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Series Starter : Firsts in Series Collection

Page 56

by Kaylee Ryan

  “Michael, I—”

  He places his index finger over my lips. “Don’t deny it, Paige. There’s a burning attraction between us. Let me show you how we can be. We’ll both walk away not with the memory of a fling, but the memory of an amazing night we spent together.”

  I want this. I want to experience what it would be like to be with him. He’s right about the attraction; it’s been there from the very beginning. I’m taking a risk, living life to the fullest.

  “Yes,” I whisper the words. I’m surprised he can hear me from the thunderous beat of my heart mixed with the roar of the ocean.

  He does though, and his face lights up. Leaning in, his lips graze my ear. “Tomorrow night, you’re mine. Have dinner with Lynn, since it’s your last night here, but when the two of you are done, come to me. I want you in my bed.”

  I can only nod, not able to find my words. He stands, pats the sand from his ass, and walks away from me.

  “Bye, Michael,” Stacy calls after him. He raises his hand, but keeps on walking. “What was that about?”

  My eyes follow him until they can no longer.

  “Logan!” Stacy says my name louder this time.

  “That was me agreeing to spend tomorrow night in his bed.”

  “Finally! Hell, yes you are. I’m so freaking excited for you. Girl, I want details,” she rambles on while all I can do is replay his words. Tomorrow night you’re mine. I want you in my bed.

  Holy Hell!

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  Tonight’s the night, our last night in Hawaii and my night with Michael. I’ve shaved and lathered lotion over every inch of my body. Stacy insisted we eat an early dinner, so I could go to him sooner. I fought her on it, but didn’t win. So here I am, with one final glance in the mirror, ready for a night I’m sure to never forget.

  “Stacy, I’m heading out. I’ll see you in a little while.”

  “The hell you will. You spend the night with the mountain of hotness. I’ll see you in the morning.” She walks me to the door. “Let go, enjoy him.” She winks and shuts the door.

  I can’t believe we’re actually discussing me spending the night with him, and the implication that we’re going to sleep together. I mean, yes, that’s what happening, but Stacy and I were just discussing it like the weather.

  As I make my way down to the beach, I see a dark figure sitting on the sand. As the figure stands, I know it’s him.


  I stop and wait for him to come to me. Once he’s within touching distance, he snakes an arm around my waist and pulls me into his chest. “No way am I letting you walk on this beach alone at night.” He kisses my temple and we begin the walk to his place.

  My palms are sweaty and my knees are weak. I can’t believe I’m here. That I’m walking into this guy’s house, a guy I’ve known for a week. I can’t even really consider knowing him; he’s more of an acquaintance, one I’ve agreed to share my body with. It’s not too late. I can still back out. The only problem is that I don’t want to. His words play in my mind and he’s right. I don’t want to leave here not knowing what it’s like to have him inside me. This attraction between us is like nothing I’ve ever felt. Moving forward with life, I want no regrets.

  Standing in his kitchen, taking in the layout similar to ours, I feel a sudden calm wash over me. I’m doing this, living for me, living with no regrets.

  Large hands grip my hips and pull me against a rock-hard chest. Burying his face in my neck, he inhales deeply. It’s erotic as hell, especially the moan that sounds from deep in the back of his throat. “You smell sweet.” His words are whispered against my ear. “Do you know how badly I want to see if you taste just as sweet?”

  The calm is gone and I realize I’m in over my head with this guy. He screams experience and kinky sex. I’m used to once a week wham bam roll over and roll out. Something tells me this is not going to be the case with Michael.

  “Did you eat?” he asks as his lips make contact with my neck. He nips and sucks, sending an electrical current throughout my body.

  I nod, giving him my answer. I’m afraid to speak, afraid he’ll remove his lips from my skin. “Good.”

