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Serenity (Forever Book 1)

Page 25

by India R. Adams

  From the front seat, Sky is also gasping for air, reaching for my hand, but I’m too panicked to help her. My arms won’t stop jerking around. Even though I can’t see it, I feel the water smothering me. I’m choking because I’m drowning—was drowning. Ugh! I feel like I’m going insane!

  “Serenity, please breathe!” Skyler cries as Dereck is fighting my wicked arms.

  Dereck sternly says, “Roc, they’re too connected. Get her out of here.” He forcefully holds me to him, whispering in my ear, “Breathe. Breathe.” His intense embrace is half alarming and half comforting because I know I won’t be alone as I die.

  Faith quickly opens the back passenger door. “Keep talking to her.”

  Rocco is pulling a willing, crying Sky across the driver’s seat and out of his truck as she cries, “She can’t breathe.”

  His voice fades as he carries her away. “Maybe if you inhale, she’ll inhale.”

  I feel Dereck’s breath on my ear. “Come on, Baby Doll. Breathe for me.”

  I hopelessly and raggedly try to inhale. The air feels foreign and sounds as if it’s being forced through a collapsed windpipe.

  He nods. “That’s it. Again. Air in.”

  Painful inhale…

  “Now let it out.”

  Air rushes from my exasperated lungs…

  “That’s it. Again.”

  Air stings as it is forced down my throat.

  “Good girl. Exhale.”

  Blood is moving again. Oxygen begins to make its way to my brain.

  His hold loosens. “You’re doing it. You’re breathing again.”

  Josh suddenly appears, peeking over Faith’s shoulder. He’s panting heavily. “I’m here. She okay?”

  Dereck rubs my back. “I need everyone around her chill or gone.”

  Josh nods. “Got it.” He inhales and takes a calming breath. “Sorry.”

  Dereck asks Josh, “Sky good?”

  Faith is rubbing my leg, studying me.

  “Yes, with Roc and Joles. She was so upset—I knew something was happening with this one.”

  “She had a nightmare and was struggling to breathe.” Dereck’s jaw tightens. “Sky’s became labored.”

  “How the hell is this possible?” Josh gazes at Roc and Joles in the front yard with Sky.

  As I think of the nightmare again, adrenaline shoots through me, giving me just enough energy to wrap my arms around Dereck’s neck. I cling tightly, afraid I might float away.

  “It’s okay,” Faith says. “The nightmare is over.”

  I’m exhausted. I feel as if I’ve been running for my life, trying to survive for most of it. I fist the back of Dereck’s shirt, trying to get closer to him, trying to inhale him instead of my cruel reality. “Dereck,” I cry, “I can’t do this anymore.”

  His head leans to mine. “I know. I know.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “For what?”

  “I didn’t want to lie to you.”

  “You didn’t think you had a choice.”

  “I’m so sorry I lied to you—to Josh and Jolene—” My tears are soaking Dereck’s T-shirt. “I’m so sorry I lied to you all.”

  Faith caresses my shoulder. “No one is angry with you for doing what you thought best.”

  I’m miserable and so freaking tired. “I lied. I lied.”

  “Let’s get her changed and into bed, Dereck.” Faith steps away, making room.

  “I don’t think she can walk. She’s trembling.”

  “I got her.” Josh reaches in and takes me so Dereck can get out. I willingly go to him. I know this soul well and welcome his light. As I’m scooped up, I glance down. The blood on my legs is shocking. And another reminder of this horrible night.

  In Josh’s arms, I look up to him with overflowing eyes. “Can you please get my blood off me?”

  He kisses my head as he walks us away. “Yes, baby. Right now.”

  I lay my tired head on his heavily loaded shoulder. “I don’t want blood on me anymore.”

  Walking toward the stairs, Josh emotionally replies, “No more blood.”

  My body becomes lax in his arms. I think I have used up all the energy I had left. Maybe Josh knows this, because once upstairs, he doesn’t take me to the bathroom for a shower. Instead, he lays me in Dereck’s bed—Dereck and Faith right behind us. “Can I have some warm washcloths, please?”

