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Promises & Prophecies

Page 31

by Lee Watts

  "So why do you need me?"

  "For the banquet of course. You, Boy, are to be the welcoming sacrifice. I thought it fitting... poetic. Your brother will welcome Roq-Mordak with worship, and then my prince will feast upon your flesh and those with you. This age ends today, and the dawn brings about the age of the Dridmor."

  Alexander turned to his brother.

  "Is this it then, Salazar? You worship the Dridmor and betray all of humanity? They bring nothing but death, Brother. The Elder offers you life."

  "The Elder," Koraden spat. "He has given Salazar nothing but rotting flesh. We'll give him life and all the pleasures to be had in this universe." Turning to the guards, he ordered the prisoners to be taken to his ship.

  "What of the girl?" Imenand asked.

  Koraden walked over to her and placed a gloved hand on her chin.

  "Such a pretty thing," he hissed. "Something so sweet must be saved for dessert. Take her back to her cell for now."

  Grabbing her arms, Imenand began pulling her back toward the side door.

  "No," she called out. "Alex. Alex!"

  Alexander went to go to her, but two of the guards grabbed him while two others got in between him and Aulani.

  "Load them on the shuttle," Koraden instructed. "Have them taken to the ship and tell Valqson to prepare for my arrival. The legions will be here soon, and I want everything made ready."

  Alexander looked to Caedmon as four guards motioned for them to go back out the door they entered. Caedmon, while often able to dispatch such forces in the past, only had the power to do so by the will of the Elder. With a subtle shake of his head, he let Alexander know the Elder had granted him no such ability now. As they proceeded, Koraden began to laugh. Two guards walked in front of the Realm captives and two behind.

  As the tall doors opened to the elevated walkway, the cool of the dusk air mixed with the smoke of the flaming bowls flanking the door outside. Alexander heard the doors close behind them and the distant hum of engines from the city traffic flying below them. Reaching the far end of the passageway, they entered the other tower then one of the lead guards suddenly stopped and raised a closed fist, indicating the others to halt. Cautiously both foremost guards drew their weapons and eased forward then quickly turned and blasted the rear guards.

  Alexander and Caedmon stood motionless, unsure of what was happening. Reaching a free hand upward, one of the remaining guards removed his helmet. Seeing the guards face, Alexander immediately broke into a huge smile.



  "And call upon me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me." - Psalm 50:15

  "Your Excellency," Merrick said with a nod. "It's so good to see you again. I thought you were dead."

  "Actually… I was, but there's no time to explain. How did- what are you doing here?"

  "That's a long story too," Merrick answered.

  "Who's this?" Alexander asked while turning to the other guard.

  "Oh, this is Quisling. He's a friend. You heard what Koraden said back there; the gate will be stabilized in three hours. We've got to get on board the Neovenator and stop it."

  "What about Aulani?"

  "I don't know where they've taken her," Merrick said. "We don't have enough time to look for her before the gate is stabilized and the Dridmor legions pour through."

  "But if we leave her… even if we do shut down the gate, the Ramillie will never let her live, or we'll never be able to find her again. This is my only chance to save her. Caedmon, you go with them to try and stop that gate, I'm going back for Aulani."

  "Nay, Sire. Where thou goest I go."

  Turning to his old bodyguard and mentor, Alexander's face portrayed his conflict.

  "I'm sorry, Merrick, but I have to go to her."

  "I understand," Merrick replied as he knew it was always his destiny to stop the gate, not this mortal's. "Here, take this," the Guardian said as he unfastened one of the pouches attached to his soldier uniform belt, removed a palm-sized device, and handed it to Alexander. "Set it to channel forty-seven. We'll use that for communications. If you're going to make your through the capitol towers to get Aulani, you'll need a disguise." Looking down at the two fallen guards he added, "I think red is your color."


