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The Womb - Poems on Mother , Father , Children , Parenthood - volume 2

Page 11

by Nikhil Parekh

  You were my first and last FRIENDSHIP in life; compassionately encapsulating me like an invincible fortress from all sides; in my times of ecstasy; as well as unsurpassably hideous sadness,

  You were my first and last EUPHORIA in life; landing me in waves of incomprehensible exhilaration; as I unraveled a path of supreme exultation and fragrant newness; on every step that I nimbly alighted,

  You were my first and last ROYALTY in life; opulently besieging my drearily wandering eyes with your unbelievable embellishment; metamorphosing my

  disdainfully shriveled visage into an avalanche of princely paradise,

  You were my first and last AUTHORITY in life; as I bent my head in due obeisance of your Omnipotent aura; marching on even the most infinitesimal of your heavenly commands; to save wonderfully vivacious humankind,

  You were my first and last REFLECTION in life; candidly expelling out even the most subdued dormitories of my conscience; so that I blossomed into a queenly flower disseminating the everlasting redolence of humanity,

  You were my first and last TRIUMPH in life; as I felt irrefutably victorious at every stage in my diminutive survival; felt as if prosperity timelessly lingered on my inevitably orphaned doorsteps,


  You were my first and last AWARD in life; blessing me beyond the realms of bountiful eternity; gifting me with the impregnable virtue to exist in synergistic harmony and equality with all mankind,

  You were my first and last ENCHANTMENT in life; enthralling me to the ultimate realms of magnificent captivation and nostalgia; as I bounced in your lap like a freshly born infant; once again,

  You were my first and last ENERGY in life; the boundless reservoir of emphatic ebullience in my incoherent bones; to catapult to the epitome of glittering success,

  You were my first and last SONG in life; maneuvering each element of my disastrously stumbling countenance; with the ingratiating melody in your

  ardent voice,

  You were my first and last BREATH in life; instilling in me the unprecedented ardor to exist beyond my destined times; my insurmountable tenacity to believe in truth; non-violence; humanity; even as wailing hell coalesced with immaculate night,

  You were my first and last LOVE in life; passionately embracing me forever and ever and ever; everytime I took birth once again; even as the uncouth society had kicked me to insipid submission outside,

  And you assumed countless proportions of; Mischievous Sister; Princely Beloved; Unconquerable Father; Sacrosanct Mother; in the tenure of my transiently

  shivering life;

  But each iota of my visage; each ingredient of my heart; soul; body and blood; would perennially remain grateful to you not only for this life; but for fathomless more lifetimes of mine; only as mother; mother and divinely mother


  In your immaculately spell binding eyes; I found an astronomical ocean of Omnipotent light; maneuvering my every dwindling footstep towards the

  untamed fireballs of prosperity,

  In your celestially rubicund palms; I found my impoverished destiny bloom past the corridors of eternity; spawning into a wholesomely new chapter of fabulous creation,

  In your poignantly crimson and holistic blood; I found the impregnably overwhelming tenacity; to stand unflinchingly against the most acrimoniously

  treacherous attacks,

  In your ingratiatingly sacrosanct voice; I found the rudiments of the most enthralling existence; blending my soul with ubiquitously perpetual elements of irrefutable truth and peace,

  In your invincibly supreme shadow; I found a perennial river of ecstatic enchantment to lead life beyond my times; embrace one and all in the royal religion of humanity; alike,

  In your stupendously profound footprints; I found a tornado of passionate nostalgia; reminiscing all those priceless moments of fantastic life; that had blissful kept me alive,

  In your wonderfully intriguing mind; I found a divinely solution to relinquish all indiscriminately uncouth killing; a messiah to keep the fathomless planet harmoniously bonded; and bountifully breathing,

  In your magnanimously benign shoulders; I found an uninhibitedly compassionate comfort; which even the most opulently embellished contraption on this earth;

  miserably dithered to provide,

  In your incredulously mesmerizing signature; I found the ultimate stamp of flamboyant authority; an everlasting longing to philanthropically succeed; irrespective of the unfathomable juggernaut of impediments that dared crumble me in my way,

  In your incomprehensibly godly womb; I found the most majestic proliferation of Almighty’s colossal evolution; as I worshipped it indefatigably for decades immemorial,

  In your impeccably cascading eyelashes; I found the most innocently heavenly charisma on this boundlessly gregarious Universe; coalescing myself for infinite

  more births yet to unveil; in an impregnable entrenchment of truth; non-violence and unbelievable calm,

  In your innocuously alluring earlobes; I found all the Omnipresent sound of this fathomlessly overpowering earth; as I radiated like an ebullient fairy; in the mystically poignant aura of its irrefutable reverberations,

  In your miraculously rejuvenating stride; I found the unimaginably resilient fervor to flamboyantly surge forward in life; fight till my last iota of breath; to free my motherland from the dungeons of lecherously manipulative captivity,

