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Series Starter : Firsts in Series Collection

Page 24

by Kaylee Ryan

  By the time he’s back, I’m dried off with my hair up in a towel. “Do we have to wear clothes?” he asks, roaming his eyes up and down my body.

  “Nah, I’m sure the neighbors won’t mind me flashing my girly bits as we grill our steaks,” I say casually.

  “Fuck that.” He digs in his bag, pulls out one of his T-shirts, and hands it to me. “This should cover everything.”

  “I have clothes, right?” I ask because, honestly, I’m not sure. He said he had Dawn pack me a bag.

  “Yeah, but you don’t need them when you have mine.” He pulls on a pair of boxer briefs and a pair of jeans that are ripped, worn, and sexy hell. Just seeing them on him makes me wish he were taking them off, not putting them on.

  “I’m going to start the grill.” He pulls me in for a quick kiss and then he’s out the door.

  Considering he wants me in nothing but his T-shirt, I don’t bother too much with my appearance. I quickly brush my hair, dig in my bag for a hair tie, put it in a topknot, and call it good.

  I find Ridge in the kitchen, pulling out the makings for salad. Standing behind him, I place my hand on his back. “Can I help?”

  “Yep.” He turns, lifts me up, and sits me on the counter. “You can keep me company.”

  “How do you think they’re doing with the little guy?” I ask.

  He smiles up at me. “I was just thinking the same thing.”

  “Can we call her?”

  Drying his hands, he reaches across the counter, grabs his phone, and dials Reagan. Putting it on speaker, he hands it to me with a quick kiss before going back to the salad.

  “Hello,” Reagan answers, laughing.

  “Hey, sister,” Ridge says. “How’s our boy?”

  Our boy.

  “Adorable. Tyler is making these crazy-ass faces and his grin is cracking us up. He’s talking up a storm.”

  Ridge lifts his head and he’s smiling from ear to ear. “That’s great. Let us talk to him.”

  “Sure, hold on a second. Hey, Knox. Daddy and Kendall want to say hi.” I hear rustling, and then his little baby babbles come over the line.

  “Hey, buddy. Daddy misses you,” Ridge says into the phone.

  Knox coos and babbles some more.

  “Say hi,” he whispers to me.

  “Hey, little man. Hope you’re being good for Aunt Reagan.” I wait to hear his baby talk back to me, but there’s nothing.

  “Hey, who was just talking to him?” Reagan’s back on the line.

  “Kendall,” Ridge says.

  She laughs. “You should have seen him. He was looking around everywhere, like you were going to be hiding behind him or something. Here he is again.”

  “All right, bud. You be good. Daddy and Kendall will see you tomorrow,” Ridge tells him. Greeted with silence.

  “Same thing. Kendall again?” Reagan asks.

  “Nope. It was me.”

  “You two have this little guy spoiled rotten.” She laughs. “All’s good on the home front. He’s getting ready to have his last bottle for the night before we put him down.”

  I wait for Ridge to ask if Tyler is staying too, but he doesn’t. I’m sure once it hits him he’ll be wanting answers. It is one of his best friends and his little sister, after all.

  “Sounds good. We’ll be home early afternoon, in time for the cookout at Mom and Dad’s,” Ridge tells her.

  “Gotcha, brother. You two kids behave,” she says, and the line goes dead.

  “He sounded happy,” I whisper.

  “He is happy. He’s loved.” Ridge kisses me slowly. “I need to go check on the steaks.”

  Chapter 39

  I could not have asked for a better trip. Kendall and I spent the entire time wrapped in each other’s arms, exploring each other’s bodies. It’s a night that I’m sure to never forget.

  We left a little earlier than what I planned, but when I woke up this morning with my girl in my arms, something was missing—my son. It’s like she could read my mind, because she asked if we could leave a little early to get back and beat traffic. I knew the real reason why.

  Mom and Dad are having another cookout for the Fourth. They love to entertain and now that Dad is retired, Mom doesn’t mind it as much because he’s there to help her. I have one more surprise for Kendall this weekend—I called her parents and invited them. They made up an excuse when she asked them their plans. I want both of our families together. Family is important and she’s a huge part of mine, and I want her parents to be involved in that.

