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Bold Move

Page 8

by Alex Silver

  Chapter 13


  I finished assembling the living room furniture just before the pizza delivery guy showed up. We put the food in the oven to stay warm. Then Caleb hooked up the television and our array of entertainment options while I worked to keep all the cords from tangling together again. I had sorted and wound everything so it would at least start out tidy.

  Once we had set everything up, we unpacked a few boxes. Caleb was looking through the boxes labeled living room for the missing television remote. I was shelving all the games in alphabetical order when Elliott and Aaron returned.

  “Hey, we’re back,” Aaron called a greeting from the entryway.

  “We come bearing gray terriers of great joy,” Elliott said.

  Elliott set down the dog carrier on the floor of our entryway and released the hounds. Well, terriers. They tumbled out like two little balls of fluff. It was obvious the dogs already had my boyfriends wrapped around their fuzzy little paws.

  The gray one climbed into Elliott’s lap to lick his face. The brown one trotted over and snuffled noisily at Aaron’s hand.

  Caleb abandoned our task to meet the dogs.

  “So these are the little homewreckers?” Caleb asked, he gave the tableau an appraising look. “I have to say, you guys plus adorable dogs makes a pretty picture.”

  “Can we keep them?” Aaron wheedled, though it was already a done deal, and he knew it.

  “We said so, didn’t we?” Caleb asked. “And speaking of things we’ve talked about, remember a while ago when we were out shopping and I mentioned those plans?”

  “You did. What pla—oh! Is that today?” Aaron asked, modulating his excitement when he realized when Caleb meant to a vague disinterest. And the smile he gave Caleb eased any tension I still felt over his response to the proposal.

  “Yeah, I think so.”

  Caleb sat on the floor with Elliott and Aaron and the three of them played with the dogs. I didn’t join them. I wanted to finish with the box I was unpacking and the dogs were getting enough attention and overstimulation as it was.

  Besides, dawdling gave Caleb room to make his move. And I couldn’t shake my grumpy mood over not being consulted about the dogs in advance. I was certain I was the only one of us with any previous pet ownership experience.

  Given a choice, I would have done the research to find the perfect pet for our family. And taken steps to assure a smooth pet adoption process.

  Now we would have to scramble to get pet supplies. Not to mention adjusting to our new home with two new pets to get settled. It was a hassle.

  It was hard to stay mad though. Watching the three men I loved lavishing affection on the tiny terriers would have softened a harder heart than mine.

  I sighed, let go of my frustration, and asked, “so what are their names again?”

  “This is Bella,” Elliott said of the smaller gray dog he was cuddling.

  “And this is Terrence,” Aaron pointed at the one he and Caleb were taking turns playing fetch with.

  “Terrence the Terrier?” I raised a skeptical brow.

  “I like it,” Elliott said. “And anyway, he’s had the name his whole life. So what’s done is done.”

  “Terry and Bella… Terrible. The Terrible Terriers. Okay,” I said, testing the names.

  “Are you angry?” Elliott asked, he wouldn’t make eye contact. I went to him, and he stood with the dog in his arms, clutched between us.

  “No. I’m not angry. It disappointed me you didn’t come to us about what was bothering you. And I’m glad you called before you got the dogs, it might be another story if you hadn’t been upfront with us at the last moment. I had reasons for wanting to wait on getting a pet, but it’s a moot point now.”

  “Then what’s with the staring?”

  “I’m happy. And grateful we get the chance to be a family. I love you, Elliott. Nothing can change that.”

  “Yeah?” Elliott favored me with a tentative smile.

  “Yeah,” I said.

  Caleb cleared his throat to draw Elliott’s attention to where he knelt at his feet.

  “I love you too, El. More every day. And I know I told you our happily ever wouldn’t be marriage and a picket fence. But maybe I was wrong, at least about the marriage part.

  “I acknowledge the last few months were rough for us. I never want you to doubt your place in this family again, okay? So let’s make it legally binding, you and me with Jake and Aaron as our witness at the courthouse. And then you, Jake and I can have a small ceremony for our friends and loved ones after, what do you think?”

  Elliott looked at Caleb with a dazed expression.

  “Say something, El?”

  “This is from both of you?” He asked, hesitant, glancing at me for confirmation. I nodded.

  “We want you forever, Elliott,” I assured him.


  “Yeah?” Caleb grinned and offered Elliott the ring.

  “Yes,” Elliott repeated. He ignored the proffered ring in favor of hauling Caleb to his feet and kissing him forcefully. I retrieved the dog from his arms, but he pulled me into the kiss now too. I spared a thought for Aaron. But I got caught up in Elliott’s ebullience and the passion of a heated embrace.

  “I’ll go take the dogs for a nice long walk,” Aaron said, removing Bella from my grasp. “Congratulations, you guys.”

  “Thanks,” Elliott said, sounding sincere. He and Aaron had been getting along much better of late. He even laughed at Aaron’s jokes and I could feel the start of a tentative link between them. Not as strong as the primary link bonds I shared with each of them, or even the casual link Aaron had formed with Caleb. But something.

  “Are we good?” I asked.

