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Mafia Princess

Page 20

by S. J. Smith

  "Do you want me to talk to his father?"

  "Oh God, no! I was just wondering if you could be really nice to Luc tonight when he comes to dinner. I remember how you got when I was dating Marty, and yes Luc is smarter than Marty, but that's beside the point." Alexis thought about the last time she'd brought a boy home for dinner. Her dad had started showing him photos of his paper target from the last time they went to the archery range. Marty had just laughed and congratulated her dad on his tight grouping, completely missing the thinly veiled threat.

  "Mmm, he wasn't my favourite,” he mused, remembering when he’d had to hold back from calling him a moronic string bean. “I promise I'll be nice."

  "Thank you daddy, I love you," and with that, Alexis instantly perked up, blowing her dad a kiss before practically skipping from the room.

  Chapter 24

  "What's this I hear about you not wanting our kids to date?"

  "I meant no disrespect."

  "Really? Because the way it looks is that you don't think my Alexis is good enough for your son."

  "No! No, that's not it at all."

  "Then what exactly is it."

  "Clare is past the point of becoming involved, she's got a career. I'd hoped that Lucas would be the same way, stay in the dark about what my job really is and one day forge his own path completely separate to mine. But then he met your daughter and... I don’t want him following in my footsteps."

  "Are you unhappy with your position within the Family?"

  "Tony please don't misunderstand me. We've been friends for a very long time. This job, what I do, it's who I am. But... this life, the things we see, I don't want that for my boy, for either of my kids."

  "What makes you think that Lucas is going to be drawn into this?"

  "With all due respect, Alexis is your daughter."

  "And you think that because she's my daughter, that automatically means that she's going to become involved with the Family." It was a statement of fact more than a question.

  "Well isn't she?"

  "Not if I can help it Andrew." He let his friend think over his words for a few moments. "Now why don't you just let the kids be happy. They're young, who knows if they'll even last the year."


  "Let me put it this way, if our kids are anything like us then they're going to do what they want and be together whether we like it or not, and it'll be a lot easier to keep an eye on them, make sure they're safe, if they're not having to hide their relationship. Don't you think?" Tony interrupted before Andrew could make any more arguments.

  Andrew just nodded silently.

  The message was clear.

  He wouldn't interfere.


  When Alexis walked Lucas downstairs the last thing either of them were expecting to see was both of their dads walking out of her father's office.



  Both men turned towards the staircase where their kids stood confused.

  "You didn't have to come inside, I was just on my way out," Lucas almost sounded embarrassed.

  "Don't be silly, I was going to meet Alexis' dad sooner or later."

  "Yeah, we had a great chat just now."

  Alexis didn't miss the briefest of nods that her dad sent her way. He had sorted it out. Looking over at Lucas, Alexis saw his eyes narrowing slightly at what was unfolding in front of them. He was suspicious, which was understandable considering the conversation he'd had with his dad the night before.

  "Right, well, we'll let you kids say goodnight, hands where I can see them son."

  Now it was her turn to be embarrassed by her father. With her face flaming Alexis grabbed Lucas' hand and led him to the front door.

  "I'm so sorry, my dad can be so embarrassing when he wants to be," Alexis buried her face in Lucas' chest, his arms coming up to wrap around her.

  "Lex, it's okay. Seriously. Your dad is cool, I like him. I'm also fully aware that he will kill me if I hurt you, but we all know that you'll do more damage to me first."

  She could feel his mouth curve into a smile against her hair.


  "Did you know?"

  "Know what sweetheart?" Tony asked, looking up from the paperwork scattered across his desk.

  "Did you know when we talked this afternoon that Andrew Peters was Lucas' dad?"

  Tony thought back to their discussion that afternoon. Honestly when he had agreed to fix things, he hadn't known that the man he needed to sort things out with was his head of security.

  "Did you know that Lucas is the spitting image of his dad when he was in high school?"

  He could see that Alexis was about to tell him off for answering a question with a question, until she realised that his question was an answer. Just not the one she had been expecting.

  "You've known him that long?"

  "I have. We became friends in high school. He helped me out a few scraps, so I gave him a job. Then when he proved his loyalty to the Family, I gave him another one." He could practically see the clogs turning in his daughter's head.

  "So he's a made man."

  "No. I made the offer once, but he turned me down."


