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Curse of Soulmate--The Complete Series

Page 46

by D. N. Leo

  "Can I get you something to drink?" Peter asked. His eyes didn’t leave Jo. Tadgh stepped forward, blocking Peter's view of her.

  "A beer would be good. It's a hot day," Tadgh said.

  "Sure," Peter said and scurried away.

  Ciaran raised an eyebrow at his brother. "Since when do you drink beer?"

  "I'm not as predictable as you might think."

  A motorbike zoomed in and parked right in front of the restaurant.

  And in walked Zach Flynn. He took his helmet off, revealing his easy style of brown hair, an unshaven face, and killer eyes. He wore a leather jacket and jeans that sheathed long, well-toned legs and a backside that constantly made his groupies wild. Zach had aged a bit in ten years, but time had definitely worked in his favor, Madeline observed.

  Jo leaped out of the chair next to Tadgh and gave Zach a bear hug. Zach picked her up and spun her around. "It's so good to see you," Zach said.

  He put Jo down and walked toward Madeline. "Madeline, I don't have the words to describe how beautiful you look." He kissed her cheek, and Madeline smiled.

  "I can help in that regard." Ciaran reached his hand out for a handshake.

  "You must be Ciaran." Zach gave Ciaran’s hand an earnest shake. "White Knight. It's an honor to meet you."

  Ciaran glanced at Jo.

  "I figured it out myself." Zach smiled. “Any real hologame player would know about you, Ciaran.”

  Ciaran nodded.

  Zach and Tadgh gave each other measured looks while they exchanged handshakes.

  Peter entered the room with a tray of beers.

  Zach glanced at the beer and raised an eyebrow at Peter. "You’re going to make the ladies drink out of a bottle? And that's Victorian Bitter that you’re serving!"

  "I don't mind." Jo grabbed a bottle. Everyone did the same while Peter scratched his head.

  Zach excused himself. He gave Peter some instructions and sent him away. He then returned to the table and picked up his beer.

  "Sorry. There’s an audition for a guitarist tonight. The band has to move on while I'm away."

  "What did you tell people about your trip?" Tadgh asked.

  Zach shook his head. Madeline caught a flash of reluctance and exhaustion from him. "Told them I'd be traveling." Zach leaned back in his chair. His eyes were distant and cold.

  “Zach, does that mean your friends and family know nothing about this trip?” Madeline asked.

  Zach shrugged. “I don’t know what to tell them.”

  “You’ve got to be kidding me!” Tadgh exclaimed. “You know this is important. People could get killed even before entering the gate. If you don’t care about your own life, that’s fine. But Ciaran and Madeline have to go through with this—

  “I might not go . . .”

  “What the fuck!” Tadgh exclaimed.

  “I used to have that option,” Zach snarled.

  “Keep your voices down!” Ciaran warned. “Is there somewhere we can talk without an audience?”

  Zach stood up and nodded toward the stairs. Then he strode away.

  Chapter 110

  Before following Zach upstairs, Madeline pulled at Ciaran’s elbow to hold him back. “Ciaran, Zach and Jo used to be together. It was a very long time ago. I think they’re fine now. He’s moved on, has a girlfriend—last time I heard, they were engaged. He has a career, a large family, and a life here.”

  Ciaran pinched lightly at her dimple and smiled. “You’re saying he has a life and has a lot to lose.”

  Madeline smiled.

  “I’ll be gentle with him,” Ciaran said and winked at her.

  When Ciaran and Madeline got upstairs, Zach had cleared the room and made sure no staff was lurking around.

  The room felt warm and welcoming. Judging by the musical instruments scattered on the floor, Madeline bet Zach used this as a studio to teach music.

  Zach sat down on a high stool next to a counter. “Look, I don't know what to tell my family, okay? Originally, it was just the opening of a gate for me, which shouldn't be a big deal. Ayana told me that being the successor of Sciphil Two will not be difficult, and I’ll have all the flexibility to go back and forth like Pete Chandler.”

  "So what changed?" Madeline asked.

  "Well, you two are going to tailgate me . . .”

  "Tailgating?" Tadgh snorted.

