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Series Starter : Firsts in Series Collection

Page 88

by Kaylee Ryan

  Liam pulls away and smiles softly. “Why don’t you head up to shower and call Gran while I clean up, then we can curl up in bed and watch a movie?” I nod in agreement, kiss him quickly, and head off toward the shower.

  Chapter 26


  I watch Allison skip off to the shower and take a deep breath. She loves me. I was waiting for the right moment this weekend to tell her how much I love her, but when she started talking about being afraid of always being alone, I couldn’t hold it in. As long as I breathe, she’ll never be alone. This girl means everything to me, and I’ll spend each day of forever showing her just how much.

  I make quick work of loading the dishwasher and cleaning up the kitchen. I race off to the bedroom to find my girl sitting on the bed with a towel around her body and one twisted around her head with the phone to her ear. She’s smiling as she listens to whatever it is her gran’s telling her. I have yet to meet her gran, but I can tell she’s an awesome lady. I kiss her on the cheek and tell her to tell Gran hello as I head for the shower, giving them time to finish their conversation.

  I hurry through my shower, only taking the time to slide into a pair of boxer briefs when I’m done, not wanting to waste one minute of time being away from her. She’s still talking to Gran. I don’t want to interrupt her; I know how much Allison misses her. I slide in behind her on the bed and remove the towel from her head. I grab the brush that’s lying beside her and gently begin brushing her hair. I see her shoulders relax at my touch.

  She finishes her call with the promise to Gran that we’ll both be there next weekend for a visit. I tell Allison to pick out a DVD as I slip my t-shirt over her head, and then make my way to the kitchen to make us some popcorn.

  I hop up on the bed and pat the spot next to me for her to climb in. “So what movie did you pick?”

  Allison smiles sweetly up at me. “The Notebook.”

  I groan in protest, but in all honesty, we could watch the fucking Weather Channel for all I care. As long as she’s in my arms, I’m a happy man. Six months ago, if you would’ve told me I would be madly in love and passing up going out with the guys just to be around her, I would’ve said you were an idiot. Things change, and I’ve learned to expect the unexpected in all things love and Allison.

  I can feel her laughing beside me at my mock annoyance. I put my arm around her and bring her close. God, I love this girl.

  I think we’re about halfway through the movie, honestly, I can’t be sure. I’ve spent the entire time watching Allison. She truly is the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen, and she loves me. I’ve been touching and kissing her since the movie started. I can tell I’m distracting her, but, honestly, I don’t care. Just being in her presence is distracting to me. I try to be good and keep my hands to myself, so she can watch the movie, but then I remind myself she’s seen it before. In that case, game on.

  I snuggle closer and place soft kisses on her neck. She tilts her head to the side to give me better access. I smile. I continue kissing and licking while running my hands up and down her thighs. She turns around, pushes me on my back, and straddles my hips. I reach for the remote and turn the TV off. I don’t want to hear anything but her. I sit up with her in my lap, and she binds her legs around my waist. I take her face in my hands. “I love you, beautiful girl.” I kiss her slowly at first, nipping at her bottom lip, running my tongue across it. Then I slowly push my tongue between her lips, exploring her mouth, savoring her taste. I pull back and wait for her to open her eyes and look at me. “Allison, you mean everything to me. I can’t imagine life without you. I miss you when I'm not with you—all I do is think about you...” I pause to get my emotions in check. I was on the verge of losing my shit, and I need to get this off my chest first. She needs to know what she means to me. “Look in my eyes and you will find me, look in my heart and you will find you, my heart beats your name. You have taken up permanent residence inside me, eternally. I’m never going to let you go.”

  Allison’s gazing into my eyes, with soft tears running down her cheeks. I kiss them away before finding her lips with mine. I flip us over on the bed, so I’m lying on top of her, my weight balanced on my forearms.

