Dawn of a Hybrid
Page 31
The ugliest lady, who was getting back on the platform, was impaled by an axe Galvin was holding, which seemed a random thing to have instead of using a sword he displayed earlier. Wonomi and Monico mauled two witches with their spears. And Flavius kicked down the last living witch, with his sword at her neck.
“You won’t touch her again,” said Flavius.
Charity swung the Crystal Sword at the floating girls who fell gently to the ground. Charity grabbed Naìra in one arm and placed her on the ground. Naìra seemed to be unharmed.
Suddenly a roar echoed in the skies. Five serpent-bodied Dragons were circling around the dragon statue. A shadowy cloud was in the dead center of the five colored Dragons: a red, a blue, a white, a green, and a yellow.
It was the Spirit of the Shadow King and the five Dragons.
“The time has come,” stated the witch Flavius was standing on. She raised her hands and Flavius went flying into the air. The others, who were Marina, Charity, Galvin, Wonomi, and Monico, floated up the air. They were pushed towards the crowd where they stumbled onto some stone-frozen people.
Charity lost her grip on the Crystal Sword into the crowd after she was dumped to the ground.
For the three slain witches, they rose up if they were never harmed. The Spirit of Lusìvar descended on the now four witches and the witches began to chant and their voices began to spur out a dark fog. Their voices lent out screeching words:
It is time show you all
That it is your time to fall
We have been waiting to rise with the best allies
We are now the queens of these lands
We will now be loved
We are no longer going to be shoved
It is time for you to bow to us
We are the queens and we will never be clean
You will feel the burns of fire
As its wraths lights its pyre
We four are to be adored
We will be loved and never be shoved away
Our time had come and your time is out
We these land without a doubt
These lands will be brought into a drought
Now you will heed us as you will keel before us
The smoke was going up to the Shadow King and his Spirit started to take shape in a human form. His human shape still appeared in black. His heaved his shadowy arms up to the five flying, circling Dragons, which had turned to black glowing energy sources. Then the Shadow King himself rose towards the dark glowing Dragons. In the very middle of the five, Lusìvar’s Spirit stretched out, making his dark shadow spread out and covering the five Dragons in his spirit form.
“My time had finally come to rule this island once again,” he laughed out loud.
The smoke from the crowd rose into his Shadow form. The Shadow itself started to form into a humungous shape. Then the Shadow had lifted itself, revealing five dragon heads on one wide, and very fat dragon body with butterfly-shaped wings and curved dragon legs.
The Five-Headed Dragon had risen, with the Spirit of the Shadow King Lusìvar in control. The dragon heads were colored from left to right: red, blue, white, green, and yellow.
“You have done well, my four witches,” said Lusìvar, with the five dragon heads talking in their voices. “With this body, I will be able to take on the two islands and any residence will be wiped away.”
“Not that easily,” shouted Charity, carrying an axe-bladed scythe. The White Knight had happened to have a weapon made from her armor she was wearing. She also took a single string from her long hair and with the little armor unit merged them together. So instead of having the Crystal Sword, she would have a secondary weapon.
“Ah, the White Knight of Charity. Do you know you are the last of your kind? I made sure the weapons of your comrades were found by the wrong people that found them in a cave of Cyclopes. With you being the last White Knight and no one else chosen to be the others, you stand alone. Even you can’t slay me.”
“That doesn’t mean I can delay you.”
Charity jumped towards the witches and kicked them towards the rock wall. She used a strong wind gust to blow the passed out girls towards the crowd, in hopes of hiding them from the witches.
Then she threw her weapon at the red head of Lusìvar’s dragon body, which slightly moved its head out of the way. She waved out her hands three times and the pink smoke made her two katanas; two fast waving, curved short blades that can cut through anything rock-solid. She flew up towards the Five-Headed Dragon.
Its body mass three times bigger compared to the other Dragons far down south. Its snake tail tried to whip Charity but she dodged several attacks.
