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Promises & Prophecies

Page 13

by Lee Watts

  "I'm not going with you," the Guardian replied. "There's something I have to get before I leave."

  "In this place?" Crimson said with a sneer. "You'll never find it,"

  "I bet I know where it is, or at least, who has it," Merrick assured him.

  "Suit yourself," Crimson answered then rushed away.

  Turning to the fallen guards, Merrick checked for which was closest to his size, donned the man's armor, and then headed to the top level. Guessing Koraden was in an executive box on the top level so to have a perfect view, Merrick headed there to reclaim the stone keys from his nemesis.

  As a lift tube door parted open, Sosimo surprised and quickly shot the two guards there then freed his crew. To his chagrin, he released Crimson's men in the process as both crews were in the same cell.

  "Where's Captain Crimson?" asked one of the Fame's crew.

  "With luck, he's been recaptured and is facing a slow and agonizing death," Sosimo answered, "but otherwise he's probably on the surface trying to find a way off-world."

  "Come on," one of the Fame crewmen motioned, and his group headed down the hall.

  "It's good to see you, Cap'n," Byron greeted.

  "Yes," added Mei, "but it would be better to see the ship. How are we going to find it?"

  "No problem," Sosimo assured her. "The prison database will list where they dock all their captured ships. We'll just hack in and look it up, and by 'we' I mean you."

  "Me?" exclaimed Mei. "Why me?"

  "Because you're the techy one," Sosimo answered. "Once you figured it out then we'll get a vehicle and make our way to the ship. Oh, and when I say 'we'll' get a vehicle I mean you," he explained as he pointed to Jaiden.

  "Me? Why-"

  "Because you're the one who does the driving."

  "Whatta 'bout me?" Byron asked.

  "You, I need you to scout ahead in case there are guards along our path."

  "Right," Byron replied then paused as he thought about that. "Wait a minute, if there are guards, wouldn't I get shot?"

  "Only as a side effect. Think of it this way, we'll be able to make it out of here, and by 'we'll,' I mean me. Now, let's go."

  Making their way to a computer terminal, Mei deftly made her way through the files.

  "I… think I have it, Captain."


  "I don't read Ramillie that well, but here's the name of the Fortune and Fame and two docking bay numbers. Looks like they have them at a station in orbit, but I can't tell which bay is for which ship?"

  "We'll figure it out when we get there," Sosimo said. "And by 'we'll" I mean-"

  The rest of the crew grumbled as they finished the statement then they all rushed to find a way out of the prison.

  Commandeering a prison transport, the Fortune's crew piled inside of it. Jaiden piloted the craft to the orbiting station where impounded spacecraft were docked. Receiving regular supplies of laborers and equipment from the prison, an arriving transport was the norm. Unprepared for the pirates, the station's personnel were quickly overpowered. Sosimo and his crew acquired additional weapons as they made their way down a corridor of the station. Before reaching the docking hatch, the alarms started sounding letting Sosimo know they only had moments to get away or be recaptured. Hotwiring the lock mechanism, the hatch opened, and the crew rushed in the ship.

  "Oh no," Sosimo grumbled as he immediately realized where they were."

  "The Fame," Mei groused.

  Before her next breath, energy blasts slammed into the wall beside her head. Quickly she turned and activated the controls to reseal the hatch.

  "Nothing for it now," Sosimo dismissed. "Everyone to a station!"

  Rushing to the bridge, Sosimo took the center command chair as Byron, Mei and Jaiden each frantically searched for where they were supposed to be.

  "Thank the Elder," Jaiden sighed as he noticed the Fame's crew had downloaded a translation program to display galactic standard on the consoles rather than the Hateeg language.

  "If I read this right, we have full power, Captain," Jaiden reported.

  "Then disengage the boarding tube, and get us out of here!"

  "Tube retracted," Mei notified.

  "Punch it, Mr. Suchet," ordered Sosimo.

  Moving the thruster lever forward, Jaiden, and the rest of the crew, did a quick jerk.

  "Something's holding us in place, Captain," Jaiden said.