  “I almost forgot to tell you.” She turns to face me in the passenger seat of the truck, as much as her seatbelt will allow. “I got Knox the cutest little outfit for today.” She stops. “I mean, if you want him to wear it today.”

  “Hey.” I reach over and grab her hand. “Yes, I do. It’s fine, babe. I love that you love him,” I tell her honestly.

  She grins. “It’s the cutest little pair of jean shorts, and a red shirt and blue tank top. I even got him a matching fisherman’s hat and a pair of sunglasses.”

  Seeing her excitement over an outfit for my son makes me smile. She’s such a sweet person with a heart of gold. I’m a damn lucky man that she chose us.

  “We’ll have to make sure Mom gets a picture of the three of us. Not that we’ll need to ask her, since she always has her camera at the ready at these things.”

  Ten minutes later, we’re pulling up outside my house. Kendall’s car’s in the drive, and so is Tyler’s truck. I make a mental note to ask him if there’s something going on with him and my sister.

  Kendall meets me at the front of the truck, and I hold my hand out for her. She doesn’t hesitate to lace her fingers through mine as we head into the house.

  “We’re back!” I yell as soon as we step into the entryway.

  “In the living room,” Tyler calls out.

  Reagan is asleep on the couch, and Tyler has Knox in the crook of his arm, watching the sports channel. “He was up three times last night. She’s exhausted.” He points to my sister.

  “Did you stay here with her?” I ask him.

  He hesitates. “Yeah, fell asleep on the couch. She didn’t wake me.”

  I look around my living room and see a pillow and blankets that my sister is using. His story seems to add up.

  I reach down and take Knox from him. “Hey, bud. You kept Aunt Reagan up?” He coos and smiles at me. “We missed you,” I say, reaching out to snag an arm around Kendall’s waist, pulling her into me.

  “Hey, Knox,” Kendall coos, and I swear he lights up. “We’re going to Grandma and Grampa’s for a cookout,” she tells him, tickling his little foot.

  “He had a bath,” Reagan says, eyes still closed. “He shit all over himself at six o’clock this morning.”

  “Aww, did your belly hurt?” Kendall asks him.

  He grins. My boy.

  “Tyler, take me home. I have to get ready.” Reagan literally rolls off the couch. After climbing to her feet, she walks toward me and gives all three of us a hug. “I’m proud of you, Ridge.” This time, her voice is serious. “You do this on your own, and never once complain.”

  “He probably just missed me, that’s why he didn’t sleep well. Usually, he sleeps at least six, sometimes eight hours, straight.”

  “He missed you guys. Look at him, all smiles.” She chucks his chin. “See you in a few hours.”

  “You need a ride?” I ask her.

  “Nah, man. She’s on my way, so I’ll swing by and pick her up.”

  I watch as my sister and Tyler wave over their shoulders as they drag ass out the door. “Something’s going on there,” I tell Kendall.


  “What do you know, woman?”

  “I know she’s your sister and she’s amazing. I know Tyler must be a great guy because he’s important to you. I know you should stay out of it, and if there is something going on, let them figure it out.”

  I smack her on the ass. “Go shower and get
ready. We men don’t take near as long.”

  She stands on tiptoes and kisses my cheek, then gives Knox one on his as well before grabbing her bag and running up the stairs.

  “She’s special, Knox.” He babbles. “I’m glad you approve, because Daddy wants to make her a permanent part of our lives.” He coos and moves his little arms. “She loves you too, little man. She loves you too.”

  I spend time with my son, trying to pull every smile from him I can. That’s how Kendall finds us, lying on the floor, me acting a fool just to see him smile.

  “My boys look happy.” I can see in her face she didn’t mean to let that slip.

  Grabbing Knox, we stand to greet her. “Your boys think you look beautiful.” She does. She’s wearing red shorts with a white and blue layered tank top. She’s also wearing a blush from my words. Will she ever get used to me telling her, stop blushing? I hope not.