  There was a hint of surprise that he had expected. Being a part of the Family had been his daughter's goal since she found out what he was. She'd never once shied away from it but then he supposed that she'd never really been exposed to the harsher realities of the mafioso. He'd shielded her so well the past few years, ever since she was old enough to truly understand what was going on. Ever since that day she'd snuck into the warehouse.

  "He knew what the consequences were of being a part of the Family. The rewards are high, but so are the risks. For Andrew, the risks outweighed whatever reward he might get. By remaining an associate, he isn't bound by an oath to the Family. He helps us of his own free will, and he can leave whenever he wants."

  "But he's not under our protection."

  Tony fought to control the cringe at the way she said our, as though she were already a part of the Family.

  "You're right in a way. His refusal of the oath means that he's not a made man which in turn means that he and his family are not protected by our code. However, he is also my oldest living friend. I would never leave such a friend unprotected and in case you've forgotten, he is the head of his own security company."

  Alexis was quiet for a moment. He gave her time to absorb what he'd said. Her knowledge of their codes both terrified him and gave him a rush of pride. He had been exposed to this life his entire childhood. There had been no doubt in his mind that he would one day head the Family. When he and Carmen had found out they were pregnant, Tony had daydreamed about teaching his son this way of life.

  Maybe it was that desire alone that qualified him as being a terrible parent. Maybe it was those thoughts that had prompted the universe to take his son away from him, before he even had a chance to live.

  His wife's face had lit up like New Year’s fireworks when he put Alexis in her arms that first time. She'd had to have an emergency c-section and had been unconscious when Tony came into her hospital room with the small bundle of perfection in his arms. It had been the look on her face, that look which had decided Alexis' fate for him. He couldn't allow her to become a part of this circle of violence.

  Every time he thought about it, Tony had to remind himself that he loved his life. All those years learning from his father and uncles, working his way through the lower ranks, earning his button, making the oath. The day he took his father's place was one of the worst days of his life. It was also one of the best. Not wanting to dwell on the memory of his father's death, Tony restarted the conversation with Alexis.

  "So, how's your training with mum going?"

  "Yeah, really good."

  He didn't miss the way she absentmindedly rubbed her right upper arm through her shirt sleeve. Ever since the weekend she'd been wearing tops with long sleeves despite the weather still being quite w

  "Is everything okay?" He watched her face carefully, waiting for any sign that things were amiss.

  "Everything's fine."

  There, a slight hitch in her voice. She'd gotten better at schooling her face into an unreadable mask, but her voice still gave her away every time. He looked her over from across the desk. She looked a bit tired, but then again, she was going to bed late the past few nights. He couldn't see any injuries but she had covered almost every inch of skin.

  "Sweetheart, you'd tell me if something had happened wouldn't you? If anything was wrong?"

  The glint in her eyes was all the answer he needed and it took all the control he had to not explode in rage. She'd gotten better at hiding her emotions, but she wasn't an expert. He had to let her come to him though, if he pushed too hard, she wouldn't tell him anything again.

  "Daddy, with all the training that mum has given me, in the event that something did happen, then I can and would take care of it myself."

  He opened his mouth to object but she cut him off.

  "Besides, what would you do? Put out a hit on a teenager?" The mocking smirk on her lips made Alexis look just like her mother.

  "Fine, but if anyone who isn't a teenager does something to hurt you, then you let me know." An order from father to daughter.

  "Yes, dad. Any one of legal age is fair game for you," she rolled her eyes. She didn't believe that he would do anything. She was wrong.


  He didn't need to know.

  She kept repeating the words to herself with every step she took towards her bedroom. He didn't need to know what Seth had done. What he'd tried to do. Her dad didn't need to know. Besides, she was fine, things could've ended so much worse than they did.

  She was fine.

  Maybe if she kept telling herself that then it would be true.

  Chapter 25

  Lucas didn't know what to think when he got into the car with his dad. He'd been expecting a lecture for sneaking out of the house, granted it had been with his mum's help since his dad had hidden his car keys. However, his dad just asked him questions about dinner.

  "Dad what's with the sudden one-eighty?"

  "What are you talking about?"

  "Last night you wanted me to never see Alexis again, now you're interested, what gives?"

  His mum had told him that she'd tried to reason with his father the night before but nothing had come of their conversation. So Lucas had been sure to be out of the house before his dad got home.

  He knew more about the Angelo Family than his dad gave him credit for. Though it was probably for the best that his dad stayed in the dark about the extent of his knowledge about organised crime families. Lucas had known for years just how involved his own dad was. He was content to let Andrew Peters think that he'd successfully pulled the wool over the eyes of his entire family.