Charity wasn’t going to be taken down that easily. She scarred the legs before flying around its backside and scraped its wings.
The Five-Headed Dragon didn’t feel any harm or damage. Its blue head struck the White Knight at thundering speed.
Charity was blown very hard at the rock wall above the dragon statue and fell. She thumped on the statue’s head, left wing, and front feet before plummeting to the ground. She fell hard with a snap to her chest armor plate.
Flavius, who was seeing the entire fight, saw Charity hitting the statue before landing to the ground very hard and ran towards her. He lifted her assumed unconsciousness body. He couldn’t feel a pulse in her wrist and felt no breathing.
There was no sign of life in the White Knight’s body; she was dead.
Flavius was in great shock, a legendary White Knight laid dead in front of the statue of the Crystal Dragon.
One of the freed girls came running and knelt down before the dragon statue. She knelt in prayer.
“Oh, Crystal Dragon,” she prayed. “We need you more than ever. Please, give us a ray of hope to beat the darkness and drew out the light.”
“Hope?” yelled Lusìvar, in his dragon body. He soared and stumbled on the statue, crashing it to dusty bits. The dragon statue, which the village’s people worshiped as the Crystal Dragon, was destroyed. Only the Five-Headed Dragon stood in its place.
Flavius, who carried Charity’s dead body, and the girl jumped back and ran near the crowd as the Five-Headed Dragon, the four witches, and the Fluting Piper stood on the platforms.
“Where’s your hope now, girl? Witches, drain this entire village of their youths. Make sure no one lives to tell the tale. Dead people will tell no tales. Slay them all. These people are unworthy to be ruled.”
The four, young witches walked forward and began to sing again.
All of a sudden, the ground started to shake stronger than any earthquake the group experienced. Parts of the rock wall were shattering to dust, which made the Five-Headed Dragon fly up to the air and left the witches and the Piper to be buried in the dust.
On the place where the dragon statue stood, a light flickered on the spot. The light rayed into the sky and out came the light of the sun.
“What? The Sun? How is that possible?”
“If you believe in hope, anything is possible,” said a ghostly voice.
The sparkling, oval light turned into a light, ghostly image of a dragon. The dragon image flew down to the spot where Vaeludar had met the girl for the first time.
The crowd was awakened by the sun and the glowing dragon. The red mist vaporized into the air. At glaring at the dragon, they snapped their eyes wide open.
“The Crystal Dragon,” they gasped, bowing.
Wonomi, Monico, Galvin, Flarefur, and Marina were the only ones standing.
The imaged faded into a human figure with big dragon wings and dragon legs. The figure wore a crystalized plated armor on both arms.
The dust behind the figure moved back towards the rock wall. And everything that came apart was placed back together, and that would mean the dragon statue was placed where it was had it looked before it was crushed by the Five-Headed Dragon.
The witches and the Piper buried under the piled dust had stood up to look
at the figure standing in front of them.
To the Five-Headed Dragon, to the witches, to Flavius, Wonomi, Galvin, and Marina, the figure that stood before them was someone who was thought to be dead.
“Vaeludar,” shouted Marina.
Vaeludar was standing right there in front of them all. The Five-Headed Dragon, the witches, the Piper, Flavius, Wonomi, Galvin, and Marina knew that Vaeludar was buried in the cave, but somehow he escaped. His appearance looked evolved and more dragonized
“Not the Crystal Dragon, the hybrid that lived in the shadows has returned,” he said. “I was almost buried in that cave if it hadn’t been for this.” Vaeludar raised his right arm in the sky.
The gauntlet was attached to his right wrist and stretched up his shoulder. It also covered his lower neck and stretches more over to his entire left arm. The entire thing covered both arms and formed into a dragon’s front legs but with fingers.
“I was nearly killed in the cave of rocks falling endlessly, but I managed to put the artifact on before I was buried in the cave. Now, my brute strength had increased dramatically. The Light you saw was not the Crystal Dragon; it was me. I’d shown the power within such a rusty, old relic made from ancient times. Now, it’s time to slay those who have wrong you all.”