  “My turn.” She opens her arms for Knox. “Let’s get you ready while Daddy takes a shower.”

  I kiss her, getting lost in her, in us, until she says “Ow!” Looking down, Knox has her hair tight in his fist. “Guess he was jealous.” I laugh and help free her from his grip before dashing off upstairs.

  The driveway is full by the time we make it to my parents.’ I’m glad; maybe she won’t notice her parents’ car. I don’t look for it, because I already know they’re here. Dad texted me just as we were leaving the house.

  I grab Knox, seat and all, drape the diaper bag over my shoulder, and reach for her hand. “I have to carry the food.” She laughs.

  “No, leave it. I’ll come back out and get it.”

  “Ridge, that’s silly. I can carry it.”

  “No, I want you with me. Come on.” I tug on her hand to pull her away from the truck. “Let’s say hello, and I’ll come back out and get it.” She shakes her head, but doesn’t say anything else as she laces her fingers through mine and we head inside.

  We take all of Knox’s things to his bedroom, as Mom calls it. “You’re gonna have the ladies drooling,” I tell my son.

  “He looks so cute. Here, don’t forget the glasses.” Kendall hands me a mini pair of Aviators. Where she found them, I have no idea, but they make him look cute as hell.

  Knox in one arm and the other around Kendall, we head out to the back deck.

  “What?” She turns to me, mouth hanging open as soon as she sees her parents. “How did you . . . ?”

  “I wanted our families to get to know each other. This is us, sweet girl,” I whisper in her ear just as her parents approach us.

  “Hey, you two.” She grins, giving each of them a hug. “I’m glad you’re here.”

  “It was all Ridge.” Her mom turns to me. “Thank you for the invite.”

  I put my arm back around Kendall and pull her to me. “You’re family.” I can see recognition in her eyes from my simple statement. Yeah, I love her and this is permanent.

  “Can I hold him?” her mom asks.

  I nod and transfer Knox to her arms. He’s good for a few minutes, until his little lip juts out. Kendall is next to him in a flash. “Hey, bud. It’s okay,” she says softly. His eyes follow her voice and then he grins when he finds her.

  “Like father, like son,” her dad says, coming to stand next to me.

  “She’s amazing,” I tell him.

  “That she is, just like her mother.”

  “You’re a lucky man.” He is if her mother is anything like her.

  “So are you,” he replies.

  “I love her.”

  “I know. I can see it. You remind me of me.”

  “Then you know what I want.”

  “I do. She’s my baby and she’s not had the best of luck with men, so take care of her.”

  “With everything in me.”

  He laughs. “Good talk.” He squeezes my shoulder and leaves me to join my dad back at the grill.

  The rest of the day is filled with family and friends, and lots and lots of food. Mom always makes way too much. I keep Kendall and Knox close, touching her every chance I get.

  “Hey, I’m going to go check on Knox and help them clean up,” she says, trying to move off my lap. I hold tight.

  “He’s fine. Mom is in the house, and I have the monitor.” I point to where it’s sitting on the patio table.

  “Ridge.” She laughs. “I’m going to go help your mom.” Her voice is final, so I kiss her shoulder and let her go.

  “You haven’t let her out of your sight all day.” Dad says, taking the seat beside me and handing me a beer.

  I wave my hand, declining. “Can’t. I’m driving home, and I have Knox tonight. Already had my two for the day,” I tell him.

  He nods, a look of approval on his face. “I’m proud of you, son. You’re a damn good father.” He takes a long pull of his beer. “I like her.” He points his bottle to where Mom and Kendall are standing in the kitchen. Her parents left a couple hours ago.

  “I love her,” I tell him.

  He laughs. “You always did know what you wanted.”

  I don’t say anything, because he’s right. I’ve always gone after what I wanted, and Kendall is no exception.

  “Hold on to that, Ridge. I can see she cares for you too. It takes work and a hell of a lot of love, but I promise you if she’s the one, it’s all worth it.”

  “She’s worth it,” I assure him.

  He nods and that’s the end of that. A man of few words, my dad, but when he does talk, you listen. He always has something profound to say.

