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The Womb - Poems on Mother , Father , Children , Parenthood - volume 2

Page 4

by Nikhil Parekh


  I still profoundly remember those moments when we had first met; with your eyelashes fervently fluttering in untamed exhilaration; under golden rays of the midday Sun,

  And today you sat like a silken princess beside me; with our new born daughter cuddled compassionately in your palms; as you bounced her euphorically towards

  the mystical clouds; every now and again.

  I still ardently remember those moments when we had first met; with an unfathomable myriad of emotions stifled a trifle in your throat; as you nervously

  groped for the right words to begin,

  And today you stared into the whites of my eyes like the ultimate angel of my life; with our new born daughter poignantly suckling milk from your impeccable chest; as you perpetually tightened your grip; upon my impoverished palms.

  I still fondly remember those moments when we had first met; with the beats of your heart throbbing more vociferously than insatiable thunderbolts of lightening in crimson sky; as you tried to sagaciously discern every element of my diminutive countenance,

  And today you embraced me more impregnably than the heavens could every embrace the clouds; with our new born daughter marvelously relishing your Godly touch; as you resolved to be only mine; for a countless more lifetimes.

  I still ecstatically remember those moments when we had first met; with an air of stupendously supreme consciousness; triggering you to adjust the parting of

  your mesmerizing hair; with even the most inconspicuous draught of air,

  And today you miraculously bestowed a river of unfathomable newness upon my every disastrously traumatized nerve; with our new born daughter mischievously poking her immaculate fingers into your nose; as you kissed me like a tantalizing seductress on my cheeks.

  I still eternally remember those moments when we had first met; with your ingratiating form timelessly eluding me; as you surreptitiously tried to camouflage

  your shivering form behind the undulating hills,

  And today your ravishing hair blew perennially across the contours of my despicably languishing face; with our new born daughter blissfully sleep in your heavenly palms; as you poignantly assimilated even the most infinitesimal desire of my soul; in the

  ever-pervading streams of your scarlet blood.

  I still fervently remember those moments when we had first met; with an unsurpassable sky of goose-bumps; creeping in inexplicable excitement upon every pore of your celestial skin,

  And today your enamoring lips had forever interlocked with mine; with our new born daughter innocuously wailing in your majestic ears; as your even the remotest trace of your shadow blended with mine; for centuries immemorial.

  I still passionately remember those moments when we had first met; with torrential showers of rain pelting from the sky; propelling you to shiver in uncontrollable excitement; as you regally awaited my advancing footsteps,

  And today even the slightest of your gaze had taken invincible control over my heart; soul and conscience; with our new born daughter flirtatiously frolicking at your divinely feet; as you made me feel the richest organism ever alive; on the trajectory

  of this gigantic Universe.

  I still piquantly remember those moments when we had first met; with your sensuously fulminating eyes; hardly mustering the courage to witness even the most

  obfuscated of my reflection,

  And today you unassailably signed every beat of my romantically throbbing heart with the immortal signature of love; with our new born daughter snuggling deeper and deeper into your comforting bosom; as you became the only reason for my holistic


  I still proudly remember those moments when we had first met; with your words of inarticulately melodious introduction; seeming to me like the most fascinating

  sounds on this mammoth planet,

  And today you enshrouded me from all sides with your aura of Omnipresent righteousness; with our new born daughter making us feel greater than the greatest of

  Gods every unfurling minute; as you impregnably intermingled each of your breath; with mine.


  It was a moment which had blissfully bestowed all astounding beauty of this colossal Universe; in our diminutively impoverished laps,

  It was a moment which impregnated such an exhilarating cheer to our cheeks; that we became wholesomely oblivious; to even the most infinitesimal definition of bizarre sadness,

  It was a moment which perpetually annihilated even the tiniest iota of our guilt; inundating our frantically traumatized souls; with the marvelously ingratiating melody of the; enthralling atmosphere,

  It was a moment which miraculously transformed the treacherously sullen contours of our defeated faces; into the blazingly triumphant fireball; of Omnipotent sunshine,

  It was a moment which bountifully transpired the most eclectic artist from our bereaved bloodstreams; articulately molding us into an entrenchment of stupendously vivacious beauty and unparalleled charm,

  It was a moment which blessed us with the Herculean tenacity; to smilingly confront; even the most acrimoniously vicious disaster; in inscrutable life,

  It was a moment which brought back an ocean of unbelievable empathy in our manipulatively prejudiced eyes; eternally taught us to compassionately coalesce

  with all resplendent mankind,

  It was a moment which indefatigably triggered us to enchantingly sing and dance; exuberantly gyrate our nimble forms forever; under the voluptuously seductive

  curtain of; milky midnight,

  It was a moment which perpetuated us to wholeheartedly laugh; magnificently express the inner most of our feelings; to symbiotically exist as one for centuries


