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Page 21

by Kiexiza Rodriquez

Malcolm Turner was the first and most influential clients Tierra had. He’d been with her for three years now. He was the first athlete she interviewed when she worked at Inda Streetz Magazine, before she started to work behind the scenes. He was a Basketball Player turned executive, when a knee injury took him out of the game permanently. He was convinced he saw something in her, and hired her to take care of some of his financial contracts and interests overseas. It was partly because of the job she did for him that she eventually landed the position at Baxwell Enterprisez. As her teacher in school used to tell the class, ‘as big as this business is’, and he’d spread his arms wide, ‘it’s really only this big’ , and make an inch mark with his two fingers. ‘You never know who someone you are talking to today, knows across town where you are going for your next interview, or your next assignment, so be careful, and always represent yourself correctly…’ That was what Mr. Martinez always said.

  Malcolm said he had a big proposition for her, and requested that she join him for dinner to go over the details. After her speech about how she doesn’t date clients, so if it was going to be about him wanting to date her, he could save himself the cost of dinner, she agreed.

  JC’s was the hottest spot, on this east side of the Connecticut River. A single mother of four started the restaurant after years of struggling to bring her dreams to life. Jade Richardson, started off making dinners one Saturday a month, then she became the main cook for her church’s weekend dinner sales. Occasionally, someone would ask her to cater a small event for them, usually only people she knew personally. Those occasional events turned into regular larger catered events. One was for a monthly entertainment venue Gumbo Live, where artist and poets from all over the country came to perform. Soon thereafter she received a call from the Mayor of the city. He said she was referred to him by a poet who worked for him, and who regularly attended that Gumbo Live. He asked if she would cater his daughter’s Quinceanera.

  She hired the best staff and crew and put her all into that event, doing her best to impress. Things went off without a hitch. After that, the calls began to pour in. In a matter of one years’ time of that Quinceanera, she was able to get her credit together, and save major money. With the connections she made over that year, she was obtained property, zoning, a liquor license, and JC’s Jazz Lounge was born. She named it JC’s after her children whose names all contained the letters J and C, in one way or another. Suddenly her dreams were reality.

  The first time Tierra walked into JC’s, she was instantly hooked. The atmosphere was elegant and upscale yet, relaxed and laid back. She’s been spreading the word ever since. She’s kind of like royalty at JC’s, because she’s sent so much business there. Plus she makes sure that the people she sends, mentions that she was the one that referred them. Momma ain’t raise no fool! Although lately, she hadn’t been as regular as she used to be.

  Friday nights were Open Mic Night at JC’s. This was the one night where everyone came out in their best gear. The atmosphere was Grown and Sexy, Dress to Impress, and people knew what that meant to Jade. There was no way you were getting in JC’s on a Friday night in jeans, sneakers, hoodies, T-shirt, baseball cap, or even Tim’s. She demanded dress pants, button up shirts, and shoes for the fellas. It took some doing, but after a while the thuggish type realized they couldn’t pay their way in. If they wanted in, they had to go and get geared up, believe it or not they did. The women, well you know ladies, any excuse to get all dressed up, they were all for that. Jade did though have to school some on the subtle differences between, Sexy & Classy and Slutty & Trashy.

  Artist from everywhere, not just local artist wanted to come to and perform. Jade eventually hired her own internal A&R team that actively searched for artist looking for real good exposure in an untapped market, and invited them up. The intimate atmosphere, with candle lit tables, cream colored table linen, real glasses to drink from, none of those plastic cups you get at the normal clubs, a super courteous staff, easy mellow music and a menu that was top notch, kept JC’s packed.

  It was 7:55pm when Tierra arrived at JC’s. The valet opened her door and helped her out, as the doorman waved her in past the line of people hoping for a chance to get in. If you didn’t make you reservation well in advance, you were plum out of luck, especially on Open Mic Night, let alone a regular night. When Tierra walked in, she headed towards the Hostess booth. The band was already playing. Roe the leader of the band, and keyboard player noticed her as she was escorted to her usual table, and gave her the universal head nod, for hello. The band was hot, and consisted of Roe on the keys, his brother Travis, on the drums, Taurus the bass player, and Brownstone their sultry poet/vocalist. They were a sensational combination.

