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Serenity (Forever Book 1)

Page 7

by India R. Adams

  He laughs. “Uh-oh. All right. I’m in.”

  “Tell me something not many know about you.”

  “Like about my personal gas issues?”

  I cringe—“What?”—and pull away.

  “I’m kidding!” He laughs, yanking me back to him. “One fart issue and you’re already bailing on me?”

  Falling into him has made his joke so worth it. His body is warm and makes mine vibrate. I grin at him as I give us some space again. “I hate to admit it, but yes, I’m a coward and prefer to not smell your… issues.”

  “Deal, but watch yourself around Roc. He’s a beast in more ways than one.”

  “Oh, gross!” I laugh. “Poor Sky.”

  “Oh yeah, her lungs are toast.”

  I chuckle. “Maybe we should start with more basic questions to avoid more TMI. What do ya wanna be when you grow up?”

  “I love to fly. Got a serious pull to the sky, so I’ve been contemplating the Air Force.”

  My heart sinks. I know to everyone else it seems I’ve just met this guy, but I truly just found him again. The thought of him being shipped off makes me miss him already. The leaves crunch under our steps.

  “You sound passionate about the guitar.” I look away.

  As if finding this comical, he asks, “Why’d you just do a reroute on this conversation?”

  My bottom lip demands an introduction. “No reason.” I refuse to look at him.

  He stops walking and grabs his chest. “Is that the infamous pout?” I nibble on my disobedient lip. “Josh is right. That hit me right here.” He points at his heart then pulls me to him. “Come ’ere. What’s wrong?”

  Damn lip. I stare everywhere but at his inquisitive eyes. “Nothing.”

  That strong finger is like a hook, and my chin is rising to face a way-too-proud grin. “If I were to leave for training, would someone miss me?”

  I fake a wince and attempt a step backward. “That would be ridiculous. I just met you.”

  “I see.” He doesn’t release me. “How about this? You stop pretending that you wouldn’t miss me, and I’ll stop pretending I haven’t already rethought enlisting in the last few days.” My eyes snap to his. “Now I get to see those beautiful eyes?” I quickly hide my heated cheeks in his chest. He laughs, wrapping his arms around me. “Maybe not.”

  I sound muffled. “I’m sorry to act this way. This—” Without leaving his chest, I raise an arm and wave a hand around, gesturing to him and myself.

  “Serenity, your hand looks like it’s been possessed by a snake alien, desperate to be set free.”

  Laughing, I lean back to yell, “You! This—you—all new to me—” I stop when I see how Dereck is looking at me again—staring at my lips with a hungry mouth. I instantly start to pant with a heady need, completely ready to kiss him, but he abruptly shuts his eyes and sucks in his upper lip, trying to inhale at the same time.

  Do I have bad breath?

  His eyes open, and he releases me. “So, what do you want to do when ya grow up?”

  We start walking again. I’m a little dumbfounded but answer, “Umm, it hasn’t exactly come to me yet, but… I’d love to help people.”

  “Help them with what?”

  I shrug. “Maybe themselves.”

  “Serenity.” Dereck pauses. “Your eyes tell me you’re sad sometimes.”

  “Isn’t everyone?”

  He shakes his head.

  “Are you always so observant?”

  “No, just with the ones I care about.”

  I have a feeling that if I were to get a dime every time Dereck takes my breath away, my piggy bank will overflow. I tell him, “That feels good.”

  “Hey! You stopped pretending! One wall has crumbled. On to the next—”

  I gently shoulder him. “Now it’s your turn to let walls fall.”

  “Thought I did.”

  “Do you still care about Alexandria?”

  “Oh.” Dereck slows. “I wondered if she’d come up. Um, yes, I care. But only as a friend.”

  “Does she feel the same? You as a friend?”

  “Not exactly.”

  I hope he understands that my silence is my way of asking him to indulge me.

  “Wanting more info, huh? Okay. I never saw Alex the way she sees me, but she’s persuasive, so we tried to date. The feelings never came for me. We finally broke up.”

