The Bullet That Killed The World
Page 18
The fate of approximately 455 million South Americans was on the aircraft green stripes, which come to Sao Paulo, Brazil, to distribute the capsules in the other countries of the continent and prevent more people were transformed into zombie.
The armed forces of America also sent a plane to Antarc- tica to supply 4,000 scientists from different countries working in the coldest place on earth. The issue came under discussion because, if converted trod that land, your blood and your body in general would eventually freeze. But it was recalled that the capsule was designed to prevent the spread of the virus through the air. Therefore, the program claimed that each person should take the capsule to prevent infection. No one would be as if there were people without immunity when the possibility that the virus floating in the atmosphere was very successful given its progress and expansion.
North America and Mexico would supply immediately planes and helicopter gunships by the high rate of contaminated thronging the streets. No doubt they were most grateful for those who were still alive were on the brink of madness.
While aircraft collected and transported the drug, Rachel was presented at the microphone receiving the warm hand of the president and the applause of those present. His eyes were the world perching on it. He arrived with a smile tattooed on his lips. People froze to listen to the brightest minds of all time. So that day was marked as the worst event in history. His final act was not exactly of salvation, but of global pollution. Z capsule was already known through transmissions, and the same Rachel un- veiled its function. He spared no scientific language, that was the best. Widespread explanation was part of a plan drawn up from
the darkest part of your senses.
“When I decided to study medicine, I did not imagine that the graduate would be chosen to engage in the most important center of genetic globally. There I developed the process of cry- onics with his head. Before long, we condition printers’ artificial organs to meet the quality of life of people. During that pro- cess, I worked intensely on the ultimate cure of human immu- nodeficiency virus. By then, the contagious virus was only a part of the system, and the cure was a successful party to remove it. The situation was based on the virus corrupted camouflaging the body’s defenses against any experimental drug, and that de- pressed patients to such a degree that stress the sick faster. Stress was the twenty-first century disease until it reached pandemic. At that time, I was convinced that medicine had more than achieved so far, so subjecting my patients to a dose of the HIV vaccine, and the other part was conditioned by quantum healing the mind guided by specialists in the field of psychology and psychiatry.” She paused. “What puts me today again facing the world is ab- solute success against the danger of being contaminated with the virus Z. Intentionally, the pill carries that letter, but only with the desire to be recognized among other drugs. We know that the drug will reach every inhabitant and we know that is made to save us. Unlike AIDS, this virus turns people into irrational, unrecognizable beings who, moreover, multiply at a frightening speed. Here quantum medicine, psychology and psychiatry have no place. Unfortunately, there is no possibility of healing the un- dead, and as is known, the infectious agent became part of the air. The virus acts in a way that initially left us all with an irrepressible question how a human being declared clinically dead could re- turn to life? The mystery was solved when it was revealed that the body died, but the virus continued to act in the body so that lit a spark in the brain of the infected person, and his actions made the body reanimate, regaining control of some activities. Not that the virus controls the body, it is not a parasite, but their activity is determined by activating the remote functions with an average degree of difficulty, where, in addition, the new guy wakes up
with an insatiable hunger to feed only, unfortunately, human flesh. Not talking about an epidemic where people are dying, but people dying, revives and kills more people to revive and continue killing. It’s like I read in a local newspaper when we realized that the sit- uation was unstoppable; The note read: «Suddenly he awoke the twin sister of Death, and with it, his army of ruthless horsemen». We will all die one day; it is a law of biology. But at least let’s do it like before, definitely, not to wake up and continue a string that has come to break the pattern of our daily lives.”
That said, the capsule was taken in front of everyone and smiled.
Everyone, absolutely everyone froze. No one spoke, no one side, remains in doubt if anyone breathed at that moment. Who would distrust the person who discovered the cure for HIV, a dis- ease transmitted mainly by practicing love and desire in sex? How can we not believe in salvation when the virus was the other side of love? That was based on that day Rachel woke up with his best wishes to clothe the human being in his best suit: hatred.
After a long silence, Rachel pursed her lips and people glori- fied their intervention. He said goodbye with that professional touch and down from the podium to make way for Colin, who waited long seconds, because people present still applauding. When crossed, she grabbed him by the arm and said something in his ear. He shook his head in confirmation and positioned him- self in front of the microphone.
Then, when silence gained ground Colin said:
“The manufacture of the drug was tried at breakneck speed, since the phase of clinical trials, which usually represents years, we conducted a few months. The price of the drug will only be valued by the innovation project, the development of highly ad- vanced technology and raw material consumption. By considering we’re talking about an epidemic that threatens to eliminate the human species, at least as we know it, will not take out a marketing campaign, nor will discuss the product positioning in medical congresses. Preclinical research in areas to predict with computer
models were expensive. Finally tried the sample in people, and ef- fectiveness is one hundred percent. The active ingredient quickly enough to have the source of the virus within reach. Here I must pause to recognize extensively army support. Our soldiers were given the task of capturing infected subjects and keep them under surveillance while the team of doctors and specialists in pharma- cology worked on the research of molecules that became what we know today as the capsule Z.”
