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Claiming My Sweet Captive

Page 15

by Julia Sykes

  I wanted to feel her scream. I picked up the crop and began tapping it against the base of the plug, stimulating her ass. She shrieked around me, the sound of her ecstasy vibrating against my dick. I released into her mouth on a feral roar, pumping in mercilessly as I spilled my cum all over her tongue. She swallowed everything I gave her, just like I’d taught her.

  I withdrew from her and scooped her up as I laid down beside her, spent and sated. I pulled her tightly against me, running my hands over her soft skin as I kissed the top of her head. She snuggled in, as though she couldn’t get close enough.

  My pretty little captive no longer feared me.

  Chapter 14

  I couldn’t linger in my penthouse much longer. I’d stayed with Samantha well into the morning, but after our intense scene yesterday, I wasn’t yet ready to part from her. If I didn’t have obligations, I wasn’t certain I’d choose to leave her side at all.

  I didn’t like the distance between us now, the barrier of the bathroom door. She was taking longer than usual with her morning routine, and even the few extra minutes of separation set my teeth on edge. Her nearness soothed something inside me. So, I ordered her to return to me.

  “Sirenita,” I called out. “Your breakfast is getting cold. Come.”

  The door opened seconds later, and she obediently walked across the bedroom to join me where I sat on the edge of the mattress. Despite her easy compliance, tension stiffened her shoulders.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked, concerned.

  She made a little dismissive wave. “Nothing.”

  Something sharp pierced my gut. “Don’t lie to me.” I grasped her wrist and tugged her toward me, settling her in my lap where she belonged.

  Her eyes dropped, avoiding my gaze. She didn’t respond.

  “Cosita?” I prompted, demanding her honest response.

  Her gaze lifted to mine, no longer shutting me out. “I am a little upset this morning,” she admitted. “But I don’t want to talk about it.”

  The pang in my gut intensified. I cupped her cheek in my hand and stared into her eyes, as though I could peer inside her mind and read her thoughts. “You don’t have any secrets from me.” I tried to command her, but I realized that I couldn’t force her to confide in me. It was up to her to choose whether or not she wanted to share with me, regardless of my wishes. I wouldn’t use cruel methods to extract her secrets as I might have done when I’d first captured her. I valued her trust too much to risk losing it.

  Her brow wrinkled. “Please,” she whispered. “I don’t want to think about it right now.”

  I frowned, considering her. I decided that as long as she wasn’t attempting to deceive me, I’d allow her a reprieve from questioning.

  “You do have a very busy brain,” I acknowledged, pressing a kiss against her forehead to soothe her. “If your thoughts bother you, let me put them at ease.”

  I could stay with her a little while longer to ensure she was content again before I left her alone for the day. If she needed a spanking and an orgasm to relax, I’d provide them for her.

  I leaned in to capture her lips with mine.

  She turned her face away. “Wait.”

  I gripped her jaw, locking her in place for my kiss. “No. I know what’s best for you. You’re upset. I’m going to make you feel better.”

  Her head tipped back slightly. “You can’t just kiss me and make everything okay,” she defied me, despite the way her body reacted.

  Something hardened in my chest. “I can. But I don’t have to. I can distract you from your thoughts in other ways, if you don’t want me to kiss you.”

  I shifted her on my lap, turning her away from me so her back pressed against my chest. I hooked her ankles around my calves and eased my legs apart, spreading her wide. She was naked against my suit-clad form, her creamy bare skin standing in stark contrast to the black material. This was exactly how I wanted her: stripped and on display for me, vulnerable to my desires.

  My fingers tangled in her hair, and I tilted her head to the side so I could sink my teeth into her neck. My free hand explored her breasts, my palm rubbing her hard nipples.

  Her harsh cry made my cock stiffen, and I growled against her flesh. When I released her from my bite, I ran my tongue over the little indentations I’d left in her skin. She’d have a mark there, and the idea of seeing the bruise when I returned to her in the evening made my arousal spike.

