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Temporary Assignment The Complete Collection

Page 16

by KB Winters

“No, no baby, don’t get the wrong idea.” Cole let me pull back, but his grip halted me from pulling completely away. I looked up at him, my face surely showcasing a myriad of emotions. “My mom wants you to move in with me, especially since she’s moving out.”

  I blinked confused at what I was hearing. “Moving out? But…why? I thought you said she had and incurable disease and needed constant help just to make it through the day.”

  “She does have a disease and there isn’t a cure for it,” Cole confirmed. “However, there are many treatments and one in particular, psychotherapy, combined with certain drugs has lessened her pain for the past few weeks. It’s amazing to see her go hours without wincing in pain and I know she’s hopeful that one day she can go pain free most of the time. But even more importantly, I think she’s tired of depending on me.” He sighed and ran his hand through his blonde hair. “She qualified for a home care nurse and wants to give moving out on her own a real try. Candice will still live with her and they won’t be moving far away from me, but both she and my mom are excited.”

  “I…” My words ran out and I tried to come up with something to say. “But you can’t let her, Cole. She needs you too much—both of them need you too much.”

  He nodded sadly in agreement. “Baby, like you, my mother is an incredibly strong-willed woman who, despite her ailment, is equipped with a mean right hook. I seriously doubt I could stop her from doing anything.”

  I was flattered at being compared to his mother in such a positive way, but I was still worried that the want of my presence was pushing out an important member of Cole’s family.

  “I can see you thinking something and I know it’s not good.”

  I looked up at him with a worried expression. “I just don’t want you to think that you have to get rid of your family just to be with me. That’s not what I want at all.”

  Cole chuckled. “Baby, if I thought you were trying to push my family out, we wouldn’t even be having this conversation because I’d never let that happen.” He squeezed my arms before his hands covered mine again. “My family is the most important thing to me, and I would never let anyone hurt them, and you’re not. You aren’t a mean person, nor are you one to just push someone’s family out of their life. Things change. people change and move on. My mom was the one to bring up moving and that was without her even knowing about how serious I am about you.”

  “How do you know?” I asked. “How do you really know that I’m a nice person?” I pulled my hands away from his and stood up. “I pushed you away multiple times. I ignored your phone call even after promising to communicate better. How do you know I won’t just do it all again?”

  Cole looked up at me with a calm expression. I didn’t understand how he could be so unruffled when I was practically quaking with my feelings.

  “I don’t.”

  That was not the answer I expected, and my shocked expression must have shown that perfectly. He stood up and looked down at me earnestly. “I don’t know if we’ll last forever. I don’t know if our communication will break down again, forcing one of us to chase after the other. Life is unpredictable that way.”

  “Then how can you want to try again?” I just didn’t get it. Why was Cole so eager to put his heart on the line for me?

  “Because I’m falling for you, and I know that even though you are terrified at being hurt again, you are falling for me, too.”

  I swallowed against the terror I felt at having my feelings so easily known, and yet hearing Cole say that he knew how I felt was a bit of a relief. “I’m afraid you’ll hurt me, or I’ll hurt you.”

  He stepped forward and placed his hands on my shoulders. I forced myself to meet his gray gaze. “I’m willing to take that chance for a shot at happiness…with you.”

  “Cole,” I whispered, my gaze going watery with tears threatening to fall. How could I say no to him? Did I really want to deny myself a shot at happiness just because I was afraid? My fears hadn’t led to anything other than being alone and envious of people like Kelly who’d found their own person to love and be loved by in return. What I had seen between Kelly and her husband, Cliff, was real love—the type of love that could get through infertility and heartache. It was the type of love I’d always thought I’d found with my ex, and it was the type of love Cole was offering now. “I want to take that chance too.”

  “…Really?” He sounded shocked and I gave him a small smile at the unrestrained look of joy on his face. “You want to take a chance and be with me?”

  The shocked tone of his voice made me giggle as I nodded vigorously. “Of course, with you.”