  “I’m on it.” Faith rushes from Dereck’s bedroom.

  My eyes want to close. I feel groggy and completely wiped out. “I’m so sleepy, guys.”

  Dereck is pulling his blankets down from under me. “Then sleep, beautiful girl.”

  Lazily, I ask, “Will you stay with me?”

  “Absolutely. I just have to change first.” He goes to his dresser and pulls out boxers and a T-shirt. He pats Josh on the back. “I’ll be quick.” And he leaves.

  Faith passes him with wet washcloths in her hands. Josh takes one and wipes the moist warmth at my thigh, hissing when he views another scrape or wound.

  Barely able to work my mouth anymore, I say, “I’m sorry for putting you through this.”

  Josh inhales deeply. “Serenity, I love you more than I can explain. You’re not putting me through anything that I don’t want. I just wish I could have—” He stops. “All that matters is, you’re safe now. Close your eyes.”

  “Okay, Joshy Poo.” My lips stop functioning, and my body refuses to move.

  I fall into unconsciousness…

  I wake when Dereck slips into his bed. It’s dark, and the whole house is quiet. Only a streetlight illuminates the room, telling me everyone has gone home. Home. Do I have a home anymore?

  Dereck pulls the blanket over my shoulders. “Didn’t mean to wake you.”

  I look at his clock on the nightstand behind me. “It’s three a.m. What have you been doing?”

  “Don’t worry about it. Just get some rest.”

  I glance around the room I know so well—a room where I wish I could live permanently. The darkness here is safe, not like the nightmare haunting me. I don’t want to go back to my cold room and the stifling emptiness waiting there. Basking in Dereck’s warmth is all I desire. Our heads rest on his pillows, facing each other. His hand touches my face as if he missed me. The peace he brings me is undeniable. His unconditional love is all I will ever need.

  My heart wants to soar, wings yearn to be free

  Straight up to the sky, just you and me.

  And I don’t want it ripped from me. I don’t want the disconcerting reality whispering my name. I refuse to end this temporary hiatus and return to the hell I live in, so I kiss Dereck with a vengeance—diving into him to avoid my truth. Devastation and desperation are somehow igniting passion in me. Urgency engulfs me as my tongue madly swipes at his.

  Dereck moans as his mouth widens, hungrily accepting all my determination. That is, until I start tugging at the hem of his shirt. “Serenity, you had a night that—”

  My lips aggressively insist on his again as I climb on top of him.

  Another moan escapes him as he grips my hips before catching himself. “Wait, you are too upset.” He arches while I ignore him, kissing his neck, but he still attempts to argue. “Tonight was so hard on you. Maybe we should wait—”

  I plant my palms on his chest so we are face to face. “Dereck, I want what happened to be far from me. I only want you tonight. Tell me you are not going to deny me. Please tell me you’ll be with me.” I whisper , “Please.”

  His mouth gapes open as he observes me for a moment. Then, he slowly nods. His strong, warm hands grasp my face and pull me down for a delicious, welcoming, sincere, yes kiss, causing my body to unknot and melt to his. Our kiss deepens as if our souls are blending.

>   As our clothes begin to disappear, our hands slowly are set free to roam and enjoy sensations I thought were a myth. I caress his chest and brush my lips along his body. His reactions show his pleasure. Having Dereck’s body next to mine is like finding a home I’ve longed for, a home that I’ve been searching for. His touch makes me tremble. He cherishes my needs with his patience and love. Dereck’s touch is like being surrounded by a beautiful silk cloth.

  After a time that seems to have no boundaries, our bodies prepare for another desire to be met. Naked together, we love one another, and the time has come for our final barrier to be crossed. Lying on top of me, Dereck is studying me.

  “Dereck, there is nothing I want more. I feel safer than I can ever remember, and this feels like the perfect time. I’m surrendering to my past and to my future. You, you are my future.”

  His green eyes stare into mine while his hips and legs settle between my thighs.

