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Promises & Prophecies

Page 28

by Lee Watts

  "One might have thought you would pursue her hand yourself."

  "I considered that as well," he admitted then added, "...fervently. But I considered there is no need to pursue a lady's hand when her heart belongs to another."

  "Well, I've no doubt you made the best choice for Alex, Enty, and the entire Realm."

  "Yes," he said as he placed down his fork and dabbed his mouth with the linen napkin. "However, no doubt I've ruffled a few feathers."

  "Indeed," Cheyenne said with a coy smile as she took a sip of her drink.

  "In fact, perhaps I better go try and smooth things with Lady Canton. If you will excuse me, Highness."

  She nodded, and he gave a slight bow then left to find Vivica.

  From a hilltop overlooking the palace, Cale switched off the tablet he held that was showing live coverage of the gala. Looking to his watch, he then tossed the tablet aside and huffed in great annoyance.

  Did they find it or did it malfunction, or was it something else?

  He had no way of knowing, but a thought did occur to him. If I can't destroy Alexander and the Coalition with an explosion, then there is one other way. Realizing what he needed to accomplish the task, he smiled wickedly then activated the hovercar and sped back toward the palace.

  Inside the Royal conference chambers, Aulani and Jaiden excitedly exchanged stories of what had happened to them in their time apart. As the siblings talked, the pirate captain handed the Realm king The Great Weapon. It was a large book with yellowed pages, a deep magenta cover and two fasteners. Puzzled, Alexander took it and gently placed it on the conference table. Gingerly, he unhooked the two restraints and opened the ancient manuscript. It creaked with age and the musty smell of centuries emanated from the pages that had grown stiff with time. Two symbols from some unknown language were all that adorned the first sheet. With great care, Alexander turned to the next page. Alien characters he couldn't read in columns filled the area from top to bottom. For a moment he considered calling over Aulani but remembered her gift was for spoken, not written words.

  "We'll have to get a translation team," Alexander said. "Assemble the best in the Realm right away. We-"

  "Wait a moment," Caedmon said while examining the archaic lettering. "I know this symbol."

  "Is it some old Tishbian writing?" Alexander asked.

  "Nay, Sire. 'Tis ancient Chinix."

  "Chinix? What does it say?"

  "Many years have passed since I didst study their ancient script," the wizened man said as he gazed upon the parchment and tried to call to memory the meanings of each stroke upon the page.

  "In," he said at last. "This first symbol here - it means in."

  Alexander remained silent so as not to distract Caedmon from recalling the memory.

  "the beginning," Caedmon continued. "the... the Elder... created the... stars and... the worlds." Both Alexander and Caedmon well recognized the first words of the Holy book of the Narrow Way. Caedmon looked up at Alexander in astonishment who reflected the look to his old teacher. "It's the Codex, Sire. The Great Weapon... is the Codex."

  Alexander's heart sank.

  "The Codex?" he said in astonishment. "But... but that can't be? I thought it would be some new form of energy, or a weapon schematic, or an explosive like the Plyeecian stones, or some powerful artifact. How... how can it be the Codex?"

  Suddenly his mind flashed with a possibility, Perhaps this pirate is trying to trick me. Is he attempting to keep The Great Weapon for himself? Maybe hopes to sell it to the highest bidder.

  "Captain LaRouche," Alexander began sternly, but Jaiden came over and interrupted.

  "I know what you’re thinking, Ale- Your Highness, but I was there when we entered The Vault. I wouldn't have believed it myself unless I'd seen it with my own eyes. We've known each other a long time and been through a lot together. Trust me. This is The Great Weapon of legend."

  Alexander looked to Jaiden. He had known the boy for- No not a boy. Not anymore, Alexander thought. Staring at him, Alexander realized Jaiden was no longer the simple boy he first met on Acatus. No, he could see it in his eyes, in the way he held his gaze. Jaiden had matured. His time with the corsairs had changed him. He was a man. Jaiden had saved Alexander's life multiple occasions in the jungle, he knew Jaiden would never lie to him, never try to deceive him. If Jaiden said a thing was so, Alexander knew he could trust it was.

