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Taking Chances

Page 25

by Molly McAdams

Page 25

  Author: Molly McAdams

  “They're good. Mom actually cried because you weren't at Christmas. ”

  “What? Are you serious?”

  “As a heart attack. Your presents were still under the tree that night and she started crying, I had to take them up to my room to get her to calm down. ”

  I didn't know what to say, I just shook my head in disbelief.

  “I'm serious Harper, she was devastated!”

  “No, no. I believe you. I guess I still have to wrap my head around how much they care for me. And did you say I had presents? Why?” The only presents I've ever gotten from Sir was a laptop for graduation and my iPhone. And to be honest with you, I know the only reason I got those was because I had been planning on buying them anyway and he didn't want me to waste my money. There were never presents, cards or any sentiments on Christmas, or birthdays. It's just how it was.

  “Because we all love you!”

  “But I – I didn't get you guys anything. ”

  Bree's voice got really soft and she reached over to grab my hand, “We didn't expect you to. They all know what growing up with Sir entailed. We wanted to show you what a real Christmas is like. ” She looked at me until the light turned green again. “Did you talk to him?”

  “No. I called him twice though and left messages. ” Jeez, I really did have a crappy home life. Even Bree's family called me on Christmas. And Brandon… “Oh my God Bree, I'm so stupid!” I groaned.

  “What, no you're not!”

  I pulled out my necklace to show her, “It's from Brandon. ”

  “He got you a Tiffany's necklace for Christmas? Good choice!”

  “That's just it Bree. He didn't give it to me on Christmas, he gave it to me before I left. I thought it was so weird because he's never given me anything, and we weren’t apart after Christmas so I would've known if he'd gotten it after. But he knows what holidays were like with Sir, and that I was upset he wouldn't answer the phone. I think he thought it would upset me more if he proved how much of a jerk Sir is. ”

  “He's a good guy Harper. I'm glad you have him. ”

  I clutched the necklace in my hand and sighed into the seat, “Me too. ” We sat in silence for a minute, just listening to the radio. “So besides Mom breaking down, how were they the rest of the time?”

  “Pretty good, we just relaxed a lot. Mom's trying to learn how to knit, so be sure to make grandma jokes, it pisses her off. Dad and some of his buddies went to that golf tournament. ”

  “Oh yeah, how'd they do?”

  “Uh. . . don't ask him about it. ”

  “Figures. ” Dad couldn't play golf to save his life, but he apparently loved it. “And Chase?”

  “I don't even know. He's so moody lately. ”

  “Bree, when isn't he moody?”

  She snorted, “No, I mean he's been way worse than usual. Literally since the day school let out for break he won't talk to anyone without snapping at them. And at Christmas, he'd barely stay long enough to even eat with us, just kept leaving. I swear that guy needs to get laid. ”

  Brandon and I left for Arizona the day school let out. Could that – I wanted to smack myself for even thinking me leaving would have anything to do with Chase being upset. I think way too highly of myself. “Yeah probably. . . holy crap is this all for their party?” Cars were lined up blocks from the house and people were walking towards it. Thankfully we could still get in the garage.

  “I'm telling you, this is their big thing every year!”

  We grabbed my bag and somehow squeezed through the mass of people and made it upstairs to her room so I could freshen up and change. Bree must have let them know we were on our way because Mom and Dad were already waiting in her room to engulf me in hugs.

  “Oh sweetie we missed you!”

  “How you doing baby girl?”

  I laughed and hugged them back, “I missed you guys too. Why are you up here? You're missing your party. ”

  “Oh hush! We had to say hi, and plus we have some things for you. ” Mom bounced over and sat on the bed where there were boxes of presents.

  “Oh. My. Word. You guys…you really didn't have to get me anything. ” Now I really felt awful for not getting them anything.

  Bree grabbed my arm and pulled me over to the bed, “I already told you, we wanted to. ”

  I took a deep breath in and willed myself not to cry. God, I had never been an emotional person until I moved here. Mom and Dad showing me how parents should be had made the water works come frequently, and I still wasn’t used to it. Bree got me a new outfit she picked out specifically for tonight, and a Coach purse that I absolutely adored. Mom and Dad got me two pairs of UGGs, an extremely expensive jacket I'd been drooling over since Thanksgiving and a prepaid spa day for us girls. I just sat there with everything scattered across my lap and legs and stared at them through blurry eyes. I tried to speak through the lump in my throat but my thank yous were barely audible. Mom and Dad both kissed my cheek and walked out with Bree, who was going to save Konrad from all the older people downstairs he didn't know. I slowly put the things I wouldn't be using tonight back in boxes for when I took them back to the dorms or Brandon's room and was almost done when there was a soft knock and the door pushed open.