  When Jade heard Tierra had in fact showed up for her reservation she made a point to stop by and say hello.

  “¿Oye muchacha, cómo estas? Donde has estado desconocido?” Jade asked showing off her new Spanish speaking skills. “You look gorgeous tonight. Is there some gorgeous hunk coming to meeting you?” she looked around while asking.

  “I see your Spanish is getting better missy,” Tierra laughed. “I’m good thanks for asking. As for being a stranger, hmm yeah, I have been. I’ve just been working like crazy. You know, being the only woman over there, I feel like I have to think of things before Mr. Baxwell even asks for it.”

  “Girl, that’s crazy!”

  “Yeah, tell me about it. As far as some gorgeous hunk meeting me, he is a fine man, but he is a client. It’s just business for me, Jade. Come on now, you know me better than that!”

  “Girl, one day you’re going to come in here with a man on your arm, and it won’t be for a business meeting. I have faith. Tierra, you need to as well,” Jade snapped at a waitress to come over to her. “Please bring Ms. Rodriquez her usual bottle of Mascato, on the house. Enjoy the night, Girl.”

  Brownstone was getting the show going by greeting the guests in the club. She said hello to C*S*B, a spoken word artist and regular; Spirit, who was a new female Gospel trio; and Fire and Ice , a Hip Hop duo, that had just been signed to ViFlaa entertainment, courtesy of Tierra’s introduction.

  “,…and we welcome back our favorite in house celebrity, Ms. Tierra Rodriquez,” Brownstone said, blowing her a kiss from the stage. The band began to play a slow melody, as the lights blazed on her.

  She was caught off guard by the attention, and waved her hand, with confidence returning the air kiss. The band began to play some smooth familiar tunes from the 90’s, as guests sipped their drinks, ate their food, or danced.

  “Is this seat taken?” a voice asked.

  Tierra looked up, and saw that Malcolm Turner was standing across from her, on the other side of the table. He was pointing down at the empty spot in her white Suede Leather booth. She looked him up and down for a minute, smiling inside. As brothers go, this one was a tall glass of sweet lemonade on a superhot day, refreshingly fine : tall, about 6’4”, extremely well-built; you could tell he kept up on his training even after leaving the basketball court. His six pack, had six packs, if that was even remotely possible. On his head, were many, small, brown, well-kept locs that rested on his shoulders. He was wearing Kenneth Cole from head to toe. A pair of Slat colored chino pants, a multi-colored collared shirt, and a burgundy zip front cotton sweater. A pair of Kenneth Cole Bottle Nose shoes and a burgundy Y Cable Kangol hat, which was the only item he wore that wasn’t made by Mr. Cole, but as fine as Malcolm was, she let it slide. His ensemble complemented his smooth, ebony toned skin tone nicely. His nails were manicured. His face was clean-shaven and the aroma that spilled from him smelled as expensive as his million dollar bank account.

  “Sit down please,” she finally offered, looking up at him.

  “Sorry I’m late, Ti… I’m sorry, Ms. Rodriquez. Forgive me?”

  “Sure. It’s no problem, Mr. Turner. So would you like to eat first or get right down to business?”

  “Well, actually, I’d like to talk business first.”


  Malcolm slid closer to her. “Ti… Ms. Rodriquez, I think we are past the Mr. and Ms. thing don’t you?” he began, and before Tierra could object he continued, “Listen, you’ve been working with me for a very long time. I have watched you grow, and become a very strong businesswoman over at B.E. I couldn’t have been happier that you were assigned as head of the MM&E Department. I must admit, though, secretly I’ve watched you also evolve into a very strikingly beautiful, elegant, classy lady. I have prayed my whole life for a woman like you. All the while you were right in front of my face.”

