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Hate Awakened: Book 3: The Feral

Page 26

by Hartnady, Charlene

  “You do?” she sobbed, more tears running down her face. At this rate she was going to dehydrate.

  “My admission is only making you worse.” He chuckled. “Perhaps I should not have told you.”

  She wound her arms around him, laughing and crying at the same time. She’d never been both happy and sad before – not to this extent. “I’m glad you told me.” Her tears dried up some. Claire pulled away so that she could look into his beautiful golden eyes. “I love you too, Magnar.”

  “I didn’t need you to say it back immediately. You should not feel obliged—”

  “Stop right there.” She smiled up at him. “I don’t feel obliged. I would never tell someone I loved them unless I felt it. Don’t even think that.”

  His gaze softened. “You are in a bad place right now. It’s easy to think you feel something that you don’t when you’re emotional.”

  “I’m emotional but I also know what I feel,” she insisted.

  He kissed her full on the mouth. There was nothing friendly about the kiss. It was hot and heavy. She moaned and twined her fingers around his neck.

  Magnar pulled back, his eyes burning with need. “We can’t. It’s still Leukos’ day and this is his nest.”

  “Screw Leukos,” she blurted, feeling angry and sad. Her emotions were all over the place. “In fact, I want to pack my things and move in with you.” Her face crumpled at the thought and she squeezed her eyes shut.

  “Hey,” he said gently. She looked up, seeing his expression soften into one of sympathy. “You don’t actually mean that.”

  “I do! He doesn’t really want me. He wouldn’t be doing this otherwise.” She sniffed; her throat felt clogged and her chest felt tight.

  “He’s afraid and he doesn’t want to admit it.”

  She scowled. “Afraid my ass! I don’t buy it. You should have heard him. ‘As long as you’re bouncing between us, I’m going to meet new people’.”

  Magnar’s eyes darkened and his jaw tensed. “He has pulled a dick move, for sure. I’m not disputing that, hence my having to smack him upside the damned head, but – as much as I hate admitting this – the male loves you very much. He’s in completely over his head and running scared. Unfortunately, instead of talking, he’s being an idiot.”

  “No!” She shook her head. “He doesn’t love me. He’s out there doing who knows what…” she sobbed, “with some bimbo.” Claire scrubbed a hand over her face. “That isn’t fair. I’m calling this woman a bimbo because I’m angry with Leukos. I can’t understand what’s gotten into him.”

  Magnar choked out a laugh. “Sorry, sweets, I think it’s cute that you feel bad about calling someone a bimbo in this situation.” He leaned down and kissed her on the top of the head. “Actually,” he eased out a heavy breath, “I think I know what’s gotten into him.”

  “You do? How would you know? Did he tell you?”

  “I saw him watching us yesterday.”

  “When was he watching us?” She frowned, going over the events of the previous day. “He can’t have seen us…we—”

  “When we were fucking.”

  Her mouth fell open. “What? How the hell?”

  “A Fallen spy was captured yesterday morning soon after you were dropped off at my place. Leukos wanted me to question him. He hoped that I might even know the male. Leukos went to my place to fetch me. He obviously didn’t think we’d be…going at it so soon.” Magnar smiled. “He’s clearly forgotten who he’s dealing with.”

  “Oh my god.” She covered her mouth with her hands. “We pretty much jumped straight into bed,” she said as she pulled her hands away.

  Magnar chuckled. “Don’t blame me.” He held his hands up. “You wore those boots.”

  “He saw us?” she bit out.

  “Sweets, he watched us until the end. I know that for a fact.”

  “No!” She put her hands back over her mouth. “Why didn’t he say anything? Why did he watch, for god’s sake? Did he know you had seen him?”

  “He knew and he didn’t leave for the same reason I didn’t…he couldn’t look away.”

  “I’m not sure what that even means.” She was freaking out.

  “He was turned on, Claire. He was loving what he was seeing.”

  “You can’t be serious!” Her heart beat faster at the thought of Leukos watching them.

  “I am, and I’m pretty sure I heard him…” He raised his brows.