  “Hey Princess. ” Good God I missed hearing his voice.

  “Chase,” I had to clear my throat to continue, “I didn't think you were going to be here. ”

  “I asked if you were coming to the house. ” He replied hesitantly.

  “Right, I just figured you meant your house. ”

  The room was thick with the tension that always followed us around. My heart started racing from his nearness and I silently cursed myself. I really didn’t want any kind of feelings for this guy, and here I was wishing he would try to kiss me again. We sat there watching each other for who knows how long before he walked over and sank down on the floor next to me, handing me a small wrapped box. “Merry Christmas Harper. ”

  I picked it up and just stared at it, all I could say was “Why?”

  “Because you're my favorite, remember?” he huffed and his lips tilted up a little, “When I saw it, there was no way I couldn't get it for you. Please open it. ”

  So slowly I probably drove him crazy, I took off the wrapping and opened the little leather box. I gasped when I saw the ring inside there. It was a silver band that wrapped into the trinity symbol on top. I'd always wanted that symbol as a tattoo. I looked up at Chase and shook my head in wonder.

  “How did you know?”

  “You doodle it on everything put in front of you. ”

  He was right of course, if I had a pen and paper or napkin, it always ended up on there at some point. I just hadn't realized anyone other than Brandon noticed that, especially him.

  “Chase…” I couldn't hold them back any longer, tears started falling down my cheeks and I quickly dropped my head hoping he wouldn't notice. He did.

  “Don't cry Harper. If you don't like it, or you don't like that it's from me I'll take it back. ”

  My laugh sounded more like a sob than anything else. “I love it, please don't take it. ”

  “Then what's wrong?” He tilted my head up and brushed away a few tears with his thumbs. I had to force myself to not lean into his hands, it was the first time we'd had any type of physical contact in over a month. He was a whole new kind of Chase on Sundays, but I'd never seen him like this. So gentle and kind. It made my entire being crave him.

  “I've never had this before. Not just the presents…the love that your family has for me. I've never had it until now, and it's so overwhelming. I don't know what I did to deserve it and I don't know if I show them that too. ”

  “You do. Trust me. ” He searched my face for a long time and wiped the remaining tears from my cheeks. “You're special Harper, it's not hard to love you. ” Dropping his hands from my face, he stood up and left the room.

  After I rinsed off my body, fixed my hair and make-up and got dressed in my new outfit, I grabbed the ring and tested it on my fingers before leaving it on the ring finger of my right hand. Looking in Bree's full-length mirror, I smiled to myself. She really knew how to shop. I was wearing a short sleeved see-through green top that was fitted on my chest and flowed down to cover my bottom, with a black camisole underneath, faded skinny jeans and my black UGGs. I wasn't the best at saying thank you, but I hoped the family knew how much I loved everything.

  “Woo! You look hot!”

  I spun in a circle to show Bree her creation, “I love it! It's perfect for me. ”

  “I knew it would be. ” She winked as Konrad came up behind her with drinks and they sat at one of the poker tables.

  I stood behind her chair and tried not to look like I was searching for Chase. All of a sudden the hairs on the back of my neck stood up and I looked to my right to find him staring at me and unconsciously biting his lip. My face flamed and I tried to pay attention to Bree losing Konrad's money instead of those lips. As Chase walked by, he grabbed my right hand and rubbed his thumb over the ring he gave me before dropping it and sitting at the other end of the table. I watched two games and reveled in Chase's booming laugh as everyone at the table ragged each other for losing money. Konrad stood up after the second game and gave me strict orders to sit in for him and to not lose his money while he went to the restroom. Guess he forgot that I was so horrible people wanted me to play with them because it was a guarantee they would get my money.

  “You better just hand over all his chips now Princess, they won't be here by the time he gets back anyway. ” Chase teased and flashed his signature smirk.

  “It's about time. ” Bree whispered leaning into me.

  “For what?”

  “He must've finally got some. This is the happiest he's been in two weeks. ”

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