  Tierra almost spit out her glass of Mascato at his words. She opted to gulp it down instead. The large amount of wine traveling down system made her head spin for several seconds. She was just a light weight. She looked at Malcolm, like he must have had three heads.

  “Hold on a second. What are you saying? I thought you had a business proposal…”

  Malcolm cut her off, taking her hand into his. “Tierra, my proposition is this; I would like you to give me an opportunity to get to know you better. I would like to get to know the other side of you. I want to know the Tierra beyond the business deals. I think that we have what it takes to be the making of a great team not just in the office, but outside of it,” Malcolm winked, cheesing hard.

  She looked at him perplexed. Did he not hear her speech about not dating clients? This was supposed to be a business meeting. She was now confident that her skepticism to attend this so-called business meeting was dead on. She was highly pissed. She needed a minute to calm down before she blew not only her business relationship, but her cool in a very public place. She turned her attention towards the stage and listened as Brownstone introduced the next artist.

  “Let’s hear it for Spirit! Aren’t they great! OK, we have a treat for you now. Coming to the stage next, is some good ole’ home town talent. We have a young lady who’s been in our audience before but tonight she will grace our stage with her presence. Put your hands together for Mrs. Shireece ‘Reece’ Willis.”

  As the audience clapped, Tierra looked around, her face blank. There must have been a mistake. Then she saw her: Shireece, her best friend, shockingly taking her place on stage. She knew Shireece missed singing, but she never thought she’d get Sean to agree to allow her to sing. Not after their last conversation. She wished she was with her friends where ever they were, to give Shireece comfort instead of here with Malcolm and his supposed proposition.

  “She doesn’t look so good. I think she might blow,” Malcolm callously sneered, not realizing he was poking fun at Tierra’s friend.

  Tierra fumed inside at his comment. She rolled her eyes, crossed her arms and focused on Shireece.

  The lights in the club dimmed. The spotlight rose on the tall, slender woman in the middle of the stage. Roe began to play and the rest of the band followed his lead. Tierra immediately recognized the melody. It was Shireece’s favorite song; This is Love , by Regina Bell.

  Shireece wrapped her manicured fingers tips around the Mic and opened her mouth to sing. Her voice was trembling so much she sounded like she was standing on a huge vibrating stage.

  Tierra stood up and yelled, “Take your time, girl! Show these people what you can do.”

  Shireece kept singing, looking out towards the voice in the dark. Not realizing it was Tierra, she simply smiled, grateful at the kind words. Soon several others in the crowd were also shouting confidence boosters. JC’s crowd was good that way!

  The more Shireece sang, the more her voice steadied. She thought back to the days she and Tierra used to sing in high school and at church. They sang in every talent show, every event they could, from middle school until college. Shireece wanted to make a career of it. Tierra just loved to sing. When Sean’s career took off, Shireece put her singing on the backburner for her husband. So, singing in front of a crowd wasn’t new to her, but it had been a long time since she’d done so. When she felt nervous in the past, she’d find Sean’s face for that loving reassurance. Tonight with the light so dim, that was not an option. She was on her own. By the time she reached the end of the first verse her pitch was perfect. The house was rocking, and Shireece was a hit.

  “Malcolm,” Tierra said midway thru Shireece’s song, “I don’t date clients, I’m sorry. It’s just bad for business. If things don’t work out it creates entirely too much drama.”

  Malcolm paused. He was used to getting what he wanted, when he wanted it. And he had his mind set on Tierra. He knew though, that getting Tierra was going to be a challenge. A challenge he was looking forward to conquering.

  “Then I’m afraid I’ll have to let you go as my Account representative,” he announced. “I will give you as I would anyone else two month’s severance commission on the average you normally earn. Just don’t blow me off, Tierra. I am serious about you and me.”

  Tierra remained silent, though inside she was screaming.

  After Shireece’s set, she wandered over to where she heard the first positive words of encouragement come from. She wanted to thank the person responsible for sparking the first light.

  “Ti… what are you doing…? Oh wait, that’s right, your mom said you had a meeting here.”

  “It’s all good. So, where did that performance come from?”