  “You heard him what?” Her heart was going nuts at this point. She could feel it thrumming in her chest.

  “I heard him come. I heard a groan from outside at just the right moment.”

  “No, you did not!” What the hell? No wonder Leukos was so out of sorts.

  “I think he’s freaked out. I also think he’s afraid of losing to me again, because it happened before. This time the stakes are much higher. He’s running scared and making stupid decisions. I will have another talk with him. I think you need to give him a chance to sort his head out. I doubt he’d be so stupid as to actually fuck someone else.”

  “I don’t know so much.” Pain welled inside her all over again.

  “We’ll have to wait and see. I would suggest that you also have a talk with him when he gets here.”

  She nodded.

  “You need to tell him that you know about him watching us and hash it out.”

  “Then we can go back to how things were?” She raised her brows.

  Magnar choked out a laugh. “I’m not so sure about that.”

  She tilted her head, not following. “Why not? Surely if we talk…if we work things out?”

  “No, you’re right.” He nodded, rubbing a hand over his jaw. “I’m sure it will all work out.”

  Magnar kissed her. It was a quick brush of the lips. “I need to go now.”

  “Please don’t.” She clung to him.

  “I have to. It’s not my day. I’m breaking every rule by being here.”

  “I’ll see you in the morning.” She hated the desperation in her voice. This whole thing had turned her into a needy, sobbing mess.

  “Yes, sweets. Most definitely.” He kissed her again. “I’m sure Leukos will be here soon and the two of you can talk.”

  “You’re such a good guy.”

  “There’s a part of me hoping that it doesn’t work out between the two of you, so maybe not as good as you think.” He winked at her. “Also, it was Leukos who talked me into staying when I first arrived here, or I would have left. I already had one foot out the door.”

  “You almost left because you were afraid of hurting me,” she practically whispered.

  “Or being hurt by you. Leukos is feeling that emotion right now and trust me it’s terrifying. He talked me into staying and I hope I managed to return the favor. This is his version of leaving.”

  He must have seen something flash across her face because he leaned in, his face an inch or two away from hers. “Leukos won’t do anything stupid, Claire. You have nothing to worry about, and I mean that.”

  She gave the tiniest of nods, believing him. Magnar dropped a kiss on her forehead before pulling back. “Leukos could have seen the back of me but he saw what was going on and pointed it out to me. He’s the reason I’m still here. I am,” he made a face, “grateful for that. I hope I got through to him as well. So, I’m not really all that much of a good guy, I’m just returning the favor.”

  “I think you are. At the very least, you’re my good guy.” Her heart felt so full, looking up at Magnar. She felt warm and fuzzy. Her pain over Leukos forgotten for a moment.

  Magnar tensed. His whole body turned stiff. His jaw tightened and his eyes widened. “You shouldn’t say things like that out loud. That’s claiming talk.”

  “What the hell is claiming talk?” she said, voice shrill.

  “It’s exactly as it sounds. It’s also mating behavior. Or a precursor to mating. You’re essentially publicly claiming me as yours. It would also mean that you are choosing me, which I know you
aren’t.” He stroked her cheek to soften the words.

  “I wanted to, but you just talked me out of it. I’ll watch what I say.” She licked her lips; hopefully she didn’t mess up with the mating talk.

  “Good.” He kissed her. “I will see you in the morning. I’m sure your talk with Leukos will go well.”

  Claire sighed. “I hope you’re right.”

  “I am, otherwise let me know and I’ll kick his ass properly this time.”

  “No…you wouldn’t…you mustn’t fight with—”

  Magnar laughed. “I was joking. Besides, Leukos is the king…he can take care of himself. He’d most likely kick my ass into next week Tuesday. If I managed to get a lucky punch or two in, his guards would pulverize me.” His eyes darkened. “It wouldn’t stop me from going after him if he hurt you.”

  “Don’t!” She gripped his biceps. “I don’t want either of you getting hurt over me.”

  “Okay, sweets.”

  “I mean it,” she pushed.