  In your beautifully slender fingers; I found marvelously fulminating artistry; an incessant reservoir of solidarity to bless all those horrendously deprived; with the Omniscient powers of the divine,

  In your benevolently unfettered smile; I found all unsurpassable richness of heaven in my penurious lifetime; a tumultuous transpiration to solely listen to the innermost voices of my conscience; and yet prudently survive,

  In your piquantly protruding nose; I found unequivocally egalitarian philosophies leading to the path of unconquerable righteousness; an unprecedented ardor to forever blossom in; vibrant life,

  In your integrally rhapsodic ideals; I found an unchallengable conviction to patriotically sequester all devastatingly tottering mankind; rise above my graves to the tiniest insinuation of my comrades in insidious pain,

  In your passionately fragrant breath; I found an unending volcano of euphorically sprouting life; a perpetual desire to exist in glorious symbiosis; with countless more

  of my diminutive kind,

  In your immortally unparalleled heartbeats; I found the love that I had always insatiably desired; the wholesomely compassionate beams of comfort that kept

  every despicably wandering organism; kingly and alive,

  But it was only in your gorgeously sacerdotal lap O! divine mother; that I found all the happiness of my disastrously staggering life; perennially basking in the aisles of fresh birth once again; rejoicing forever and ever and ever; the first cry of

  my beautifully gifted life.


  Let a child blissfully grow, 

  Don’t try and obstruct his natural flow. 

  Let a child sleep, 

  Don’t try and break his dreams. 

  Let a child run, 

  Don’t try and smack his ear-drum. 

  Let a child confidently walk, 

  Don’t try and lure him with your talk. 

  Let a child create, 

  Don’t try and teach him to hate. 

  Let a child be innocent, 

  Don’t try and show him the art of disguise. 

  Let a child be naughty, 

  Don’t try and instruct him to be haughty. 

  Let a child play, 

  Don’t try and intentionally spoil his day. 

  Let a child make mistakes, 

  Don’t try and show him the stick. 

  Let a child roam in Sunlight, 

  Don’t try and hide him from the bright. 

  Let a child express his thoughts, 

  Don’t try and
be a mental block. 

  And let a child prosper and smile, 

  Don’t try and expose him to worldly guiles. 






  The rain was uninhibitedly untamed; and so was my  new born baby daughter;

  kicking left; right and center; in her  diminutively blessed cradle,

  The rain was Omnipotently pristine; and so was my new born baby daughter;

  mischievously tossing in unadulterated joy on the tufts of majestic green grass galore,

  The rain was magically mitigating; and so was my new born baby daughter; miraculously ameliorating me of my most horrific despair; with her innocuously fluttering eyelashes,

  The rain was eternally liberating; and so was my new born baby daughter; naughtily smiling amidst her spectrum of teddy bears; as if there was not even the most infinitesimal trace of tension on this fathomless Universe,

  The rain was perennially fructifying; and so was my new born baby daughter;

  perpetually proliferating into unparalleled festoons of happiness; every unfurling minute of inscrutable existence,

  The rain was unbelievably colorful; and so was my new born baby daughter; unfurling into the infinite shades of mystically emollient life; every time she alighted

  her pristinely nimble foot,

  The rain was timelessly life-yielding; and so was my new born baby daughter; perpetuating a paradise of unsurpassably undefeated newness; in every direction that she cast her immaculately dancing sight,

  The rain was pricelessly inimitable; and so was my new born baby daughter;

  unconquerably enamoring even the most farthest quarter of heaven; with the twinkle in her rhapsodically infallible eyes,

  The rain was the ultimate gift of the heavens; and so was my new born baby daughter; whose cries of stupendously charismatic freshness; spawned a civilization of boundless beauty; till times beyond infinite infinity,

  The rain was the most virile cistern of optimism; and so was my new born baby daughter; unprecedentedly subliming even the most cadaverously deadened corpses; with her unflinchingly raw energy to exist,

  The rain was brilliantly unfettered; and so was my new born baby daughter;

  expressing the innermost feeling of her heart till the ultimate pinnacle of the sky; whilst the salaciously manipulative planet moaned and miserably groaned outside,

  The rain was Omnisciently blessing; and so was my new born baby daughter; altruistically wishing the greatest of success even for the most treacherously ribald of her foes; wholesomely oblivious to the sanctimonious varsities of this corrupted planet,

  The rain was unassailably fragrant; and so was my new born baby daughter; metamorphosing even the most capricious iota of evil into a sky of unshakably peerless truth; with the divine righteousness in her tiny soul,

  The rain was eclectically artistic; and so was my new born baby daughter; weaving a cosmos of unparalleled beauty; with the egalitarian compassion in her eyes for every caste; creed; race; color and tribe,

  The rain was timelessly victorious; and so was my new born baby daughter;

  forever winning the hearts of every conceivable entity on this unceasing planet; with her impregnably selfless love for all living kind,

  The rain was ubiquitously a superstar; and so was my new born baby daughter;

  transcending every boundary of worthless discrimination; to tirelessly exult in the profoundly unstoppable glory of panoramic creation,

  The rain was fearlessly intrepid; and so was my new born baby daughter; poignantly exploring every exhilarating path of life; interminably following nothing else but the inner most voices of her benign heart,


  The rain was universally amiable; and so was my new born baby daughter; compassionately coalescing with any entity around her venerated visage; who

  gave her a gregarious smile,

  And the rain was insuperably Immortal; and so was my new born baby daughter;

  disseminating only the beats of love; love and Immortally princely love; every time her Godly heart throbbed in her tiny chest.