  She moaned and tipped her head to the side, offering her throat to be ravaged. Instead of biting again, I trailed feather-light kisses along her neck, and her skin pebbled beneath my lips.

  I released my hold on her hair so I could skim my hand down her waist and over her belly, making my way to her pussy as I continued to play with her breasts. Biting down on her neck again, I slapped her cunt.

  She shrieked and writhed on my lap, but I held her fast with my teeth. Her squirming stimulated my hard cock, so I bit down harder and spanked her sex again. She whimpered and stilled, surrendering.

  I resumed kissing her neck, the tender touch of my lips contrasting with the sharpness of my bite. I smacked her again, and this time, a wet sound accompanied the slap of my hand against her labia. She groaned, and her head dropped back on my shoulder as she melted.

  “Are you still upset?” I murmured, my lips brushing the shell of her ear.

  “What?” she asked faintly. “No. I’m not upset. I’m…” She trailed off when I traced a little teasing circle around her clit.

  “Horny?” I finished for her. “Does your wet little pussy want to be filled after being spanked?”

  “Yes,” she begged on a ragged whisper. “Please.”

  Please. She was begging. I’d make her plead more specifically for what she wanted; what we hadn’t shared last night, even though we’d both wanted it.

  I maneuvered her body into place, stretching her out on the mattress. I towered over her, and she stared up at me, wide-eyed and waiting. Trusting. Wanting.

  A grin lit my features. “I do like when you look at me like that, sirenita.” I reached for my zipper and freed myself from my slacks. She licked her lips, and I growled in satisfaction. “Are you as hungry for my cock as you were last night?”

  She nodded, her pulse jumping at her throat.

  “But what about your pussy?” I asked, my voice dropping deeper, rougher. “I could have fucked you last night. But you weren’t aware enough to know what you would be agreeing to. You weren’t capable of knowing what you were begging for.” I began to stroke my shaft. “This is what you’re begging for. I’m going to fuck you, Samantha.”

  She didn’t say anything, so I continued. “You have to beg me.” I fixed her in my steady stare, imposing my will on her. “Beg me to fuck you.”


  Confusion clouded the lust in her eyes, and her delicate features tightened with unease. I watched as her desire melted away, my stomach souring.

  “I can’t,” she said, her voice small. “I don’t want to. Not like this.”

  My teeth clenched, my jaw working as I suppressed the brutal instinct to possess her, to force her to accept me. That cruel impulse felt better than the rejection that gnawed at my gut.

  I clung onto control by a thread, managing to tuck my raging hard-on back into my slacks.

  She’d beg me to fuck her, or she’d get nothing at all.

  Yes, punishing her through erotic denial eased some of the burning in my chest. Knowing that I was managing to hurt her in this way felt better, even if my stomach was twisting.

  I turned sharply and started walking away from her.

  “Wait,” she called out. “I didn’t mean… I’m sorry.”

  I paused on her apology, the pain in her whisper calming me just enough that some of my wits returned. I’d almost forgotten something important.

  I rounded on her, striding back toward the bed. Her eyes sparked with something I couldn’t quite identify, so I chose to ignore it. Instead, I picked up the c
ollar that was already chained to the bedpost and locked it around her neck.

  I turned to leave, but she caught my wrist. I could have easily jerked my arm away, but I stilled.

  “Wait,” she beseeched. “Don’t leave like this. I didn’t want to upset you. I just… I can’t give you what you want.”

  I mastered my black emotions, summoning up my usual cool composure. “I won’t force myself on you.” I wouldn’t lose control like that. I’d sworn to her that she’d beg me to fuck her before I’d give her the satisfaction of my cock stretching her tight pussy, and I wouldn’t settle for anything less.

  “Thank you,” she whispered. She lifted my hand to her lips and kissed it, the brush of her lips contrite.

