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Promises & Prophecies

Page 15

by Lee Watts


  "Enter into the rock, and hide thee in the dust, for fear of the LORD, and for the glory of his majesty." – Isaiah 2:10

  As the newly repaired Realm flagship Dauntless entered the Entauri Major system, it exited lightspeed. A host of three-hundred ships from the Realm navy accompanied the super battlecarrier. Some of the ships served as escorts for the vessel transporting the king; others were there to help shore up defenses for the beleaguered world. Since the Hateeg Confederacy's declaration that it would liberate the systems once controlled by their ancient empire, the four worlds of the Entauri Cluster were under nearly constant attack. Had not the Realm intervened, Entauri Major would have already fallen to the star worshippers. Weeks of intense negotiations preceded the arrival of the Realm sovereign to the Entauri Major system.

  On the flight deck of the Dauntless, Alexander walked to the designated shuttle that would transport him to the surface. Admiral Balin and a host of staff accompanied him. Aulani was with the group, as her services as a translator would be needed during this final and most crucial stage of the talks.

  "I still don't like it, Sire," grumbled the war-seasoned Admiral. "If the Hateeg launch a major offensive while you're on the ground your safety could be compromised. Why not have these negotiations here on the Dauntless?"

  "I appreciate your concern, Admiral, but if we can reach an agreement with the Entauri Cluster to become part of the Realm, then the least I can do is actually step foot on their capital planet. Besides, I have complete confidence in your troop's ability to keep me and all the delegates safe."

  As chief of royal security, Cale was accompanying the king on this excursion.

  "With no disparagement to the Admiral, there are other security concerns, Highness," Cale inserted. "What if the Ramillie show up? With their hyperspace technology, they could jump an entire fleet into the system with virtually no warning."

  "He doth raise a point," added Caedmon.

  "You're right," Alexander admitted. "Hyperspace gives them such an edge. There must be a way to nullify or at least mitigate this advantage."

  "I've considered that at length, Excellency and have an idea," Balin replied. "We don't have the resources to equip all of our capital ships with huge hyperspace generators like the Ramillie, but what if we build smaller ones?"

  Alexander was confused.

  "I thought they need large units to generate a sufficient size opening for a capital ship to enter."

  "Roger that, Sire," Balin answered as he began to detail his plan. "What I'm proposing is different. I suggest we develop miniature generators and use them to deploy buoys throughout hyperspace. The buoys only need to create a micro-opening to transmit sensor readings."

  "Excellent idea, Admiral," Alexander chirped. "Can you get one of them ready in time for the negotiations?"

  "Negative, but we do have this Ramillie scout ship," he offered while gesturing to the captured craft adjacent to the king's shuttle. "We could have that patrolling the local area of hyperspace and send us word if they detect anything heading this way."

  "Sounds great," Alexander agreed. Reaching his shuttle, he stopped and turned to say his farewells.

  "I'll have the scout ship prepped and ready to launch as soon as possible. Good voyage, Excellency," Balin said and saluted.

  "And to you, Admiral," Alexander replied and returned the salute. "We'll see you shortly."

  With that Alexander, Aulani, Caedmon, Cale and a few attachés boarded the transport craft. Balin took a couple of steps back as the shuttle's engines powered up and the ship gently rose from the deck. Moving the control's forward, the pilot eased the shuttle through the hangar's magnetic shield and into the black of space. With the planet dominating the view, the soft blue glow of its upper atmosphere gave a false appearance of tranquility to the war-torn world of Entauri Major.

  Coming to a soft landing, the shuttle powered down as the boarding plank lowered and the royal party exited. Waiting hovercraft transported the king's group to the building serving as the Entauri Cluster's command center since the destruction of the Capitol Building during the Hateeg's initial attack.

  With both sides eager yet cautious to come to an agreement, they tried to find acceptable terms. If the Cluster worlds were to become part of the Realm then Alexander insisted they adopt the Realm Charter and emphasized that included the provisions for religious liberty. Time and again it was not the diplomats but Aulani who was the key to reaching agreements between the parties. Having lived with the people of the Realm for years, yet an Entauri native, she was uniquely qualified to bridge the gap between the two cultures.

