Deliciously British
Page 72
“Yes, that’s usually how it works.” I laugh.
“Does Piper know about this?”
She’s not the boss of me. I shake my head. “Other than Ashley, no one else at work knows. You’re the second person to hear about it.”
She positions her feet so that her right one is in front of her left one and places both hands on her waist. Her stance is one of defiance. I can handle it. “When did this happen?” I’m about to answer, but she keeps firing questions at me. “How can you have started seeing someone under our noses without telling us? What happened to the sisterhood?” Her hands fly up in the air before landing on her thighs in a loud thump.
I tilt my back head and roar. “The sisterhood?”
“Yes. The three of us have a bond.” I guess I didn’t get that memo. “Listen, the last time we had a little powwow in Piper’s office you had some pretty definite views about men and about getting it on”—she forms quotation marks with her fingers—“and now you’re dating? Is it someone from the trade?”
“Actually, yes, he’s one of us.”
“No way. I refuse to believe this. I need to meet him. Pronto. Who is this mystery guy?” Katrina turns around in a circle. I figured she’d be surprised, but I didn’t expect this reaction from her. I’m about to say something when a familiar face strides towards me. His intense brown eyes and his panty-melting smile are dead giveaways that he’s mine. He winks at me and my pussy throbs a few times—just enough to make it uncomfortable for me. Fuck, he’s hot. I’m so blinded by his unparalleled charisma that it takes me a second to realize something is off. Hmmm, I don’t see Xander. I wonder where he is.
“The timing couldn’t be more perfect, he’s coming towards us,” I announce joyfully.
“Great. I’m so looking forward to this.” She claps her hands. “Where is he?” Her head moves from left to right to have a better view.
“Right over there.” I point in front of me, forcing Katrina to pivot.
“I don’t see him. Which one is he? God, not that short guy with the ridiculous bowtie? He was such a pain in the neck at the auction. What a freaking nerd.”
“Not even close.” I’m having too much fun stringing her along to tell her it’s Ethan.
She turns around again, determined to figure it out. She stretches her neck this time to better see. I don’t even bother looking. I doubt she’ll ever guess. “That tall blond over there? Oh, he’s cute. A little on the conservative side, but maybe he’s an animal in bed.”
“Well, which one is he?” I detect a tinge of impatience in her voice.
It’s time for the big reveal. “The tall guy sporting that cocky grin. The one waving at us.” There you have it, folks.
Katrina turns around so fast I fear she’s going to lose her balance. “When you say ‘that tall guy waving at us,’ you mean as in sex-on-legs Ethan Gordimer?” I didn’t know you had a nickname for my man.
“Yup. The one and only.”
“He’s your boyfriend?”
“He is,” I confirm.
“As in you’re fucki—”
“Katrina,” I admonish. “There are people all around us.”
“No, seriously, Delilah, are you pulling my leg?”
I don’t have time to answer her because Ethan is now standing right next to us. “You look absolutely breathtaking,” he comments, taking me all in before leaning down to kiss me on both cheeks. He turns his attention to my astounded colleague. “This color is going to get you a lot of attention tonight. You look spectacular, Katrina.” She doesn’t answer. She just stares at him. “Is everything okay?” Ethan inquires, shifting his gaze from mine to the bewildered Canadian.
Instead of answering, she volleys back a question of her own.
“The two of you are an item?” She’s blinking at a ridiculous velocity.
“She just found out?”
“Isn’t it obvious from her shocked look?” I mock.
“I guess it is,” he chuckles.
“So it’s true?” she shrieks.
“I’ve only been trying to tell you this for the past five minutes.”
“Well, I’ll be damned.” Katrina’s arms go flying in the air again. “Delilah Babcock has snatched herself one of the hottest men in the city.”
“I’m flattered,” Ethan replies. “Did you hear that, love? It seems like your boyfriend is a coveted commodity,” he jokes.