  Spinning me in his arms, his lips crash with mine. I’m standing on my toes trying to get closer to him. I need to be closer. Unfortunately, his six-foot plus frame towers over my five foot four, and I release a frustrated growl. I hear his deep chuckle next to my ear and I want to be irritated that he’s laughing at my expense; however, when those big calloused hands of his grip my ass, I let go of my anger and wrap my legs around him like a damn monkey. Finally, at this angle, he’s able to push his tongue past my lips, giving me a preview of just how talented he is.

  Breaking away from this kiss, we’re both breathing heavily. Even if we go no further than this moment right here, this has already been the hottest moment of my life.

  Michael sets me gently on what feels like a mound of clouds. My white sundress is bunched up around my waist, my matching white thong, my only other article of clothing, is drenched with my desire for him. Embarrassment floods me and I bow my head, hoping he won’t notice the red tint of my cheeks.

  I’m not that lucky. With his index finger under my chin, he lifts gently so that I’m looking into those captivating blue eyes. “Don’t hide from me,” he scolds. “I . . . I’m not,” I manage to push the words past my lips.

  “Bullshit. Tell me what you were thinking,” he demands.

  I try to turn my head, but he tightens his grip, not letting me avoid my embarrassment. “Nothing,” I try again to avoid him.

  “Paige,” he growls my name and heat floods my body.

  I sigh in defeat. He’s not going to let this go. “I’m wet,” I whisper. I don’t know why I’m letting this affect me the way I am. This is a one-night thing. I fly out tomorrow and I’ll never see him again, yet my embarrassment still holds strong.

  Leaning down so that we are nose to nose, he says, “I know,” with a cocky grin.

  “Pfft, you haven’t even touched me,” I fire back.

  His hand clasps the back of my neck and he rests his forehead against mine. His free hand works its way across my thigh until he reaches the band of my thong. “You mean here?” he asks as his finger slides underneath the thin barrier. “I can smell you, beautiful.” His lips find mine in a searing kiss. Breaking away, he trails kisses across my cheek. I tilt my head, giving him complete access. His teeth graze my ear. “Now I’m going to find out if you taste just as sweet.”

  Holy Mother of all that is holy!

  Michael doesn’t give me time to react. His hands grip each side of my thong and he tears it from my body.

  Holy hell, that’s hot!

  I’ve never had a man talk to me like he does, demand what he wants, not like this. Not to the point that my body melts for him.

  Lifting my hips, he moves me up higher on the bed, climbing in after me. His blue eyes, burning liquid pools of fire, rake across my body. Resting on my elbows, I watch him, waiting, anticipating his next move. His hand cups my cheek. “Relax, beautiful, let me take care of you.” His words are a whispered demand. I don’t hesitate to do as he says. I lay my head against the pillow and throw my arm over my eyes.

  “Open for me, Paige. Let me see you.”

  My embarrassment is long gone as I shamelessly spread my thighs, inviting him in.

  Live with no regrets.

  His hot breath is the first indication that he’s . . . there. I bite down on my bottom lip to keep from crying out, to keep myself from begging him to touch me. The feel of his index finger sliding through my folds causes my back to arch off the bed.

  “Shh,” he whispers against me. One hand traces me and my desire for him. The other travels up my stomach, until his hand is resting over my heart. “I got you, just feel,” he says as his lips make contact with my skin.

  My heart is racing. I’m sure it’s going to thump right out of my chest. He has to feel it against the palm of
his hand.

  He moans and the vibration sends me into an orgasmic bliss. One like I’ve never known. The sensation hits me so hard my vision blurs as I cry out.

  As I return from my blissful state, he’s there, his lips and hands caressing my breasts like it’s the first and the last time he’ll ever be able to witness such a marvel. Of course I know this is not the case. Any man who looks like Michael and can use his tongue like that . . . women are not in short supply for a guy like him.

  Releasing my breast with a pop, he rests his arms on either side of my head. His hand glides across my forehead, effectively removing my hair from my eyes. He hovers over me, eyes still burning with desire. “I was right,” he says with a wink.

  In my current state of mind, I don’t catch his meaning. “About what?” I ask.