  Crimson smiled wickedly at Mei while targeting Jaiden. He relished the suffering he caused Mei in forcing her to choose between betraying her captain or watching her crewmate be slowly killed. Jaiden, mouth still gagged, continued to cry out muffled yells of pain because of his left lower leg being blasted off by the pirate. Fortunately, the energy of the blast cauterized the wound, but the pain was still incredible.

  "Over here," came Sosimo's voice echoing off of the marble walls of the rotunda.

  Mei was both relieved and disappointed to see Sosimo coming out from his hiding spot. With both his real and artificial hand extended, Sosimo showed he wasn't holding anything. With a jerk of his head, Crimson instructed one of his men to go over and take Sosimo's pistol from its holster. Switching his aim from Jaiden to the approaching man, Crimson's biological eye nearly twinkled with delight as he saw his longtime rival surrendering to him.

  "I knew you'd give in, LaRouche. You've always been soft. This time it's going to cost you. And don't try to give me that 'there's no treasure' line like Mei did."

  "Oh, there's a treasure, Crimson, but you're too dumb to ever get it."

  "I'm smart enough to have captured you three, and after I get the treasure you know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna load it on that shuttle you brought down then me and my crew are gonna fly up and take the Fortune too."

  "Uh… no," Sosimo responded. "What you're going to do is get you and your men, and all of us killed.

  Crimson didn't believe his rival, but in a few short minutes his mind would change, but then it would be too late for all of them.


  Using one of the side doors, Saqir Nexos re-entered the throne room and knelt at the base of the platform where Koraden and Salazar were seated. How it loathed Saqir to be bowing before the Entian.

  I have served the Dridmor far longer and better, Saqir mused. It should be me on that throne, not this upstart.

  Saqir puzzled over why the Overlord insisted on Salazar being here at all.

  And now he's going to elevate him to a child of fire?

  The thought of fire made Saqir consider Koraden's words about the Dridmor burning across the galaxy. He wondered if the Ramillie were to be spared the imminent holocaust.

  Even if we are, there will be no one left to rule if what Overlord Koraden said is true.

  As he mulled this, it was the first time in his life that his faith wavered.

  Looking down at the stooping Ramillie potentate, Salazar was conflicted. He thought he should be infinitely delighted, or at least satisfied with the current situation. He was at last free of the accursed caryon, his sometimes ally, sometimes rival, Saqir was kneeling before him, and his estranged brother was finally under arrest and awaiting execution. All he ever wanted: health, power, position, wealth, it was all his, yet there was no joy. It all seemed hollow somehow. The Dridmor were in control and offered him everything he desired. Alexander was powerless and in no position to provide anything yet spoke of his and the Elder's love for him. Countless times Salazar fantasized about how his life would be if he and his brother's roles were reversed. Now, he indulged himself in the imagining again. No matter how he played it, he could never envision himself offering love to one who spouted such hatred at him. It didn't make sense. With his mother Mara missing, Alexander was the only family Salazar had left. All he could dwell on was the end of their conversation the day he went to offer the Assembly's support in exchange for the throne transfer device.

  I love you, Brother, was Alexander's final words to him as he left after promising to destroy the Realm. Why would he do that? Salazar pondered.

  Because of the Elder's love, whispered the Spirit of the
Comforter to Salazar's mind.

  The Elder, Salazar mused, why should he love me? The answer came to him that there was no reason the Elder should love him, but He did anyway. The thought pricked at Salazar.

  "Rise and report," came the voice of Koraden, which snapped Salazar out of thought.

  "Overlord," Saqir began as he stood, "our scouts report a large Coalition fleet on its way here, and multiple smaller forces are vectoring in as well. It looks like they've coordinated efforts and will be arriving at the same time. Our forces outside The Cloud will be surrounded and outnumbered two to one."

  Koraden's brow furrowed in irritation of the news.

  "We can't allow them to penetrate The Cloud," he said with a scowl. "They might destroy the Neovenator before the legions come through. Warn Admiral Valqson and contact Warlord Ra'daq. Tell Ra'daq to launch the attack. Take no prisoners. Have him destroy every Realm ship. When the Coalition fleet shows up and sees the Realm obliterated it will take the fight out of them. They'll either run or die like the rest of them. Either way, by then the portal will be stabilized, and none of it will matter."