  “Is she in love with you?”

  “She thinks so… but I don’t.”

  I think about his wording—persuasive. “You slept with her.”

  Dereck stops walking. “Uh, I…”

  I let go of his hand and calmly ask, “Are you going to lie to me?”

  He stares at my hand. “No, I will not lie to you, ever.”

  I’m thankful he understands this question is for future conversations also, so I reach for his hand again. “Thank you.” Shamefully, I cannot make the same promise.

  We start walking again. “Serenity, please don’t think I used her. I shouldn’t have allowed myself to get sucked in.”

  “I’m not judging you. Just wanted to know where I stood with someone who’s a big part of your circle of friends. She left the first day I met you. I needed to know why.”

  “She’s just… sad. Alex knows me well, and knows—” He hesitates.

  I stop walking and look at him again. “She knows what?”

  “That I will never look at her,” he whispers, “like I look at you.”

  Piggy. Bank. Full.

  The spring is nothing like the river with its many tubers and exciting fun. No, the spring is motionless, with blue water like that in a fairy tale. Surrounded by woods—hidden away from the rest of the world. No one else seems to come here. There’s never trash or any hint of civilization not respecting nature.

  Dereck seems to get the magic of this place. “Oh, wow.”

  “I know. A hidden gem.” Standing on the small embankment of orange clay dirt, I take off my T-shirt and throw it to the ground. After a short run, I leap into the air and land with a wonderful, cleansing splash. In the water, I turn to face him. “Scared?”

  His shirt comes off, and Dereck makes a splash of his own.

  Guess not. “Okay, follow my lead.” I begin floating on my back.

  Floating alongside me, Dereck asks, “Uh, Serenity, what are we doing?”

  “Taking her in.”


  “Mother Nature.”

  Dereck peers at the sky speckled with the tree limbs shading us. The breeze blows gently, stirring the scent of the woods. Squirrels chatter and birds sing. “I see why you love it here.”

  “I do. If I’m ever missing, this is where I’ll be.”

  “Then this is where I’ll search.”

  His sincerity tells me he means it.

  “Serenity, can I hold your hand?”

  I don’t answer, I just slowly reach out and take hold of his.

  Planes. Many planes fly overhead as sirens sound. Dereck isn’t speaking English, but I can understand him as if he were. “Adalbert said to wait here.” Dereck grabs his chest as if his nerves are eating him alive. “I have to get you out of here!” His dated green uniform seems as if it belongs to some sort of foreign armed forces. Another man, dressed similarly and wearing the same style hat, comes running toward us. Dereck calls out, “Adalbert!”

  Adalbert looks older and has even more shiny pins and patches on his uniform, and he’s as upset as Dereck. “Emerick”—he points at me—“get her on that plane and far away from here. I’m going back for Engel.”

  I’m so scared when Emerick—uh, Dereck—asks, “Is she still with Hitler?”

  Adalbert nods and grabs Dereck in a strong
embrace, pulling me with him. He kisses my head as though he adores me then pushes us away. “Now go! One must survive!”

  Dereck—Emerick—grabs my hand, and we run across a concrete landing strip. I’m crying as he pushes me up into a foreign fighter plane—one I know I’m not allowed in—because my heart already misses the man who is chasing us away. Emerick is defecting. We are leaving whatever service he belongs to, and I know why. He feels he belongs to me, not them—

  My eyes open with a gasp. “You already know how to fly.”

  “What?” Dereck stands.

  I try the same, but I’m not six two, and I sink since I’m unable to reach the spring’s bottom. With our hands still connected, Dereck yanks me up to the surface, laughing at me. “You okay?”

  Hanging from my one hand that’s being held up in the air, I wipe my face with my other, giggling. “I think you have longer legs than me.”

  “Ya think? Come ’ere, Shorty.”

