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Seed of Sin (The House of Creed Book 2)

Page 15

by D. M. Burns

  chapter 16


  I’ve been silently staring at her from my couch position for well over an hour. Of course, my ass knows better than to show face right now. After my sweet southern butterfly called me a mind-reading asshole, I figured disappearing social distancing was a smart move for me to make. If nothing else, I feel the need to protect my ball sack that she was having secret thoughts of kicking. Her contemplative reflections were justified, yes. But if I can avoid that painful run-in with her heels then I’m damn well going to take the necessary precautions.

  Brealyn is balled up on her side in her bed watching reruns of Snapped. Which wouldn’t be all that bad if she didn’t chuckle sinisterly every time the female killer gutted a new victim. Plus, every unlucky fuck caught up in the bloodbath is of the male variety. It would seem that my kindhearted butterfly has morphed into a demonic dragonfly with a death to Brogan mentality of the worse kind.

  That failed attempt at taking my girl shopping was an epic bust. I knew sooner or later that I’d need to come clean about that Crossover deal, but I had no idea that it’d be today. And I damn sure didn’t want Brea to find out about my asshole ways like that.

  The way Brea’s face transformed when Grandma Sims laid into me, dug underneath the Wallstreet God’s protectant armor. That shit scored deep. I saw the confusion, denial, acceptance, and hurt as it all unfolded on her face. Normally, I don’t give a shit about others or their pointless opinions for my boardroom decisions but it’s Brea. I even found myself caring for the opinion of Mrs. Sims too.

  I’ll chalk that up to the emotional ties and stock that Mrs. Sims owns in the heart of the woman I love. Here lately, I’m coming to find that if Brea deeply cares for something then I do as well. And that entire sidewalk episode cut your boy up.

  That family I trampled over to gut that business for a profit were good caring people. They weren’t corrupt. Nah, that was all me, the Wallstreet Demon. The Crossover deal is the only one in my entire career that I ever truly felt a certain type of way about. That feeling mainly consisting of regret.

  Bottom line, I regret stealing that company out from under that family. I regret pushing that caring elderly couple into selling. I regret Mrs. Sims having that opinion about me. I regret that she felt it necessary to warn Brealyn away from me. And worst of all, I regret not approaching this butterfly years ago and stealing her for myself instead of the company itself.

  “I can feel you. I know you're here with me.” She whispers as she turns over and looks right at me like I’m not transparent.

  “Always…” I fade into view. “Are you mad at me?”

  “Did you know I worked there?” She ignores my question and asks one of her own. I nod my head yes. Honesty… She lets out a sigh and mindlessly picks at her bed comforter.

  “Yeah, I had the viewing pleasure of watching you tear into my team of attorneys.” Her royal blues eyes come back to me and I smirk.

  “I remember that.” She giggles. “I was really mad.”

  “You know when I saw you that day it was a game-changer. Truth be known, I had never felt that way before and when you showed back up at The House of Creed, it was like God was presenting me with another chance. I just have a knack for being a dick. But that Crossover deal was the very first time I saw you.” I smirk while recalling the details. “I didn’t know how to categorize what I was feeling, and I hauled ass outta there.” I look off to the side and my brows crease. “I’m sorry Mrs. Sims feels that way about me and I don’t blame her, Brealyn. She has every right.” I lean up and steeple my hands together.

  “The love that Mr. and Mrs. Sims shared is similar to my grandparents, all-consuming. Mrs. Sims misses her husband badly and she’s very hurt.” Her hushed tone tells me that she’s rummaging through her mind's filing cabinet of past memory tokens. I nod my head at her.

  “Do you remember the very first day that Channing showed up at The House of Creed and you came to see me before leaving the office. It was right before the Christmas holidays. You remember?” She nods her head and I send her a wink. “I told you then that I had done a lot of bad shit over the years. Bad things that financially broke, crippled, and destroyed others… Other bad people.” I scrub my hand over my face and continue, “I told you that I wasn’t a good man and that I wasn’t looking for forgiveness because I wasn’t going to be changing anytime soon. I also said that one day I’d pay for all the selfish shit I had done and if you were smart, you’d stay away from me. Do you remember that?” She swipes at a tear as it escapes her eye.