  With a smirk, he leans in so we are nose-to-nose, eyes locked. “You do taste as good as you smell.”

  I suck in a shocked breath at his words. My surprise doesn’t faze him as his lips travel from one ear, down and across my neck, to the other. He’s driving me crazy, pushing buttons I didn’t know could be pushed, and I want more. I want it all.

  “Tell me,” he says, reading my mind. How he does that is beyond me. How he’s already so in tune with me, with my body.

  I wrap my legs around his waist, lifting my hips to rub against him. Hoping that will show him what I want.

  “I need your words, Paige. Tell me what you want.”

  He rocks his hips, causing his erection to slide against me. I don’t even try to stop the moan that escapes my lips. “Please,” I beg him. I can’t believe it’s come to this, but if begging is what it takes, then so be it.

  “I can make it go away. The ache.” He rocks his hips again, causing me to cry out. “I can fill the void, Paige. I just need to hear you say the words.”

  “Please,” I try again.

  “Tell me,” he breathes against my ear.

  “I want you inside me, please.”

  Seconds, mere seconds it takes him to sheath his length with protection and slide into me. No warning, just one solid thrust of his hips. He stills once he’s there. I watch as he squeezes his eyes closed tightly. I don’t move, afraid he’ll pull out. I don’t want that. I want him to move, to get rid of the ache like he said.

  I’m once again surprised by this mountain of a man when his forehead rests against mine. “So fucking tight,” he whispers as if he’s talking to himself.

  Not able to take it, I lift my hips. This causes a smile to light up his face. His eyes remain closed, forehead resting against mine, smile broad as he rocks his hips.

  I close my eyes and let his body command mine. My nails dig into his back as his thrusts become more demanding. “Open your eyes,” he growls into my ear.

  My eyes pop open, and he’s there, so close, watching, never breaking his rhythm as he moves inside of me. “Watch me. I want you to see who’s inside you when you come.”

  His words, that’s all it takes for me to once again fall off the cliff of bliss known as Michael. I cry out his name at the same time he shouts, “Paige!”

  His body rests against mine and I welcome the weight. I welcome the reminder that what just happened was real, that I just had the best sex of my life with a stranger.

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  I wake with a start and take in my surroundings. When I feel a heavy arm around my waist, it all comes rushing back to me.


  We took full advantage of each other’s bodies until just about an hour ago. The clock reads five a.m. Our flight leaves at eight, so I need to get moving. Carefully, I slip from underneath his arm. He grunts in protest, but doesn’t wake up. I don’t want to wake him. I don’t want to deal with the awkward goodbye, but I feel like I should at least say thank you or have a nice life, something.

  I study his naked body, committing every ridged muscle, every swirl of ink to memory. “Thank you,” I whisper. I quietly step from his room, carrying my sundress. Once I’m in the living room, I slide my sundress over my head, throw my panties in the trash and slip my feet into my flip-flops. I find a pad of paper on the counter.


  Thank you for a night I will never forget.


  Leaving the note on the counter where he will be sure to see it, I quietly slip out the French doors for my first ever walk of shame.

  Chapter 7


  As soon as we board our flight, I hunker down into my seat and close my eyes. Stacy wants details and I’m not ready to give them to her. Having just experienced the greatest night of my life, I just need to process it. I’ve already committed every detail, every second to memory. I’m going to replay it in my mind until we land back in Tennessee. Then Michael and our time together will be left to a memory, an experience of which I will never forget.

  I can’t let myself dwell on my whirlwind romance. I’m starting a new job tomorrow, and I need to move forward with my plan of focusing on me. The last three years have been geared toward Daniel and me and the life he led me to believe would someday soon be ours.

  It hits me that I didn’t even think of Daniel during our time in Hawaii. At least not after I met Michael. Although we only met days before, he knew what I needed. He could read my body. The feel of his calloused hands as they travelled every inch of my body will be a feeling I’m sure I will never forget.

  “I know you’re not really sleeping,” Stacy says.