  It was a moment which Omnisciently took away even the most horrifically remorseful of our grief; perennially enveloping us in the swirl of; divinely mesmerizing existence,

  It was a moment which majestically swept us of our drearily tyrannized feet; to timelessly soar in the paradise of; ravishingly charismatic togetherness,

  It was a moment which made us live each second to the most stupendously unprecedented limits; sagaciously realize the most exotically wonderful essence;

  of gloriously Omnipresent life,

  It was a moment which instilled in us an untamed spirit of unconquerable pride; a cloud of blissful contentment which even the greatest of God’s in the cosmos;

  found hard to believe,

  It was a moment which spell bindingly redefined every languidly insidious element of our miserable existence; fulfilling even the most evanescent of our wishes; with the heavenly replenishment of this entire planet,

  It was a moment which transited us back into realms of our very own impeccable childhood; far away from the vagaries of this salaciously corrupt Universe; and

  frolicking in the lap of our Mother to our absolute heart’s content,

  It was a moment which regally transformed every tear from our despicably withering eye; into a priceless jewel of uncrowned glory; showering synergistic prosperity on every step that we transgressed,

  It was a moment which fulminated the fire of irrefutable truth in our invidiously beleaguered conscience; tirelessly propelling us forward; to unite every scattered thread on this gigantic planet; in the light of celestial righteousness,

  It was a moment which beautifully enshrouded us with unassailable whirlwinds of sensuously ecstatic breath; wholesomely disassociating us from the chapter

  of lugubriously ghastly death,

  And it was a moment which unequivocally made us the richest organisms on this Universe; ironically without a penny in our rudimentary pockets;

  As the first cries of our freshly born daughter; embedded its godly impression in our joyous hearts; for infinite more births yet to come; and imparted us with the ardor to exist; forever and ever and ever.


  The afternoon
of 2nd April was profusely bountiful; as the Sun cast its flamboyantly Omnipotent spell; upon even the most penuriously obsolete granules of soil,

  The afternoon of 2nd April was unbelievably rhapsodic; as vivaciously striped butterflies; melodiously philandered over the; perennially blooming lotuses,

  The afternoon of 2nd April was exotically enchanting; as gorgeous waterfalls cascaded harmoniously from the mountains; euphorically titillating dreary earth,

  The afternoon of 2nd April was blissfully bestowing; as fountains of ever pervading beauty; sprang in ebulliently untamed unison; from the aisles of orphaned nothingness,

  The afternoon of 2nd April was blisteringly patriotic; as unflinchingly scintillating soldiers fearlessly marched forward; to impregnably defend their ruthlessly imprisoned motherland,

  The afternoon of 2nd April was ingratiatingly heavenly; as gigantically enamoring festoons of leaves; exotically placated all those aimlessly loitering without the

  most insipid of roof,

  The afternoon of 2nd April was marvelously majestic; as a blanket of vividly fascinating rainbows; poignantly enshrouded the fathomless firmament of blue sky,

  The afternoon of 2nd April was stupendously royal; as an unsurpassable fleet of kingly eagles; indefatigably encircled the gloriously misty cocoon of satiny clouds,

  The afternoon of 2nd April was impeccably candid; as even the most disastrously beleaguered of conscience’s; irrefutably drifted towards the corridors of

  unassailable truth,

  The afternoon of 2nd April was exhilaratingly adventurous; as torrentially frosty winds of timelessness; ecstatically gushed past the unsurpassably grandiloquent landscapes,

  The afternoon of 2nd April was incredulously mystical; as the endless undulations of the ravishing forests; incessantly reverberated; with an ocean of melodious

  nightingale sounds,

  The afternoon of 2nd April was magically articulate; as an incomprehensible of gregarious spiders; rhetorically spun dwellings of pure silk; within lightening seconds of time,

  The afternoon of 2nd April was insurmountably passionate; as insatiably infatuated lovers; took clandestine reprieve behind the honey drenched meadows; to have the most tantalizing time of their lives,

  The afternoon of 2nd April was overwhelmingly sacrosanct; as young ones replenished their bodies to the most unprecedented limits; amiably bouncing in the

  lap of their divinely mother’s,

  The afternoon of 2nd April was splendidly persevering; each instant of the tickling clock; unfurled into a river of marvelously well deserved sweat; and

  exotically gratifying hard work,

  The afternoon of 2nd April was eternally vibrant; as the winds of magnanimous graciousness; compassionately embraced all those; engulfed with treacherous

  misery and traumatized pain,

  The afternoon of 2nd April was seductively whispering; as the boundless fleet of fish and celestially rising waves; congenially kissed till times immemorial,

  The afternoon of 2nd April was unshakably invincible; as Omnipresent God’s in the cosmos; magnificently feasted upon all harmoniously endless bliss; upon the trajectory of this colossal planet,

  And although it had embossed in it all ingredients to make it passionately special; the afternoon of 2nd April for me was immortally priceless; as there lay the most wonderful gift of the Lord's creation in my fervently outstretched palms; there lay my princely and first daughter kavya.