  “Yes.” She sits pulling her knees into her chest.

  “Baby, I was wrong about a few things. The Sims are my only regretful business decision and it’s not entirely because you’re pissed at me. It’s because they were damn good people and didn’t deserve what I served them. None of you did. For that, I hold a lot of regret. But the selfish asshole that I am is more regretful over not approaching you back then. You…” I point to her and clear my voice. It feels like gravel is stuck in the back of my throat. “You make me want to kill that evil side of me off. I want to change if for no other reason than to know that you’ll look at me with love reflected in those eyes that flows from the love you hold in your heart.” I stand up and move over to the bed and cautiously take a seat next to her. “Because the hurt on your face today was ultimately my doing and I want no part in ever seeing you like that again. Mrs. Sims is right; I’m not deserving and you should run. But I also told you I was greedy a long time ago too and that’s not changed one damn bit. And the cold hard facts are that I’d come after you. I can’t let you go.” Brea crawls over into my lap and wraps herself around me like a baby Koala. Without hesitation, I close my arms around her frame like steel gates and breath in her scent.

  “I’m not mad anymore, just disappointed. I’m just sad that Mrs. Sims doesn’t know you like I do.” She leans up brushing her hands over my face. “You’re good and I know this in my heart, Brogan. Your business approach is brutal but your heart is beautiful. If they could only see what I see. Everyone is capable of change. You’re the real butterfly transformation taking place.” That’s the shit I’m talking about, that right there. This woman owns me. She leans in and gently kisses me. “Like what you did for Channing. That was the right thing to do, Brogan. I’m so very proud of you.”

  “I only did that to hopefully divert his damn attention away from you, us. Like I said, greedy.” I shrug. It’s not a lie. Preoccupied and leaving my damn butterfly the hell alone, that was my motivational factor, period.

  “I’m sorry I called you an A-hole and thought about kicking you in the balls.”

  “It probably won’t be your last time, baby. Speaking of, I have other HONEST truths that you need to know but can we discuss them later?” I ask. I don’t want to fuck anything else up before we go to Greece.

  “Are they bad things?” She asks.

  “No. At least I don’t believe them to be.”

  “So, nothing that pertains to the here and now or past corporate domination demise type of Wallstreet God things?” Her eyes bounce between mine. I chuckle and shake my head no. She nods her head. Thank fuck.

  “I love you, butterfly,” I whisper. I tangle my hand into her long strands of golden silk then bring her mouth back to me. Diving in and taking my sweet Southern Comfort that can only be found in this woman.

  When the door swings open and her girl with a shit ton of suitcases barrels in, I growl. Brea lets out a giggle while I hear Tamera’s silent word vomit.

  God, I hope I didn’t interrupt my besties dick session. Lord knows her poor vagina waited long enough to get some. In my opinion, she needs variety though. Like seriously, the older beefier brother probably does it better. He damn sure looks more experience. This bitch needs to be added to the mental block list stat.

  “I’m freaking ready to rock it out in Greece, BITCHES. What’s up Creed-A-Licious” She waves at me and I give her a chin lift as opposed to my twitch
ing middle finger salute that her comment before rightfully deserves.

  “Where are your bags?” Tamera throws her hands up in the air in exasperation.

  “She doesn’t need to pack,” I speak up. Brea looks back at me slow blinking through the confusion. “I had the staff in Greece see to everything. You have a wardrobe and all the necessities stocked at the house there.” I smile.

  “Lucky HO,” Tamera says. “Those are life goals right there.”

  “What are?” Brea looks back at her friend and Tamera points at me.

  “Banging Wall Street’s finest, that’s what.” Tamera laughs out loud. Oh, this trip sharing bullshit is so going to be worth it. Fuck you, Channing. I chuckle to myself.