  Time stands still. Dereck rests his weight on one elbow as his other hand cups my face with more affection than I ever thought possible. Face to face, body to body, he whispers, “I will treasure you for the rest of my life,” then gently pushes his hips forward.

  To feel a part of him entering me is shocking. I tense. Dereck stops and holds still. The dark room is full of silence as I try to adjust to the beginning of our union. No heavy breathing. No out-of-control passion. Just silence. His eyes never leave mine as he patiently waits for a sign of what to do next. Continue? Retreat?

  A fulfilled smile crosses my face. Dereck is making this all about me. He’s giving me the power—me the choice. The way it should be. An unwavering trust courses through me. And this trust is key to my body relaxing after a quiet moment.

  Dereck must feel the change in my body because his face softens.

  I whisper, “You make me feel so lucky.”

  He seems to marvel at my words, his mouth twisting into a bewildered smile. Then those beautiful, full lips touch mine so endearingly that if my heart wasn’t already his, it would be now. Ever so slowly, ever so gently, Dereck’s body continues to join mine. I exhale with gratitude while emotions run wild, like a whirlwind of bliss. His energy blends with mine, as his eyes do, the storm blending with the ocean…fierce, natural, and beautiful.

  We lie facing each other, resting from the most magical night of my life. He places his hand on my cheek. “I have never experienced anything like that. I love you.”

  A peace comes over me, so I say nothing as my eyes shut. My body goes still, really still. Everything but my heart is quiet. I’m so content that this calm wave—a magic potion—puts me to sleep. Sleep, I’m really going to sleep…

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  Dereck asks if I want breakfast, but I’m too tired to move. I groan, beg him to let me sleep longer, and drift off. But he doesn’t listen. “Se-re-nity,” he sings.

  “Dereck, why won’t you give me a few more minutes?”

  “Uh, I gave you a few hours.”

  “You did?”

  “Yup. You okay? You’re not even opening your eyes.”

  “They burn.”

  “Are you slobbering on the pillow?”

  Without opening my eyes, I throw it at him. “Go. Away.” And snuggle into his pillow.

  “You is crabby.” Dereck chuckles and leaves the room.

  A light comes on. Even though my eyes are shut, I squint as if I’m part vampire. “It burns.”

  Dereck sits next to me. “There’s garlic in this soup. Is that going to be an issue?”

  I smile. “Do you mind leaving it so I can eat in a little while?”

  “It’s ten at night, Baby Doll.”

  My eyes won’t open. “Damn, why am I so tired?”

  “I’ll tell you what. One bite and I’ll leave you alone.”

  After I take a bite, he leaves. On the way out, I hear him ask, “Do you think she has a concussion?”

  Faith answers, “No. This child is worn to the bone. She just needs rest. Lots of it.”

  The next time I wake, my eyes finally squint open. Jolene is talking quietly into her cell phone. “Hello?” There’s daylight, and she’s sitting in a chair with a book in her lap. “No, Sleeping Beauty is still—wait, we have an eye open… annnnnd she’s out again.” Her voice starts to fade, as do I. “How’s it going there? What are they saying—”

  The bed dips. “Serenity?” Dereck is trying to wake me again. For a smart guy, he sure is slow. I just want to sleep. “I have juice for you.”

  I roll away from him. “Five more minutes, please.”


  My body jolts, and my dry eyes pop open. That damn stern tone could pull me from a coma. Dereck has brought out the big guns.

  I can only resort to a whine—“Josh, I just want to sleep”—as I pull the blanket over my head to block the afternoon sun.

  “If you don’t want me to yank you out of that bed and beat your ass, I suggest you remove that cover from your head and face me.”

  I mumble as I roll over and do as I’m told because, well, I don’t have the guts not to.

  “Stop mumbling.” Eagle Eye gives me an impenetrable stare while pointing at Dereck. “This man is losing his mind. Now drink your damn juice so he can stop with his underage heart attack.”

  I sit up while sticking out my bottom lip.