Here he finished the speech, no press conference or questions. It was so clear, and so desperate people who were satisfied with the immediacy of knowing that in a few hours’ landfall his plane and each person could consume the drug.
Rachel was not quiet until Colin stepped off the podium. From the moment of his presentation, he noted the possible es- cape routes if your new “dog” gave him to reveal the truth about the contents of the capsule. But at that point, he was so sunk like her, so he had no choice but to go all the way.
Rampant, especially very risky and eccentric, to make the world believe that the Z capsule was responsible for immunizing the body if the virus enters the body through oral routes plan worked. The worst was that was so compelling that the UN launched an extensive statement to the US government for the excellent work. No distrusted the woman who put an end to AIDS. Rachel’s pres- tige was so media that there was no possibility of a hoax. They not even though the capsule could be false.
The order collection from different countries moved quickly in the military mission operated by the carrier. Landing ships identified, data with the center of the nation was confirmed and took off with the cargo. Tristan da Cunha islands, Kanton Is- land, Pitcairn, among other inaccessible, were supplied from the air with boxes of pills released into parachutes. The Government of India entered into agreement with the inhabitants of North Sentinel Island explaining the importance of consuming the drug if the virus came there, because, as were led to believe, it spread through the environment.
In Russia, the distribution operation of the boxes with the drug took about more than the rest of the world hours. The or- ganization was not very successful in the conventional manner until finally gave the green light several airports for planes waiting to reach every country, then every city, every village and ever
y person.
One of the last countries to collect the drug was Spain, and as nothing is perfect, the plane, which took off from Madrid to Valencia, suffered a malfunction that dropped in forced landing. The pilot tried to save the plane, most of the content itself, but the ship broke in two as landfall and, unfortunately, went up in flames. People around where the accident was caused ran to see what it was that which caused a loud bang and let out a column of black smoke. At first, they simply get close enough because a second explosion is perhaps provoking. However, to tour the site with the sight they saw some broken boxes and Z capsule washed down on the floor. It was then they launched as children under a piñata to grab as many potential drugs. Some even fought, and that only meant he would take advantage of such misfortune to sell on their own capsule who were not able to take it. Some boxes were destroyed and those left intact smashed everything to get fit them into his pockets.
A few minutes later they came several police cars and military, fire trucks and ambulances. As soon as they realized what had happened, they rushed to arrest. Some police fired shots in the air to scare those who stormed the boxes. Most he escaped. The rest knelt and placed before them the wives, took three and up to four capsules a hitch.
It was a real catastrophe. The plane was charred. Authori- ties arrived as quickly as they could, but the drug was very li- ttle. People who managed to escape most of the capsules that were not reached by the flames was. Those who surrendered were seized which they seized, and the rest was a very small portion. The head of the Spanish government unveiled the tragic news immediately and ordered entrench place. None of civilians, much less the minimum space for the press. Within minutes, came a
group of scientists. The few rescued samples were transported to a laboratory.
The capsules were counted and kept waiting for an order. They should be careful. The product was patented, and any right of reply implied strong legal charges. In the field of pharmaceu- tical industry, data protection is extremely delicate. The authorities responsible for marketing approval of new drugs are required to protect data against unfair commercial use of competitors. They must also protect such data against disclosure, except if the po- pulation would find in jeopardy. However, they had to wait an effective response by members of the State Council.
I was immediately transferred the compound back to the ca- pital. The trip was made by land and lasted about four hours. There he was secretly given a prestigious team for possible re- plication and production in the shortest possible time. Waiting for an answer in the debate held at the Palacio de las Cortes in Madrid, it is too delayed, which meant it was late for humanity.
As the meeting ended, the president himself ordered examine the contents to replenish the number of missing in the accident drugs. But the surprise was when they discovered that the famous Z capsule contained no immunity against the virus, but the virus in its purest form.
The news was immediately released to the world. The chaos was inexplicable. And again, they showed for all mass media, the capsule was nothing but the virus. At that time, 95% of the world population had consumed the capsule Z. The hatred was unleashed to the United States erupted in unison in the voice of every human being on this planet. If only they had died, like zom- bies wake up remembering nothing. But hearing on TV that no longer get sick, and suddenly, knowing they had just swallowed a one-way ticket to death back to life was turned into zombies to get sick from nerves.
The compound was rigorously analyzed elsewhere, and indeed active laboratories agreed that the capsule containing the virus at its best. Someone took care to fool everyone to poison their
bodies; and that someone had name.