  “I know you do…now.” Magnar took her hands, gave them a squeeze and extracted himself from her grasp. Then he stood up. “I could stay and chat all day but I’m going to get myself into shit if I don’t leave right now. I’ll miss you.” He winked at her and walked out.

  Everything made more sense now. Leukos had seen her and Magnar…holy crap…having sex. Hot, heavy sex. She thought back to yesterday morning. She’d been in her sheer, turquoise set and those boots. It had been intense fucking at its finest. Like next level. Two orgasms that had rocked her world. Magnar had promised to make her beg and she had. She’d loved every darned second. How long had Leukos stood there? She covered her face and moaned. Obviously long enough. No wonder he was angry. Magnar had said that Leukos had enjoyed watching them but she doubted it. How could he have? That kind of thinking didn’t make any sense.

  Her musing was stopped in its tracks by a huge commotion outside. A screech and a crashing sound followed by another screech which was cut off by a thudding noise and then nothing.


  Claire frowned, pulling the covers off herself. There was the sound of claws on the ledge outside. The curtain billowed. “Magnar?” she called. It hadn’t been that long since he left. Maybe he forgot to tell her something. “Magnar?” she tried again.


  She slid her legs over the edge of the bed and stood up. “Leukos, is that you?”

  The curtain opened and a shifter she had never seen before walked into the room. “I am Gabin.” He leered at her. “Are you ready to leave?”

  Before she could answer he had closed the space between them and had hoisted her into his arms.

  Not again!

  Chapter 33

  Leukos took another bite of his meal. He chewed, not tasting anything. He worked hard at trying to follow whatever it was the female was saying. Blast! He realized he didn’t have a clue. Her mouth moved as she talked. She laughed…he laughed too, like a robot going through the motions. He doubled his efforts at staying focused. He could do this. There was no way he was letting Magnar get to him. The male was completely off base.

  The human laughed again. “So, it’s been like that my whole life,” she went on, still grinning. “I straightened my…”

  This time he didn’t laugh when she did. Leukos smiled, purely because he did not want to upset her. It wasn’t the human’s fault he was so out of sorts. Nor was it her fault that he was in love with someone else.

  Tar and feather.

  He was in love.

  So deep.

  So hard.

  So out of control.

  Magnar had been right about that. Leukos put his fork down. Sometimes revelations like this one served to make a person feel better. They served to bring clarity and direction. It wasn’t the case with him. Not even close. All he felt was confusion. Burning love and tormenting confusion.

  “Are you okay?” Lauren asked, putting a hand on his arm.

  “No.” He straightened his shoulders. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t be here. I trust you will enjoy your—”

  “Sire!” Worth yelled, shoving his chair back, the male’s eyes were on the entrance.

  Leukos turned and saw Magnar approaching. There was murder in his eyes. His muscles bulged. His eyes glowed. He’d clearly just shifted and was – like before – completely naked. The male was getting on his last nerve. This wouldn’t do.

  The females gasped and tittered amongst themselves.

  “What now?” He didn’t have any energy for this. “I told you not to—”

  “Gabin has her.”

  A shot of adrenaline hit his veins and he heard his shirt ripping as his beast fought to emerge. “Gabin has who? What the fuck are you saying?” Leukos was already moving towards the exit, his clothing shredding from his body with each step. His voice was changing too. Ice shards had hit his veins. He knew exactly who Magnar meant. He knew it deep inside.

  “Claire,” Magnar managed before the male changed himself. Leukos screeched as they took to the sky. He could hear his guards in pursuit. They would battle to keep up with the two of them.

  They flew, their movements synchronized. Singled-minded. It seemed they knew where they were headed without having had to discuss it. The male would be flying straight back to the Fallen village. That much was a given.

  How long ago had Claire been taken?

  Was she hurt?

  He increased his efforts and Magnar fell slightly behind. They flew in silence for ten or fifteen minutes. May as well have been a lifetime. The male behind him screeched as they caught sight of a griffin up ahead. Far ahead but they were gaining. Gabin was a lower-ranking male and he was carrying Claire. The added weight slowing him down. They were gaining on him, just as they were losing their own males. They were going to catch him, it was just a matter of time.