  "I suggest we take a short recess," proposed Aulani after an intense exchange between Alexander and one of the Entauri delegates.

  "Maybe a break is a good idea," nodded Alexander.

  "Agreed," echoed Entauri Cluster President Ilan.

  With that, everyone at the elongated table rose for a stretch or a much-needed breath of fresh air or refreshment.

  Ilan crossed to where Alexander was standing with Aulani.

  "Miss Suchet, may I say what an asset you are during these negotiations."

  "Thank you, Mr. President. I feel like I'm a daughter of both the Cluster and the Realm. I hope you can reach an agreement."

  "I know she's a prize," Ilan mentioned to Alexander as he nodded toward Aulani, "but if you ever let her go... well, Miss Suchet you have a standing offer to be a part of my administration. We could use someone of your language and negotiating skills."

  Aulani blushed and gave a slight nod. Just before the recess was finished, Cale quietly slipped back into the room without anyone noticing his absence. He was sure his encrypted message was transmitted, and even if the Entauri officials or orbiting Realm ships detected it, it was unlikely they could crack the code until it was too late. By notifying Hegemony command of the negotiations and Alexander's vulnerable position, he was making good on his promise to Saqir back on the space station.

  Two days later, the treaty was signed, and the one-time colonies of Enty officially became part of the United Realm. As part of the arrangement, each of the Cluster worlds would be given a seat on the High Council and whoever held the office of Entauri Cluster president would maintain a position on the influential Royal Board of Interstellar Affairs. This also granted the Cluster worlds complete protection of the Realm military and mutually beneficial economic and technology trade benefits. All in all, it was a good agreement for both sides. It was decided a public ceremony to commemorate the alliance was needed to solidify the union in the eyes of both populations, and the upcoming gala for the rebuilt palace was the ideal setting. The ink on the treaty was barely dry when an urgent message came was received from the Dauntless. Admiral Balin's face filled the room's primary monitor.

  "Sorry for the interruption."

  "It's alright, Admiral," replied President Ilan. "We've concluded the negotiations. I'm afraid we all know why you must be calling. The Hateeg have sent another fleet, haven't they?"

  "There's a fleet on the way, Mr. President, but it's not Hateeg. Our scout ship in hyperspace has detected a large Ramillie force inbound. We estimate they will enter the system in one hour."

  "We're not leaving," Alexander said, which shocked everyone. "This system is now part of the United Realm. If our first action is to abandon them to the Ramillie, then there is no purpose in Realm membership. No, we stay and fight."

  "Sire," pleaded the image of the admiral.

  "I'm returning to the Dauntless," Alexander stated. "We'll make our stand in space. If the Ramillie establish a blockade, then the planet is lost. So, we have to hold the line before they reach this world."

  "I'll scramble what forces we have left," Ilan said.

  "Excellent," answered Alexander. "We'll form a line between Entauri Major and the point where the Ramillie enter the system."

  "No good, Sire," rejected the admiral. "We have no way to keep the Ramillie from bypassing our lines and si
mply exiting hyperspace behind us."

  "We can help with that," Ilan interjected. This piqued the king's and admiral's attention. "Our scientists have developed a means to disrupt hyperspace around a planet."

  "How?" Alexander asked, anxious to learn a means of possibly protecting the other worlds of the Realm from Ramillie surprise attack.

  "We use a net of satellites to manipulate the planet's natural magnetic field to cause disruptions in local hyperspace. It's like creating storm waves in the sea. It prevents the creation of a stable hyperspace portal to enter or exit."

  "That's fantastic," Alexander exclaimed. "How far does this disruption extend?"

  "We don't know," Ilan answered. "It will depend on the quality of the Ramillie's hyperspace portal generators. We tested it with portal generators scavenged from damaged Ramillie ships. We back engineered and repaired them as best we could, but they won't be as efficient as fully functional generators."

  "It will still give us some valuable time," Alexander insisted.

  "As the newest members of the Realm, we're happy to share this technology with you."

  "Excellent," Alexander said. "When we hosted that conference to form a coalition against the Ramillie, the delegates told us they would only join if we could prove we could defeat the Ramillie in open space. I think this is our opportunity. Let's get to work."

