay. Who’s sharing with me?”

  Dereck eagerly raises his hand.

e bruise is worth it.

  “Oh no you don’t,” Josh tells Dereck. “Serenity is with Sky for this ride, Mr. Her-Ass-Is-My-Personal-Magnet-Today.”

  Chapter Six

  Father and Willow

  Phony worlds, secret lies.

  The mistakes that I hide.

  Mysteries of love, I beg the above.

  Answered prayers, have come in layers…

  While sitting in bed, I stop writing in my journal. The smell of bacon drifts up the stairs. My eyes close in relief. Thank you for this calm morning. Yesterday, after the best river trip ever, Dereck asked to see me again. He even offered to meet my parents. Of course, I prefer that not to happen, but Josh was studying me at the moment, so I couldn’t say no, because he would’ve become the question master and grilled me for answers.

  My eyes open, and I hear a guitar playing. I’d set that ringtone on my cell phone for one person’s texts and calls—Dereck’s. Don’t know why, but the guitar ring feels right.

  The text reads: Good morning

  I write back: Good morning

  Dereck: We still on today?

  Me: Still game?

  Dereck: Lol, Game and skills, girl.

  This warm, playful side of Dereck is my favorite so far.

  Even though the happy-family facade is a lie, I sit with my parents at our round wooden table next to the kitchen, eat breakfast, and pretend we’re a real family—as we used to be. Depressing news echoes from the large, dated TV in the corner of our living room next to the fireplace. I miss the smell of burning wood. Now the bricks house only cobwebs.

  “This… boy still coming today?” Dad crudely asks before taking another bite. His dark hair looks even more stygian with the lack of shampoo and maintenance. He used to be handsome but not anymore. As he changed, so did his daily habits.


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