  “Oh my god, baby!” Cole leaned over placing kisses on my face and forehead as I giggled at his reaction. “You have just made me the happiest fucking man alive.” He placed more smacking kisses to my cheeks, and I reached up to grip his shirt.

  “Well that’s good. It’ll make things easier when I move in then.”

  He nodded. “Yeah, that’s true—wait, you’re going to move in with me?”

  “Well, I don’t want to raise this baby alone, and I don’t want to be separated from you for too long. I think if I start looking now, I might be able to secure a principal position for the following school year which should start about three months after the baby is born.” My voice rose into a shriek as Cole pulled me up and into his arms. I laughed as he spun me around, his face split with a blinding grin. His gray eyes twinkled and I didn’t even try to fight my desire to kiss him.

  Our mouths met in a soft, sweet kiss. It was as if we were both apologizing for our distance. “Are you sure about this?” Cole asked when our lips parted. “I don’t want you to do this just because of the baby. Regardless of whether you move in with me or not—I will always take care of both of you.”

  “Why do you keep trying to convince me not to be with you?” I joked. When he set me down, I put my hands on my hips. “Do you not really want me to come?”

  “Oh no, no take backs.” Cole gathered me close again. He leaned his head down until our foreheads rested against one another. “I want you however I can get you.”

  I smirked. “Oh? Is that so?” I reached up and gripped the back of his neck, pulling him down again and slipping my tongue between his parted lips. The groan that echoed against my lips made me shiver with pleasure, and I loved that I could affect him so strongly. Cole’s hands slid down my sides igniting my sensitive skin, and I moaned softly. His hands slid around until they both gripped my ass and pulled me up against him. I loved how he could so easily take my weight, and my soft moan rose in pitch. I wrapped my legs around Cole’s hips, grunting at the feeling of power in his frame. My sweat pants were loose enough to stretch easily, and I swore I could feel the heat practically radiating from his groin. I wanted that heat all over and inside of me.

  “You know,” Cole said pulling back slightly as we both worked to catch our breath. “They say that pregnant women are much hornier with all of the hormones going through them. Any truth to that?”

  I smirked before rolling my hips against him. Cole let out a soft grunt as his grip on my ass tightened slightly. The feeling of his hardness rubbing so close to my cunt was exhilarating, and I tilted my head back slightly as I let out a breathy sigh. When Cole’s lips slid over my jaw and down my chin, I whispered his name and held on tightly. The feeling of his teeth pressing softly against my pulse was enough to make me whimper, and I didn’t even bother to stop him when his lips started sucking hard enough to leave a bruise. I wanted everyone to see it and know that I was taken. I whimpered and arched my back as much as possible, gasping Cole’s name and begging him for more than just a tease.

  “I suppose we’ll find out,” I gasped out as his lips and teeth moved to the other side of my neck. For my part, I held on tightly and just let myself enjoy the feelings his actions elicited. Soon though, it wasn’t enough and I knew we needed to move things to the bedroom as I had no desire to be taken on the hardwood floor. “Let’s move this to the bedro

  He grunted in acknowledgment, but didn’t let me go. Instead, he turned with me in his arms and began slowly walking in the direction of my bedroom. I was pleasantly surprised that even after two months, he knew exactly which door to go to, and I tightened my arms around his neck to hold on. The journey from the living room to the bedroom wasn’t long, but it felt like ages before I had Cole pressing me down between his warmth and the bed. He hadn’t bothered to stop and turn on the lights, and I had no desire to change that. The light streaming in from the open door was enough to somewhat illuminate his frame, and I found his mouth again by touch.

  The wet sounds of our lips and tongues sliding together inflamed my blood and my fingers occasionally dug in against his shoulders. Each time, Cole would shudder and let out a wild sounding groan. Soon, I was digging my fingers in purposefully just to hear his reaction and feel his body jerk against me. It was amazing to think that I would be able to learn his body and all the ways to make him feel pleasure. He pulled back and peered down at me. In the dim light, I could just see the outline of his face.