  "Yes… Sire," replied Ilan."

  By adding the title, Ilan was acknowledging Alexander's position as the new sovereign of the Entauri Cluster. Alexander smiled and nodded to him then the King as his party departed. Hastily making their way to the shuttle, they lifted off and set course for the Dauntless.

  "Where is she?" Aulani asked about the Dauntless as the blue of the planet's sky was replaced with the black of space.

  "Looks like the Ramillie have exited hyperspace by the outer planet of the system," answered Major Rayne, who was seated next to the pilot. "Sensors show the Dauntless and rest our ships have formed a line beyond the sixth planet. It's a gas giant. Highness, this ship has lightdrive. I suggest we get you out of the system while we can. Our forces will still engage the Ramillie, but we can't afford to lose you."

  "I should be with our troops."

  Cale's mind raced trying to come up with another way to extricate himself from the impending battle.

  "As you wish, but as chief of royal security, I will ensure this ship is on hot standby so we can get you to safety in case the Dauntless is lost."

  Cale smiled, figuring if the Realm forces here were destroyed, forcing Alexander to get back on this craft, he could use the opportunity to deliver the Realm king to the Ramillie personally. He delighted in contemplating the lavish reward and favor such a prize would garner him.

  Docking on the Realm flagship, Alexander, Aulani, and Caedmon hastily made their way toward the bridge. Cale dismissed the tiny ship's crew so they could assist with battle preparations. Insisting he would take the duty of keeping the royal escape craft ready if needed, he also liked the idea of being able to quickly escape if it looked like Alexander decided to go down with the ship. Cale reasoned the sanctimonious king of the Realm might choose such an option.

  "Status?" Alexander queried as he approached Admiral Balin on the upper portion of the battlecarrier's bridge.

  Turning, Balin led the group a few steps to the command area's holographic projection table. Gesturing to the display, the warrior briefed them on the situation.

  "Ramillie ships have altered course to intercept us. ETA thirty minutes. We're deployed in a standard delta formation, and I recalled the scout. I figured we could use any extra firepower. Ships from Entauri Major are taking up position on our left flank, and I have a little surprise for you."

  "What kind of surprise?" the king asked.

  "This," Balin revealed and demagnified the display of the HPT. On the far side of the system and approaching rapidly was a task force of Chinix warships. "I figured something like this may happen so arranged for the Chinix to have some ships nearby just in case. They'll be here well before the Ramillie arrive."

  "Good work, Admiral," Alexander complimented, "but it doesn't look like our Chinix allies sent very many."

  "Looks can be deceiving," Balin noted with a coy smile. "The Chinix have stealth technology. It makes even their capital ships only give off the energy readings of shuttles. I've been in contact with their taskforce commander. Believe me, by the time the Entauri and Chinix get here, we'll have nearly evened up the odds with that Ramillie strike force."

  While the king and admiral spoke of tactics, Caedmon studied the display. After several minutes, Caedmon added a thought to the conversation.

  "Excellency, the fleet, it is too great."

  "I'd like to have more ships too, Caedmon, but we're not going to be able to get any more here in time."

  "Nay, Sire. Thou understandeth me not. The ships that are with thee are not too few but too many for the Elder to give the Ramillie into thy hands."

  "What?" Balin blurted.

  "The Elder will not grant a victory with this great host, lest the Realm vaunts itself against Him, saying, 'Mine own hand hath saved me.' Therefore, proclaim to the people to withdraw."

  Silence permeated the air. All waited to see what the king would do. It made no sense to send ships away when you were already outmanned and outgunned. If Entauri Major fell, it would cause the exact opposite of a union opposing the Ramillie; it would cause many races to believe Ramillie victory was inevitable and they might even align against the Realm. It could cost him everything, the war, the Realm, Aulani and life itself. Alexander wrestled with if sending the ships away was faith or foolishness. Seeing the king's inner turmoil, Caedmon spoke softly.

  "There is nothing that cannot be done if we will but trust in the Elder. Our failures are not but failures of faith. The air says to the eagle, 'Trust me; spread thy broad wings; I will bear thee up to the sun. Only trust me. Take thy foot from off yon rock which thou canst feel beneath thee. Get away from it, and be buoyed up by the unseen element.' Mount aloft, Alexander, for the Elder invites you."