  Tamera lets her bags hit the floor with a hard thump and she jumps up and down. Brea pops a kiss on my lips right before she takes off in the direction of her best friend. I watch as they hug it out while twirling around together like kids on a playground. Oh, I can’t wait to see Channing’s face when he realizes that this sexy maneater has tagged along. Priceless and epic shit is about to take place.

  chapter 17


  As we pull up onto the tarmac to board Brogan’s personal jet, I see Channing filing out of a blacked-out SUV. I bounce in my seat knowing this is my Cupid debut to shoot an oversized grizzly in the butt with my bow and arrow. Tamera slowly pushes her sunglasses down her nose eyeballing the football-sized man candy Creed across the way and I nudge Brogan in the arm. He smirks down at me while wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

  Tam turns her ice blue eyes slowly my way but I ignore direct contact. Meeting her ice rays head on right now is a hard pass. It’d probably have the equivalent results that are similar to gazing into the eyes of Medusa. Turning me to stone before I get to enjoy Greece is a depressing thought. I steadily tap my hand on my knee and pretend not to notice the holes she’s burning into my forehead.

  “What is that?” Tam points her boney finger out the window at Channing.

  “I keep asking myself the same damn thing.” Brogan deadpans. “Hoping that someone will speak up and say HE’s NOT THE BROTHER.”

  “I’ll have you know that overgrown butthole grizzly bear is one of my favorite people,” I whine.

  “You can let that Maury show sibling dream go, Creed. There’s no denying the blood relation in the DNA correlation between you two. Both of you are some sexy ass men, period.” Brogan quirks his eyebrow at Tam and she shrugs her shoulders. “Jesus, get over yourself. I’d never hurt my best friend like that, ever. I’m blunt and to the point. I’m also surrounded by beautiful people every day. It comes along with my profession.” She digs through her purse and fishes out her Big Red gun popping a piece in her mouth then looks back at us. “The outside is great to look at but the inside is normally decaying like week-old roadkill. I simply tell it like it is. I’m cutthroat when it comes to life period, not just a boardroom.” Tam finishes her statement with a megawatt smile at him.

  I giggle when Brogan looks down at me, like there’s something I can do to control Tamera. Is he crazy?

  “I’m used to it and also love her for it too. She speaks her mind.” I shrug. “At least you never have to worry where you stand with her.”

  “Listen hooker…” Tam points her finger at me and I smile sweetly. “I know damn well what this is.” She points out the window at my grizzly then back at me again. I’m eyeballing her finger-shank the whole time. “Pay attention.” My eyes snap up to her. She’s too excited about Greece to be truly angry at me. “You and I will talk soon. Be glad we’re going to Greece or I’d kick your country ass for this.”

  “I don’t know what you're so angry about. He’s pretty to look at.” I say. Brogan’s head snaps around to me and I can see my reflection staring back at me in his shade covered eyes. I tilt his sunglasses down and look into those translucent windows to his soul. “Not as pretty as you, honey. You know I love you.” I smile and bat my lashes then watch as his features soften before pushing his glasses back into place.

  “Channing’s full of himself and obnoxious. He’s the opposite of this silent closed-off corporate gangster that’s attached himself to your soul.” Tamera points to Brogan.

  “I’ll agree with that assessment.” Brogan deadpans. Tam nods her head as if to say see what I mean.

  She pushes her glasses back up her nose just when Lincoln opens the door for us to file out. Brogan steps out of the car first then helps me leaving Tam to fend for herself. I’m beginning to believe that Brogan doesn’t really care for anyone other than me. Even Carson is a tossup at times.

  “You be good while we’re gone Lincoln.” Lincoln nods his head at me with a side smirk as he helps Tam then rounds the vehicle to retrieve her luggage.

  Brogan and Channing both are casual sexy in attire. The business slacks and crisp business shirts sans the coats are playing out a casual corporate theme here. These men are walking visual steroids for any functioning ovaries in attendance. They really do resemble each other in more ways than one. But, in my opinion, Brogan is my silent saint. People don’t see what or who he is to me. No one gets those inside insights. Those are mine and that thought warms my heart.

  When Tamera steps out of the car Channing props one hand on his hip and jerks his sunglasses off his face. I see him squinting in my direction as Brogan breaks out into laughter while guiding us toward the plane.

