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The Death of a Celebrity Chef

Page 22

by Kee Patterbee

  “She’s controlling the situation,” Cate noted. “Clever girl.”

  Never losing her gaze, Xabiere cleared his throat. “Why did you bring me here?”

  Jazlyn let her grasp slip until she held his hands. She lifted them to her face and kissed them. “It took me a while to figure it all out.” Pausing, she added, “What you did.”

  Xabiere took a quick step back and jerked his hands away. His stance became defensive.

  From upstairs, Cate called out the visuals as the others listened. “Under control,” she reassured.

  Although hesitant, Xabiere listened to Jazlyn’s every word. She assured him of her new found commitment to him.

  “It upset me at first,” she confessed. “I became hurt and angry. She was my aunt after all.”

  Jazlyn approached him again, arm extended. With hesitation, he reached out to her. They locked hands but stood apart.

  “Just knowing what you did...” She squeezed her hand tight and lured him toward her. “Did you do this for me? To help me? To bring me back to you?”

  Xabiere took a cautious step forward. “Yes,” he issued in a low tone. “I didn’t mean to…”

  Jazlyn stepped forward and put her finger across his lips. “Shh,” she quietened. “It doesn’t matter. It brought me around and back to where I needed to be.” She leaned forward once again and embraced him. Though he could not see, once again she grimaced from the pain as she did so. “Is that why you killed her?”

  “For you.” He let go and moved back. “For us.”

  From the security room, Cate called out in an anxious voice. “Will that do? She’s in pain.”

  From the garage, Hannah, Louie, Buster, and Jonas were ready to go, but Hymn shook his head, held out his hand and kept everyone at bay. “Not yet. It has to be absolute. No doubt.”

  Jazlyn let go and pushed Xabiere away. He stepped toward her, arms reaching. Jazlyn moved around the gazebo’s inner side. She came to a stop beside Vera. Both now stood in the shadows.

  Xabiere had followed Jazlyn’s movement around, but now stood motionless before the two women. There was a pause.

  “I haven’t been myself since the fire.” Jazlyn let her tone go low. “It’s like someone called to me.”

  Hannah listened and held her breath. Her whole plan, odd though it was, depended on the gullibility and mental status of Xabiere. She was sure he was on the edge. All his recent actions and behaviors suggested a man about to cross the line between sanity and insanity. She could tell that line was, at present, blurred to him. But was it enough to make him fall into this charade? A trick of light, shadow, and mind? Jazlyn was the consummate actress, but would he go for it? Hannah prayed so.

  Xabiere stepped back half mumbling. “No.”

  “I’m sorry Asa kept us apart.” Jazlyn again reached out. With little hesitation, Vera mirrored her movement.

  “Is that why you did this to me?” Both Vera and Jazlyn responded in near perfect unison.

  They practiced this, thought Hannah as she listened in.

  “No!”. Xabiere assumed a horrified yet pleading expression. “Because I loved you. Love you. I… I…” Turning to run in a blind panic, he slammed against the post into which he had pushed Julia. Hitting the ground, blood erupted from his nose, and the cuts on his cheek and brow. He rolled over to see Vera step out of the shadow and into the little light that showed from the reflecting stars on the lake.

  “Julia,” he uttered in absolute terror. He scrambled toward the gazebo exit, but Jazlyn stepped between him and his pathway. Now, caught between what appeared to him as his two loves and victims, he began flailing about. “No. No. No. I killed you! You can’t do this to me. I did this to you!”

  Wiping the blood from his face, he flung it in Vera’s direction. The warm droplets landed across Vera’s face. She did not flinch. Instead, she raised a pointed finger. “Why, William? Tell me why?”

  “Because of him. You loved me, not him, but you stayed with him. And wouldn’t come back to me. All you wanted was your money, fame, and show. I was there beside you, within arm’s reach, always. But you paid more attention to her. Not me…”

  Xabiere’s voice trailed off. “Her… Vera…” He shook his head as if trying to clear the image before him.

  From the garage, Hannah listened with anticipation. “He’s cracking. Don’t we have enough?” Hymn called Cate and asked if it had recorded. Casey confirmed. Finally, Hymn made the call. “Let’s go, but be quiet.” Hannah and the men exited the garage and walked toward the gazebo, Critic following along.