  Alexander stood staring at the holographic display, but his thoughts were a universe away. He remembered the shattered buildings of Paran in the fight to retake Theera. He remembered the faces of those who lost loved ones in the Battle of Oosay. He remembered the terrible cost of lives and heartache that war demands, and he remembered his promise to the Elder.

  "Admiral, do you have any of those Plyeecian weapons onboard?"

  "Aye, Sire, we restocked our supplies during our latest refit, but there's not many and the ones we do have aren't big. They would be ineffective against such a large force."

  Alexander looked at the inventory of five smooth stones displayed on the monitor and chose one of them.

  "Have this one loaded onto that Ramillie scout ship we captured and prepare it for launch. I also want you to send the Chinix fleet away."

  "Send them away?" Balin asked.

  "Yes. The other governments require evidence we can defeat the Ramillie in open space by ourselves. We can't do that if the Chinix are here. Contact the Entauri ships too. Tell them to fall back to Entauri Major and set up a defense perimeter there."

  Balin wanted to say so much, but knowing a soldier's place, he held his peace.

  "As you command, Sire. What orders for the pilot of the scout ship?"

  "None, I'll fly her myself."


  "Trust me, Admiral."

  Aulani, who always refrained from inserting herself in such war planning, couldn't help herself.

  "Alex, are you sure you know what you're doing?"

  He looked at her large brown eyes full of concern and gave a half smile.

  "No," he admitted, "but it's what I have to do." Looking back to the military man, he issued one more order. "Admiral, as soon as I launch, I want you to reposition our forces behind the fourth planet."


  "Trust me. Stay there until it's time to engage the en

  "But… how will I know when it's time?"

  "You'll know."

  Hastily, the king's orders were carried out. Gracefully, the captured Ramillie scout ship with the Plyeecian stone and Realm King ventured out from the Dauntless and into the great black of space. Angling away from the Dauntless, Alexander veered the small craft toward one of the larger mining shafts of the dead moon orbiting the planet. Slowly and gently he piloted the craft through the chasm. Stalactites hung down like jagged teeth giving Alexander the unpleasant impression of being swallowed. The ship's forward running lights were all that illuminated the darkened cavern, and Alexander was forced to slow the ship to a virtual crawl while trying to navigate the narrow openings between the rocks. Heavily mined for its rich deposits of tizanite, the moon was a maze of tunnels. At last, facing an aperture too small for even his little craft, he placed the Ramillie ship in hover, and donned his helmet, completely encasing himself in an environmental suit.

  Alexander disengaged the artificial gravity system then hit the controls opening the main hatch at the back of the craft. As the stone drifted off the floor, Alexander pushed to guide it out into the cavern. Activating his suit's thruster packs at minimal power, he gingerly eased the Plyeecian device through the opening and deeper into the moon's core. At last, reaching the heart of the rock, he let the alien artifact hang motionless and unaided, suspended by only the invisible forces of gravity.

  With tens of thousands of Ramillie in the approaching fleet, he saw the rock begin to softly glow. He smiled coyly and turned, activating his thruster to return to the ship. Once onboard, he closed the hatch to space and pressurized the cabin. When the environmental board turned green, he pulled off his helmet and began his race out of the moon. A sensor light flashed, warning him of an energy surge detected behind him. The Plyeecian stone, though relatively small was building in energy. Alexander knew when the Ramillie were close enough, it would detonate, however the force of such a small stone's explosion was insufficient to overload the shields of even one capital ship, let alone the hundreds on their way. In open space, even a thousand stones that size would be insufficient, but the stone wasn't in open space, it was in the center of a highly combustible moon. The more Ramillie present, the greater the stone's explosive might. Pushing the engines as fast as he dared, Alexander raced to escape the moon. Narrow passages kept him from attaining sufficient speed, and he realized he wasn't going to make it, but it didn't matter. All that mattered was he had kept his sacred promise. Unwilling to just give up, he started imputing commands to the ship's systems as fast as he could.


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