Vaeludar flew at a random spot in the crowd near Flavius who was still carrying Charity and picked up the Crystal Sword with his left hand that was underneath some people. Vaeludar dashed to Charity and placed the sword on her heart.
She suddenly opened her eyes and breathed heavily. She became alive and breathing by a single touch of the blade. The White Knight was to be ready to fight again.
Then Vaeludar flew over the muddy sword in the pedestal. With his right hand, he pulled it out freely. The mud was loosened and shined like its other half. After pulling the sword free, Vaeludar smashed the two swords together.
In a flash that glowed a thousand times brighter than the sun, the two swords emerged into one sword; the hybrid was now carrying the true Crystal Sword. His evolved arms, the blade, and his dragon scales glowed a crystalized light. He never felt this very godlike never in his hybrid life.
Vaeludar’s arms, dragon scales, and wings became white and blue crystalized scales that could match the great dragon god itself. Now with the set in his body and under his control, Vaeludar was more powerful than ever.
“Now we became one,” said Vaeludar, flying up to the Five-Headed Dragon. “Never again will you harm this village. Ever again!”
Suddenly, he froze up from magic spells being cast from the witches. Beams of red blood trapped him in the air.
“Looks like we have to do this the hard way,” grunted Vaeludar.
The Crystal Sword broke in two; he held one and the other one fell down. Charity rose up and grabbed the falling sword. Then she unleashed a powerful gush of a lightning bolt directly at the witches’ chrysoberyl gems where the red blood was being cast from.
Their gems were struck and cracked by Marina’s arrows, ultimately destroying the gems.
The four witches fell back to the rock wall again as Marina, with siren fangs and claws sharp, ran like a wild animal toward the witches.
Vaeludar was released and went to face the Shadow King in his dragon body.
“How dare you survive your ordeal! How did you survive?”
“Magic runs strong in this armor artifact and stronger than you could ever imagine. When I slapped that thing on my arm, the magic flowed through my blood veins and transported me here, although it took some time to get here. But now it is time for you to fall as you did when the Crystal Dragon fought you.”
Charity rose up to Vaeludar, to give him the other half so he can merge the two swords together again.
Vaeludar grabbed the sword he handed from Charity and smashed them together again, transforming them into one sword. Vaeludar, at last, was going to face the Shadow King in his dragon body.
“That is enough from you, last White Knight,” yelled all five heads. The red and yellow dragons jabbed their jaws forward.
Vaeludar and Charity moved out of the way of the two snapping dragon heads, but that was merely a distraction to remove them from each other.
The green head swiftly moved his head and hit the White Knight at lightning speed. Once again, the White Knight of Charity was hit by the dragon and went plundering into the ground very fast and hard.
Driven into a great frustration of a fallen White Knight, Vaeludar charged at the red dragon’s head and slashed its eye with blinding light. Behind him the yellow dragon head struck, Vaeludar dodged that attack and slashed it’s both eyes with blinding light. Two dragon heads were blinded by the blade glowing light.
“You think you can beat me that easily? I have three more heads with the powers of an Ice Dragon, a Water Dragon, and an Earth Dragon.”
“And I have the one-third power of could be from the Ruler of the Gods.”
Vaeludar slashed his sword forward, sending out rays of electric beams at each of the dragon heads.
The dragon heads tangled themselves in a knot and blocked the attacks by their wings, which sent them back to the attacker.
Vaeludar cut down the beams he threw at the dragon and flew in between each neck of the five dragon heads. Vaeludar twisted and turned his wings, body, and tail so he wouldn’t get bitten just what happened when he was trying to escape but the Earth Dragon bit his tail and brought him into a crumbling cave. Vaeludar spiraled around the blinded, yellow head and dug the blade deep into the skull.
The yellow head growled to the other dragon heads. They all charged with thundering speed and with shocking sharp teeth ready to bite.
