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Series Starter : Firsts in Series Collection

Page 77

by Kaylee Ryan

  She turns and heads for the door, mumbling about how I still haven’t spoken to anyone. I don’t really have anything to say. I’m sad my parents are gone. I wait until she’s in the door, before I bolt off the swing and run to my favorite spot, the large oak tree. I reach the tree and slide down the side, bury my face in my knees, and let my tears fall. My only hope is Granny doesn’t find me before I can get myself together.

  I’m not sure how much time has passed when I hear footsteps in the leaves. I raise my head and see the dark haired boy who was at the funeral. He sits down beside me.

  “Hey. My name’s Aiden,” he says to me. “I live next door, we’re going to be neighbors.” He’s trying to make conversation. I don’t want to talk. “What’s your name?”

  I keep my face buried in my knees and don’t respond to him. The next thing I know he’s singing. “Aiden, Aiden ,bo-baiden, Banana-fanna-fo-faden, Fee-fi-mo-maiden, Aiden!”

  I can’t help the giggle that escapes, he’s funny. He’s also the first person who hasn’t mentioned my parents, or how I’m the poor orphan girl. I slightly raise my head to look at him.

  “What’s your name?” he asks again.

  “Allison Shay Hagan,” I tell him, and he nods as he starts to sing.

  “Allison, Allison, bo-ballison, Banana-fanna-fo-fallison, Fee-fi-mo-mallison, Allison!” he sings.

  I lift my head and gift him with a smile, but I don’t say anything. This doesn’t seem to bother Aiden, he just keeps on talking.

  “Allison Shay Hagan, hey, your initials spell ash. I think that’ll be my new nickname for you.” He bumps my shoulder. “What do you think, Ash?”

  “My daddy used to call me princess,” I tell him softly. The first words I’ve spoken, since Gran told me about the accident.

  “Well, I like Ash, so that’s what I’ll call you from now on,” he states.

  “What’s your name, your initials, I mean?” I ask him.

  He smiles at me. “Aiden Cole Emerson, Ace.”

  “Can I call you Ace?”

  He’s already nodding his head yes. “Yeah, it’ll be our thing. You’ll be my Ash, and I’ll be your Ace.”

  Hailey’s loud laugh brings me back to the conversation. “Wow, what a small world. I guess you never put two and two together did ya, big guy?” Hailey says to Aiden.

  “Not in the slightest,” Aiden replies, laughing. “Ash, also known as Allison Shay Hagan, this is my roommate Mac, also known as Liam MacCoy, Hailey’s older brother.” Aiden suddenly whips his head toward Liam and gives him a curious look. Liam just nods his head yes. They must have some kind of super-secret guy language going on.

  I’m mortified, not only does Aiden know Liam, but he’s his roommate and best friend, other than me of course. I told Aiden last night I thought Hailey’s older brother was hot. Damn. He’s never gonna let me live this down.

  Chapter 6


  Aiden and I arrive at The Warehouse about fifteen minutes to eight. We grab a booth near the back, and Aiden sends Ash a text letting her know where to find us. We chose to sit on the same side of the booth, allowing the girls to sit together to avoid any awkwardness. As we’re talking, I look up and spot my sister. Beside her stands Allison, and I just about swallow my fucking tongue. If I thought she was beautiful yesterday, today my brain cannot seem to find the right word to describe her. She’s wearing short white shorts, showing off her amazing legs, a purple and white tank top, and her hair is pulled to the side exposing one side of her neck. All that skin. My eyes travel back down to her legs and that’s when I notice the black cowboy boots, fuck me that’s hot! I’m so engrossed in Allison I don’t even realize she and Hales have stopped at our table. I’m brought out of my trance when Aiden stands up and wraps his arms around her. What the fuck! Why is he hugging her? I’ve never in my life been so happy to hear my little sister’s voice as she questions them.

  I sit quietly, listening to their explanation. Apparently, my Allison is also Aiden’s Ash. Well, fuck me! My thoughts immediately go to my conversation last night with Aiden at the same time his must have done the same. He turns to look at me as if to tell me if I hurt her, I’m a dead man. I simply nod my head. I understand. He also needs to understand that even with the recent turn of events, my attraction to her hasn’t wavered. I am so screwed. So much for using tonight to work her out my system. Fuck!