  Allison runs her hands through my hair. “I don’t want you to ever let me go. I wish…” She pauses, collecting her thoughts as I stroke the tears from her cheeks. “I wish I could find the words to express to you how much you mean to me.” She brings my lips to hers and kisses me like her last breath depends on it. “Let me show you,” she whispers against my lips as her hands trail down my back, stopping at my boxer briefs. She begins tugging to pull them off. I sit up and discard them, and when I turn back to the bed, her arms are in the air. I lift my shirt over her head and throw it across the room.

  I climb back on the bed and position myself on top of her. I can feel her heat against my erection. I need to calm the fuck down, before I push her into something she’s not ready for. I try to pull away, but Allison grabs my arms.

  “Make love to me, Liam. I want to feel you inside me. I want to know what it’s like to be one with you. I love you,” she breathes against my lips.

  I stare into her emerald eyes, and I can see love and passion. I don’t see any signs of hesitation; she wants this with me. This amazing girl is giving me something she’ll never be able to give another. I swallow hard over the lump in my throat. I’m losing my shit again, and this time, I don’t want to hide it. I want her to see how her gift is affecting me, how she affects me.

  Allison smiles up at me. “Liam, you are my soul, I belong to you. I want to share this with you, and only you.”

  “You’re mine,” I whisper against her lips. I slowly move my way down to her breast, taking my time with each one. I move my hand to her center and can feel she’s ready for me. It’s then it hits me. “Shit,” I say against her neck.

  “What?” she croaks out.

  “I don’t have a condom. I didn’t bring you here for this. I just wanted to be with you, alone,” I tell her.

  Allison embraces my cheek and lifts up, so I’m looking at her. “Liam, I’m on the pill,” she tells me.

  I look at her in question so she continues on. “The week after we became official, Hailey went with me to the clinic. We’re protected.”

  “Babe, I would’ve gone with you,” I tell her. I want to be there for her in every way.

  She blushes. “I wasn’t sure we would make it this far, but I wanted to be prepared if we did.”

  I rest my forehead against hers. “I’m clean, I just had my annual before the semester started, and I haven’t been with anyone since months before then.”

  “I trust you, Liam.” I can tell there’s a deeper meaning behind those words.

  I nod my head and position myself between her legs. I stop to take in the moment. I’m overwhelmed with want, passion, and need for her. I’m also a little intimidated.

  “What’s wrong?” she asks me, concern and what looks like insecurity lacing her face.

  “It’s just that, well, I have never done this before, not without a condom. This is a first for me, for a couple different reasons,” I tell her honestly. She nods her head, so I continue. “I’ve also never made love before. It was always just sex, release, but you—you’re different. My heart and soul are engraved with you. I’m scared as hell to hurt you and scared if we do this and you regret it I’ll lose you and, well, that’s just not an option for me.”

  Allison raises her hips to meet mine. “I want you with everything in me, I want you in me.” She smiles softly. “You’ve branded my heart. There’s nothing that can keep me away from you. You’re a part of me. I want this with you, to share this part of me with you. I love you.” She lifts up and kisses me soft and slow. “Please, make love to me.”

  My resolve crumbles, and I nod, letting her know I’m in this with her. “Baby, this is going to hurt, and I’m so sorry. Once I’m all the way in, I’ll stop, so you can adjust to me. If you need me to stop or you change
your mind, tell me, okay?”

  “I won’t want you to stop, but yes, I promise.”

  With those words, I gently begin pushing my way into her slick folds and have to grit my teeth as soon as I feel her heat. The feel of her with no barrier between us emotionally or physically is a feeling I’m not prepared for. I’m glad I saved this moment, this feeling for her. I watch her closely, gauging her reaction as I continue to slowly slip inside. Allison raises her hips to meet mine. “More, Liam, please,” she begs me.

  “Easy, babe, I don’t want to hurt you.”

  She’s shaking her head. I’m so focused on watching her face, caught in the moment, I don’t realize she has wrapped her legs tight around me, until she thrusts against me, pushing me the rest of the way inside.

  She gasps in pain, and I hold completely still. “Are you okay?” She doesn’t answer, so I start to pull out.