  Shit! Of course she does. We’ve lived together for the past four years; she knows me better than I know myself, and I her. Turning to face her, I tell her what I’m sure she already knows or at least assumes. “I’m just replaying it in my mind. It was . . . I don’t have the words.”

  Stacy grins. “Finally! I know you’re not one to kiss and tell, but you have to give me something,” she begs.

  “He was . . . demanding but gentle. He knew what I wanted, what I needed without me telling him. It was like we had known each other for years, not mere days.”

  “Honey, I hate to break it to you, but your experience is nothing to write home about. We have your first time, what was it, senior prom? I believe you said it was a few grunts and it was over. Your second experience was Daniel. He was too damn busy finding his next quick roll and telling you he needed space to worry about satisfying you in the bedroom.”

  I flinch at her words. Not because they hurt me and they’re all true. No, I flinch at the reminder of how I let him treat me. I let myself get lost in the fairy-tale future that he promised.

  Never again.

  “Yeah,” I finally say, offering her a small smile. “I can’t believe I let myself become that person.”

  Stacy covers my hand with hers. “You’re a dreamer, Logan. You want to fall in love and live happily ever after. There’s nothing wrong with that.”

  “Pfft. I’ve come to realize that finding that one person is rare. So rare in fact, I’m not sure I still believe there is one person for everyone.” Daniel has officially scarred me, and my beliefs of the heart.

  “That’s a shame. Look at your parents, look at my parents. It’s real. The complication is finding that person, and when you do, risking your heart to let them in. Taking the jump and hoping they fall with you.”

  “I don’t see myself jumping anytime soon,” I tell her. She doesn’t respond and, eventually, we both really do fall asleep. Michael kept me up late, but you will never hear me complain about it. How can I complain about Mr. Tall, Tatted, and Toned giving me the best sex, the best night of my life? That’s my last thought as I drift off to sleep.

  All too soon, Stacy is tapping my arm to wake me up. I was dreaming about him, about Michael and our night together.

  We quickly grab our luggage and drag it to my car, which we left in the airport parking lot. My beat-up old Sentra is still kicking. Sadly, she doesn’t look like much, but she’s never let me down.

  “Hawaii was beautiful, but I’m glad to be home,”
Stacy says as we head toward our apartment.

  Michael hovering above me last night flashes through my mind. “Yeah,” I say wistfully.

  This causes Stacy to laugh. “Suck it up, buttercup. There are plenty of fish in the sea.”

  I roll my eyes and continue to drive us home. We’re quiet the remainder of the drive. We’re both starting new jobs and moving on to the next phase of our life. I always thought it would be Daniel by my side, but I couldn’t be happier that it’s Stacy, my best friend. I know that no matter what, she will always be there. For now, that’s all I need.

  “Home at last,” Stacy says as soon as we are inside our apartment. We drop our bags by the door and head for the couch. Stacy starts sifting through the mail and hands me half the pile. My eyes immediately latch on to the large white envelope bearing the Stone Records’ logo. Giddy excitement runs through me. I’m excited about this job. I carefully tear open the envelope and pull out its contents.

  The front page is a ‘welcome to the team’ letter. The letter provides me with the address of where I’m expected to report tomorrow and informs me I’m to meet a Mr. Jones. Included in the packet is all my new hire paperwork. The final piece is my working contract. It outlines my salary as well as duties. I was hired as an assistant, but by reading the document, it appears I will be a personal assistant to a Mr. Warren. I will be responsible for managing his schedule, as well as the staff at his homes. Homes? Holy shit, who is this guy? Must be some bigwig with the label. As I continue reading, I realize I’m supposed to basically assist this Mr. Warren with all aspects of his life. Including miscellaneous duties as assigned. To most, reading the contract alone could potentially scare them from the job. Not me, I welcome the challenge. Welcome the distraction of being able to throw myself into my work. I’ve always been an overachiever. When I called my parents to tell them about my new job, my mother even commented that this would be the perfect position for me.


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