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Hate Awakened: Book 3: The Feral

Page 19

by Hartnady, Charlene

  “Feeling better?” he asked as she walked out of the bathroom. Claire jumped, putting a hand to her chest.

  “I’m sorry. I guess I’m a little over-protective right now. Yes, I was watching the bathroom door.” He forced a smile, trying to ease some of the tension between them.

  “That’s okay. Makes me feel good, actually. Safe.” Claire smiled back. It was just as forced as his. Her hair was damp. She looked amazing in a pair of jeans and a pink sweater.

  “I do feel much better.”

  What was going on? Claire should be happy only…she wasn’t. Why? Either she had been hurt and she wasn’t telling him or…there was something else going on.

  “I organized some food.” He pointed at the table.

  “Thanks.” She was trying to sound bright. Her eyes told a different story. No brightness there, just tension.

  “Let’s sit.” He pulled out her chair.

  Claire sat down.

  “Help yourself.” He gestured to the food and watched as she dished up.

  “Not hungry?” he pressed, noting that she barely had anything on her plate.

  She shrugged. “It’s been an ordeal, and I guess I’m also really tired.” Claire yawned, putting her hand in front of her mouth. “I’ll perk up once I get some rest.” She yawned again. “See what I mean?”

  “It is getting dark out, you—” He couldn’t carry on with the farce. “What happened?” he blurted out the question. “And don’t say nothing because I can see that something’s wrong. Are you ready to talk yet?” He leaned over and touched the side of her thigh. “It will help to talk.”

  Claire simply sat there. She took a sip of water.

  Leukos tried again. “I want those responsible to pay, and—”

  There was the sound of claws on the slate tiles outside and a knock sounded. Leukos squeezed his eyes shut. He needed to talk with his female…with Claire. He needed to find out what was going on. Find out what the hell had happened to her. Then he needed to take action accordingly. That wasn’t going to happen with interruptions.

  “Yes,” he barked. “What is it?”

  Worth opened the curtain, he was wincing. “Sorry to interrupt.”

  “This had better be good,” Leukos snapped.

  “You asked to let you know if there were any developments.”

  Leukos nodded. “Has he talked? What did he say?” That would be the only reason Worth was there. Anything less would be unacceptable.

  “He hasn’t talked. Not really.” Worth frowned. “He’s demanding to see Claire.” He looked her way. “He said he won’t utter a word until it happens.”

  Leukos looked at Claire. Her eyes were wide. Her face was pale. “Any reason that you know of why he would want to see you?”

  She shrugged, looking down at her plate. “Let me talk to him,” she finally said. “We can finish this conversation afterwards.”

  Leukos’ expression darkened. Why wouldn’t she talk to him first? What the hell was going on? An unease was growing inside him. It was getting worse by the second.

  “You want him to cooperate, don’t you?” She raised her brows.

  Leukos nodded. “I do. He has intel that would help us enormously.”

  “Let me talk to him. He rescued me. He isn’t one of the bad guys. At least,” her eyes clouded in thought, “I don’t think he is.”

  “Rescued you?” It was the last thing he expected to hear and yet, it made the most sense.

  Magnar’s only shortcoming had been his decision to follow Ekon. In trusting and believing in his brother. “You’re right,” he admitted, almost against his better judgment. “He isn’t a bad male. At least he wasn’t…not when I knew him. Things change. People change.”

  Claire nodded, pushing her plate away. “I will come straight back here. We can talk right after. I do have a couple of things to tell you.”

  Damn straight she did. He pushed his anger aside. Leukos wasn’t sure who he was angry with right then. “You need to eat something first.” He looked down at her plate.

  She pulled it back towards her. “You’re right.”

  “Please excuse me,” Worth interrupted. “I’m glad you’re back, Claire. We were all very worried about you.”

  “How’s Amy?” Claire asked. “Is she doing okay.”

  Worth shrugged, “I believe so. She’s spending some time with Locke. I found out after returning from duty.”