  Her impeccably wandering and emphatic eyes; were exactly like mine; mischievously fulminating into an island of unparalleled exuberance; every unfurling

  minute of the day,

  While the charismatically wonderful lips; she had stupendously inherited from her mother; perennially blossoming into a paradise of rhapsodically untamed happiness.

  Her magnificently robust and heavenly pink toes; were exactly like mine; intrepidly frolicking all the time; towards the clouds of mystical adventure,

  While the miraculously Omnipotent contours of her pristine feet; she had astoundingly inherited from her mother; enchantingly dancing to the tunes of the

  seductively milky night.

  Her celestially radiant and immaculate palms were exactly like mine; metamorphosing every thing that she blissfully caressed into an entrenchment of unfathomable empathy,

  while the enamoring vivacity in her intricately poignant fingers; she had eclectically inherited from her mother; delectably swishing them to inquisitively explore even the most minuscule trace of newness; in the gloriously dazzling atmosphere.

  Her bountifully twinkling and mesmerizing ears were exactly like mine; ebulliently flapping under thefirst rays of the Omnisciently golden Sun,

  While the melodiously enchanting voice; she had profoundly inherited from her mother; as she exotically placated even the most disastrously traumatized parts of this unending Universe; with the unsurpassable joy in her untainted sounds.

  Her diminutively fragrant and triumphant neck was exactly like mine; innocuously drifting towards all ravishingly tantalizing goodness in the vibrant atmosphere,

  While the majestic silhouettes of her everlasting chest; she had incredulously inherited from her mother; beautifully assimilating all priceless humanity on this unfathomable planet; in her gloriously Omnipotent soul.

  Her poignantly crimson and immaculate blood was exactly like mine; innocuously culminating into a stream of sparkling newness; every unveiling instant

  of the brilliantly flamboyant day,

  While the magnanimously ingenious network of her virgin veins; she had ecstatically inherited from her mother; as she profusely harbored the virtues of fathomlessly glistening mankind; in every element of her regally aristocratic visage.

  Her voluptuously ebullient eyelashes were exactly like mine; handsomely fluttering towards the corridors of eternity; under the milky ocean of iridescently starry


  While the ravishingly priceless crusts of hazel hair on her scalp; she had scintillatingly inherited from her mother; as she philandered in the meadows of divinely playfullness; for infinite more births yet to unveil.

  Her resplendently fiery and mystical breath was exactly like mine; boundlessly spawning into an entrenchment of spell binding exoticism; on every path

  that she enigmatically transgressed,

  While the fabulously silken shapes of her nose; she had majestically inherited from her mother; as she became the irrefutably unparalleled darling; of even the most obsoletely forlorn and coldblooded devils.

  Her eternally blissful and sacrosanct conscience was exactly like mine; fostering nothing but the blazing whirlwinds of Omnipresent truth,

  While the freshly budding crusts of scintillating teeth; she had fascinatingly inherited from her mother; as she ingratiatingly munched the fruits of timeless creation; for centuries unprecedented.

  And although she had proudly inherited some of me; while a fathomless elements of her divinely body were an astounding replication of her; heavenly mother,

  Her new born heartbeats were the most purest form of the Almighty Lord; not only immortally diffusing into the chapter of perpetual love; but unconquerably proving that it was indeed the most ultimate panacea for all forms of existence; the most unassailable belonging to handsomely cherish; even centuries after invidiously

  ghastly death.



  Your impeccably fascinating and nimble lids; had infatuated my despicably tyrannized eyes; to such an overwhelmingly profuse extent,

  That they had forgotten to disdainfully cry; shrugging the winds of brutally traumatized anguish; forever and ever and ever.

  Your freshly budding crusts of immaculately clattering teeth; had infatuated my pathetically gloomy lips; to such an unimaginably unprecedented extent,

  That they had forgotten even the most diminutive definition of painstaking sadness; perennially blossoming into cloudbursts of
ebullient laughter.

  Your rhapsodically tinkling and tranquilly dangling lobes; had infatuated my drearily dwindling ears to such a profoundly unconquerable extent,

  That they had completely relinquished the ocean of diabolically manipulative sound forever; poignantly blending their fading senses; with the entrenchment of

  bountifully panoramic atmosphere.

  Your celestially innocuous and mesmerizing dimples; had infatuated my nervously writhing neck to such an irrevocably overpowering extent,

  That it incorrigibly refrained to maneuver even the slightest towards salaciously evil; fabulously enshrouding itself with the heavenly fruits of eternally ravishing creation.

  Your magically resplendent and supremely tiny palms; had infatuated my penuriously staggering fingers; to such an Omnisciently miraculous extent,

  That they unequivocally quit even the most infinitesimally insipid iota of evil; invincibly bonding with all philanthropically symbiotic mankind.


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