No more time to waste, special forces were sent in to capture the person who fired the bullet that killed the world. The National Guard had only hours to find the whereabouts of Rachel Hayes, declared as the biggest killer on a universal scale. The woman who literally extinguished the human race. It would be the last mission of the military assigned. They knew that in a few hours, would su- ffer the symptoms of zombie death. They knew that as his body began to distort, would die. No strength left to fight. Apparently, everyone thought the same ...: Stuffy get into the brain. And al- though no one expressed in words, it meant you could see in his eyes.
People who came not to consume the drug had no idea what was worse. On the one hand, it was unfortunate understand that by taking the Z capsule in less than two days would pass the ho- rrible zombie state, and should not have taken it because the new news came first, would become a victim of the great wave undead that would crowd the streets wanting to test red blood.
That day, in that only 5% of humanity was not infected, it was
recognized as Zero Population.
Chapter 14. A glimmer of hope for Samantha.
Rachel escaped with Colin. His mission accomplished gave to know that 95% of people would become zombies. So, the rest would soon disappear after the tsunami rampant undead.
Frank came to Washington and joined his team, who unfor- tunately believed, like most, the famous capsule Z was against those predators’ salvation of people. He organized a plan and encouraged them to give chase to the responsible for the greatest holocaust in history. But things were not as before.
“Hey! Come on, raise those heads! Here we are soldiers until the end.”
“Hey, Frank, tell the truth, did you get to consume the capsule?”
Night man skin folded his arms and, with downcast eyes, gave
a few kicks on the floor.
“It’s easy to talk like that when you know you will not be
turned into a zombie fucked in a few hours”.
“Not worth talking about it now,” Frank said sorrowfully to his companions. “It is urgent to find the whereabouts of Rachel Hayes or so Colin.”
“And then what? Would you cross the chest with bullets? That will not change anything.”
“Isn’t has happened on your fucking head that maybe this woman has the cure? It is a mastermind. I bet you that she has the cure. So, walking. It cannot be far away, and if grabbed on time, nobody dies, not here. Okay?”
Frank managed to convince the soldiers to capture the woman
who managed to poison the world. The trouble was that they did not know where to start looking. Perhaps he had not yet left the state, the fact was that the lifetime of the military would not be enough to catch it.
While some parts of the world burning with fever and symp- toms of biological contamination, Rachel and Colin were heading to the laboratory where they waited Daylet and others. Rachel’s new plan was to capture some zombies and then drop them to be in charge of exterminating. That was the proof that she de- manded to convince himself that he was not like the others. She was driving the stolen truck company FedEx, and paid more at- tention to the surroundings in search of hungry creatures that road. Suddenly, he slammed on the brakes when he saw about ten zombies slowly advanced to nowhere.
“Look, there is what you want!” He said wanting to end this madness.”
“Do not. I do not think so. They are few.”
“Few? Are you kidding? Half of one serve to eat you whole.” “Do not exaggerate. Hungry, but remember that they are
human, they do not have the stomach of a blue whale.” “For me they are enough.”
“And? What do you think?”
“They are disgusting. Look at those holes in their skins. Leaky they have meat, like a shower of tiny meteorites had fallen on them.”
“They are not all like that. These are really well spent. I esti- mate that carry converted three to four months. They note deficit hair. Torn skin, as saying. They have lost most of the clothes rot causing blood, feces and urine.”
“My God! Please stop.”
She smiled at her face in disgust. “It’s okay. Well, let’s do it.”
Colin held an air balloon in the throat to hide his fear. He stret- ched his arms toward the seat back and pulled three bottles with gas that slee
ps. Rachel pressed at him, dropping his eyes on the truck door. the mask is placed, gloves, and prepared to leave. It took forever to open the door, and another eternity to get one leg. Hasty in his neck were visible heart palpitations and a few drops of sweat bathed his forehead. Although separated a distance of sixty meters, Colin had no idea how to get close to spread gas near the face. Meanwhile, Rachel showed somewhat impatient.
“So... Are you going to leave or wait for us and we identify bullets rain down on your head?”
“They are zombies!”
“Of course, they are zombies!” She shouted angrily.
“Silence please, so more you want. I feel safer if not shaken.”
Rachel shook her head as if disappointed and pressed the horn with the palm of his hand.
Colin trembled with fear when he saw subjects moving towards the truck. At that time Rachel took and threw him out with a violent shove. The man was terrified. That small horde of infected quickened her pace when they detected the smell. Colin gave blows in the window as Rachel screamed at him to open the door. She pointed her index finger in the direction they should go if I wanted to come through the door that she was responsible for blocking. Zombies were already very close, and Colin was jum- ping still desperate as her screams drowned between your mouth and the mask.
“Dammit, Rachel! Open the door!”
She was angry and kept faith in seeing Colin do their job. For its part, the undead almost touched the body. That was when, in a desperate maneuver, uncorked bottles with gas and running in circles, he avoided until the zombies were lost speed and fell like leaves, one by one.