  Dereck pulls me to him, and I’m distracted by the sudden closeness—forgetting about the vision—and concentrate on the handsome face before me. My hands rest on his thick shoulders, his chest so warm I want to cling to him forever. Water drips from our faces that are only an inch apart, and I can think of one thing only. “Do I have bad breath?”

  “What? No.”

  “Then why didn’t you kiss me earlier?”

  “Oh, uh, I was trying to be a gentleman.”

  I misread that one. “I… I’ve never…”

  “You’ve never what?”


  Dereck smiles as if I’m a bit challenged. “You…”

  I rush my next words. “I’ve never been kissed before.”

  Dereck tilts his head. “Never?”

  I close one eye and wrinkle my face. “Is that bad?”

  “No. Not at all. Just unusual, nowadays.”

  “Can I kiss… kiss you?”

  Dereck freezes, staring at me.

  “I mean… You’d have to show me how. If—I mean… only if you want to.”

  He slowly nods, and his voice lowers. “I would love to kiss you.”

  I nod. “Okay.” I smile in relief. “Uh, now?”

  He chuckles. “I’m ready when you are.”

  Clinging to the front of him, my hands tighten on his shoulders as I pull myself up to reach. His hands land on my waist. These strong hands lift me as his lips descend to mine, and I have my very first kiss. The spark I had heard of is nonexistent. This—what’s happening between Dereck and me—is fire. Blazing-hot fire that won’t ever burn my skin but will warm my soul. Our mouths haven’t even opened, yet my body turns into jelly, my arms almost limp. Dereck wraps his arm around my waist, naturally catching my weight as if this was not our first kiss. I guess it’s not. With my eyes refusing to open, I pull my lips back so I can breathe.

  “Y-You wouldn’t consider that my knees buckling, would you?”

  Breathlessly, he answers, “Huh?”

  My eyes finally open. “I think I owe Sky twenty bucks.”

  Dereck’s face is close still to mine, and he’s smirking. “I just kissed you, and you’re thinking of Skyler?”

  “We had a bet,” I mumble, still affected by his kiss.

  “I tell you what. I will give her thirty if she stays out of our next kiss.”

  I grin, happily waiting for our next kiss.

  “I have a feeling I’ll be dating you both.”

  I try to look cute, because this is entirely possible. “Group package?”

  “Valentine’s Day is going to get pricey.”

  “We believe Valentine’s Day is a cliché, so you’re in the clear.” I pull myself closer to him. His stomach is flush with mine, moving at the same rhythm as our breaths. Slowly and slightly, he tilts his head. He doesn’t close his eyes this time as he gently kisses me. I watch him like an eager student. His lips caress mine again, but this time they linger and part, just a little, then he pulls back and studies me.

  I nod. I want more.

  His lips press to mine. When they part, his tongue crosses the barrier.

  No one’s tongue has ever touched mine, and the wet softness is not what I expected. He pulls back to read me again. I’m licking my lips, stunned by his flavor.

  He squints. “You okay?”

  I don’t answer. I only want more of him in the most personal way, so I kiss him aggressively, wrapping my legs around his waist, refusing to let him go.

  He chuckles. “I guess so.”

  His lips are like butter as I search for the softness. Once I find them, a need surges forward, and my mouth opens wider, begging for his compliance. Dereck’s eyes slam shut, and he winces. A guttural moan escapes while his arms tighten around me. Then his mouth consumes mine in the most delicious way. I close my eyes in relief.

  We kiss. We passionately kiss—


  Dereck and I jolt out of our kiss with the unexpected intrusion.

  “What. Are. You. Doing-to-my-baby-girl?” echoes from across the little spring.

  “Nothing, anymore,” Dereck grumbles.

  Josh swims toward us. “Wanna discuss it on the field, soldier?”

  Dereck’s jaw clicks. “No, El Capitan.” He pronounces it “El Ca-pee-ton.”

  Still in his arms, I touch Dereck’s face. “You play football?”

  Before Dereck has a chance to answer, Josh is behind him with his arm around his neck, pulling him under water. I have to let Dereck go or drown with him. Why is Josh interfering? Swimming to shore, I glance over my shoulder.

