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Selling the Yellow Jersey

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by Eric Reed

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  b i b l i o g r a p h y


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  b i b l i o g r a p h y

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  Abran, Georges, 27

  Americanization debate, 54, 55, 58 – 59, 208n7

  Abt, Samuel, 146

  Amgen sponsorship, 165 – 66

  advertising and publicity: Amaury- initiated

  Anderson, Benedict, 202n8

  changes, 163 – 64; Americanization argument,

  Anderson, Phil, 178

  54, 58 – 59; broadcast media beginnings, 56,

  Anglade, Henri, 96, 174

  57, 58; clandestine type, 41, 63, 74 – 75; French

  Anquetil, Jacques: autobiography, 97; contracts /

  spending statistics, 74; Goddet’s resistance, 54;

  earnings, 66, 80, 91; in drug use debate, 108,

  Goddet’s staff, 70; in newspapers, 21, 35 – 37, 40,

  174 – 75, 195; international print coverage,

  68, 89 – 90; public opinion, 80 – 81. See also cor-

  169 – 72, 173, 174 – 76; manager of, 96; public

  porate sponsorships entries; publicity caravans

  persona, 90, 100 – 104, 106, 149; retirement

  agents, rise of, 96

  activity, 106, 174 – 75

  Agliano, Remo d’, 177– 78

  Anquetil, Janine, 101, 104, 172

  agriculture, France: Brest area, 120 – 21, 123; Brit-

  antihero persona. See Anquetil, Jacques

  tany’s artichoke production, 121, 123, 124, 218n57,

  Antoine, Jean, 54 – 55

  218n64; landowner statistics, 106, 215n91

  Appadurai, Arjun, 221n4

  Aimar, Lucien, 172

  Argentinian riders, 44

  A.I.O.C.C. (Association Internationale des Organ-

  Armstrong, Lance, 168 – 69, 182 – 90, 192, 195

  isateurs de Courses Cyclistes), 65 – 66, 210n75

  Arrighi, Giovanni, 201n5

  air time, statistics, 60, 199, 209n42

  artichoke production /confl ict, Brittany, 121, 123,

  Albert de la Bruhèze, Adri, 204n48

  124, 218n57, 218n64

  Alborghetti, Mario, 134

  Asia, early bicycling history, 18 – 19. See also Japan

  alcohol industry, 41, 80, 90

  Association Internationale des Organisateurs de

  Alcyon sponsorship, 36, 37, 39, 48, 86, 89

  Courses Cyclistes (A.I.O.C.C.), 65 – 66, 210n75

  Algeria, 11, 17, 44

  Astana team, 189, 190

  Alleluia sponsorship, 37, 87

  attire debates, in bicycling history, 14, 24

  Alps, addition to Tour, 30. See also mountain

  Australia, 44, 45 – 48, 177, 178, 204n3
5, 207n88


  Austrian riders, 44

  Alsace, 33, 112

  autobiographies, image- making value, 94 – 96,

  Altig, Rudi, 172

  97, 101

  Amaury, Émilien, 75

  Automobile Club Basco- Béarnais, 131. See also

  Amaury, Philippe, 161

  Grand Prix de Pau

  Amaury Group, 75 – 76, 78, 161– 63, 165 – 66

  automobile industry: and bicycle sales, 17– 18, 62;

  Amaury Sports Organization (A.S.O.), 163

  promotion strategies, 36 – 37; races, 20, 77, 131,

  America, Tour of, 154 – 57, 161

  134; support of Tours, 74 – 75, 155, 165

  American Flyers, 153

  Automoto team, 38


  i n d e x

  Bahamontes, Federico, 146

  Brissonneau, Christophe, 191

  Ballon d’Alsace, 23, 30

  Britain: imperialism and sporting culture,

  Banque Nationale de Paris (B.N.P.), 77– 78

  11– 12; Pau presence, 128 – 29; soccer match

  Bartali, Gino, 94 – 95, 104 – 5

  attendance, 151; television broadcasting, 57, 149;

  Barthes, Roland, 97, 147

  television ownership, 55; Tour hosting, 123 – 24;

  Basco- Béarnais club, 131. See also Grand Prix

  Tour participation, 177

  de Pau

  British Petroleum, 63 – 64, 91

  baseball: attendance statistics, 151, 222n53; global

  Brittany culture. See Brest entries

  patterns, 12, 17, 203n21, 204n45; journalism’s

  broadcast media, French evolution, 55 – 58, 60 – 61.