  “We’re great, but I think you’re about to get laid and the pups need a chance to pee and explore the neighborhood. I’ll be fine. Text me when it’s safe to return.”

  “You don’t have to leave,” Caleb said. Aaron gave a wistful smile.

  “Thanks, but I think I’ll skip listening in on the wild engagement sex,” he said. Aaron clipped leashes onto the dogs’ collars. “I mean it though, I’m thrilled for you guys.”

  I followed him to the door and kissed him before he left, searching his face for signs he was lying. I found none. So I let him leave without further comment. Then I faced Elliott and Caleb again.

  Chapter 14


  After Aaron left, Caleb handed me the ring. Glee filled me as I slipped it on. I admired the solid silver band, the engraved image struck a chord with me. It was us. A chain, stronger with each link.

  “I love you,” I said, choked up with the emotion.

  “Love you too,” Caleb and Jake chorused.

  “Take me to bed?”

  They did, all of us moving with haste. I thought it might be the desperate, needy sex we sometimes had after a fight. But it wasn’t that.

  Caleb and Jake took turns kissing me, stripping away my clothing with tender care and more gentle touches and kisses.

  There was so much affection in every touch it threatened to overwhelm me. And it took my lust addled brain a long time to realize they were doing it on purpose.

  Jake using our link to boost my telepathy and both concentrating on their feelings for me. They let me read the truth of their love in every caress.

  I had never felt more cherished—special. I understood their devotion to the depths of my being. It was a better gift than Caleb’s proposal, the dogs or anything tangible.

  It rendered me speechless, needy gasps and wordless pleas for more the only things I could articulate.

  They obliged me though, touching and kissing me everywhere, urging me to lie in our bed while they took care of me.

  The passive role was unfamiliar but not unwelcome. While I tended to assertive bordering on aggressive in bed, I didn’t need to take that role with them. Not when their every stroke radiated their love.

  I trusted them completely. And yes, there
were things I avoided in bed, but they respected my boundaries. So I let go of control and let them lavish my body with attention.

  Let Caleb’s talented mouth envelope my dick. And Jake’s big strong hands touch every inch of bare skin. And it was unspeakably good. I basked in the pleasure they offered me. I was drunk on sensation and love and I wanted them. Everything they could offer.

  “Fuck me, Jay,” I begged. And they paused in their ministrations. It wasn’t a request I made often. But today I needed it, craved it. And was secure enough in our connection and their love to accept it.


  “You sure?” Jake asked, Caleb pulled his mouth off my dick to let me think. I didn’t need to though. I wanted this.

  “Yeah, I’m sure. You feel so good. I want you to fuck me while Caleb rides my dick.”

  Caleb and Jake moved away and the haze of pleasure receded as we figured out the logistics. Then Caleb’s mouth was back on me, skirting down to my hole to prepare me. And I shuddered at the intimacy of his mouth on me.

  It was intense, and not something I always enjoyed. But today it was perfect. Caleb moaned at whatever Jake was doing to prepare him and the vibrations sent thrills of longing through me. Waves of blissful sensation washed over me at Caleb’s careful preparations.

  “Enough, need you,” I tangled my fingers in his hair, wanting to pull him up over my body, get more contact.

  As much of his skin touching mine as possible. We moved, Caleb kissed me, long and lingering while Jake slicked up his dick and got into position near the footboard.

  The problem with my plan was that Jake needed to get behind me. Not my favorite position. Probably why I rarely ended up in the middle when we fucked. But I wanted it today, needed Jake and Caleb both connected to me.

  “Come here, hun,” Jake urged me toward him, and I went without hesitation, climbing over him. I kissed and stroked and lavished him with attention. I knew Caleb watched us, stroking his erection. He liked to observe and giving him a good show was no hardship. But I was impatient.


  “I’ve got you, hun, lay back on the bed, with your legs off the end.” Jake urged before he got up to stand between my legs, and I got where he was going with this, moved to give him access. He was gentle with me. More gentle than I was, but it suited the mood.

  Caleb’s mouth found mine again, his hands almost reverent. Meanwhile, Jake worked his way into my body, his strong arms holding me up off the bed to get the angle just right. So good.

  Caleb added his TK, lending me a sense of weightlessness as he supported my lower back. Then he straddled my hips. Caleb lowered himself onto my dick in a fluid motion so swift I knew the entry had to sting. But that was what he liked.

  I could read their pleasure now as though it were my own. Mixing and blending with mine. Jake’s controlled strength and Caleb’s passionate vibrancy and my fierce desire all mingling in a tumult of friction and thrusting and touches.

  The sensations—physical and psionic—magnifying into a climax that left me shuddering and utterly spent. And harboring no doubts these two men adored me. I hoped that they perceived my love just as strong.

  Chapter 15


  When I got back from walking the dogs, I found Jake and Caleb bracketing a flushed, happy looking Elliott on our new couch. The dogs ran inside ahead of me, sniffing everything and running back and forth.

  I put away the bag of pet supplies I had picked up on our walk. The pet shop a few blocks away was dog friendly so that made shopping easier.

  “Hey,” Jake said.