  “Well, now that we have that all sorted out, let’s get us some drinks.” Hailey smiles sweetly at me. She’s only eighteen, so I’ll have to buy them for her. She’s been to a couple of our parties, and I let her drink, but she had to stay there with me. Before I can respond to Hailey, Aiden is talking to Allison.

  “Ash, have you eaten anything?” he asks, concerned

  “Yes, Hailey and I went to the deli on campus on our way here,” Allison tells him.

  I’m a little slow on the uptake. “Wait, Allison, have you ever drank before?” I ask her, concern lacing my voice.

  She blushes, and I think even that’s sexy on her. “No,” she whispers quietly.

  Her soft sultry voice is going to put me over the edge. I look at Hales. “Maybe you guys should take it easy tonight.” What I really want to say is I don’t want either of them drinking at all tonight. Not looking like they do in a bar full of horny, drunk college guys. I would hate to have to throw any punches; coach would be on my ass. I have to look after Hales, she’s my baby sister. Now, I also feel this protective pull toward Allison. These feelings are pissing me off, and I can feel my anger increasing at just the thought of someone touching either one of them.

  “Ash, maybe Liam is right. You should take it slow tonight, considering the crowd.” He peers around the room, obviously thinking the same thing I am.

  “Fine,” she grumbles. “But what happened to living the full college experience?”

  Aiden chuckles. “I promise we’ll have you living the full college experience, you won’t get short changed. Let’s just take it slow for tonight, alright?” He smirks at her.

  “Okay, okay, start her off on something mild, like a weak daiquiri. I, on the other hand, big brother, would like a shot of tequila to start off my night.” Hailey winks at me.

  Aiden and I go to the bar and order drinks for the girls. Aiden gets a Corona for himself, and I pass on a beer, just ordering Mountain Dew. “What’s up?” he asks me.

  I place my hands on the back of my neck and just look at him and shake my head before blurting it out. “One of us needs to stay sober to keep an eye on them.” I know I’m over reacting, but I can’t get the image of some douchebag all over them out of my head.

  Aiden looks confused. “Hales has been drinking plenty of times, she can handle herself, and I’ll keep a close eye on Allison. You might as well have a drink, man. We don’t have to get trashed.”

  I’m shaking my head no before he’s even finished. “Not happening,” I grumble. If I’m going to keep a close eye on both of them, I need a clear head.

  Aiden stares at me in disbelief. “Liam,” he says in warning. He knows me so well. He can tell I’m a fucking wreck over this girl.

  “Look, man, I can’t explain this. I wouldn’t even know where to start. I feel this connection to her, this need to protect her, just like I would Hales.” I run my hands through my hair. “No, not just like Hales—fuck! I would lay my life down for my little sister, but this feeling I have for Allison, well, it’s not exactly brotherly,” I admit.

  “She’s my sister in every sense of the word. Don’t hurt her, Liam, or I swear to God.” He takes a deep breath. “She’s not just a quick fuck that you don’t ever speak to again. So help me, if you hurt her in any way, I will beat the shit out of you. She’s my baby sister. FUCK!” He’s now just as frustrated as I am. I get it, but I still can’t help it.

  I hold up my hands to stop him. “I. will. Not. Hurt. Her. I promise you, man. This isn’t a game to me. I heard everything you said last night, but you heard me as well. I didn’t even know my A
llison was your Ash last night, and I opened up to you about her. Trust me,” I plead with him.

  Aiden looks at me with a raised eyebrow. “You said my Allison.”

  What the fuck? “I did not.” Damn, this girl has got me tied in knots.

  Aiden slaps me on the back. “You’re my best friend, but I won’t hesitate to choose Ash over you. She’s my sister for all intents and purposes. Think about Hales and what you would do if one of the guys used her, hurt her.” He steps back from me. “Don’t fuck with her, Liam. I mean it.”

  With that being said, we walk back to the booth and deliver the drinks to the girls. Hales questions my lack of alcohol, and I just play it off that someone needs to be the designated driver. It was a likely excuse. The way my head is spinning, I need to stay sober anyway.

  Hailey slams her shot as Allison chugs her daiquiri. Good thing Aiden had them weaken it for her. Thank you, Aiden! Hailey jumps up and pulls Allison out on the dance floor. Fuck, here we go. Allison is a sex goddess, and my sister is just as beautiful, wearing clothes that show way too much skin. I can’t help but notice how even Aiden is checking her out. I should give him the same speech he just gave me.