  “Sorry I didn’t tell you. Your mom didn’t want you to get all upset, or have to change your plans because we decided to come here,” Shireece said, wiping the sweat from her face.

  “Girl, please. You were great. It was a nice surprise,” Tierra said standing up giving her friend a huge hug. She shot Malcolm a super evil look as she embraced Shireece, remembering his comment earlier. “How long has this been going on?”

  “What Open Mic Night? No, this was the first time for me. Thank God your mom was there tonight. Qu mentioned the Open Mic thing and your mom said let’s go. A quick call to Jade and our seats were reserved as well as a spot on the list for me. I could tell Sean wasn’t pleased at the idea, but you know he is not crazy enough to question Momma Rodriquez. So here we are,” then she noticed Malcolm. “But I’m sorry. You’re in the middle of a meeting. I’ll let you get back to it.”

  “I’m so sorry. Malcolm Turner, this is one of my best friends in the world, Shireece Willis,” she stressed her words to make sure he knew he had screwed up earlier with his remarks.

  Malcolm stood up and shook Shireece’s hand. “It’s very nice to meet you, Ms. Shireece,” he said pretending to be excited.

  “I’ll, hmmm, let you two get back to business.”

  Just then Sean wrapped his arms around Shireece’s waist. “Wasn’t my girl great?” he said, kissing Shireece on the cheek. “Dang, I’d forgotten what an amazing a voice she has.”

  “Yes, so it seems you have, so when are you going to let me get this woman a record deal?”

  “Damn, my bad. Where are my manners?” Sean said sticking his hand out towards Malcolm, totally ignoring Tierra’s question. Shireece in a studio would happen only over his dead body or a divorce decree. “Sean Willis. And you are?”

  “Malcolm, Malcolm Turner.”

  “Well, we’ll let you two get back to your meeting ,” Sean said winking at Tierra, who cut her eyes back in return. “Looking good there, Ti,” he said as he and Shireece walked off to rejoin Tierra’s mother and Qu. Everyone waved at Tierra, as Shireece and Sean pointed to where she was when they arrived.

  “Now, where were we?” Malcolm started again, not allowing Tierra forget his proposition.

  “Malcolm, I don’t think this is a good idea. If you still want to let me go as your rep, that is fine as well, but I’m not looking to date anyone right now, especially not a client”

  “Tierra, what’s wrong with a man, telling a woman that she is fine, that he wants to get to know her better?” Malcolm insisted, beyond irritated she hadn’t taken to him yet.

  “Malcolm there is nothing wrong with that. But tell me, what’s wrong with a woman not being interested? It’s not you it’
s just that…”

  “Not interested?” he laughed at her comment and adjusted his hat. “Please Tierra, come on, really. Not interested? You’ll have to come better than that. Seriously, what are you afraid of?”

  ‘Afraid of… Did he just accuse me of being afraid of dating? Well maybe I am, but it definitely is not his place to point that out. He don’t know me like that!’ She thought disgusted at his comment. Tierra stood up and took her clutch in her hand. She looked around the club and noticed Qu staring in her direction. She wished she had listened to her inner voice. She would be sitting with her family and friends right now, instead of… Malcolm reached out and motioned for her to sit back down.

  “What are you afraid of?” he asked again in a more eased tone. He hoped she sit back down and would not walk out on him. That would surely be a first for him.

  “More than you could possibly understand,” she replied and walked away quickly.

  Aquarian watched Tierra walk out the club. He could tell by her quick step that she was upset. He looked back towards Malcolm and gritted his teeth, his breathing increased. He wondered what he had done or said to upset his ‘little sis’. No matter who this Malcolm guy used to be, or how much money he had, right now… Malcolm had now become an enemy.

  “She’s going to be my wife someday,” Malcolm said to Jade, who stopped at the table to drop off the check.

  “Brother, there’s a 50 foot high, 200 foot deep brick wall around that heart. You aren’t the first to try to knock it down.”

  “But I will be the last,” he prophesized as a swarm of giggling women ran up asking for his autograph.

  Desperate for Him


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