  Claire’s mouth fell open. “You’re not serious? It seemed like you guys hit it off.”

  Worth nodded and smiled. “We did! We had a great time together. It’s fine, I’m sure she’ll be back in my bed in no time. Locke is no match for me.” He chuckled.

  “Back in your bed?” Her eyes were wide. Claire looked bewildered. “You’d take her back after cheating on you with Locke?”

  “We’re not mated. I have no hold on Amy. To answer your question, of course I would take her back. It seems that Amy is very progressive for a human. She might want to spend time with several males, and yes,” he grinned, “I am fine with that. As long as I end up the victor.” His eyes narrowed for a moment.

  “You’re serious about this female?” Leukos asked.

  “I think I am.” Worth got this strange look. “We’ll have to wait and see what plays out.”

  “I will hold thumbs she returns to you,” Leukos said.

  “Wait a minute.” Claire tucked some hair behind her ear. “You do know that there are plenty of human women out there? You don’t have to accept this.”

  “Amy is a highly sensual female. Why would I want to find someone else because of that? It is better that she explore that side of herself now instead of after she is mated. It is better for her to be completely certain that I am the male for her.” Worth winked at Claire eliciting the start of a screech from Leukos.

  “My apologies, sire.” He bowed his head. “I meant no disrespect.”

  Leukos released out a pent-up breath. “It is I who should apologize. I am feeling possessive after what happened to Claire.”

  “Perfectly understandable. I will see you both shortly.”

  “My female must eat first,” he growled, unable to stop this gnawing…irritation.

  “Of course,” the male replied. Leukos watched as Worth shifted and left. Claire was eating. Good! Something within him eased ever so slightly. Leukos dished up food for himself, even though his stomach still felt like it was twisted in knots. He forced himself to take a bite and then another.

  “I can’t believe that Amy and Worth broke up. They seemed happy.” She made a face. “At least, they sounded happy.”

  “They weren’t together.” Leukos took a sip of his juice.

  “It still seems strange…” She looked deep in thought. “Surely if you like someone and you enjoy spending time with them, you wouldn’t need to be with anyone else?”

  “Until a female is mated, she is considered available. Other males will pursue her in the hopes of winning her for themselves. Our males can be persuasive. That is why a male will be reluctant to leave an unmated female alone.” He scratched his jaw. “Worth was sent with one of the parties to track you down. Locke was also on duty here at our village. He should not have had time to mess around with the human. I will have to have a talk with him.”

  “I feel bad for Worth.”

  Leukos chuckled. “A little healthy competition is good amongst the males. Worth seems confident he will be the victor in the end.”

  “This is fascinating. What would happen if she went back to Worth and then decided she wanted Locke after all?” Claire took another bite of her food.

  “As long as she doesn’t mate anyone, she can take any male she wants to her bed.”

  “What about the guys?” A look of concern crossed her features. “That doesn’t seem fair at all.”

  Leukos frowned. “What about the males?”

  “Surely the opposite is also true?” She took a sip of her water.

  It was an interesting concep
t. “I’ve never given the opposite idea too much thought. Since females were always the ones in scarce supply, the reverse has never been a possibility. I guess it could also apply.”

  “I wouldn’t like it.” She shook her head, looking deep in thought.

  Leukos had to smile. “I’m glad you feel that way.”

  Claire kept her gaze on her plate, eating the last few bites quickly. She drank the last of her water as well.

  “Shall we go?” he asked, pushing his plate away.

  She looked petrified for a moment.

  “You don’t have to do this,” Leukos soothed.

  “I know. It’s fine. I want to.” She didn’t look like she wanted to. The prospect seemed to scare her. Then again, Magnar was a Fallen male. He might have helped her escape, but he was still the enemy. Questions sat on the tip of his tongue. Questions like, why had he helped her in the first place? What had happened out there? Leukos had to force himself to hold his tongue. It wouldn’t be long before he had his answers. His hands curled into fists.