  In the gazebo, Xabiere turned between Jazlyn, who blocked him, and Vera, who stood behind him. He mumbled and rambled. “Even when he brought his niece into your house, I wanted them to be you. I didn’t mean to.”

  He walked to the bloody post and drug his hand down it. “Did it hurt?” His tone was almost apologetic.

  “The water was cold.” Vera shuffled a bit. “Why’d you put me there?”

  Xabiere stiffened, eyes remaining on the post. “So, no one would find out. You came when I called. I told you I was afraid to come in, remember. Afraid of him. So, you came outside to get the information. It was cold. You had that coat on. His coat. He was still keeping you warm. This covering.” He thumbed the sleeve on the article he wore. “I wasn’t the mole. I kept everything to myself. It was Tim. I would never betray you.”

  Jazlyn watched Xabiere unravel in a dazed, confused manner. Hearing Hannah and the men approaching, she put her hand back, signaling them to hold off. Cate coached her through an earpiece and encouraged her to get as much of his confession as possible. She complied without hesitation.

  By this time, Xabiere had crossed the tipping point. He wept through his words as he leaned in and hugged the post. Everyone who was listening felt some pity. “I had to,” he confessed. “It was an accident. You…” He turned to look at Vera. “Why couldn’t you love me?” He yelled as his whole body shook. “You kept telling me no. No. No! NO!”

  Both Vera and Jazlyn watched as his imagination replayed the events through pantomime. As his actions played out, he tried to kiss Julia, and she pushed him away. He grabbed her by the neck and slammed her into the post. He carried through by kneeling beside her and kissing her goodbye as he cradled her non-present body while sobbing.

  Having seen enough, Jazlyn motioned for the others to approach. Stepping into the gazebo, Hymn placed his hand over his holster. Seeing him, Xabiere rose to his feet. He looked around at everyone. A mixture of terror, panic, rage, and desperation ran the gamut on his face. He let out a terrifying roar that gave everyone pause. Seizing the moment, he jumped over the rail of the gazebo and landed at the water’s edge. He made his way onto the bank and scrambled toward the side of the house where he had first made his way.

  Louie, who was behind the rest, now found himself first in place to react. He started after Xabiere on foot with Jonas, Walker, and Buster behind. Hannah made for the other side of the house. Seeing her, Hymn followed after. She lost sight of everyone as she rounded the rear corner. Around the corner to the front, she saw Xabiere running blind. The men were just behind with Walker ahead, Buster next, and Louie trailing. Critic led the pack.

  Seeing Hannah, Xabiere bolted in her direction as Hymn turned the corner behind. Pulling a gun from inside his coat pocket, Xabiere got within a few feet of her and shot. She ducked to the ground as the round burrowed into something. She heard Louie yell, “Take!” Critic bounded forward, knocked Xabiere to the ground with force, and clamped down on his arm. The gun tumbled away as she heard a voice sound off in pain, “Unnnhhhh.” Hannah raised her head to see Critic jerking at Xabiere, twisting and pulling on the sleeve of his coat.

  He screamed in a horrified voice, “Get him off,” something Louie apparently hesitated to do. Finally, she heard him say, “Heel,” and Critic let go. The hound sat beside Xabiere, staring. The man curled up into a ball and clutched his knees. He sobbed once more.

  It was at this m
oment Hannah thought to glance back. Hymn lay on the ground. “HYMN!” she cried out. She scrambled to her feet and made her way back to where he lay. Reaching him, she found blood flowing from his thigh. Although she wanted to say something, nothing came forth. Hymn blinked and looked up at her. “Are you always this hard on all your dates?”

  At a loss for words, she looked up and around at everyone. Jonas and Walker handcuffed Xabiere, who still struggled against them. Louie, Buster and Critic made their way over to where she was. Cate and Casey were departing the garage, running in their direction. Unexplainable tears erupted from her eyes. She wiped them away as she shook her head. She leaned over and placed her head on his chest.