  Leukos released a screech of his own. It too was filled with anger and aggression. Another harsher screech was torn from him as he watched the male descend.


  What did he have planned?

  Magnar screeched as well. Gabin had obviously realized that he wasn’t going to outrun them. He didn’t have the lead, the speed or the stamina.

  Leukos couldn’t help but worry. This felt like a set-up. It felt off. He slowed for a few beats and Magnar caught up with him. They both descended together. Side by side. Who would ever have thought? Together and unified in order to achieve the same goal. It felt good. For a moment, it felt like old times. Leukos held on to that when he spotted Gabin in the clearing below. He had shifted back into human form and had a spear to Claire’s throat. It glinted in the sunlight. Sharp and barbed. Claire looked frightened but she also looked like she was holding it together.

  They landed in unison and were both shifted in an instant. “Don’t come any closer or the female dies!” Gabin yelled, his eyes wild and panicked.

  “Don’t hurt her,” Magnar shouted, his voice boomed.

  “Let her go.” Leukos took a step towards them. He was sure to keep his voice even. “You don’t have to do this.”

  “Stay there. Don’t you dare take another step,” Gabin shouted. He pushed the spear against her neck, making a dent in her flesh.

  Claire whimpered. She bit down on her lip. Leukos watched as the column of her neck worked.

  “If you so much as harm a single hair on her head,” Magnar snarled. “I will kill you. Do you understand?” The male could still be terrifying.

  Gabin didn’t answer, he looked from Magnar to Leukos and back.

  “I’m sure Ekon doesn’t want her harmed either,” Magnar tried again, using a softer approach. Although soft was the wrong word for the male’s tone.

  Gabin smirked. “That’s where you are wrong, general,” the male spat, saying ‘general’ with a sneer. “Our king requested that the human be returned and failing that, he gave the order to kill her.”

  Claire squirmed and choked out a sob. Leukos could see that she was struggling to remain cal

  “Not a fuck! What is he thinking?” Magnar muttered, more to himself. “You do realize that one of us will kill you if you if you hurt her? I hate repeating myself. It’s one of my biggest irritations. I’m going to give you one chance to let her go.”

  “There is an army of males on their way,” Leukos added, noting how pale Claire was. There was so much fear in her beautiful blue eyes. “They should descend any second now. You have nowhere to go. If you carry out your orders to kill the human…you die as well. It’s as simple as that.”

  “You may as well give up now. No harm done,” Magnar growled under his breath.

  “I’m afraid that I’m one of the Fallen. Not under your command. I’m here to tell you that we will rise again.” His eyes went back to looking wild. His hand tightened on the spear. “Killing the human wasn’t my only order. It wasn’t my primary instruction.”

  “What was your primary instruction?” Magnar took two steps forward just as Leukos realized what the instruction had to have been.

  Leukos leapt forward. “No!” he yelled as Claire was shoved to the side. He felt both relieved and choked with fear.

  Gabin hoisted the spear at Magnar. Leukos felt like he was moving in slow motion. He acted completely on instinct. There was no other way to describe it. He body-tackled Magnar out of the way. They both landed in a pile.

  Leukos sat up. “Are you okay?” His eyes were wide as he took in the other male. He didn’t seem to be injured.

  “Oh shit!” Magnar grunted, his eyes widening as he assessed Leukos in turn. Then his gaze moved to Claire.

  Leukos frowned. Why had Magnar looked at him like that? On his feet in an instant, Magnar sprinted after the fleeing Gabin. He was on him in a second. He gripped the male by the shoulders and spun him around, headbutting him with a crack. There was a crunching sound that followed. Blood leaked from Gabin’s mouth as it fell open, his eyes startled. The Fallen male crumpled into a heap. Magnar turned. He had Gabin’s still-beating heart in his hand. His jaw was tight, his eyes filled with untold rage. Magnar’s hand closed around the organ as he crushed it. He dropped the bloody mess onto the ground at his feet.


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