  Chapter 25

  Magnar paced from one side of the cage to the other. His massive body was pumped. His jaw tight. His hands fisted. His side was still bloody from where the bullet had grazed him. His ass and thighs were streaked with dirt.

  His ass.


  From when he had sat on the ground. Her knees had looked much the same from when she’d straddled him. Heat pooled in her belly. She shouldn’t be feeling heat anywhere. Why was she still feeling heat?

  His face was covered in dark stubble. His hair was tousled. Wild. Raw. Masculine beauty at its finest.

  “Claire.” His voice was rough and urgent. “You came,” he added. His eyes narrowed as they landed on Leukos who was right behind her. “I wish to speak with the female.”

  “Here she is.” In comparison, Leukos’ voice was nowhere near as deep but so much more compelling.

  “Alone.” Magnar gripped the bars. He winced and let go.

  “No.” Leukos folded his arms, the shirt he was wearing pulled tight. He’d insisted on dressing before coming into the prison area. “I don’t trust you.” He gripped her hand, pulling her back. “Don’t get too close, he can grab you through the bars and use you to—”

  “I wouldn’t pull such a cowardly move and you know it.”

  “The Magnar I knew is long gone. I don’t know you. I don’t trust you. I have no idea what you would say or do to get yourself out of this mess.”

  Magnar laughed. “Really Humanoid? I beg to differ. I think you know me just fine.”

  “Don’t call me that.” Leukos pointed at Magnar.

  “Why not? Too much of a reminder of our past? You and I have a long history, Leukos.” Magnar turned his eyes to Claire. “Did you know that Leukos took forever to learn how to shift as a youngster?”

  She shook her head.

  “Leave it!” Leukos spat.

  “Ekon and I could both shift. All the young males our age could do it. We took to calling Leukos Humanoid.” Magnar’s expression was mocking. “Kids can be so damned cruel.”

  “It was Ekon who started it. I hated the nickname.” Leukos sounded cool and collected but beneath that all, Claire could see that he was seething. “I’m not a child anymore. Those days are long gone. Now say your piece.”

  “I want five minutes alone with the human.” Magnar folded his arms across his chest.

  “You can forget—!” Leukos snarled.

  “Wait.” She put a hand on Leukos’ arm. “I’m fine. I can manage. Let me talk with him.”

  Leukos turned to her. “I don’t like it.” His eyes were filled with concern.

  “I will be fine.” She managed to project an air of calm even though she was feeling anything but calm right then.

  “Five minutes,” Magnar persisted.

  “Shut up!” Leukos yelled, looking over her shoulder. “You don’t get to say anything right now.” He cupped her cheeks, looking into her eyes. “Are you sure?” His face was pinched. His whole body bristled, but his touch was soft.

  There was a part of her that wanted to turn her back on Magnar and never look back. It was the smaller part. She nodded. “Yes.”

  “Okay then, but only because you agreed to this.” He leaned in and kissed her. One of his hands threaded into her hair as he deepened the kiss.

  Claire clutched his biceps. At first her eyes were open. Aware of Magnar watching. Then Leukos groaned softly, his chest vibrating against hers. His mouth was demanding. It didn’t take long for her eyes to flutter closed. For her hands to tighten on his arms. She pressed herself more firmly against him. Leukos broke the kiss suddenly. “Five minutes,” he whispered. Then he turned and left.

  Claire was panting a little. She touched her lips, which were tingling. She turned towards Magnar who had a strange expression on his face. Half-smirk and half…something else she couldn’t quite put her finger on. “Leukos felt the need to show me that you belong to him. Did you tell him?”

  “No.” She shook her head.

  “Good.” He looked relieved.

  “I should have told him and I’m going to.” She stepped right up to the cage, closing her hands on the bars. “It was wrong of me to have waited. I don’t know why I did that.”

  “You mustn’t tell him. It’ll muddy things. Leave it alone. It happened and it’s over. That’s it.” He stood an inch or so away from the bars of the cage.