  "Yeah, I thought the same. No big deal. But it's different with Ciaran because he's not just a Sciphil. He’s a King Sciphil. His route will be different and more difficult.”

  "You received training, and you know what's involved?" Ciaran asked.

  Zach nodded. "Hell yeah. For other Sciphils, it’s like multilevel hologames—not easy, but doable. Yours is a nasty combo."

  “Like what?" Ciaran asked.

  "Well, Ayana was saying something about a nine-by-nine dimensional scenario, whatever that means."

  "A matrix. That means you won’t know what’s coming at you,” Tadgh mumbled.

  “I don’t think so. There should be options for normal routes and for the King Sciphils. The selection of scenarios should be monitored based on the level of difficulty. It shouldn’t be random. If there’s some logic to it, then we can work out a solution,” Ciaran said.

  "It was hard enough handling the deal by myself. I just found out about your tailgating a few days ago. Haven't had any other conversations with Ayana, and haven't had any further training or information about what the fuck I am getting myself into."

  Zach stood up and went to a small bar at the corner of the room. He spoke from the bar. "I'm not scared or anything. But I don't want to go in without knowing if I have a chance to come back to my family. It's not like we’re going to war, and I can pretend to be patriotic. I don't even know whose war we’re fighting here! Some aliens—”

  "They're people just like us, Zach,” Ciaran said. "They might have a different makeup, and live in a different universe, but they face life and death just like us. If you expand the boundary of your country, where you claim your patriotism, to the boundaries of the Earth, the universe, and the multiverse, then you can see that people are ultimately the same, and you are protecting them against evil."

  "Look Ciaran, I have no intention of getting philosophical here. I'm no hero. I'm just a guy. I play guitar, I teach music, and I have a band. That's all I ever wanted."

  "Why did you agree to it in the first place?" Madeline asked.

  Zach stared at Madeline. "I can't tell you."

  "If you think . . .” Madeline trailed off when Peter raced into the room.

  "Sorry to interrupt. The restaurant is opening now, and also the guy is coming for the audition . . .”

  "What guy?" Zach asked.

  "The audition. The guitarist, Zach."

  "Oh, okay. Fine. John, isn't it?" Zach shook his head.

  "Yeah, John. Mate, he needs a stage name. John Smith isn’t gonna work,” Peter said, laughing.

  "Can we wait until we actually hire him to think of his stage name?"

  "Right, that's right." Peter scratched his head and walked away while Zach rolled his eyes.

  Zach turned around. “I might have to go downstairs to watch this audition—”

  "Your decision to go through the gate might be pending,” Ciaran cut in.

  "No, it's not. The deal was sealed." Zach showed the thumbprint on his right arm.

  Ciaran sat down on a high stool next to a music stand. He shook his head. “Madeline and I are committed to go through the gate. We have our reasons. If you were so unsure, why did you agree?”

  Zach gazed hard at Ciaran. “As I said, I can’t tell you. I let you tailgate me. That’s it. I promised, and I will go through with it.”

  “I’m afraid it won’t be that simple. We might have a gate-crasher. I need to know all that’s necessary to deal with it.”

  Zach arched an eyebrow. “Who?”

  “His name is Kyle Wolf. He’s an exiled Sciphil and a mind-bender," Ciaran said.

Zach looked at Madeline. She could see thousands of questions in his eyes.

  “Why’d you call him a mind-bender?” Zach asked.

  “In theory, he sends mind-wave signals to control people’s thought processes and behaviors,” Ciaran said.

  Zach arched an eyebrow. “And you can’t tell he’s doing it by looking at him?”

  “He controls the projection of his visibility in people’s mind. Nobody can see him unless he wants them to. When he controls a person, it looks as though the person is possessed,” Ciaran explained.

  “This is ridiculous. Total bullshit. You can’t even see the guy . . .”

  An eardrum-bursting guitar sound echoed up from downstairs.

  "Oh, fuck me. If they let this guy play, the club will have no customers left,” Zach snarled and strode toward the stairs to go down to the club.

  Madeline quickly stepped in front of him. "Zach, if you’re scared, that's fine. I'm scared, too. But if you think we don't understand what happened ten years ago in the bush, then you’re wrong. We know."