  A shuttle lifted from one of the large verandas of the capitol towers. Leaving the atmosphere, Quisling piloted the craft toward the gargantuan Neovenator. Notified to expect a shuttle bringing prisoners, the Neovenator's commander, Admiral Valqson, ordered the massive bay doors of the craft opened to allow the transport's entrance.

  "When we get inside, we could self-destruct the shuttle," Quisling purposed. "That will destroy the Neovenator too."

  "No good," Merrick replied. "The portal is made of material that would withstand the explosion. Besides, that ship is so massive that even a detonation of this ship from the inside might not be enough to destroy it. No, first we must withdraw the crown stones to close the portal before it can stabilize. After that, we have to get the stones or the portal out of The Cloud and to somewhere the Dridmor can never find them again."

  "Couldn't you take the stones to paradise or some other dimension? After all, you are a child of light."

  "I'm a child of fire," Merrick corrected, "not of light. I can't take the stones out of the physical universe, but you have given me an idea."

  Keying some of the controls, Merrick ran a scan of the Neovenator.

  "It looks like the ship is running on a skeleton crew," Merrick said. "I guess Koraden wants a minimum of mortals there when the legions come through. There's a large bay on deck four. I bet that's where the portal is. We'll head there first to get the crown stones."

  Smoothly penetrating the magnetic shield barrier protecting the docking bay from space, the shuttle extended its landing gear and gently eased to the deck. As the boarding ramp lowered out first was Merrick. With his guard uniform discarded, and apparently in shackles, the Guardian was followed by Quisling who appeared to be escorting the prisoner. Only a handful of crewmen were on duty in the bay. One walked over to the newcomers.

  "I was told to expect two prisoners. Where is the other one?" the crewman asked.

  "Potentate Nexos wanted a... moment with him first," Quisling answered. "There will be another shuttle with them shortly. Permission to take the prisoner to the brig."

  Pausing with a distrustful look on his face, the crewman eventually gave them leave, and the pair left the bay. Entering the corridor, they made their way around a corner then checked to make sure the coast was clear. Seeing no one, Merrick turned around, and Quisling unfastened the wrist restraints.

  "I served on this class of ship before," Quisling said. "The cargo bay will be secured with a passcode. We get two attempts, after that the alarms go off and secondary barriers lock into place."

  "Where could we get the code?" Merrick asked.

  "The main computer will have it, but we'd have to access that from the bridge or one of the main compartments. There may not be many people on this ship, but they'll be enough in every room to make it impossible to not get noticed."

  "There's one room where no one will be," Merrick said. "Koraden's quarters. He'll have a computer station there."

  "I know where the executive suite is," Quisling said, "Follow me."

  Carefully avoiding passing crew, they made it through the ship's corridors and to the executive suite.

  "Let's just hope my command override codes still work," Quisling said, and he punched a code into the panel on the wall.

  To their relief, the door slid open, and the two hurried inside the room. Noticing the computer terminal on the wall Quisling crossed to it to see if he could hack into the system. Merrick stopped as he noticed something else. Mounted on the wall were several battlestaffs - no doubt this was Koraden's idea of trophies. Recognizing his own weapon, he removed it from the wall mounts. Glancing at the other metallic rods, he examined the etchings that indicated the original owners. Among them was Garibaldi's, Veronique's, Tycon's... Shania's. Viewing each weapon brought memories both bitter and sweet to his mind. He thought back to that day on Dalban II when Shania warned him about letting Koraden go. He remembered Koraden's words on the Chariot where he gloated about killing her and claimed she said it was all Merrick's fault. He knew the Dridmor was lying to him, but it still stung because Merrick believed it was his fault.

  We wouldn't be in this situation if I had done what I should have, he berated himself.