  Today, he didn’t tell me anything I didn’t already know.

  Kendall is everything.

  Chapter 40

  It’s Monday and I’m back at work. The long weekend was amazing, and I’m sporting a permanent smile on my face. Dawn has reminded me of the fact every time she comes into my office. The last time she stopped in, she needed a paperclip. I threw it at her and told her to stop making excuses to razz me and get her lazy ass back to work. She laughed all the way down the hall.

  Trying to keep focused is proving difficult today, after the weekend. My phone vibrates and I sigh in frustration, knowing it’s probably Dawn. I’m never going to get through this report at the rate I’m going. Pulling my phone from my scrub pocket, the frustration leaves as I see Ridge’s name light up my screen.

  Ridge: Mom and Dad are taking Knox to my aunt and uncle’s. They won’t be back until after dinner. You and me, mini date night?

  I smile.

  Me: Mini date night?

  Ridge: Dinner, just the two of us. By then, Little man will be home.

  Me: Yes. Where? Should I meet you?

  Ridge: Anywhere. I’ll be at your place at six.

  Me: See you then.

  Ridge: Love you, sweet girl.

  My heart melts.

  Me: Love you too.

  Looking at the clock, I see it’s only one. Four more hours before I can rush home and change to get ready for my mini date with my man.

  “Hey, Kendall,” Dawn says from my office doorway.

  “Really?” I ask, laughing.

  “Hey now, this time, I have a reason. And it’s not just to tell you you’re glowing.” She smiles knowing her description gave her the opportunity to tell me yet again. “Mark just texted and wanted to know if you and Ridge—and Knox, of course—wanted to grab dinner tonight.”

  “Ridge just texted me. His parents are going to have Knox until later this evening, and we’re going to dinner,” I tell her.

  “Seriously?” She laughs.

  “Let me call him.” I grab my phone from my pocket, pull up his name, and hit send.

  “Hey, beautiful,” his deep voice answers. I try like hell not to let Dawn see how easily he affects me.

  “Hey, Dawn wants to know if we want to do dinner with her and Mark.”

  He chuckles. “Mark just asked me the same thing. I was getting ready to text you. I’ll leave it up to you, babe.”

  “It’ll be fun,” I tell him.

  “Sounds good. We’ll be at your place at six or a little after.”

  “Perfect. I’ll let Dawn know.”

  “Sounds good, baby. Love you.”

  My face floods with heat. “Love you, too,” I say, ending the call.

  “What? You’re telling him you love him and didn’t tell me?” she asks.

  “It was over the weekend. It just happened, and I haven’t seen you. You were with Mark, remember?” I remind her.

  She blushes too. We’re a mess. “So, the guys will be at our place around six,” I tell her.

  She holds up her phone, showing a text from Mark probably saying the exact same thing.

  “Come on, five o’clock.” She grins as she leaves my office for what feels like the hundredth time today.

  At four fifty-nine, Dawn is standing in my doorway, tapping her foot.

  “This has been the longest day in history,” I say, shutting down my computer.

  “It really has. The patients were even slow. I didn’t think five o’clock would ever get here.”

  “I know. The long weekend ruined me.”

  We drove separately this morning, since she stayed at Mark’s last night. Ridge begged me to stay, but I had laundry to catch up on. He offered to go pick up every piece of clothing I owned and bring it back to his place. Crazy man. Needless to say, after a very tempting goodnight kiss he relented, and I went home. It was hard to sleep in my own bed after being in his for the past several nights.

  “Where are we going?” I ask Dawn once we’re home. We both took up residence on the couch, but we need to be getting ready so the guys aren’t waiting on us.

  “I suggested that new steakhouse. Mark said he doesn’t care.”

  “Ridge is the same way. Sounds good to me.”

  We start to talk, getting caught up with what’s been going on in our separate lives. She and Mark are really hitting it off. She confessed that she’s falling hard, and she thinks he is too.

  “I’ll have to grill Ridge later and see if he can give me any insider info.”

  She laughs. “You don’t have to do that.”

  “Hey, we girls have to stick together,” I say.


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