  Zach turned around. He pointed at Ciaran, Tadgh, and Jo. "They all know?”


  Zach shook his head. "It's not possible. You don't know half of it, Madeline. I killed the old man. Okay? Are you happy now? ” He paused then said, “I have to go stop that fucking noise.”

  Zach pushed toward the stairs. The sound of the guitar surged and swelled, accompanied by a drum that sounded like someone was beating on an empty laundry bucket.

  Madeline stopped Zach. He nudged her aside.

  As quick as a cat, Ciaran darted toward Zach, grabbed him from behind, and spun him against the far wall.

  "Keep your hands off her,” Ciaran growled.

  Zach shoved Ciaran.

  “You don’t know what I can do to you, Ciaran.”

  “Try me!”

  Ciaran and Zach glared menacingly at each other.

  Chapter 111

  A mixture of strange noises echoed up from the room downstairs. Zach heard the noise, but he didn’t take his eyes off Ciaran. Ciaran held his gaze as well. They looked as if they were trying to shoot each other with their stares.

  Madeline approached Ciaran. He gestured for her to stay away. His eyes didn’t leave Zach for a second.

  The two held their stances and remained locked in their staring competition for a few moments.

  Zach broke the silence. "I have to go," he snarled.

  "You are not going anywhere until we talk things out. We only have one day before the gate opening.”

  "That's your problem. I’m letting you go through my gate. What else do you want from me?"

  "Your full cooperation. I need all relevant information."

  Zach sneered. "Now that's a king's order from someone who hasn't even made it to the throne yet."

  The drum and the guitar below kept pounding away. Zach clenched his teeth then said, "Get out of my way, or you'll regret it."

  "Do your best."

  Ciaran and Zach stared at each other once again, their eyes intense. Ciaran stepped forward. Zach staggered back a step then held his stance.

  A drop of blood trickled from Zach's nose. Then another. Then the same happened to Ciaran.

  Zach grunted and slumped to the floor, more blood trickling from his nose.

  The sound of the guitar downstairs had stopped, and sounds of chaos took its place.

  Zach sat on the floor, leaning against the wall. Jo checked on him.

  Madeline gave Ciaran a handkerchief for his bleeding nose. When she touched his hand, it was as cold as ice. Ciaran moved toward the high music stool and sat down.

  Peter thumped up the stairs and stormed into the room, puffing. “John passed out for no reason. His nose and ears are bleeding . . .” His voice trailed off when he saw Zach. "Jesus Christ. Did John sound that bad?"

  Tadgh grabbed Peter and turned him toward the stairs. "No, no, it was fine. We had a slight disagreement up here. Zach is just fine. Nothing to do with what happened downstairs. Off you go. Get John a doctor." Tadgh pushed Peter outside the room and slammed the door closed.

  Zach stood up. He went over to sit opposite Ciaran.

  Madeline saw a coffee jug on a table in the corner of the room.

  "Can I get you some coffee?" she asked.

  "Yes, please," Ciaran said.

  "No, thanks. I prefer something stronger, but I'll get it later,” Zach told her.

  Jo and Tadgh went to the table to get the coffee.

  Madeline brought a cup to Ciaran. She touched his hands to see if they were still cold and was pleased to feel their warmth had returned.

  "Zach, when did you know you were a sound-bender?" Ciaran asked.

  "Since longer than I can remember."

  "Your family doesn’t know, I guess?"

  Zach shook his head. "No point advertising the fact that I'm a freak show."

  "In Eudaiz, they'd call it a talent. That's why Ayana recruited you. Sound-bending seems to be her department. You should see what she did to Madeline."


  "Don't worry about it, Zach. It's not important," Madeline said.

  "Did you use your sound-bending talent to kill the man in the bush?" Ciaran asked.

  Zach grabbed his head and messed his hair up. He looked at Ciaran. Zach looked so tired, Madeline thought.

  "I don't label my ability. Call it whatever you want, but I definitely wouldn't call it a talent. I can make a sound in my head and send that sound to anyone's head. Most of the time, it just messes people up."