  The last of my anger deflated as I realized the truth: I wouldn’t force her because I wouldn’t betray her like that. I wouldn’t spoil my claim over her by taking her virginity without her consent. Not when I craved for her to surrender it to me freely, eagerly.

  I blew out a shuddering breath, and most of the furious tension eased from my muscles. I leaned down and pressed my lips to hers in an apologetic kiss of my own. “I’ll see you tonight,” I promised. I needed to leave, needed some space to finish cooling off and to get the last of my possessive lust under control.

  The knowledge that she was chained to my bed helped calm me. She’d still be here when I returned. She didn’t have a choice.

  “A board game?” she asked, nonplussed. “You want to play a game that involves an actual board?”

  My brows rose as I set the chess board, placing the white pieces in front of her. “Is there some other kind?”

  “You’re kidding, right? How about World of Warcraft? You know, something with multi-layered storytelling, cool effects, and kick-ass heroes?” She gestured at the board. “Who’s the hero in this game? What’s the story? There isn’t one. It’s just us, staring at some funny pieces that don’t have any special abilities at all.”

  “Chess is a battle of wits. It’s just you, against me. But you can be the hero in this scenario, if you want.” My smile was a touch indulgent. All my consternation had melted when I’d returned to find her sprawled out naked on my bed, right where she belonged.

  Her nose wrinkled, her lips thinning with distaste.

  “You don’t have to look so disdainful,” I said, my smile tugging up at one corner. “I’ll teach you how to play. If you really hate it after a few games, we can stop. I’ll warn you now, I will win. So don’t let that deter you from enjoying the game.”

  “You’re a little cocky,” she remarked drily, reaching for her queen to examine the exquisitely carved piece. It was worn from age and use, but the quality of craftsmanship was still discernable.

  I pushed aside memories of the days when the set had been brand new. Those were too bittersweet, and I preferred to stay in this moment with Samantha.

  “I’ve been playing for years, and it’s an impossibility for a new player to beat someone with my kind of experience.”

  “Who says I don’t know how to play?” she challenged. “They do have online chess, you know. I’ve dabbled. I know the rules, even if I do find it boring.”

  I grinned, perhaps a bit sharply. “Knowing the rules won’t prepare you for playing against me, but it will certainly make these first few games more interesting. How advanced are you? Who taught you how to play?”

  “An online tutorial taught me how to play. I get the rules and know some trickier strategies. I pick things up quickly.”

  I shook my head. “A tutorial isn’t going to prepare you for playing against me, but show me what you know, and we’ll go from there.”

  Her full lips twisted in a frown. “Why bother playing chess with someone when you think they won’t be able to beat you?”

  “Because I believe you will be able to challenge me, just not in the first few games. Or even the first dozen.”

  Her eyes narrowed, considering me with irritation. After a moment, her attention returned to the chess pieces, examining them. “How long have you been playing?”

  Any tension I might have felt over her exasperation with me melted back into amusement. My clever captive wanted to size me up as her opponent.

  I picked up one of my knights, not realizing that I was tracing the contours of the well-worn piece. As a child, my sister had loved the design of the black knights in this set. She’d preferred to take the slight disadvantage of playing black for that very reason. She’d also claimed she was a better player, and I could use all the help I could get. Valentina always had been a clever girl, and she’d loved to tease me.

  “This was my first chess set. I got it for my tenth birthday,” I told Samantha. “That’s when Abuela taught me how to play.”


  The fond memories of my childhood turned bitter as I returned to the present. That life had belonged to a different person, a naïve boy who’d thought he could hide from his responsibilities.

  “My grandmother,” I explained shortly, not offering any further information. I never talked about my family. Cristian was my only family now, and I definitely didn’t want to talk about him with Samantha.

  “Oh.” She shifted, her fingers knotting at her lap as her anxiety rose.

  I placed my knight back on the board and focused on her again. “White goes first,” I prompted.

  She flipped her fiery hair over her shoulder. “I know.”