  At least he had been until he met Alexis.

  From the first moment he saw her, Lucas knew that she had the ability to change his world. It could either be for the better or for worse. So far she had made everything better, though he knew the reality of relationships. Something was going to go wrong eventually but he felt like they were strong enough to survive whatever the universe threw at them.

  While Lucas didn't know what Tony Angelo was in regards to the Angelo Family, he had the same suspicions as everyone else. The difference between him and everyone else was that he didn't care what Alexis' father did. He only cared about her. When his own dad had sat on his bed and told him he couldn't see his girlfriend anymore, Lucas had wanted to yell at him that he was a hypocrite.

  But that would've meant admitting that he knew everything from his father's involvement to Alexis'.

  Chapter 26

  When Brennan finally found Seth the first morning back at school, he was ready for a fight. "Did you have sex with Alexis?"


  "Did you have sex with Alexis?"

  "Bren, it's not what you think."

  "Just answer the fucking question Seth!"


  "Bullshit! You've been hiding shit for months and so has she. You're always jealous when some other guy talks to her, even me. Everyone knows Seth. Everyone fucking knows what you did."

  Brennan just glared at Seth as he sputtered to make up some new lie. He'd known that there was something going on. He could never prove it. The way Seth watched Alexis when he thought no one was watching him. The jealousy he saw whenever she was laughing with another guy. He had feelings for her.

  Brennan knew what Seth was like. He knew that Seth would hit on anyone without a Y chromosome. Had he really been stupid enough to think that Seth would not hook up with their friend's ex-girlfriend.

  Not wanting to waste any more time around Seth and his lies, Brennan left. He walked through the school towards the trade centre, anger slowly building inside him.

  With every step he took he thought of another sign he'd missed.

  With every step he wondered how he could've been so stupid.

  With every step he wondered what was wrong with him.

  With every step he hated Alexis and Seth more.

  With every step he wished that Alexis had chosen him.

  Someone called his name when he walked through the trade centre doors. He ignored them. There was a storm going on inside his head and he couldn't think straight. Every new thought joined the haze of old thoughts, all jumbling together until they were nonsensical.

  With every thought he unwittingly brought himself closer to a break down.

  He'd never seen Alexis and Seth together, but that didn't mean they hadn't been.

  Against his better judgement Brennan started wondering about where the two had hooked up. Had it been at school? At parties? His house or hers? Then a memory hit him.

  Their year ten camp the year before had been held on Rottnest Island. One night they'd been hanging out in one of their cabins, and Seth and Alexis had a huge argument. She'd stormed off. He'd run after her. Seth had just sat there on the couch looking both angry and full of regret.

  He'd looked for Alexis for half an hour, but she'd kept herself hidden somehow. Seth had finally come out of the cabin and joined the search for her. Brennan had just gotten back to the house to check if Alexis had returned. He'd seen the whole thing unfold from the darkness of the porch.

  Seth had called out her name and just like that she'd appeared from the shadows, walking towards him with only slight hesitance. Once she was close enough Seth had pulled her into his arms and she'd just melted against him. It was there in the way they held each other. Brennan hadn't thought much of it at the time.

  He wondered if that had been when it started. It certainly didn't look like that was where it had ended.

  How could they do this?

  How could she do this?

  Seth was a guy, one that didn't have any kind of self-control. If a girl showed interest in him then he was hooked.

  Alexis knew better. Alexis should've been better.

  It was in that moment that Brennan realised something else. Something that sent him flying into a new rage. Somehow he had walked to the locker room. His fist made contact with the small metal door closest to him.

  They knew.

  They'd known for months.

  Alexis had been annoyingly insistent during that Rottnest trip that the two of them were best friends. She had kept telling him how he was one of her best friends.

  Best friends.

  He'd almost lost his shit with her one night. Every time she called him her best friend it was another slice at his heart. But now he understood why she'd repeated herself so many times.

  Brennan had confessed to Seth one night that he thought he had feelings for Alexis. They'd all been hanging out so much lately and he felt more comfortable around her than he had anyone else before. A few weeks later they'd gone to Rottnest and he'd forgotten all about their conversation.

  Seth hadn't forgotten though. Seth had told
Alexis about his feelings and must've told her to let him down easy. God he'd wanted her to shut up so badly. And then he'd felt horrible for being angry with her.

  He didn't feel horrible now.


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