  Less than thirty minutes later, paramedics and police were well into working the site. Xabiere’s rambling state warranted an ambulance, restraints, and a ride to Zebulon Memorial. A general admittance to the psychiatric ward was to follow. All grew quiet as they loaded Xabiere. “Julia,” echoed as the doors closed. Seconds later, with sirens wailing, the ambulance pulled away.

  Hannah stayed by Hymn as a second set of paramedics prepped him for transport to the hospital. “How bad is it?”

  The older of the two medics continued to work with Hymn. “Not for us to say.”

  “I’ll live.” Hymn answered, though there was a detectable amount of pain and stress in his voice.

  Cate looked on and grinned. “Drama king.”

  Standing beside Hannah, she surveyed the scene. Officer Glenn talked to Jonas and Walker. Casey talked with Jazlyn. Louie stood next to Vera. Officer Pepper filled out paperwork with Buster.

  Seeing this, Cate, who stood by Hannah, commented, “So maybe he’ll marry into law.” She excused herself and stepped away to talk to Louie and Vera.

  As they lifted his stretcher into the ambulance, Hymn restated his question, all the while giving a smile though somewhat painfully. “You never answered my question.”

  Hannah squeezed his hand.

  “You call this a date?”

  “What would you call it?”

  Looking around at everyone broken off into groups. “A beginning.”

  Can you help me out?

  I really appreciate your comments. Click on the picture or Search for me on Amazon Kee Patterbee.

  Can I tell you a new story? A Mystery to be exact ,

  My Story is where you want to plug in. Click the “My Story” link to go straight to the place.


  Sitting in Hoolie’s Burgers, Fries, and All That, Hannah and Hymn chatted over a bowl filled with fried okra.

  “I’m starting to like the fact that you have that plane.”

  “It does come in handy. I’m taking it up to The International Culinary Festival next month. Care to join?”

  In his best flirty voice, Hymn answered, “Ooh, Ms. Starvling. Are you trying to get me all to yourself?”

  Hannah shifted her body. “Actually, my grandparents are coming along.”

  Hymn made a curious, considering face. “Hmm, meeting the grandparents, hmm…”

  Looking over to Hannah, he could see the embarrassment on her face. The whole invitation now sounded different from what she had intended. Her expression of internal horror and conflict amused him, but he repressed the urge to laugh out loud.

  “Oh, is that too soon? I didn’t mean—”

  Hymn interrupted her before she exploded out of mortification.

  “I’m teasing you. I’d love to. That is, if they’ll let me.” He pointed to the brace supporting his leg.

  It had been over six weeks and he was healing. But the doctors told him he would likely use a cane for the rest of his life, something he had yet to break to this amazing and stunning woman. Almost every weekend since the shooting, she had been with him. Their romance was progressing in his mind and he did not want to do anything to jeopardize it.

  “Thanks for being there for me.” Hymn reached out to take Hannah’s hand. “And I never thanked you for busting me out of the hospital. I appreciate it.”

  Hannah gave a warm smile. “You are more than welcome, but I didn’t bust you out. You were released. Besides, Ed was there too, remember?” Her smile turned to a grin. “But I suppose I did play my part. So, what do I get as a reward?”

  “How about…” Hymn looked around and grabbed the bowl of okra, “The popcorn of the south.”

  Hannah frowned, “It’s a free appetizer.” She popped a piece into her mouth and chewed. “But it is amazing.” She grabbed another piece and chowed down on it.

  Hymn smiled. “Told you. Hoolie’s is awesome. I’ve been coming here for years.”

  A large, black male placed a plate before Hannah. It had a huge cheeseburger and a massive pile of onion rings. “He practically lived here as a child. It’s how we met. So, you are the lady Hymn’s been going on about.”

  Hannah looked up at the man. He was at least 6’4”, if not larger, with graying black hair and beard and big, friendly eyes and a smile that could light the world.

  “Hannah, meet William Langston Hooligan, otherwise known as Hoo To.”

  “Only to you, knot-head.” He offered a hand to Hannah. “Pleasure to meet you. Friends call me Will.”

  He and Hannah shook hands. Hannah grabbed an onion ring. “Pleasure’s all mine, and by the way, this okra. Amazing. I’d like to include the recipe in the book I’m working on about southern diner food.”