  language for, 10, 203n6; Mantle- Anquetil com-

  See also radio coverage; television entries

  parison, 170; television broadcasting, 151– 52

  Brogan, Patrick, 146

  Bassons, Christophe, 186 – 88, 192

  Bruyneel, Johan, 184

  Bayard- Clément factories, France, 20

  Buchwald, Art, 218n64

  BBC, Tour coverage, 149

  budgets. See fi nancing /budgets, Tour de France

  Beaupuis, René, 69 – 70

  Buffet, Marie- George, 190

  Belgium, xv, 15, 38, 44, 66, 179, 183

  Burton, Tim, 153

  Berlin, Tour hosting, 161

  Berrendero, Julián, photo section

  Caen, 29, 110, 207n62

  Bertho- Lavenir, Catherine, 216n20

  California, Tour of, 166

  Besançon, addition to Tour, 29

  Calvet, Jacques, 79 – 80

  Bic team, 91

  Camellini, Fermo, photo section

  La Bicyclette, 21

  Campos, Christophe, 112

  bicycling history, overview: international com-

  Canada, transcontinental race, 44

  monalities, 9 – 16; local context impact, 16 – 19,

  Canal Plus, 150

  204n48; print media’s role, 19 – 21; professional-

  Canberra Times, 47

  ization beginnings, 15 – 16, 21– 22

  Carenso, Jean- Pierre, 162, 163

  Bidot, Marcel, 86

  Carmichael, Chris, 184

  Bijon, Councilor, 131

  cartoon portrayals, Tour de France, 28 – 29f

  biological passport system, drug testing, 190

  Casassus, Paul, 132

  Bitterman, Jim, 180

  Cassidy, Shaun, 152 – 53

  Blaye, publicity van description, 144 – 45

  Castro, Fidel, 17, 204n45

  Blondin, Antoine, 84

  CBS television, 149, 155, 156

  bloomer craze, 14. See also attire debates, in

  celebrity aspect, overview, 6 – 7. See also hero

  bicycling history


  Bobet, Jean, 62, 82

  Chadwick, Henry, 203n6

  Bobet, Louison: autobiography, 82, 95; back-

  Champion sponsorship, 164 – 65, 223n85

  ground, 82, 85, 87; Brest promotion, 122; earn-

  Chany, Pierre, 84

  ings, 91; hero status explanation, 149; personal

  Chapatte, Robert, 139

  manager, 96; retirement, 66, 106, 107; Stella

  cheating episodes, 23, 27– 28, 45, 97. See also drug

  sponsorship, 90; win record, 82


  Bordeaux, in fi rst Tour, 26

  Chicago Tribune, 148, 175

  Bordeaux – Paris race, 16, 21, 25, 76

  China, 19, 159

  Bourvil, photo section

  Chirac, Jacques, 139

  box score, baseball’s, 10, 203n6

  Christian Science Monitor, 175

  Boyer, Jonathan, 148 – 49, 155 – 56, 157, 177– 78

  Christophe, Eugène, 32 – 33, 146

  Boyer, Winston, 177– 78

  Chupin, Mayor (Brest), 118, 119

  Brambilla, Pierre, 53, 146

  cigarette advertising, 90

  Breaking Away, 152 – 53, 179

  Cimino, Michael, 153

  Brest: economic challenges, 120 – 21; reconstruc-

  cinema culture, French infl uence, 4 – 5, 83, 167

  tion activities, 117– 19; tourism promotion,

  Circuit de Champagne, 87

  115 – 16, 120, 125 – 26, 217nn28 – 29

  Circuit de l’Ouest, 84 – 85, 87, 114

  Brest, Tour hosting: overview, 5, 111, 116 – 17,

  Circuit of France, 51

  126 – 27, 138; before World War II, 111– 16; after

  civil engineering corps, logistics support, 73

  World War II, 118 – 26, 218n68

  clandestine advertising, 41, 63, 74 – 75

  Briquet, Georges, 135

  “Clara” tale, 13 – 14

  i n d e x


  Clarke, Jackie, 208n7

  also advertising and publicity; commercializa-

  class dynamics: in Desgrange’s vision, 93 – 94; in

  tion processes, overviews; Crédit Lyonnais;

  early sports history, 14, 17; Pau tourism, 128 –

  Peugeot; publicity caravans

  29, 219n97; Tour’s symbolism, 22, 93. See also

  corporate sponsorships, US racing, 153 – 54, 157–

  peasant character persona

  59, 181– 82

  Clément, Adolphe, 24, 25

  Costner, Kevin, 153

  Clerc, Patrice, 189

  costs: bicycles, 13, 20, 37; cycling teams, 62;