My colleague turns her body so she’s facing me and says, “I bow to you, my queen.” And she does. Right in front of everybody. “May your magic voodoo powers rub off on me so that I too can bag a Brit hottie.” Her theatrical ways elicit more laughs from me and a few curious stares from people standing next to us. Ethan is too dumbfounded to even react.
“Oh, quit being so dramatic.” I swat her arm.
“Are you kidding me? We’re talking about Ethan Gordimer here.” All right, I get the distinct impression that she finds my boyfriend very attractive. I can’t blame her.
“Katrina, if you keep at it, I’m going to end up with an inflated head and an even bigger ego,” Ethan teases.
“That may be the case, but you’ll still be one of the most desirable single guys in our industry. Well, I guess I should retract my words, since you’re taken now.” She offers me an exaggerated wink. “Since this news has not only made me extremely happy for my colleague, but it’s also crushed my dreams”—she pouts. Well, well, well. She did have a thing for my man—“you wouldn’t happen to have any brothers you could hook me up with?” Yeah, you guessed it, she’s waggling her eyebrows at him. I never noticed it was one of her trademark facial expressions. Katrina has never been a shy one, but her boldness has no boundaries tonight.
“I’m afraid I’m an only child.”
“Any cousins or—” Katrina stops dead in her tracks. “Holy hotness on legs. Mother of God of all deliciousness.” Her eyes bulge out of her skull.
“What?” Ethan and I ask in unison.
“Who on earth is that?” My boyfriend and I turn around. When I see my other boyfriend strutting towards us, I bite down on my lower lip. The signature devilish cocksure grin on his face and that suggestive glee in his eyes makes me even wetter than I was a minute ago. Damn. Just like Ethan, Xander looks ridiculously hot. With their tall stature and their incredibly muscular bodies, these tuxedos look like lethal weapons of seduction on them. Obviously, I’m the one and only target. And judging by the way my nipples are puckering under my bra, I’d say mission accomplished. At this rate I don’t know if I’ll be able to wait until the end of the evening to allow them to have their way with me. Every part of my body is begging for their touch.
“That guy other there is my best friend Xander,” Ethan announces.
“Is he single?” Katrina asks. Hands off. Find your own hot guy.
Ethan and I exchange a furtive look. “I’m quite sorry to disappoint you again, Katrina, but he’s very much involved with someone.” Ethan’s answer is short and sweet. I turn my head to the side so that Katrina can’t read the expression of pride that I’m sure is painted all over my face. Hearing Ethan say those words does something to me. They’re mine. I know it. They know it. Who the hell cares if no one else does?
“Really?” Katrina doesn’t even attempt to hide how bummed out she is about the news. Ethan nods and offers my co-worker a sympathetic smile. “Darn. Whoever is dating him is as lucky as Delilah is.”
“I agree.” The words fly out of my mouth before I can even stop them. I can tell Ethan is as surprised as I am.
“There you are, you two,” Xander exclaims, clapping Ethan on the shoulders. He leans down and kisses me on both cheeks just like Ethan did a few minutes ago. I love those Euro kisses. “Delilah, if you weren’t already taken, I’d have to kick my best friend in the butt for not going after you.” He chuckles. “You look like a vision in this dress.”
“Thank you. Keep that up and you’re going to make me blush,” I reply from under
my lashes.
“And I’m sure that would also look good on you.” Xander winks.
“Mate, this is Katrina, one of Delilah’s co-workers. I don’t think the two of you have met before.” Ethan is the one who does the introductions.
“I’m sure I’d remember her had we met. She’s hard to forget,” Xander says, taking the hand Katrina is extending to him into his own. “Katrina, it’s a pleasure.”
She giggles like a schoolgirl before answering, “You’re just a smooth talker.” Okay, you can turn down the charm, Xander.
“Nonsense, I’m just a believer in giving credit where it’s due. I might already have an insanely gorgeous girlfriend who I’m crazy about”—wow, I didn’t see that one coming—“but that doesn’t mean I can’t extend a compliment to a beautiful woman.”