  "Very well," he softly said. Before he could continue, there was a beep at the door.

  Alexander nodded.

  Caedmon tapped a control on the table and the door opened with a hiss. In dress uniform of blue and white, one of the palace guards stepped into the room.

  "Beg pardon for the intrusion, Excellency, but Marquis Matthews sent a message and requests Miss Suchet meet with him in the library by the South entrance."

  "That's on the far side of the palace," Alexander said.

  Aulani turned to her betrothed.

  "He probably wants to explain why he nominated me and doesn't want the press anywhere," Aulani said.

  "Go ahead," Alexander replied. "I have a lot to work out here anyway."

  She crossed to him and kissed him on the cheek.

  "Thank you, Alex- I mean Highness - No, I mean Alex," she said with a smile upon realizing, as officially his fiancée now, she could once again call him what she wanted. "I'll be back quick."

  "Tell Nathan I take back all those nasty things I was thinking about him," Alexander said. "Then again, maybe you better not mention it."

  Aulani gave a small laugh then hurried off to meet the Marquis.

  Turning back to the pirate, Alexander took and let out a long breath before continuing.

  "Captain LaRouche... you have my thanks. You lived up to your end of our agreement," he said with a heavy heart born of obvious disappointment. He stood there quietly for several heartbeats. The reality he was facing kept reeling in his mind. Finally, he shook his head.

  "I'm sorry," he said as he brought a hand to his eyes then rubbed it over to the back of his head. "I... I just can't come to grips that this is what we've been waiting for, for so long. We already have the Codex," he said in exasperation.

  "Don't think you're the only one who has been let down in this whole thing," Sosimo said. "Turns out the 'Treasures of Ages' isn't anything of value, at least not to me. The 'Treasures' are family members that people were hiding from the Ramillie all those years ago. There were no precious metals, no jewels, no nothing. You've been waiting for a few months to get 'The Great Weapon' to help you in this war, well I've been waiting my entire life to find The Vault, and when I finally find it, my big payoff turns out to be only a few hundred million credits worth of statues."

  All of a sudden Sosimo's face froze then all expression melted away. The others in the room looked at each other in hopes one of them knew what had caused the pirate to suddenly stop. Alexander glanced to Jaiden who subtly shook his head indicating he had no clue what the reason was.

  "Pay off," Sosimo said just above a whisper.

  "What?" Alexander questioned.

  Sosimo raised a finger causing Jaiden to fill with trepidation because he knew what that meant. The Captain... had a plan.

  "Pay off," Sosimo said as a broad smile crossed his face. "Your Kingness, I believe my obligation here is fulfilled, so I'll be going if you don't mind."

  "You welcome to stay for the gala and-"

  "No time," Sosimo said. "Pay off," he repeated then turned to leave the room. As the door opened, he paused and turned to the young man in the room. "Jaiden, are you coming with me?"

  With the question, it reminded Jaiden he was only supposed to go with the pirate as a guide on his trip to Acatus to find the prism, and that duty was finished. He wasn't actually a member of the Fortune's crew, after all, just someone along for the short term. With the question, LaRouche now posed, all that could change. This was an invitation to join the infamous rouge in the great adventure. This was an acknowledgment of him as a man th
at could make his own choices. This was a chance to sail the stars and live on his own terms. Jaiden knew it was far from the kind of existence he would have if he went back to live in the palace. It would be a much different life, a harder life. If he chose that, he would have to survive by his wit, skill, and strength. Contemplating the decision, he realized he had always lived that way. It's how he started life, how he liked it, and how it was meant to be for him.

  "Aye... Captain," he said with a nod to Sosimo. Turning to Alexander, he added, "Tell Aulani I love her, and I'll be in touch."

  Alexander nodded.

  "Take care of yourself, Jaiden."

  The young pirate smiled back at his royal friend.

  "And you take care of my sister." With that, he gave a wink then followed Sosimo out of the room, the door closing behind them.

  Alone with Caedmon, Alexander regarded the old man with a look born of conflicting impulses. He didn't want to feel let down by 'The Great Weapon' being the Word of the Elder but was hoping for something else to use in the fight against the Hegemony.