  "Looks like there's a locking clamp," Mei noticed. "I guess we'll have to get into the station's security program and try to disable it."

  "No time," Sosimo decided. "Byron, activate the weapons and target the clamp."

  "Got it, Cap'n."


  A short burst of orange energy severed the locking clamp and the ship lurched free of the station.

  "Mei, can you activate the cloaking device?"

  Trying to make sense of the alien controls, Mei had to brush a loose strand of her jet hair that was usually tightly pulled back.

  "Negative, Captain. It's off-line. Remember, we targeted it during our battle."

  Byron added more bad news.

  "I'm detectin' three light cruisers headin' our way."

  "Figures," Sosimo grumbled. "Mei, get down to engineering and help them to fix the cloak double quick or we're all dead."

  "On it," she replied as she rushed off the bridge.


  Reaching the top level of the arena complex, Merrick stepped out of the lift tube. In front of him was a wall of wide windows with the upper portions extending outward to allow a great view of the arena floor. The hall, perpendicular to the tube doors, was slightly curved as it encompassed the top edge of the circular stadium. Making his way around the floor, he noticed farther down the hallway a pair of guards flanking the door to an outer chamber. Turning his back to them, he began firing while stepping backward. In a sprint, one of the guards came to Merrick's position. Seeing the helmeted Ramillie uniform, the guard thought Merrick was a comrade.

  "Report," he instructed Merrick.

  "Escaping prisoners! There on this floor," Merrick shouted over the sound of his own laserfire. "Is the Overlord secure?!"

  "Negative," answered the guard. "But we can evacuate him down the south entrance!"

  "No need," replied Merrick.

  "Why not?"

  "Because I need him here," Merrick answered then turned and shot the guard. Bending down, Merrick took two small explosives from the guard's belt; activating one, he rolled it down the hall then ran the opposite way for cover. Sound and heat belched from around the bend as the grenade detonated. Hurrying back to the doorway, Merrick was happy to see it half blown off. Flipping the switch on the other grenade, he tossed it inside and ducked. Half a moment later, a shockwave blew away the remainders of the door. Shrapnel flew from the room and some impacted and cracked the visor of Merrick's helmet. Doffing the broken head covering, he rose to bring his rifle to the ready and entered the smoky, executive chamber. In total shambles, rubble from the furniture and walls were scattered in the room where small fires burned. Four lifeless bodies were prostrate on the floor then something, or someone, stirred from under a pile of debris at the room's far end. Smoke streaked and bleeding, a battered form rose from the rubble.


  "Merrick," the Dridmor growled in disgust as he recognized the face of his old enemy. "I should have known you'd come."


  "Cruisers closing fast from astern, Cap'n!"

  "Jaiden, change heading," Sosimo ordered. "Instead of trying to lose them in The Cloud, we're going to jump out of The Cloud. Scan the area and set course for the nearest hypergate."

  "But they're defended by built-in cannons and all kinds of sentry ships."

  "No worries. I have a plan to get us past them."

  "What's that?"

  "Part of it involves Mei getting the cloak back online."

  "What's the other part?"

  "Well… that's pretty much it. You're a pra
ying man aren't you, Jaiden."

  He nodded.

  "Then start praying."

  In the engine room, components were strewn everywhere as Mei, and the engineering crew tried desperately to repair the cloaking device.

  "Try it now," prompted a grease-stained man next to Mei.

  Activating the controls, Mei suddenly jumped back as a series of sparks began shooting from the console. The fireworks subsided to nothingness as smoke rose from the smoldering innards.

  "We'll… try something else," the repairman shrugged.

  Back on the bridge, Byron called out that the cruisers were entering firing range within five minutes.

  "We got any shields?" asked Sosimo.

  "Negative, Cap'n. Looks like they're tied into the cloaking system."

  "Piece of Hateeg junk," Sosimo fussed. "What about the weapons?"

  "The board shows one fore and one aft cannon still online, but it won't be enough against their shields."

  "What about torpedoes?"

  "I'm reading twenty-two aboard, but the launch tubes have buckled. We can't fire 'em."