  Dereck hands me the glass. “Josh, she’s pouting.”

  Josh rolls his eyes. “Man up, Dereck, or you don’t have a chance with my Shorty.”

  “This isn’t what you were claiming on the boat.”

  “Well, shit has changed.”

  I hand Dereck the empty glass then glare at Mr. ol’ mighty.

  Josh grins at my judgment. “Thank you, baby.”

  “Pot stirrer.” I go back to sleep as everyone leaves the room, realizing I was indeed thirsty.

  The next time the bed dips, it’s so faint that I know whose little body would cause it. I immediately roll over to face her, realizing it’s nighttime again. Sky’s big blue eyes study me as she lays her head on my pillow.

  The mammoth standing behind her says, “Someone was missing you.”

  I’m so emotional at seeing her, I can only mouth “Thank you” to Rocco for bringing her to me. I’m hoarse as I say, “Sky, I’m so tired.”

  From my nose, she wipes a tear that mimics hers. “I know, I could feel it as soon as I entered this house, but… could you at least go pee? Your wannabe husband is losing his shit and driving me nuts. Urine in a toilet bowl will take care of this situation.”

  I smile, wiping her tear. “Will you help me?”

  She struggles to swallow, nodding.

  With Skyler’s assistance, I’m finally sitting on the edge of the bed. Setting my feet on the ground, I feel familiar aches that remind me of all the aches from the past. A child shouldn’t recognize pain as common. It’s just… wrong. At least, I’m starting to believe it is.

  As I stand, my soreness is intense. Pain shoots through unexpected areas. I feel as if I’ve been whipped up in a tornado and thrown violently, landing and crashing into a whole neighborhood of rooftops. Rocco holds out a hand for me as Sky wraps her arm around my waist.

  I look at Rocco. “I’m sorry.” I hate that I’m causing such a fuss and that I’ve dragged wonderful friends into my turbulent life.

  Seeming as if he wants to appear nonchalant, he shrugs. “You are nowhere near as demanding as Lil’ Mama.”

  That makes me laugh, causing me to wince. Rocco comes to my side. “We gotcha, girl.”

  They both help me into the hallway where Dereck, Josh, and Jolene are silently standing, all with such worried expressions. I guess Sky was their biggest gun of all; I’m finally out of bed.

  After brushing m
y teeth—because Sky proclaimed it a must if I didn’t want Dereck to “ditch my ass”—I crawl back into the middle of Dereck’s bed, making room for two more. Sky takes her normal side and Dereck his guard side closest to the door.

  Roc tucks Sky in because he seems incapable of not doting on her. He kisses her cheek. “I’ll pick you up tomorrow.” Then he love-slaps the face of the other male in the room. “Dereck, you need a kiss, too?”

  Sky sneers, “Oh yeah, that’s attractive.”

  Rocco almost pounces, tickling her, and I guess it was a bit much. A noise escapes her butt.

  Rocco bursts out laughing. “Sky! Did you just fart?”

  I’m laughing as she yells, “You were putting too much pressure on me, King Kong!”

  Rocco rests his palm on his chest. “We’re meant for one another, Sky.”

  Dereck lays his arm over my waist. “Roc, you jealous I get to sleep with your little fart master?”

  “Bastard,” Roc growls as he leaves with a pout of his own. I can respect that.

  In the dark, we’re a sandwich again, and it makes me smile. Dereck says, “Sky, thanks for being here. I’m sorry I’m such a sucker for this girl.”

  She rolls and grabs his hand resting on my belly. “That is not your weakness, Dereck, it’s your strength.”

  We all go quiet.

  Dereck chuckles. “I can’t believe you farted in my bed.”

  “Sorry to break it to you, Hamilton, but it wasn’t the first time and won’t be the last.”

  It feels far too early when Josh’s voice booms off Dereck’s walls.

  “Why the hell is Dereck in bed with my two innocent baby girls?”

  The three of us start groaning—well, I’m mumbling—and stretching, and the stretch actually tells me my body is healing. Not quite so sore.


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