Ethan and Xander exchange one of those knowing looks. As the heat creeps up and takes over my cheeks, I look away. If I don’t, I’ll betray myself. We’ve been out in public before, but this is the first time things are this official. I shouldn’t like it this much, but I relish the fact that all three of us are complicit in a naughty secret.
“I’m flattered,” Katrina gushes. She’s giddy and completely unaware of what’s playing out in front of her.
Xander claps his hands together before rubbing them furiously. He scans the room and zooms in the long bar behind us. “I don’t know about you guys, but I think the fact that we’re standing mere feet away from that bar is a definite sign. Let’s order some drinks and work the room,” he suggests.
“You wore it?” I ask, looking back up and meeting Delilah’s eyes.
“Of course I did. It was inconceivable for me not to. This is our first official outing together. It’s a symbol of what we share.” Her eyes drop to her wrist.
“It’s beautiful on you,” I marvel, playing with the bracelet my best friend and I gave her on the night we asked her to become our girlfriend.
“In fact, I bought this dress with this piece in mind. I wanted to make sure it complemented it. I kept my jewelry to a minimum, because I wanted this dazzler to be a focal point.” She taps her index finger against her bracelet. “I can’t tell you how much I cherish it. Every time I look at it, I replay in my head what you told me on the most memorable night of my life. ‘The three of us are now one.’”
The significance of her words and the fact that she actually wore the black pearl bracelet on this particular night isn’t lost on me. Even if Ethan had suggested it when we offered it to her, it still warms my heart to see it displayed so prominently on her wrist.
“Pride washed over me when my eyes zoomed in on it when I found you in the crowd standing next to Katrina. It’s the second thing I noticed after your radiant beauty,” Ethan reveals before pulling her in closer to him and dropping a soft kiss on the top of her head.
“Piper, Katrina, Gemma and Ashley were beside themselves when I told them we were dating. Ashley knows and I told Katrina right before Ethan showed up, but I wanted to be the one telling the other two. I know Katrina too well. In any case, all five of us were in the ladies’ room touching up on our makeup when all of a sudden Piper lost it and started jumping up and down. I swear to God she was hyperventilating for a solid ten minutes before she was able to talk again. When she did she asked me if the bracelet was a gift from you.” She points at Ethan. “When I confirmed it was, all four of my colleagues were doing the happy dance. They seem more elated than I am about this relationship.” She laughs. “All four of them were gushing about my gorgeous bracelet. They were as giddy as I was that these are real diamonds. Of course, they don’t know the full story and that it comes from both of you…” She lets her words trail off. “But we do.”
“Yes, we do.” I tap the tip of her nose affectionately. Ethan looks up at me. His broad smile takes over his face. Yeah, all three of us are having a moment.
“Have you two been on the Silver Sturgeon before?” Delilah changes the subject.
Ethan nods. “I have. Numerous times. It’s a favorite in the art industry.”
“And you?” She turns her attention to me.
“Many music labels rent this bad boy to celebrate milestones or just to kick off a new artist’s career. I’ve been on it quite a few times and I’ll be honest, I’m always dazzled. It’s an experience like none other.”
“You can say that again. I spent a lot of time online checking out their website and looking at walls of photos, but it doesn’t do it justice until you actually step on the boat,” Delilah observes.
All three of us are leaning against the railing on the upper deck admiring the skyline. The festivities are still raging below. Both levels of this boat are packed with guests rubbing elbows with each other. As exciting as it is, it’s good to get away from the bustling energy. When Ethan suggested we distance ourselves from the crowd and find a semi-quiet place to hang out for a while, it didn’t take much to convince Delilah or I. There are a few people on the opposite side of the boat, but we’re lucky enough to find a spot where we can be alone.
“I can’t believe this view.” Delilah waves her hand in front of her. “There’s no comparing London to New York—there’s a reason they call it the city that never sleeps—but London has its own cachet when the sun sets.”
“I really don’t think it’s possible to appreciate it fully unless you’re floating along the River Thames under a constellation of stars,” Ethan points out.
Right on cue all three of us look up at the sky. It’s a magical night. After many weeks of finicky weather, Mother Nature finally cooperates.