  "No need to," Sosimo said with confidence. Then, with a smile as he raised a finger added, "Because I have…" upon hearing those words Jaiden knew they were in trouble… "a plan."


  "She maketh herself coverings of tapestry; her clothing is silk and purple." – Proverbs 31:22

  In Cheyenne's chambers, Aulani looked through what seemed like endless screens while trying to select the right gown for the gala. The event commemorating the re-establishment of the High Council, and confirmation of the new premier Lady of the Realm, was only a few weeks away. With delegates of other resistance nations set to attend, and Aulani needing to be at the King's side to translate, having the perfect dress for the occasion was more critical than ever.

  "How about you pick something for me," Aulani suggested as she turned to Cheyenne. "I'm sure whatever you choose will be lovely."

  "No, no, Dear," Cheyenne protested. "A lady's gown should be a reflection of who she is. It says so much about her. You must choose for yourself. You pick something you like then I'll send you to Edna Finch's dress shop to see what they can do with it. Edna is simply the finest dressmaker in the entire Realm, and the shop is right here in Paran. I get all my gowns made there and don't you worry about the cost, I'll take care of everything."

  "Thank you so much. You say I need to outshine Vivica that night, but I know she's going to show up in something slinky and revealing. I wouldn't feel comfortable showing that much skin. She'll get everyone's attention without having to say a word."

  Cheyenne held up a finger to emphasize her counterpoint.

  "She'll get the court's attention yes, but not their respect, and that is where you will surpass her. Many of the Councilors are married men devoted to their wives, and there are a good many women on the Council as well, so don't worry about her flaunting everything she has. You have every bit as good of body as her. Besides, no one likes a book that gives away the ending on the cover; modesty keeps the interest far longer. Now, the gala will be here before you know it, and you still haven't selected anything to wear. Edna is amazing, but not a fairy godmother; you are going to have to allow for time for the work to be done. A personalized gown will take three fittings at least."

  "Well, what do people usually wear at these types of events?"

  "Don't get me started on that. It seems every year they get more and more elaborate, boarding on gaudy if you ask me. Oh, and the colors; at these state functions it's always a sea of blue and white, white and blue."

  "Like the banner of the Realm?"

  "Yes. Don't get me wrong, Dear, I'm as patriotic as the next woman, but there are other colors. Of course, you have your standard black. There is usually a fair amount of that present. As far as styles, they change over the years, but you are a lady now. A lady dresses in classic elegance and in a style becoming her body. She does not follow the latest trends simply because they are 'in.' Also, bear in mind your dress should be tight enough to show you're a woman yet loose enough to show you're a lady."

  Turning back to the patterns, Aulani continued her search for what 'reflected her.' After hours of perusing sketches and photos of gowns that were either too low cut, to high slit, or too greatly resembling something only her grandmother would wear, she clicked to a page and immediately fell in love with the dress she beheld.

  "What about something like this?"

  Looking to her mentor with hopefulness, Aulani waited for her approval.

  Cheyenne smiled.

  "It's perfect."

  "I'm so glad you think so. I do love it, but I'm worried it may be too simple."

  "Oh, pish posh," Cheyenne dismissed. "It's classic elegance, but more importantly, it's you. Besides, I'm sure when you consult with Edna the two of you will come up with something to make it even better. Now, get yourself down there quickly. The Council is out of session for the rest of the day anyway."

  "No, it's not."

  "It is now," Cheyenne hinted with a wink. "I'll take care of things with Alex and the Council; you get going. Oh, and by the way, when you're at the shop say that Q says hi; Edna will understand."

  Following the directions Cheyenne gave her, Aulani made her way to the high-end shopping district of the capital city. In large, elaborate letters was the word 'FINCH' above display windows with the most amazing gowns she had ever seen. In her standard attire, consisting of combat boots, bloused black pants and the blue and white jacket of military personnel, she felt out of place in the shopping district. When she entered the shop, both the patrons and employees stopped to look at the woman who was obviously far removed from her element. Slowly, they turned back to their affairs. A thin, fiftyish woman, with angular features and hair tightly pulled up, approached her.