  “Hey, yourself, have fun without me?” I asked with a smirk. From the way they sprawled together in a tangle of limbs and their soap scenting the air I figured that went without saying. Rather than jealousy, the mental image of the three of them twined together in passion only sparked lust in me.

  But I was getting used to that. And to the way it warmed my heart to see Jake lounging with them. He lifted his arm in a wordless invitation and I joined them. Jake kissed the top of my head when I curled up on his other side from Elliott.

  “You forgot to have him get the remote first,” Caleb complained.

  “You have TK,” I pointed out.

  “Right, but I don’t know which box it ended up in.”

  “I’m not searching every box,” Jake said.

  “Terrible plan, zero stars, could take all night,” Elliott said.

  “This is why I wanted to organize and label everything when we were packing,” Jake said.

  “Sure, but that plan would have meant more effort spent on packing.”

  “We could work on unpacking instead of watching television,” Jake said. He liked order and leaving the boxes stacked where we’d unloaded them made him antsy.

  “It’s cool, I’ve got this,” I said.

  Using my EK to turn on the TV was child’s play. Turned out, learning to send bursts of signal was easy. The hard part was memorizing which bursts did what, but I’d learned enough in my training sessions to mimic the signals a universal remote sent. The screen turned on, to ragged cheers from my cuddle partners. I tuned into the show we’d been watching the previous night.

  “You know, if you’d led with your ability to stand in as a remote control I might have warmed up to you sooner,” Elliott teased.

  Elliott poked my arm with affection. I snuggled in closer to Jake, letting Elliott’s elbow bump against mine where it rested on Jake’s abdomen.

  Elliott smiled at me, seeming to take comfort in my touch now. The comfort psions always felt with those close to them. The same as I felt with him. Caleb wriggled in closer too so that all four of us were touching and I sighed with contentment.

  An evening spent relaxing with them sounded perfect in the face of all the changes I expected in the coming days.

  Jake and I had carved out this bubble of time between training and starting life as SPIRE agents. I was excited to get to work. But part of me was on guard for any further malfeasance on the organization’s part. And there were rumors of a new telepath class grade A psion starting the training program in a week.

  SPIRE had given us a final training mission. Once it was complete, we would graduate from agents in training. They scheduled a ceremony advancing us to special agents for Friday morning. Afterward we were driving out for a week at the Moretti’s camp.

  Elliott and Caleb would join us for most of the trip, and we had friends and family coming to celebrate too. I’d been looking forward to this celebration for weeks, ever since we planned it. All the time spent getting to know Elliott and Caleb meant I still hadn’t visited the Moretti family. Part of me dreaded the reunion, afraid they wouldn’t want me.

  For tonight though, I was where I always belonged—by Jake’s side. At work and at home. Part of his family. Sure I was ambivalent about him committing to Elliott and Caleb and not me in front of everyone they cared about most. But I trusted Elliott and Caleb to treat my relationship with Jake with as much care as their own. I was coming to care about them too. And I trusted in Jake’s love for me, if I had that, I didn’t need anything else.


  If you enjoyed this short, please leave a review. The story continues in the next book of the Psions of SPIRE series, Keen Sense available at If you'd like to stay on top of my new releases and receive a free short story, sign up for my newsletter at Thanks for reading!

  About the Author

  Alex Silver grew up mostly in Northern Maine and is now living in Canada with one spouse, two kids, and three birds. Alex is a trans guy who started writing fiction as a child and never stopped. Although there were detours through assisting on a farm and being a pharmacist along the way.

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  And as always, consider leaving a review on Amazon or Goodreads if you enjoyed this book, reviews are of vital importance to independent authors, thanks!

  Psions of SPIRE Series

  Shelter Novella 0.5 February 2019

  Bright Spark Book 1 February 2019

  Bold Move Novella 1.5 February 2019

  Keen Sense Book 2 April 2019

  Weak Link Novella 2.5 June 2019

  Quick Fire Book 3 July 2019

  Clear Sight Book 4 Coming Soon



  Bright Spark

  Keen Sense

  Weak Link

  Quick Fire


  Family is what you make it.

  Former foster kid and abuse survivor, Elliott Sheffield, lost everything when he developed telepathy at twelve years old. He’s used to not relying on anyone. There are worse things than being lonely and alone, even for a psion who craves closeness. He has plans for his life and nothing can distract him from proving that he can succeed. That will show everyone who cast him aside. Especially his former best friend Caleb Gaetz.

  Pansexual, poly, psion, Caleb is comfortable with all of those labels. Life seems easy for Caleb. He has a supportive family and a vibrant social life. The future will figure itself out. For the present he plans to enjoy his university years to the fullest extent possible. He knows his hedonistic tendencies irritate his former best friend, Elliott, to no end. He just doesn’t understand why Elliott takes Caleb’s sex life so personally.

  When life throws them both curve balls, they must adjust their visions for the future to one that will give them both a happily ever after, or risk their plans falling apart.

  Contains an open M/M relationship, mention of past abuse, and positive HIV status.

  Bright Spark

  Sometimes growing up means giving up your preconceptions.

  Aaron Anderson and Jake Matthews were childhood sweethearts until Aaron developed psionic abilities that turned both of their worlds upside down and tore them apart.


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