“It’s the kind of warm, breezy summer night you want to fully enjoy. What a coup for your team.” I bump Delilah’s arm.
“I doubt a little rain would’ve dampened our spirits because everyone was so excited about tonight, but I have to agree this is as good as it gets.” She smiles.
We’ve barely seen each other in the past few days for obvious reasons. Ethan and Delilah have been far too consumed by tonight’s event, and now the withdrawal from not seeing my girlfriend for so many days is bloody harrowing. Let it be known that I’m not that strong of a man. Not when it comes to her. My hands are twitching to trail a line between Delilah’s tits that are displayed so temptingly in that cock-hardening dress she’s wearing. While I’m at it, I’m might as well admit that I can’t think of anything I want more than to press this raging erection against her stomach to remind her that she’s ours. You could say that I’m horny and you’d be right.
I’ve never seen her look more beautiful than she does tonight. When I spotted her standing next to Ethan earlier, she damn near took my breath away. A few minutes playing with her hard nipples would curb the urge a little bit, especially if she were to stroke my cock under Ethan’s careful gaze, but we can’t. Not yet anyways. I’ve had to be careful all night, which isn’t something I’ve had to do since we started seeing her. When we’re at our place her body belongs to me as much as it does to my best friend. I knew tonight was going to be a test, I didn’t know to what extent.
“It’s good to get away from it all and to be just be with the two people who mean so much to me,” I confess. I smile at the woman standing to my left, the one I can’t get enough of.
Thanks to the bright lights surrounding the deck, I can tell her cheeks color a lovely shade of pink. “I agree.” She nudges my side with her elbow.
I scoot a little closer to her. “I can’t tell you how much I want to take your mouth into mine,” I whisper. She blinks up at me but doesn’t say a word. After a few seconds she returns my beaming smile. The sparkle in her eyes is unmistakable. Even though the area is fully lit, her eyes go from a bright shade of blue to a darker, more intense hue. Lust will do that to a person. I’m glad to see she’s not immune to my confession.
“I’ve wanted to do the same thing to our girlfriend since I saw her in the crowd. I’ve kept it to light kisses and soft touches all evening on purpo
se. Anything more and things will get out of hand. I know if I start, it just won’t feel right unless you’re part of it, Xander.” Ethan looks up at me and I hold his gaze. “All three of us are fairly loud and there are too many people who know me within earshot.” It’s his turn to lay his cards on the table.
I’m undeterred by his words. Maybe if I push a little more, I might change his mind. “She looks so fucking hot, bro.” Delilah folds her lower lip into her mouth. “I’m seriously considering ripping that sexy dress right off of her luscious body and having my way with her. There must be a quiet place on this boat where we can hide. We don’t have to let it go too far.”
“Hmph.” Ethan shakes his head. “Quit kidding yourself. Since when have we been able to put on the brakes when it comes to her?” He points his chin at Delilah.
“Xander,” she whispers. “You can’t say things like that and expect me to remain unaffected. It’s not like I’m not dying to feel your hands all over my body—yours and Ethan’s.” She caresses his arm tenderly. “Trust me, I want nothing more. If we’re being honest with each other, you should know that I’ve been turned on from the minute I saw the two of you walk towards me. That said, this is a potentially explosive combination—my growing desire and us being trapped on this boat with a group of my peers. If we keep up with this kind of saucy banter we’ll end up getting in trouble. I don’t think this is the place to give into our urges.”
“She’s right. My cock has been pressing uncomfortably against my zipper all night long. Don’t think I haven’t been dying to do something about it. This kind of talk is going to get us aroused without any hope for release. The stakes are too high. We can’t chance it,” Ethan cautions.
My eyes shift from his to hers. Their expressions are so serious. I ponder for a few short minutes, replaying their words in my head. Reluctantly I coax my cock to behave. “All right. Let’s keep it for later.” I find a safer topic. “It was quite an honor to meet Calysta.”
“I met her on the first day she arrived at the gallery, but I’m still quite honored to be in her presence tonight,” Ethan says.