  “I’m going to tell him what happened. He deserves to know and—”

  “And nothing! I’ll take whatever punishment comes my way and I’ll get out of your hair.”

  “That isn’t fair on you either. You—”

  His eyes narrowed on hers. “I abducted you. I deserve whatever comes my way.”

  “You thought you were doing the right thing. You saved me in the end.”

  “You wouldn’t have needed saving if it wasn’t for me. I’ve earned whatever Leukos throws at me. I’m sure it’ll hurt but I’m a big male. I can take it.” He closed his hands over hers, his eyes pleading. “Don’t say anything, sweetheart. You’ll have an amazing life with Leukos. He’s a good male. One of the best. He’ll take good care of you.”

  Her heart clenched in her chest. “What about you?”

  “I’ll be fine.” He let her go.

  Claire stayed where she was. “Is that why you called me here? To tell me to keep quiet about what happened.”

  He nodded once. “It’s for the best, Claire. Trust me on that.”

  She needed to get this off her chest. It had been turning around and around in her mind since Magnar had been captured. “How did you know?”

  “Know what?” He frowned.

  “You know exactly what I’m talking about.” She could see it in his eyes. “How did you know that I’m a Customer Complaints Consultant? I didn’t tell you. I know I didn’t, so how could you possibly know.” She had a funny feeling in the pit of her belly.

  “It doesn’t matter.”

  “It does! Tell me,” she urged.

  His throat worked and his eyes blazed. “I heard you tell Leukos.”

  “What?” Her mind raced a mile a minute. “But how…?”

  “I needed to get onto Leukos’ territory before he added extra guards on patrol. We knew about the lottery and its objective. We knew Leukos planned to take a female…a mate. I was sent to find out if he was successful in finding someone. Not just for fucking around with, but someone he seemed serious about. I needed to take his female before he could seal the deal.”

  Her mouth was open but she couldn’t seem to close it. The funny feeling intensified and for a few seconds she felt like she might throw up. Claire put a hand to her stomach.

  “The only way to ensure that was—”

  “To spy,” she blurted out, her eyes stinging. “You spied on us!”

  Magnar looked down at the ground and then up at the roof. “I had to.” He locked eyes with her. “I was doing my job.”

  “You wat
ched us, didn’t you? You watched everything.”

  Magnar’s face said it all. He licked his lips. “I didn’t mean to. I had no plans to watch Leukos fucking some female but—”

  “But what?” she spat. Why was she feeling so hurt by this?

  “I couldn’t look away. I couldn’t take my eyes off you. Off either of you.”

  “You’re sick!” she choked out.

  “If enjoying watching you come is sick, then yes…I’m a fucking pig. I loved it. Loved every second. Even watching him take his pleasure inside you was strangely erotic.” He shrugged. “I guess I’m fucked in the head. Watching you ride him made me shoot off so hard that for a second I thought I had gotten myself busted. I had no choice but to watch…everything…all of it. From start to finish.”

  “You jerked off while watching us?” She was breathing deeply.

  “I did. Several times. You’re one of the sexiest females I have ever known. The two of you make a good couple.”

  Anger rushed through her. Something else did too. It made her nipples tighten and her clit throb. Her body was reacting to the disgusting, hurtful things he was saying. Maybe she was just as disgusting as him.

  “I hate you!” she raged, tears streaming down her face.

  “Good. Maybe you’ll keep quiet then.”

  “Keep quiet about what exactly?” Leukos’ voice boomed. “Why are you crying, Claire? What is going on here?”

  Claire wiped at the tears that still insisted on falling.

  “Claire is pissed off because I watched the two of you fuck.”

  Leukos screeched so loudly she had to cover her ears. “It was you!” he boomed. “How dare you? How fucking dare you? You invaded my privacy. My nest. You dared lay eyes on my female? On us?”

  Claire worked hard to pull herself together. Leukos’ eyes began to glow. Like they were lit from the inside. His muscles seemed to grow. He seemed taller all of a sudden. Far more imposing.


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