  My eyes never leave the girls on the dance floor. They are currently grinding to “Save a Horse Ride a Cowboy”. The song has just started when I see two drunk fuckers come up to each of them, putting their hands all over them. My blood starts to boil. Aiden slides out of the booth and I follow him. I look over at him and motion toward Hailey, he nods that he understands. We stalk toward the dance floor, to the girls, with purpose.

  Aiden walks up to Hales, stands in front of her, and pulls her to him. The guy behind her, grinding up on her, immediately backs off when Aiden gives him a warning look. It helps that Hales screeches Aiden’s name as she throws her arms around his neck.

  The dickwad that’s all over Allison is at her front, and I can tell by her posture she’s very uncomfortable. I walk up behind her and put my hands on her waist, pulling her back against my chest. I lean down and kiss her exposed neck. “Work with me, sweetheart, so we can get rid of your friend,” I whisper in her ear.

  Allison simply nods her head and pushes her body back into mine. I too have to impose a threatening glare, and it works. Dickwad throws his hands up and stalks off. I sigh with relief that she’s in my arms. It’s then I realize she’s still dancing and swaying to the music. Hales has turned to place her back to Aiden’s front, as well, and we’re all laughing and having a good time. The song changes to Colt Ford’s “Dancing While Intoxicated”, and I smile. Allison isn’t pulling away, so I decide to embrace it and hold her close.

  Hailey and Aiden are getting pretty cozy; she reaches up and wraps her arms around his neck still grinding in front of him. She winks at Allison, who seems to take that as her cue to mimic them. Allison reaches up and places her hands behind my neck, and as she does I lean down and put my face in the crook of her neck, breathing her in. Her hair being pulled to one side is sexy as hell, and turning out to be quite a convenience for me. She turns her head to look at me and gives me a shy smile. We continue to bump and grind to the beat of the music, and I’m lost in her.

  As the music turns slower to “You Won’t Ever Be Lonely”, Allison starts to pull away. I seize the opportunity to turn her toward me and hold her tight. “Dance with me, sweetheart,” I whisper in her ear. I can see Aiden watching us as he pulls Hailey closer. I don’t care, besides he’s nuzzled up with my sister. If this is as close as I can get to her, I’m going to take full advantage. I know what Aiden said is right; I’m not that guy, the one looking to settle down with one girl. Allison deserves her happily ever after, the kind a guy like me can’t give her.

  Her only reply is to wrap her arms around my waist and lay her head on my chest. She’s so tiny and fits perfectly in my arms. I sigh deeply; I’m so relaxed in this moment. I pull her tighter and began to sing softly to her.

  Before I even realize it, the song is over and another slow one begins. Allison makes no move to pull away. At this moment, it would take a small army to pull me away from her, as Kenny Chesney sings about having him from hello. I smile and think to myself, she most certainly did.

  Allison adjusts her hold on me and wraps her arms all the way around my waist. I feel something move inside of me. I don’t even know how to express these feelings I’m experiencing. Something tells me she’s feeling it too, but I know too much about her. I can’t give her what she wants, what she deserves. I place a soft kiss on the top of her head and close my eyes, enjoying the feel of her in my arms while it lasts.

  The song ends, and I think I hear Hailey telling Aiden to buy her another drink. Allison raises her head from my chest and looks up at me. I place my forehead against hers. I want to kiss her so damn bad, but I don’t want her first kiss to be here in a smoky bar surrounded by drunks, it needs to be special. I lock my gaze on her emerald green eyes and emotion swarms me. I have to swallow the lump in my throat before saying, “Thank you for the dance, sweetheart,” and kissing her on the forehead. I link her fingers through mine and guide her to the booth, where Aiden and Hailey already have fresh drinks waiting.

  Chapter 7


  “I can’t believe that your Ace is our Aiden. What a small world,” Hailey says to me. Aiden and Liam are at the bar getting our drinks.

  I simply nod my head, I’m still trying to wrap my head around the fact I’d told Aiden I thought my roommate’s brother, who also happens to be his roommate, is hot! I hope he keeps his mouth shut.

  “Here we go, ladies,” Aiden says as he places our drinks in front of us.

  “Where’s yours?” Hailey asks Liam.

  “One of us needs to be the designated driver.” Liam shrugs his shoulders.