  Cloarec, Pierre, 87

  newspaper operations, 68. See also fi nancing /

  clubs, cycling, 83 – 88

  budgets, Tour de France; subventions, host

  CNN, Armstrong coverage, 182


  Coca- Cola sponsorship, 164, 165, 166, 223n85,

  Courcol, Jean- Pierre, 162, 163


  crashes, 32 – 33, 46, 99, 134, 144, photo section

  Cofi dis team, 184

  Crédit Lyonnais, 76 – 79, 80 – 81, 85, 164 – 65, 166,

  Cointreau promotion, L’Auto, 40

  212n135, 223

  col de la Croix de Fer, 144

  Critérium du Dauphiné Libéré, 65

  col du Galibier climbs, 144, 185

  Critérium International, 163

  col du Puymorens, photo section

  Critérium National, 65

  col du Tourmalet, photo section

  Croix de Fer climb, 144

  Colette, 8

  Cuba, 12, 17, 203n21, 204n45

  collusion practices, Desgrange’s rules, 26, 27, 38

  cuisine, French infl uence, 4, 83, 166 – 67

  commercialization processes, overviews, 35 – 37,

  Cyclisme Magazine, 106

  53 – 54, 79 – 81, 88 – 93. See also advertising and

nbsp; Cyclo- Club Rennais, 87

  publicity; corporate sponsorships entries;

  publicity caravans

  Daley, Robert, 134, 143, 146, 149, 170, 171, 172

  commissaire général, logistics management, 69 –

  Dallas Morning News, 184

  70, 71– 72

  Darras, Christian, 91

  common language factor, baseball, 10

  Darrigade, André, 96

  community identity, role of print media, 10 – 11,

  Dauncey, Hugh, 19, 100, 226n70


  Debray, Pierre, 80

  Compagnie Parisienne, 15

  de Las Cuevas, Armand, 182

  competitive cycling, emergence, 14 – 15, 19, 43 – 44

  Delgado (cyclist), 183

  Conmy, Jack, 159

  democratization and bicycles, 13

  consumerism. See advertising and publicity; com-

  Denmark, 18, 44, 177, 183, 194

  mercialization processes, overviews

  Derieux, Luc, 77

  Contador, Alberto, 189, 190, 191, 192, 194 – 95,

  Derrigade, André, 97

  photo section

  Desbordes, Michel, 220n136

  contracts. See salaries /contracts, cyclists

  Desgrange, Henri: automobile races, 36; back-

  Coors Classic, 153 – 54, 178, 222n57

  ground, 24; death, 51; New York Times cover-

  Coors- Z team, 181

  age, 48; political orientation, 24 – 25

  Coppi, Bruna, 95, 107

  Desgrange, Henri (and Tour de France): Brest

  Coppi, Fausto: and Anquetil, 101, 215n78; in Brest

  disputes, 114; creation of, 25 – 26; cultural vi-

  promotion, 119; death, 104, 105; mountain

  sions, 93 – 94, 112; fi nancing strategies, 39 – 40;

  climb style, 170 – 71; personal manager, 96;

  management style, 68; problems during fi rst

  public persona, 94 – 95, 105, 107, photo section;

  two races, 27, 28; radio coverage, 56; rider

  speed record, 101

  confl icts, 33, 34 – 35. See also itinerary and rider

  Cornet, Henri, 28

  rules, Tour de France; L’Auto

  corporate sponsorships, Tour de France: bicycle

  deterritorialization process, defi ned, 3, 202n8

  industry era, 35 – 38; business classifi cations

  Deutschlandtour, 44

  listed, 198; cyclist demands, 171– 72; Desgrange’s

  De Waele, Maurice, 38

  changes, 38 – 39; drug use impact, 194; Goddet’s

  Dewas, Jean, 70

  rule changes, 74, 212nn116 – 17; international

  Dietschy, Paul, 221n6

  share, 45 – 46, 160 – 61, 223n83, 223n85; Lévitan-

  Digne, Tour hosting, 220n136

  initiated changes, 164 – 65, 224n106; opposition


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