  "Am I wrong to be disappointed, Caedmon?"

  "What dost thou think?"

  "What do I think?! I think I knew Captain LaRouche was going to show up any day now. Do you know why? Because we've almost completely exhausted our supply of those Plyeecian stones. They have been such a powerful tool against the Ramillie, but our researchers say they're still completely baffled by the science and can't reproduce the effect. So, I thought the Elder had yet again provided a means to defeat the enemy. I thought He had preserved something more powerful than the stones to once and for all rid us of the Ramillie. You've seen the reports from the front; our progress galaxy-wide has slowed to a crawl. The Ramillie are pushing us back on nearly every front, and if this attack in a few days doesn't succeed the Coalition will fall apart. When it does, the Ramillie will reclaim system after system, and when they come back to our doorstep, we won't have the element of a surprise fleet to drive them out next time. I was really hoping 'The Great Weapon' would be... well, something more than the Codex. I know it's the Holy Book. I know it is the very words of the Elder, but I need more than words, I need a weapon, something to bring the war to a quick end, something powerful."

  "Why dost thou think the ancients called the Codex 'The Great Weapon,' Alexander?"

  The king let out a puff of frustration.

  "I don't know," he said, not really wanting to figure out what the answer might be.

  "Then thou hast yet to realize the true enemy in this war. For 'tis not the Ramillie, nor the Hateeg, neither any other nation, but the foe is the ancient enemy, the first enemy. The dark spirits are the greatest threat to the Coalition, the Realm, and thou. They art the ones moving the pieces, and the Dridmor legions cannot be slain by any weapon devised by human hands. The only weapon that can drive them out, the only weapon they fear, is the Word of the Elder. That 'tis why it is called 'The Sword of the Spirit of the Elder,' and why the ancients didst dub it 'The Great Weapon.' When thou realize this, when thou doth wield it rightly, thou wilt find it is quick and powerful. If thou art to battle spirits, it is not only 'The Great Weapon,' it is thine only weapon."

  Alexander stared down at the ancient book lying open on the conference table. He tried to think of his days in Paradise after he died on the planet with the stones. His memories of those three days were few and faint. He figured that was by the Elder's design. His entire life he had battled the fallen ones, his own doubts, and pride. He remembered his time in the wilderness where the Elder taught him to trust in the plans He had for him and not his own. He thought of the Battle of Oosay and how it was only when he stopped relying on himself and turned to the Elder that victory was granted. He thought of how he was guided of the Elder to place the last of the giant stones in the moon that destroyed a Ramillie fleet. The Elder had proven Himself faithful time and again, and Alexander knew somehow, He would do it again.

  "I believe what you say, Caedmon. With my whole heart, I trust in the Elder and His Word, but I don't understand how I am to take this faith and use it."

  "Be strong and of good courage, my King. As thou acknowledgeth the Elder and honorest His Word, He shall direct thy path, and His way alone leads to victory."

  Alexander nodded his agreement. Thinking of the prophecy of how a descendant of Jeramon would usher in the new age for the glory of his God, Alexander determined to have his God be the Elder and not himself.

  Interrupting his musings was a soft beep from the communications panel of the conference table. Alexander took a step toward it and pressed the answer button.

  "Sire, we're getting a signal from orbital control. They say Lady Canton's yacht is attempting an unscheduled departure from the system, and she's not even filed a flight plan. Do we grant her clearance, Sire, or detain her?"

  Caedmon and Alexander exchanged glances.

  "Thou knowest the old adage, Sire, The Vortex hath no fury like that of a woman scorned."

  Alexander smiled.

  "Yes, and she's been about as scorned as a woman can be tonight. I suppose I'll have to deal with Vivica later. I'm sure not looking forward to that." Keying the communication panel, Alexander spoke into it. "Go ahead and grant her clearance. I think we better forgo the flight plan protocols this time. Oh, and advise the patrol ships, for their own sakes, to stay out of her way."

  On the status board of Vivica's yacht, the clearance message came through.

  "I told you they'd let us go," Cale said to Vivica as he activated the thrusters and began inputting commands into the navigation computer to open a hyperspace portal.