  "May I help you, Miss?" she asked with an overt air of superiority.

  "Um, yes. I'm supposed to see Edna."

  Sizing up the newcomer, the woman was unimpressed. She gave an unamused chuckle.

  "You? See Edna? I don't think so. No one sees Edna, and if you want a consultation, I'm afraid appointments must be made months ahead of time. Even then we only have time for our most exclusive clients. Did you make an appointment Miss… What did you say your name was?"


  With elongated, painted fingernails the woman tapped quickly through screens on her datapad then shook her head.

  "No, no. I don't see your name here."

  From behind Aulani came a familiar voice.

  "Mine isn't there either, but I'm sure that won't be a problem."

  "Lady Canton," the angular woman chirped with a sudden broad smile as she stepped around Aulani to welcome the new customer.

  "Of course, not - anything for you. Right this way."

  Vivica smiled snidely at Aulani while stepping forward.

  "The bargain barn is a little further down the street, Jungle Girl. If you move fast, you might make it. I hear it's double coupon day," Vivica giggled then the gaunt woman gestured for her to enter one of the private fitting rooms.

  "Charlotte," called the woman to a curly-haired assistant who appeared twenty at most, "will you see to… her."

  "Yes, Ma'am," Charlotte answered and cheerfully walked over to Aulani.

  "May I help you?" she asked, but Aulani didn't answer as she was preoccupied with a mix of anger and embarrassment.

  "Don't pay them any attention," Charlotte said with a kind smile. "Their noses are so far in the air if it rains, they might drown."

  Aulani smiled at the young woman.

  "Now, what may I do for you?"

  "I'm supposed to see Edna, my… friend sent me," Aulani mentioned, not wanting to namedrop.

  "What did you say your name was?"

  "Aulani, but there's no need to check the appointment list, I'm not on it."

  "Wait… Aulani Suchet?"


  "I received a message from the palace a
half an hour ago about you. Why didn't you say it was her highness who sent you?"

  "Well, I…"

  "She's always so nice to all of us when she comes by. You know her?"

  "Yes, I work in the palace."

  "What about King Lyons, do you get to see him sometimes?"

  Aulani nodded.

  "Oh, I'd die to see him in person. Lady Canton's engaged to him you know. She's so lucky; he's such a total trunk."

  Aulani wasn't sure what the slang 'trunk' meant but guessed it was good based on the girl's enthusiasm. Charlotte gestured for Aulani to follow, and she led her through a door in the back of the shop. The back room was full of bolts of cloth, mannequins, and the scent of potpourri. The sound of a sewing machine was emanating from behind a full rack of exotic threads.

  "Hey Ed," the girl called out loudly. "The woman the palace called about is here."

  "Thanks, Charlie," came a gravelly voice from behind the rack. "I'll take care of her."

  With that, the girl smiled at Aulani and left. Aulani stood there for several moments as the sewing machine sound continued.

  "Just a sec," came a deep male voice that evidenced a lifetime of heavy smoking. "I've just gotta finish dis stitch."

  The machine eventually quieted. Standing up from work and coming forward was a heavy-set man in a grimy, sleeveless t-shirt with the stump of an unlit cigar in his mouth. He extended his arm to her in greeting. On his bicep was a tattoo of a skull and hammer with the word 'mom' on it."

  "Hi, I'm Ed, Ed Finch; that's F-I-N-C-H."

  "I'm Aulani," she replied with an awkward smile as they shook hands. "I'm here to see Edna. Your… wife? It's so nice the two of you get to work together."

  "Nah, I'm Edna, but youz can call me Ed."

  "You're Edna?"

  "Yeah, nobody would buy a dress from some guy named Ed, so I changed it to Edna. When I turned state's-evidence they saids I could pick a new a new job from the list. When I saw 'tailor' I thought, hey, I can tail a guy. I've done dat a lot. Turns out tailor is make'n clothes, but what do ya knows - I'm good at it. So, now I make all dem fancy dresses. Which, is why youz is here I guess."


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