  Josh has Dereck in what I’m now realizing is a pretend headlock, whispering in his ear.

  Dereck nods. “I understand.”

  My feet touch bottom, so I stand. Jolene and Skyler are waiting for me on the shoreline. Sky appears solemn—not the spunky girl from this morning.

  I get out of the water, taking what Jolene offers. “Here, baby. Sky remembered that you forgot towels.”

  I wrap it around myself, now understanding Josh’s actions. Josh and Jolene know Dereck and I would’ve survived without towels, but they also know I could never survive hurting Sky.

  I hug her. “Thank you, Sky, for bringing towels.”

  Her face hides against my shoulder—she doesn’t know how to lie to me. “I’m sorry.”

  I rock her, thankful the Wise Ones have intervened. “Never, ever be sorry for loving me so much.”

  Jolene winks at Dereck, handing him a towel. Dereck could be smart and run for the hills. But Dereck is as wonderful as I believe him to be. His arms wrap around both Shorties. “How’s my girlfriends?”

  Sky wipes her tears. “Girlfriends?”

  Still holding us, Dereck smirks like a proud male teenager. “Serenity informed me today that you two are a package deal. I’m officially a high-ranked stud.”

  “What?” shrieks overprotective Josh, marching up the shore. “Your stud services are not and will not be required—or allowed for that matter.”

  Sky ignores Josh—as we all do—and asks Dereck, “She did?”

  She looks so relieved. “Yep! Apparently, I’m the third wheel in this odd relationship.”

  Sky’s head falls to his chest in our threesome embrace. “Thank you. She’s my world.”

  “Just so you know, Dereck”—Josh approaches, soaking wet—“they were mine first, and I don’t know about you dating both my Shorties.”

  Sky smacks him. “I’m not kissin’ him, ya freak.”

  Josh seems so pleased with her quick recovery, he yanks her from us and throws her over his shoulder. She screams as he proceeds to smack her butt, yelling, “I’m not a freak, freak!”

  With that, we find function that works with our dysfunctiona
l ways.

  Chapter Eight

  Crossing Bridges

  It’s Monday, and school seems… foreign. Nothing like how Dereck makes me feel. After experiencing his kindness, the cruel girls at school seem meaner. “Lesbians,” someone utters coldly as she walks past Skyler’s car. I don’t know who it was. I can’t see beyond their murky gray form.

  Standing at her open door, Sky grabs her bag from her backseat. “Our welcoming committee says hello.”

  “Ah yes. Off to another great day?” I exit her car, trying to muster strength for my peers’ actions that I don’t understand. Sky and I meet in the front of her car and quickly go inside the school. I wish I could say that in the hallways we’re safe, but it would be a lie. The walls echo with “Lesbos.”

  Leaning against my locker, I force a smile. “I think we’re gaining fans, Sky.”

  Her head leans on my shoulder as another admirer walks by. “Hey, gays.”

  My smile drops. The pain is too much. “Don’t you wish we went to the Crew’s school?”

  Sky gestures around us. “And give all this up? No way. I love mental abuse.”

  “Why do they do it, Sky?”

  She exhales. “Maybe Taylor has it right. People throw shit at shiny things.”

  My smile returns. “Not sure if that’s her exact lyrics.”

  “Oh, but it’s what she meant. I bet she’d like to throw the word ‘asshole’ in there, too.”

  My hand finds hers. “After we finish this semester, we have one more year we’ll face together. Then we’re officially survivors.” We both draw in air. I suddenly realize it’s not the school, and it’s not the mean ones; they’re the same. It’s me. I’m different now. Last Thursday, my whole world changed because of Dereck. I woke up. And I think if Dereck has any say about it, I will not fall back to sleep.

  “Today was weird.” Dereck’s voice echoes over the receiver of my cell as I lie in bed. “It would be badass if we went to the same school. Could you handle putting up with me every day?”


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