  She immediately moved her pawn from E2 to E4. The way her eyes sparked and her decisive movements let me know she already had a plan in mind. She’d claimed she’d learned to play chess online, and it seemed my smart Samantha had done her research. This wasn’t the hesitant, random opening move of a complete newbie.

  I narrowed down her possible strategies and made my countermove.

  Then, my naughty gatita decided to try to deceive me. She cocked her head to the side, biting her lip in an uncharacteristic show of confusion. I noted that her fingertips tapped against her thigh, betraying her excited anticipation.

  I smothered my amusement, deciding I’d prefer to watch her play her little game. She really was adorable in her innocent attempt at misdirection. She couldn’t lie convincingly, no matter how hard she tried.

  She moved slowly as she placed her bishop on C4, obviously trying to make it look like she was uncertain.

  Her choice revealed her full strategy, and I knew exactly how to block her.

  Instead, I let her stew in silence, pretending to study the board for a full two minutes before making my move. The longer I waited, the more palpable her excitement became. She practically vibrated with it by the time I completed my turn. Pleasure unfurled in my chest. There was something almost childlike about her, despite her sensual appeal. That sense of innocence called to me. I wanted it for myself. I wanted to cage it and keep it for my own.

  She didn’t bother to hold back when she moved to attack my pawn. A triumphant grin illuminated her pale features as she clicked her queen down on the board.

  I no longer bothered to hold back my grin. Observing her attempt to deceive me had been amusing, but taking her by surprise after my own ruse was even more gratifying. I might covet her innocence, but I reveled in conquering her.

  “Scholar’s Mate,” I observed. “I’m impressed. You did study properly, cosita.”

  I moved my knight to F6, blocking her.

  “Now, we can play,” I declared.

  “When did you realize my strategy?” she asked, a small pout plumping her lips.

  “I suspected on your first move. I knew by the second.”

  “But you didn’t try to stop me.”

  “You were so cute, trying to fool me. I thought I’d let it play out for a few moves. You’re not capable of lying to me, Samantha. You can’t play dumb with me, either. I know you better than that.”

  Her cheeks colored, and her pout curved into a small smile. “Who do you play with?”

  “Believe it or not, I do play online mostly. There’s not
anyone here I’m interested in playing against. It doesn’t compare to sitting across from your opponent, though. Studying you is part of the game.” I could sit and study her all day, and I was sure she’d still find new ways to surprise me.

  “You play online? I thought you only got on your laptop to work. There’s like, no technology in this penthouse. I never even see you with a phone.”

  “I don’t like to be easily reached once I come home,” I replied honestly. “This is my space. And if you’re worrying that I’m wasting my time playing chess while you’re tied up, don’t.” I recalled all the nights I’d suspended her in my ropes, so I could idly admire her while I worked at my desk. She really was a terrible distraction, moaning and sighing while I tried to focus on my laptop.

  My voice dropped deeper. “I’d much rather play games with you. I really am taking care of my business in the evenings. This is the first time I’ve played a game in weeks. Don’t be too disappointed when I win this game,” I added. “I really am impressed with your knowledge of chess. But I’ve known Scholar’s Mate for years. Valentina beat me with it half a dozen times before I caught on.”

  “Who’s Valentina?” Her lips twisted around the feminine name.

  I didn’t have a chance to parse out the meaning of her expression. My dark emotions shut down my curiosity. “My sister,” I replied tersely.

  Her shoulders slumped. “I’m sorry.” She hesitated for a moment, then spoke tentatively. “You lost her?”

  “Yes,” I bit out. “I lost her.”


  “It’s your move.”

  I hadn’t spoken Valentina’s name aloud in years. Why had I mentioned her to Samantha? And Abuela? They were my past, and I kept them buried there.

  Samantha didn’t pry any more. Instead, she returned most of her focus to the game. But she wasn’t really paying attention, because I managed to beat her in a few coldly calculated moves.

  “Can we play again?” she asked timidly.


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