  The job of the sensuously virile clouds perhaps ended; at showering torrential downpours of magically glistening rain; upon the trajectory of this fathomlessly enchanting earth,

  The job of the beautifully bountiful lotus perhaps ended; at timelessly perpetuating the miserably rotting fabric of earth; with unbelievably insuperable scent,

  The job of the vivaciously poignant ocean perhaps ended; at perpetually culminating into quintessentially frosty salt; with every swirling wave that rose high and handsome towards the royal sky,

  The job of the everpervadingly fructifying seed perhaps ended; at spawning into an exuberant plant; as the clock of indispensable time gradually unveiled by and by,

  The job of the voluptuously tantalizing grass blades perhaps ended; at diffusing into pristinely delightful dew every midnight; as the Omnipotent Moon crept up in impeccably wonderful sky,

  The job of the rambunctiously effervescent bumble bee perhaps ended; at rendering unsurpassable tons of golden honey; in its parsimoniously catacombed hive,

  The job of the eclectically talented artist perhaps ended; at capturing the panoramically unconquerable beauty of this priceless planet; with his articulately dancing paintbrush and upon the limitlessly barren canvas of his imagination,

  The job of the Omnipresently blistering Sun perhaps ended; at majestically

  inundating even the most infinitesimal arena of this boundless planet;

  with unshakably optimistic light,

  The job of the effulgently blossoming leaves perhaps ended; at triumphantly

  permeating the carpet of the squalidly dolorous atmosphere; with rhapsodically untainted wind,

  The job of jubilantly exotic fantasy perhaps ended; at enshrouding every pore of the monotonously devastated skin; with sensations of endlessly untamed delight,

  The job of the gloriously intimate apogee perhaps ended; at towering into

  the ultimate scepter of aristocratically unflinching courage and eternal victory,

  The job of the inscrutably inexhaustible forests perhaps ended; at radiating into an unfathomably unlimited valley of profound mysticism; as each day unfurled

  into charismatically surreal night,

  The job of the eternally iridescent waterfall perhaps ended; at heavenly revitalizing even the most drearily subjugated of venom and dirt; that came in the course of its magically gurgling cascade,

  The job of the intricately blessed veins perhaps ended; at unceasingly supplying unassailably crimson blood to an infinite pores and part of the; symbiotically breathing form,

  The job of the affably twinkling stars perhaps ended; at altruistically granting compassionate beams of enlightenment; in the heart of the mercilessly

  blackened night,

  The job of the indomitably unfettered truth perhaps ended; at forever beheading the cadaverously corrupted coffins of satanically worthless lies,

  The job of the harmoniously unadulterated nostrils perhaps ended; at tirelessly supplying pricelessly ecstatic draughts of life-yielding oxygen; to the penuriously asphyxiating lungs,

  The job of the perpetually beating heart perhaps ended; at promulgating the

  beats of Immortally unparalleled love; to the farthest quarter of this limitlessly proliferating Universe,

  But the job of the Parents just doesn’t end at giving birth to the innocuous

  infant; just doesn’t end even after harnessing it with their very own blood to face the acrimonious world outside; just doesn’t end even at equipping it every conceivable comfort on this Universe; just doesn’t end even after they veritably died; as they continue to Omnisciently enlighten it from their heavenly abode; far away from the torturous devil and forever towards the path of amiably synergistic righteousness


  I might perhaps forget even the most sensuously untamed feel of raindrops; if they don’t cascade from fathomless sky; for far too long,

  I might perhaps forget even the most mellifluously mystical voice of the nightingale; if she doesn’t diffuse sound from her throat; for far too long,

  I might perhaps forget even the most fantastically unbridled royalty of the lion; if he doesn’t uninhibitedly growl in the jungles; for far too long,

  I might perhaps forget even the most Omnipotently brilliant light of the Sun; if it doesn’t blaze from behind the ominously treacherous clouds; for far too long,

  I might perhaps forget even the most poignantly coalescing frostiness of the

  wave; if it doesn’t kiss the pristinely blissful shores; for far too long,

  I might perhaps forget even the most triumphantly unfettered redolence of the rose; if it doesn’t profoundly blossom from the infinitesimally ethereal bud; for far too long,

  I might perhaps forget  even the most altruistically philanthropic of humanity; if it doesn’t embrace the innermost dormitories of my soul; for far too long,

  I might perhaps forget even the most indomitably undaunted victory; if it


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