  Seated beside him, Vivica, still in her ball gown, seethed as she thought of the night's events.

  "Cale, you were on that jungle planet with Alex. What's a Dalla tree?"

  "Dalla tree?" he said questioningly as he continued the computations. "A Dalla tree looks beautiful on the outside but turns out they're hollow, and the fruit... it looks sweet, but if you take a bite, it's incredibly sour. Why do you ask?"

  "Never mind," she said while fuming. "Just get us there."

  Cale nodded then activated the controls causing the space ahead of them to rip and the wild light of hyperspace to flicker into the great void. Energizing the shields first, Cale then entered the anomaly and set course for The Cloud.

  Exiting hyperspace, the portal behind Vivica's yacht closed and the sleek Realm craft hailed the Ramillie ships guarding the hyperportal at the edge of The Cloud. Vivica, because of her relationship with Saqir Nexos, was granted passage, so Cale piloted the craft through the entryway and to the Ramillie Capital world of Kohath. Entering the atmosphere, he angled the ship toward one of the landing pads among the city's numerous skyscrapers. A quartet of red-armored guards met them as they disembarked and escorted them to an upper floor. One pair of guards preceded them, the other two walked behind the Realm visitors. As the doors of the lift tube opened, they stepped out onto a wide, open-air walkway connecting that building to the Capitol. Enormous statues of Ramillie gods lined both sides of the bridge. At the far end of the bridge was a gargantuan, horned figure of the Ramillie pantheon head that was carved entirely out of the biggest chunk of black onyx Vivica had ever seen. The idol's polished surface gleamed with reflected light from the fires emanating from the enormous bowls on either side of it. Twin doors, nearly eight meters high were positioned between the legs of the enthroned statue. Two guards, in ceremonial armor, flanked the doors, which opened as the group approached.

  Stepping inside, Vivica and Cale tried to hide their awe of the splendor in the elongated room. At the far end of the chamber were two thrones positioned on a platform several steps above the main floor. One looked exactly like the throne that used to be at Theera. Another Plyeecian transfer device, Cale thought. How interesting.

  Though that throne was empty, someone sat in the other one, which was currently spun in the opposite direction from the entrance. Attached by a choke chain to one of the pillars near the thrones
was one of the hideous chaurk dogs that Saqir kept as pets. Vivica wondered whose mind Saqir had the T'lec surgeons transplant into that grotesque beast. Reaching the bottom of the steps the forward set of guards came to a halt. Taking the clue, the visitors also stopped. Slowly, one of the thrones turned to face the newcomers. Saqir was seated there, his expression was stony.

  "Vivica," he said with great superiority. "And what brings you to The Cloud? Come to ask me to take you back, have you?"

  "I've always loved you, Saqir. You know that. We're meant to be together. Remember how good it was?"

  He leered at the woman, appreciating her tight and provocative gown.

  "I must say, you have dressed for the occasion. Perhaps you can be of some... use."

  Turning his attention to Cale, he regarded him coldly.

  "I... know you."

  "Yes, Potentate. I am Commander Cale Rayne. We met at the Hegemony Station at Theera-Enty."

  Recalling his encounter with the turncoat, Saqir smiled.

  "As yes, the one who promised to deliver the Remnant and rebel king to me. I'm still awaiting you to keep your promise. Instead of the Remnant being destroyed, they recovered their fleet and have forged a Coalition of others against us," he said with great disdain.

  "I've come now to make good on my promise, Potentate."

  "Oh, and how is that?"

  "I've brought you a gift."

  "A gift? What gift?"

  "I've brought you the one who told the Remnant where their fleet was trapped in hyperspace and the reason they were able to escape." Turning to the woman beside her he spoke the traitor's name, "Lady Canton."

  Saqir's eyes went to Vivica in shock and anger. The surprised and guilt-ridden look on her face confirmed Cale's accusation.

  "Vivica," Saqir said, nearly hissing her name in spite.

  "No, Saqir. It wasn't like that. They forced me," she said as her voice began to tremble in fear. "They... they were going to put me in prison."

  "There are far worse things to be put into than prison. You've bitten me, Vivica. I warned you to never do that."


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