  “Hey, you big grizzly bear. You ready to have some fun?” I give him my best sweet southern smile and as I get closer, he steps into me. It’s like an eclipse blocking out the sun. Brogan pulls me closer but Channing leans down into my space.

  “You’re a little trickster disguised behind a southern drawl and wrapped up in beautiful country girl landscape. But still a little trickster all the same.” I pat the side of his cheek and giggle.

  “You love me for it, now let’s get on this plane and have some fun,” I say. Brogan chuckles and Channing looks to him.

  “You knew about this, you asshole.” Channing grunts.

  “That I did.” Brogan leads me up the stairs leaving Channing standing there as he stares at Tamera.

  “Sir, would you like for me to serve the strawberry cupcakes you brought onboard? The stewardess asks Channing and he nods his head.

  “That’d be great. To everyone but this one right here.” Channing points at me and I poke my bottom lip out. The poor attendant looks back and forth between us. “Sunshine, you’re an uncover makeshift Cupid lover whose efforts are of evil but I wouldn’t mind seeing you in that birthday suit of hearts.”

  “Want on, you dick.” Brogan deadpans without looking away from his laptop screen.

  “Rude,” I whine at Channing. “He’s a little grouchy. You’ll have to ignore him.” I smile while talking to the stewardess.

  “Considering she bought and hand-delivered you with enough cupcakes over the last three months to supply Manhattan, that seems a little harsh,” Brogan grumbles while typing away.

  “You shut up and concentrate on your damn stocks. This is between me and sunshine.” Channing says.

  “Those stocks you speak of just netted me eight million in the last twenty-four hours,” Brogan says without breaking stride in his keystrokes.

  “Wow.” My eyes turn to Brogan with a shocked expression and he winks at me when he raises his head. “Will you show me how to invest like that?” I ask in awe and Brogan smiles wide while giving me a chin lift.

  “Well, there’s not really anything to be upset about. I sure as hell won’t be bothering you, big guy. So, no worries there, but your efforts were heartfelt and came from the best of places Brea-bee. Much love girly.” Tam says while studying her nails uncaring. “I’m sure the island is big enough for the both of us Chan-the-man. You stay on your half and I’ll stay on mine, yeah?” She quirks her eyebrow at Channing and he chuckles.

  “Listen beautiful…” He sits up in his leather plush chair crowding into Tam’s space. His towering size and muscles pop
out with the effort. She smirks deviously at him when he moves within inches of her face. This might not have been my best idea. “You know it’s no hardship for you to be near me. Stop playing.” He winks at her.

  Brogan closes his laptop placing his elbow into the arm of the chair and propping his index finger into his temple while staring at the scene playing out in front of us.

  “Listen to me, Creed number two…” Her sultry voice is packed with venom and a fair amount of humor as she rolls those words out that are meant to make Channing feel a certain type of way. He knows he’s beautiful and well equipped. So much so, that comment will have zero bearings on his self-esteem. He chuckles in her face but doesn’t move which is exactly what I’d be doing if I were him. “Fall back outta my face.” She smashes her palm against his forehead giving him a healthy shove. Channing chuckles as he finds his comfortable position back in his chair and safely out of arms reach of Tam.

  “We both know, he’s the baby brother. So, that’s his title. Even if that weren’t the case, I don’t mind being in line behind this asshole. But only at places like biohazard testing, trail run’s on STD’s… Shit, like that.” Channing points at Brogan and laughs out loud when Brogan flips him off in response. The STD comment has me scrunching my nose up. All I can envision is a rotten gangrene peter, so gross.

  “Well, that’s a relief. Then you know exactly how you made me feel a few months ago, yeah? So, don’t come at me now because I take a backseat for no one. One-time offer, remember? No rainchecks.” She says. Channing shakes his head on a chuckle.

  “You really going to hold that ancient history against me?” Channing smiles wide and Tam rolls her eyes. “No strawberry cupcake for you either then.” He says. Tam’s smile is scary before she turns to me.

  My BFF is a beautiful cutout of what I’d imagine the current aged Cleopatra to look like except with stunning bright blue eyes, gleaming long silky black hair, and a banging body. Calling her beautiful just doesn’t do her justice. Maybe exquisite…


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