  “Please,” she whispers. “Please, don’t, I want you. Please, make love to me. I’m fine, it just hurt for a minute.”

  I lean down and kiss her, hoping to relay the emotions coursing through me. This moment has changed me. Allison is mine and I’m hers, I’ll never feel this with anyone else. I begin to move slowly at first, increasing my efforts as she begins to moan my name. I can feel my release rapidly approaching, so I balance my weight on one hand while my other finds her center and begins to stroke her folds while I increase my rhythm.



  We both shout at the same time. I gently rest my full weight on her, not that there’s currently another option. I’m not ready to be disconnected from her, and my orgasm has taken everything out of me. As I lie here breathing, like I just ran a marathon, I lift my head slightly to look at my girl. She’s smiling, satisfied and sated. “I love you,” I whisper against her lips.

  “Oh, Liam.” She hugs me tight against her with her arms around my neck. “That was the most amazing moment of my life. I can’t explain it.” She hugs me tighter.

  I rise up and gently remove myself from her. I hop off the bed and go to the bathroom. I come back with a wet cloth. “Open for me, baby,” I say as I caress her leg. I gently wipe away her arousal and mine, then throw the cloth back through the bathroom door. I climb up on the bed and take her in my arms. “This,” I say, motioning with my free hand between us, “is the most exhilarating experience of my life. Everything with you is brighter, happier, more fulfilling.” I kiss her temple. “I love you so much,” I say, squeezing her tight.

  “I love you too,” she says with a yawn.

  I kiss the top of her head and reach over and turn off the bedside lamp. I reach down and pull the covers up over us. I fall asleep with the love of my life in my arms, and I can’t remember ever feeling more content.

  Chapter 27


  The morning sun is just starting to peek through the blinds. I’m lying on Liam’s chest with his arms holding me tight against him. I gently tilt my head, careful not to wake him up. I watch him sleeping. He’s so handsome. My mind drifts to last night and the things we shared. I never in a million years ever dreamed I could be this happy. Hailey and Aiden are still in awe of how much he’s changed, but to me he has always been my Liam. Always protecting me and telling me how special and beautiful he thinks I am.

  “Why are you staring at me, beautiful?” Liam asks in his oh so sexy morning voice.

  “Just taking in the view,” I cheerily reply.

  “What’s got you so happy this morning?” he asks as he tickles my side.

  I laugh out loud while squirming away. “I’m just really happy,” I gasp between laughs.

  Liam tightens his hold on me. “You aren’t going anywhere,” he says as he flips over on top of me, resting his weight on his arms by my head. He’s looking at me with a huge grin on his face, the one he reserves for me.

  “What’s got you so happy this morning?” I throw his words right back at him, still laughing from his onslaught of tickling.

  “That’s the most beautiful sound, I love hearing you laugh.” He gives me a chaste kiss. “As for my happiness, let’s see; I made love for the first time to the most beautifully sexy woman I’ve ever met, I held her in my arms all night, and I wake up to her still in my arms and the sound of her delightful laughter. That, my beautiful girl, is the short list of why I’m so happy this morning.” He then kisses me with so much passion I’m ready to go another round. I lift my hips to his, letting him know what I want. Liam pulls away from our kiss breathing heavily. “Baby, it’s too soon. I know you’re sore, and I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “I’m fine, I can deal with it. I want you,” I beg him.

  Liam shakes his head. “We can’t, baby, I don’t want to hurt you.” He kisses my forehead. “Let’s get in the shower and grab some breakfast before we head home.”

  I grumble my agreement and let him pull me off the bed. He’s right I am sore, but the pleasure of being with him is so worth any amount of pain.

  The next several weeks are a whirlwind of happiness. I introduced Liam to Gran as my boyfriend. To say that she’s happy for us is an understatement. Sometimes I feel like I need to pinch myself to make sure that I’m not dreaming. Our relationship has evolved and I love him more every day. As soon as we both stopped fighting it, everything just fell into place. Liam and I spend as much time together as possible. I spend more time at his condo than the dorm rooms. Hailey is there as well. The four of us just kind of fit together as one big unit.