  "Like the way you shut the guitarist up?" Tadgh asked.

  Zach nodded. "I don't have total control of it. And it doesn't work the same on everyone. When I’ve tried it on someone strong, the sound has bounced back to me. Usually harder."

  "You tried it on Ciaran. How did it feel?" Tadgh asked.

  Zach looked at Tadgh and shrugged.

  Tadgh waved his finger at Zach. "Don't you even think about trying it out on me. I won't stand and take it like Ciaran did. I'd kick your ass before you even got a chance to send out a sound wave."

  "Does it kill, Zach?" Jo asked.

  Zach looked at Jo, devastated. Jo embraced him. "I'm sorry. You just wanted to save me. I was in bad shape."

  Zach held Jo and buried his head in her shoulder.

  In the corner of the room, Tadgh shifted.

  "I helped kill that man, too, Zach. Don't take all the responsibility yourself," Madeline said.

  Zach looked up at everyone. "The guy was evil. He had that look the very minute he laid eyes on Jo. I was pissed off. I thought I'd mess with his head. Make him go crazy. The next thing I knew, he went crazy enough to kill his wife and his kids. Then I killed him and set the house on fire."

  Zach didn’t realize a tear had trickled down his face.

  “It wasn’t you, Zach. Kyle was there. He was controlling the man. He made him kill his family,” Madeline said.

  Zach shook his head. "I did it, and I've lived with it for ten years. There was no mind-bender or whatever in the bush. It was only me—and a curse you call a talent—that killed those people. Ayana knew that. She didn't blackmail me. She just offered me a chance to save a lot of people and do something good . . . There, I’ve said it. Do whatever you want with me."

  "A chance for redemption, and she got you,” Ciaran muttered.

  "Redemption is too fancy a word for me."

  The phone in the corner of the room rang a few times and went to voice mail. A female voice spoke. "Zach, it's Chloe. Where are you? I've been calling you for the last ten minutes. When you get this message, call me back. It's Riko—she's in your apartment . . .”

  Zach cursed and snatched the phone. "I'm here . . .”

  Zach listened and then put down the phone. "Sorry, guys, gotta go," he said while running toward the door.

  Chapter 112

  Later, in the car, Ciaran was driving and glancing around at the same time. They had lost Zach. Tadgh concentrated to
see if he could channel Riko the way he had connected to the young girl in London. But nothing came to his mind.

  “Any info, Tadgh?” Ciaran asked.


  "Madeline, any direction?" Ciaran asked.

  Madeline closed her eyes. They speculated that whatever had happened with whomever Zach had been talking to on the phone was the result of Kyle Wolf’s interference. Although they had lost Zach in traffic, they followed Madeline's instinct of where Kyle would be.

  "Left. On the left," Madeline said.

  Without hesitation, Ciaran turned abruptly onto the street to the left.

  "It's a one-way street, and you’re going the wrong way, Ciaran!” Tadgh yelled from the back seat.

  Ciaran ignored both him and the honks and rude gestures from the other drivers and made his way to where he could turn onto the next street and drive the right way.

  "It's here,” Madeline said. “The reeks of Kyle Wolf.”

  Tadgh glanced at the scene. It was a quiet street with several apartment complexes. They parked the car and headed toward the closest building. He still couldn’t feel Riko or Kyle. He scolded himself. What was wrong with his newfound talent?

  They heard Zach's voice. "Come on, Riko. Come down. You don’t want to do this."

  They went around the corner of the building and saw Zach standing in a small courtyard looking up to level four. A young Asian girl sat on the ledge outside the balcony railing. Her legs dangled, her long hair flowed in the wind, and her eyes darkened. She stared down at Zach but said nothing. Her face was completely void of expression.

  On the other side of the balcony railing was a tall and stunning blonde girl. She stood there, phone in hand, shaking. Madeline guessed she must be Chloe.

  Zach paid no attention to the incoming people. He focused on Riko.

  "Shouldn't you call the police?" Tadgh asked.

  "She does this every second week. She won't jump."

  Ciaran lowered his voice. "She’ll jump this time, Zach. And the blood will be on your hands if you don't do what I say."


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