Vaeludar spun and whipped his spikey tail at the horns of the yellow head that were torn off and blood blurted out. Vaeludar jumped on the grunting yellow dragon head and widen out his wings. Vaeludar ran on the dragon’s neck, digging his tail deep into the yellow scales.
Now, the five heads were moving to and fro in different curves and angles.
For Vaeludar, he was flawlessly running up and down each neck of the five heads. He kept scarring while digging his tail and the Crystal Sword into the scales, which wasn’t causing much damage to the heads if Vaeludar’s tactics were a fleabite.
It wasn’t until the wings of the Five-Headed Dragon flapped windy waves of dust into Vaeludar’s eyes. The winds were five times strong as a tornado’s wind power.
Vaeludar’s wings couldn’t tolerate the awesome wind power of the Five-Headed Dragon and there wasn’t anything he could do to resist strongest winds he ever faced.
From down below, a ray of ice plastered the Five-Headed Dragon’s wings into ice sculptures.
Charity sprung what was left of her life source from the ground and cast out ice blasts at the Dragon’s butterfly-wings.
“Vaeludar, catch this,” she yelled, throwing her axe-bladed scythe at him before falling unconscious.
Vaeludar grabbed the flying scythe, but had his tail grabbed by the head of the green head and was forcefully pulled down with the falling Dragon. They all collapsed on the hard ground.
Vaeludar still managed to land on his legs. He swung the sword at the green dragon head and growled back, freeing his tail from the toothy grip of the green dragon head and dashed away from the giant beast.
Then the red dragon head from the laying body inhaled a lot of air and puffed out purple fire in different areas surrounding Vaeludar. Vaeludar was surrounded by the violet flames.
He knew the purple fire he was feeling felt it burning his human skin. He could pick up the scent of deadly viruses and toxic poisons paving within the flames spreading around him. Instead of feeling getting burned, the hybrid felt he was going to be infected with many deadly toxics he wasn’t going to survive in.
With his own armor-like skin and power, Vaeludar wouldn’t be safe from this deadly fire burning with active poisons. It was spreading like a forest fire and Vaeludar widened his wings to
However, Vaeludar’s wings had become numbed from a freeze air blown from the white dragon head, freezing the muscles of Vaeludar’s wings. He was without his wings to take flight and he was surrounded by a purple fire that held multiple diseases. He ran towards a rocky mountain wall close by.
With the fire closing in, Vaeludar used the claws of his wings and his legs to climb the wall. He used the scythe in his left hand to make his climb move faster.
Vaeludar had used the Crystal Sword to swing left and right to counterstrike any snapping attack the Five-Headed Dragon that ended up snapping on the rock, nearly by an inch. Vaeludar swung endlessly as he climbed higher and higher.
Finally, he reached the mountain’s summit. Vaeludar starting swinging both weapons at all five dragon heads while a climbing Five-Headed Dragon standing right above him.
All five heads were snapping their jaws and charging their heads forward at the hybrid every quick second.
In a quick moment, Vaeludar held his balance behind him; he was surrounded by a cliff behind him with purple fire raging below and a dragon with five heads ahead of him. He was breathing steadily as he was surrounded by dangerous methods of a painful death: falling down and burning or being a meal for the Shadow King in his dragon body.
Then in an instant, the yellow head blew blue electricity at Vaeludar’s right arm and where he attached the gauntlet armor, paralyzing the power within his arm.
Vaeludar felt his muscles tangling but he still had control over his arm’s movement but he felt no connection to any magic power. Vaeludar was a sitting duck like a pride of lions that taken down its prey.
“See now? You don’t stand a chance against me,” said Lusìvar, with the five dragon heads talking.
“You are wrong. I don’t just have crystal power; I have White Knight power.”
Vaeludar flew the axe-scythe like an axe at the dead center of the Dragon’s chest. It disappeared deep into the Dragon’s body, which made the beast growl in agony. The weapon left a glowing white mark where it struck the Five-Headed Dragon. Sparks ran out like a comet rain out of the Dragon’s body.