  School is out for Thanksgiving break, so Liam and I spend a lot of time together. Thursday, Liam, Aiden, and I are having Thanksgiving dinner with Gran and Aiden’s parents. I also invited Hailey to join us, since their parents are waiting until the next day to do their Thanksgiving dinner. So, here we are on Wednesday night driving to Gran’s. Liam’s going to stay at Aiden’s while Hailey stays with me and Gran. Gran didn’t say this needed to be the arrangement, but out of respect for her, we’ve decided this is the best way, even though we hate to sleep without each other.

  As soon as Liam pulls into Gran’s driveway, I’m out the door and running to see Gran. It’s been three long weeks since I’ve seen her, and I miss her so much. I hear Aiden laughing behind me as they unload our bags for the night. I barrel through the door. “Gran, we’re here!” I yell for her.

  “I’m in the den, Allie girl,” she calls back.

  I reach the den and drop to my knees in front of her chair and engulf her in a hug, careful not to hurt her. Gran is the constant in my life, and I miss her. I pull away and kiss her on the cheek just as Aiden, Liam, and Hailey enter the room. Aiden walks over to Gran and hugs her. I hold my hand out to Liam while motioning for Hailey to come over as well.

  Liam and Hailey say hello to Gran. They both give her a gentle hug and I can feel my chest expand with love for all three of my best friends.

  “Thank you all for spending the holiday with me. I’m so glad my Allie girl has met such nice friends,” Gran says as she turns to face Aiden. “And you, it’s been way too long. I think I’m going to need another hug,” she tells him with a smile.

  Aiden quickly obliges her as the rest of us take a seat. We sit and talk to Gran for a few hours until it’s obvious she’s completely worn out.

  “Guys, I’ll be right back. I’m just going to help Gran get settled,” I tell them. I help Gran ease out of her chair and lead her down the hall to get ready for bed.

  “You love him,” she says matter of fact.

  “Yeah, I really do. He and Aiden have been best friends since Aiden’s first year of college. He’s such a great guy, Gran.” I blush from my onslaught of gushing over Liam.

  “He loves you too, you know,” she states. “He’s the color on your canvas.”

  I feel tears prick my eyes at her referral to what she has told me since I was a little girl. Life is a giant canvas, Allie, and you should throw as much paint on it as you can. I nod my head to agree with her. “Yeah, I really think he does
, and I think he is. He tells me every day how beautiful he thinks I am and how much I mean to him,” I tell her as I finish helping her into bed and kissing her cheek goodnight.

  “Follow your heart, sweet girl. It will lead you to happiness.”

  “Goodnight, Gran. I love you.” I kiss her cheek again.

  “Goodnight, Allie girl.”

  When I get back to the den everyone is exhausted from the long day, it’s after midnight. Hailey and I walk the guys out to the porch.

  “So, dinner will be ready at one, so don’t be late,” I tell them.

  Aiden laughs. “Mom will be here early to help cook. Do you really think we’re going to pass up a big home cooked meal?” he asks me, like it’s the craziest thing he has ever heard.

  “Can I do anything to help you?” Liam asks me.

  “Holy shit, you’re more whipped than I thought,” Aiden says, punching Liam in the arm and laughing.

  Liam smiles. “You’re damn right I am, my girl comes first, always,” he says, kissing me softly. He pulls away and rests his forehead on mine. “Sweet dreams, beautiful girl.” Then he kisses me again, slow and sweet. I could stand here all night, but Aiden and Hailey clearing their throats brings me back to reality.

  “Goodnight,” I whisper against his lips with one last chaste kiss.

  Hailey and I head to bed as well. I have a queen bed in my old room, and she’s going to be sleeping with me. I wish it was her brother. Once we’re settled, lights off, and everything is calm, the realization of how used to sleeping with Liam I really am sets in. He must have been reading my thoughts because my phone vibrates on the nightstand with a new message.


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