  “Sounds good. I’ll get you the recipe.”

  Hannah took a bite of the onion ring. Her eyes grew wide with pleasure. “And these rings. Dear Lord, these are fantastic.”

  Will laughed. “All right. Onion rings, too.”

  “We definitely need to talk. I might do a whole section on this place.” Eyeing the burger, she added, “Maybe a book.”

  Will chuckled again and looked at Hymn. “I like this one, so keep her.” He turned to walk away, but called back, “And you were right. She is fine.”

  Swallowing down the bite she had taken from the burger, Hannah grinned. “I’m fine?”

  “Actually, I said beautiful,” Hymn admitted, “but fine works.”

  “I can live with that.”

  Hymn’s face became serious. “So, how’s Cate?”

  Hannah set her burger down. “She’s doing okay. Dealing with it. The first couple of days were rough. We did a lot of late night talking, but the surgery went better than expected. No chemo. No radiation. Checkups every six months for the next few years.”

  Hymn nodded. “It’s good that she has family, and you. When Mom had cancer, it was a struggle.” The pain of the memory showed on his face.

  Watching his sadness almost broke Hannah’s heart. She was troubled by his loss, yet grateful her friend had avoided the same fate, at least for now.

  “But something good did come from it.” Hannah’s face brightened.

  Through a puzzled expression, Hymn questioned in silence.

  “All through high school and college, she dated this guy, Alvin Hayes, but it didn’t work out for various reasons. Anyway, he took a job in Washington, and Cate stayed in Twilight. So, they parted ways. But when she went in to have surgery, she ran into him again. His dad was being treated for cancer too. Well, long story short, he’s moving back, and he’s pretty much been by her side every day since.”

  “Glad to hear it. She’s a fine lady.” Hymn took a bite of his burger. “Buster would have liked these. Speaking of which, how’d he take the news?”

  “He was furious that she didn’t tell him, but she knew if she did, he wouldn’t have left. He’ll be back soon, anyway. He got a part in a horror movie that’s shooting here.”

  Both took bites of their food. There was a moment of silence. Hymn broke it with a question. “Louie and Vera. Heard from them?”

  Gesturing while holding an onion ring, Hannah answered, “Yeah, I have. They’re fine. Louie’s taking some vacation time to spend with Vera. Vera’s still getting used to having a second father. They’re both in Paris meet
ing her adoptive parents, and Louie’s taken a shine to her mother’s sister.”

  Hymn drew his brow down, but gave a smile. “Sounds like he’s finally moved on, but man, I’d hate to see Vera’s therapy bills.”

  “Well, now she can at least afford them. Asa isn’t going to fight the will. In fact, he’s sort of embracing the situation. She’ll be sitting on the board of Karas Inc. when she gets back, not just the culinary wing. So, Jazlyn’s continuing with the show.”

  “Which I caught, by the way. She owned it. She’s a good transition from Julia.”

  Hannah tapped the table excitedly. “Oh, one other thing. After all the drama, a producer latched onto the idea of making a film about Julia’s struggles. So, who knows, you may be captured in all your glory on screen soon.”

  “Great.” Hymn frowned hard. “Just what I need. Some Hollywood wannabe playing me.”

  “Well, you never know. They might get Silas Connor or someone like that.”

  Considering the possibility, he was not that displeased with the thought. “I suppose. I guess this case had a near perfect ending, under the circumstances.”

  Hannah half agreed with a slight nod. “Near,” she added. There was another long silence before Hannah finished off the last of her food. “So, Xabiere.”

  Hymn cocked his head. “Been waiting on that. It’ll likely be a judgment of incompetent to stand trial, at least at the present time. He may recover enough at some point to face trial, but it’ll be a long time coming.”

  Hymn could tell by Hannah’s expression she was not pleased with the news, but he could do little about it. He was not a man to be dishonest for any reason, and he was not going to start with the woman who sat before him.

  “But he is a mess, so it’s not unexpected. I was closing out some aspects of the case the other day, so I checked with the doctors on the ward. They’ve listed his behavior as a combination of obsessive love disorder, fixation, and transference.”


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