  Hot isn’t really an accurate description of Liam. He’s tall with broad shoulders and defined muscles. The faded blue jeans and black dress shirt he’s wearing with the sleeves rolled up to his forearms shows off his body perfectly. As usual, when I am in his presence, I need a distraction, so what do I do? I chug my strawberry daiquiri. I’m sure Aiden had them make it weak. However, when chugging, I can still feel the effects.

  Hailey grabs me by the arm and pulls me out of the booth. “Come on, roomie, let’s get our dance on.”

  I laugh as I let her pull me to the dance floor. Big and Rich are singing about saving a horse and riding a cowboy. I try to clear my thoughts of Liam and just feel the music. I’ve never been dancing. My only slow dances have been with Aiden and his father at their family functions Gran and I would attend if she was feeling up to it. Gran and I would dance around the house. There were many times Aiden would catch us and join in the fun. That about sums up my limited experience. I have my eyes closed, feeling the music when I feel strong hands grab my hips. I open my eyes to see a blond-haired guy about six foot, maybe. He’s built, but Aiden and Liam both put him to shame. He’s obviously drunk and keeps trying to pull me to him. I place my hands on his chest to push him away, but he’s not taking no for an answer. I’m starting to panic, I’ve never been in this type of situation before.

  Suddenly, I feel warmth on my back, and strong arms come around me at the same time I see Aiden come up behind Hales. I glance over to see Liam’s striking blue gaze. He leans down and kisses my neck while whispering in my ear, “Work with me, sweetheart, so we can get rid of your friend.” I nod my acceptance. That is all that I can do. The warmth of him wrapped around me and the feel of his kiss on my neck mix with his soft words in my ear. I’m a flippin’ mess! Butterflies take over my stomach. Speech isn’t something I’m currently capable of. Mr. Drunk and Grabby takes the hint and backs away.

  I continue swaying my hips, and Liam pulls me closer to him. The song changes to “Dancing While Intoxicated”, and I smile. I most certainly am, or starting to be. I know I’ve only had one drink, but chugging my first alcoholic beverage wasn’t the best choice on my part. I’m feeling pretty relaxed, otherwise, I would’ve never had t
he courage to grind against Liam. Hailey winks at me as she places her hands behind Aiden’s neck. I decide to take that as advice and mirror her actions with Liam. I’m nervous as to how he’ll react, but I shouldn’t have been. He leans down further and places his face in the crook of my neck. He’s so close to me, and I can hear him breathing me in. I’m trying not to freak out. Liam is so sexy, and I know he’s just being nice to me because of Hailey and Aiden, but for this one moment, I want it to be real. I want him to want me. So, I block out my racing mind and just feel him close to me.

  As the music turns slow, I sigh. I know my time with Liam is up, so I release his neck and begin to walk away. Before I can take two steps, Liam has me twirled around and pressed tight against his chest. “Dance with me, sweetheart,” he whispers in my ear. I’m still unable to speak for fear this moment isn’t real, and I’ll wake up from this amazing fantasy to find I’m no longer in his strong arms. I clasp my arms around his waist and lay my head on his chest.

  I feel Liam sigh as he pulls me in tighter and begins to softly sing along with the song. My heart feels like it’s about to beat out of my chest. Liam holds me like I’m his lifeline, and the words he sings…I know he has no idea about my past, or my fear of always being alone, but in this moment I feel safe and… cherished. I feel the words deep in my soul, as though he’s singing them just for me.

  The song ends, and I refuse to be the first to let go. I won’t let go of him until he pulls away. I feel like the weight of the world has been lifted off my shoulders. I need to feel that a little longer, so I hold him tighter. I feel Liam lean down and kiss the top of my head, then he rests his cheek there. We slowly sway to Kenny Chesney telling us the love of his life had him from hello. I know the feeling. Liam’s slowly rubbing my back, and I feel my heart shift. In the arms of this man, I can see the future I want, a family, someone to love me. I know it could never be Liam, but I realize that’s my dream, I think about Gran and her words to me, “Life is a giant canvas, Allie, and you should throw as much paint on it as you can.” My dream is to have a family, a husband, kids, in-laws. Yes, in-laws. I’ll take all the family I can get, anyway I can get it. It’s just been Gran and me for so long now. Aiden’s family has adopted me into theirs, and I love them dearly, but I want more. Selfish, I know, but it is what it is.


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