  “You are so beautiful, Savannah.” One of Cole’s hands stroked my face and I leaned against it closing my eyes. It wasn’t the first time I’d had someone tell me I was beautiful, but it was the first time I’d ever heard it being said in such a reverent tone of voice that left no room for argument. Cole’s earnest words made me feel beautiful and any lingering doubts or insecurities melted away in the face of his adoration. “I want to make love to you.”

  I swallowed against the lump in my throat as a wave of love and arousal washed over me. “Please.” My one word plea seemed to spark something in Cole. He moved his hands until they were under my shirt. With a soft shove, he pushed the shirt up to my armpits, and I shifted slightly to help him push it off of me completely. As usual, I wasn’t wearing anything under it, and that left me bare from the waist up. Even so, I didn’t feel self-conscious or a need to cover up. Cole had said I was beautiful, and I knew he’d meant it. There was no need for me to feel uncomfortable about my nudity in front of him. He looked at me as if I were his whole world.


  Cole’s hands slid back down my arms, and I squirmed at the feeling. He leaned in and began running his lips over my uncovered skin, starting at my sensitive collarbone and following the curve of my body down until he reached my already erect nipples. My hands were still in position above my head, but I left them there curling my fingers around the fabric of my pillow as my breathing began to speed up.

  “I want to taste you everywhere,” he whispered, the air from his words washing over my body causing me to shiver. I looked down, my breath hitching as Cole’s lips moved over my right nipple. When he wrapped his lips around it and began to lightly suck, I pushed my head back into the pillow and let out a soft sigh. I could feel Cole’s tongue flick, first softly and then harder, as he continued to suckle me. Before him, I’d never really had anyone play with my breasts for any extended period of time, but now one small gust of air blowing over them could set me on fire, and I’d found myself pinching and flicking the small nubs while masturbating the past few weeks. Cole made me feel so many wonderful things,I felt even more like I was making the right decision. One particularly hard flick brought my attention back to him as I let out a groan.

  “Cole.” The only word I could think of was his name, and I finally brought one hand down, sinking my fingers into his thick hair. The sides were short, like they wore in the military, but the tuft of his hair on the top of his head was just enough to clench my fingers onto.

  My stomach tightened and quivered as Cole’s lips switched from one nipple to the other, treating it to the same arousal-inducing attention. By the time he continued down, I was already panting and covered in a light sheen of sweat. Cole’s tongue didn’t withdraw, instead painting a line between my breasts and then over my rib cage. Everywhere he touched me left my skin tingling, and I lifted my head up again to try to follow him with my eyes.

  The sounds Cole was pulling from me were amazing, and I didn’t hold back as he got reacquainted with my body by licking and kissing everything in his path. When he lightly sucked the skin above my hip into his mouth, I cried out like I had been shocked. I never thought of that area as particularly arousing, but I was quickly learning that everywhere Cole touched me had the potential to make me feel really good. I spread my legs a little, silently asking to be touched where I really needed it and then tightened my fingers in Cole’s hair.

  Cole’s movements were patient and unhurried as if he really wanted to take his time and not rush things—but I needed more. I’d always been a fan of foreplay and had always complained when partners didn’t seem to know what that was, but I needed more pressure and less of a soft touch. I moved my hand from Cole’s hair and brought the other one down until I could grip Cole’s shirt and pull. He looked up from my hip.

  “Do you want something?” He asked with a smug smirk. I rolled my eyes, but smiled back at him.

  “Take off your shirt and wipe the smug smile from your face…jerk.”

  Cole chuckled, but lifted up until he could pull his shirt off. My mouth watered at finally seeing his deliciously defined pectorals and washboard flat stomach. He unbuttoned and pushed down his jeans as well before I asked, and I felt my mouth water when I saw he had gone commando.

  “No underwear again, soldier boy?” I joked, reaching down to take him in my hand. I smiled when I felt his cock jump against my palm, and I squeezed lightly to feel it jump again.