  "I'm in," Quisling announced. "I've got the code."

  "Excellent," Merrick replied. "Let's-"

  "INTRUDER ALERT. INTRUDER ALERT," came a voice over the ship's intercom.

  "Blast," Merrick said.

  "I bet that docking bay crewman called down to the surface," Quisling suggested.

  "Nothing for it now," Merrick said. "Come on, let's get to the portal."

  As they headed for the door, it automatically opened, and there was a crewman with a blaster leveled at them.


  Aulani paced back and forth in her cell. Knots formed in her stomach as she was a cauldron of conflicting emotions. Alexander was here. It overjoyed her to see him, but at the same time, he was the last person she wanted to see in this place. He had risked all to come to save her, but if it weren't for her, then he wouldn't be in such danger. He was the Ramillie's prisoner and set for some kind of sacrifice. She desperately wanted to do something and considered banging on the heavy metal door of the windowless room, but knew such action would be pointless.

  "There's got to be something," she said aloud to herself, but her words were interrupted by a clank from the unlocking door mechanism.

  Sliding into the wall, the door opened and in stepped a Ramillie guard with blaster drawn. She considered rushing the man but knew he could drop her in an instant if she tried. Reaching up to his helmet, he unfastened it and pulled it off.

  "Mind if I come in?" Alexander said.

  "ALEX," she said in surprise and relief as she ran and hugged him. "How did you... Never mind," she said and embraced him again.

  Noticing Aulani's nearly knee-high boots, designer pants and a blouse of the latest Realm fashions, Alexander quipped, "The Ramillie sure dress their prisoners well. Is that an Edna Finch jacket?"

  "Cale and Vivica locked me in her cabin on that yacht," Aulani explained. "I needed to change out of my gown, and so I borrowed some of Vivica's clothes. How are we going to get out of here?"

  "First we've got to get to Caedmon; he's waiting for us in the other tower then we'll have to find some ship. I'd feel a lot more comfortable flying the controls of a Realm ship than one of theirs. We landed on one of the balconies of the other tower; let's head for that. Come on."

  Alexander donned his helmet, and the two fugitives stepped outside of the cell where was the body of the guard Alexander blasted on his way to get Aulani.

  "Oh, almost forgot about him," the king said. "Here, let's drag him in the cell."

  Alexander took the man's weapon and placed it in his uniform's holster while keeping his own in his hands. Putting the body within the cell then resealing the door, Ale
xander and Aulani made their way down the corridors of the holding area. With Aulani posing as a prisoner, they made their way to one of the lower crossover bridges then to a lift tube to the floor where Alexander had left Caedmon. As the lift tube doors opened, Alexander stepped out and peered down both ways of the corridor, but Caedmon was nowhere in sight. Seeing no one else around at the moment, he motioned it was safe, and Aulani exited the tube.

  "Someone must have come by, and so Caedmon had to go hide somewhere," Alexander said.

  "Or they captured him," Aulani suggested.

  Alexander thought about it for a moment.

  "No," he finally said. "If they found out, he was free and I wasn't with him then there would be alarms and a lot more commotion."

  "Maybe he went to the ship," Aulani purposed.

  "Sounds like as good as place as any to look. We can't search the whole tower without getting caught. Let's try the ship. This way."

  Stealthily making his way through the tower, Caedmon avoided the patrols and random people walking the halls as they went about their business. Having to repeatedly change direction, he became disoriented and now wasn't sure of his location in relation to where he needed to go. Despite his efforts of concealment, his movement had not gone undetected. Entering a doorway, he looked about the room. Based on the smell and equipment, at first, he thought it was a medical bay, but as he made his way across the large room he, at last, saw them. The hybrid, unnatural creations of the T'lec. Along one wall was a row of stasis chambers. Inside each was a different abomination of T'lec imagination. Caedmon couldn't know which beings were here willingly or which were there by force. There was a human female shape on one of the operating tables with a sheet draped completely over it. The latest surgery victim or volunteer he guessed.


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