  Cole laughed before reaching down and pulling my sweatpants down my legs. I lifted my hips to help him, not releasing my grip on his hard shaft. Instantly, the scent of our combined arousal permeated the room and I breathed deeply.

  “I’ve found that underwear tends to just get in the way, especially around you,” he replied leaning down to brush another soft kiss across my lips.

  I smiled when he leaned back. “Hey, no complaints here.” I squeezed his hot length again watching closely when he closed his eyes and groaned. Holding his cock in my hand and watching his reactions made me feel powerful. When his eyes opened again, the heat in them nearly took my breath away, and I felt something powerful inside of me clench. Without another word, I slid my legs apart and put my hand on the back of his neck pulling him more fully above me.

  “Do you have any idea how fucking sexy you are?” Cole asked, his voice a low rumble as he brushed his lips against my cheek. The front of his thighs pressed mine apart, and I let go of his cock in order to try to pull him where I needed. When our nipples brushed against one another, I hissed in exquisite pleasure.

  “I think I’m starting to get somewhat of an idea,” I replied tilting my lips up with a smile as I looked up at my ceiling in awe. If someone had told me before that I would meet a wonderful, sexy man who wanted to be with me as much as Cole, I would have laughed. Now, all I could do was lean back and soak in the feelings content with where I was.

  I could feel the fingers on one of Cole’s hands sliding up my inner thigh, and he shifted over slightly until his fingers brushed against my labia. I breathed in sharply, unconsciously spreading that one leg to give him more of me.


  Cole lifted his head and smiled down at me. “You beg so pretty.”

  “I do no—” My voice cut off with a groan as one of Cole’s fingers slid inside my swollen cunt. I could feel it pull back slightly before sliding in until the knuckles of his other fingers brushed against my lips. It was only one finger, but already I was wrecked and desperately needing more.

  “Yes, fuck,” I panted out. I reached down with one hand, circling his wrist. “More.” I pulled his wrist even as I pushed down with my hips. Ordinarily I would have been appalled at my lack of control, but with Cole, I only cared about getting more of him. I knew I had to be drenched enough to coat his finger and when another joined the fray, I fell into silence unable to speak with the pleasurable feelings coursing ins
ide of me. I could vaguely hear myself whine as I ground my hips down. Cole’s fingers were twisting and scissoring inside of me and when I opened my eyes, Cole was staring down at me, his jaw slack and his eyes on fire. When I felt a third finger pushing at my hole, I knew I had to get his cock inside of me before I exploded.

  “No.” I tried to pull his fingers back. Cole hesitated for a moment before allowing the motion.

  “Do you want to stop?”

  I paused and looked at him like he was crazy. “Stop? Are you insane?”

  Cole blinked. “You said no.”

  I smiled at him and shook my head. “I meant no more fingers. I want your cock inside of me, and I want it now.” Cole closed his eyes, and I felt his hips push against my leg that was trapped between him and the bed. When he opened his eyes, there was a new emotion there that made me shiver.

  “Are you sure?” He asked.

  “Of course I’m sure.” I answered leaning my head up to give him a kiss. He kissed back passionately—tongue thrusting against my own and laying siege in a way that made my breath hitch. When he pulled back, my expression was dazed.

  “About everything?” Cole asked raising his eyes to meet mine. “About moving in with me?”

  I let go of his wrist and reached up to cup his cheek. I looked deeply into his eyes, marveling again at the wonderful and sexy man I had somehow managed to find. “Yes.” My answer seemed to be all he needed.

  Cole shifted onto his left elbow and braced himself above me. I pushed up on my own elbows and looked down in time to see him spreading the slick from my cunt across his shaft. I swallowed as I saw how hard he looked, and I felt another pulse of arousal flood my body at the thought of finally having him inside me again. It had been a long two months, and I didn’t know if it was true about pregnant women being hornier, but I knew I’d never be able to get enough. The first push of his cock against my aching pussy made me drop my head back, and I groaned as Cole continued to push his cock forward, inch by agonizingly slow inch.


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