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A Huge Mistake

Page 11

by Laney Kay

  He rolled her chair over so that she was facing him with her legs inside his. He grabbed her other hand and stared at her until she raised his eyes to his. “What are WE going to do? And the first thing we’re going to do is get you protected.” He turned his head to Jerry Jeff. “Would you get me some tracking devices? We’re going to load her up.”

  Jerry Jeff rubbed his hands together. “Ms. Lola, wait until you see these babies. I’ve been working on them for more than a year, and I’ve designed them so small no one will notice them.”

  He grabbed his backpack from against the wall and rolled back over next to them. “These are microscopic compared to those on the market now. Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to get one small enough, and with enough power, to implant under the skin, but I’m getting closer. Best of all, they can’t be detected by any of the scanning detectors on the market, so even if someone tries to detect them, nothing will show up.” He pulled out a small flat box. “Check these out, Ms. Lola.”

  She leaned closer as Jerry Jeff opened the box. There were small gold and silver stud earrings, hoops with a dangly carved ball, and a small skull stud. Lola started laughing, and smacked him on the arm. “Jerry Jeff, these look amazing. You designed them yourself?”

  He shrugged modestly. “I learned to do metalwork when I first started putting computers together, and the jewelry making just kind of evolved. Then, once I realized that the GPS trackers on the market were too big and bulky, I decided to design my own. Since it’s my technology, no existing scanners on the market can detect them, so they don’t get discovered and no one removes them.” He lifted the top shelf and showed her another set of trackers that looked like miniature lollipops. “These go inside a purse or in the seam of clothing and also put out a signal. We’ll put some in your bra, your shirt, your pants, and in your shoelaces, plus in your purse.” He nudged her with his shoulder until she looked up at him, and he smiled gently. “Lola, this way, even if one fails, we’ll have plenty of backups and if something happens, we’ll always be able to find you.” He elbowed her as she nodded. “Okay, pick your favorite earrings and we’ll get you hooked up.”

  She chose a plain silver ball stud and the skull and placed them in the two upper holes on her ear, leaving her regular silver hoops in the two lower holes. Jerry Jeff’s phone signaled a text message, and he glanced at it and handed the box of trackers to Jake. “Here, Jake. Y’all go get those other trackers inside her clothes. That’s Bina letting me know Dr. Littman is here, so I’m going to grab him and bring him back here with me. “Y’all be here first thing in the morning, and we’ll all go over this.”

  He left, and Jake and Lola stood up to leave. He smiled. “Well, we obviously aren’t needed. Want to see the rest of the place?”

  Jake showed her the rest of the building, and by the time they ended up on the top floor, she was still very impressed. “Jake, this is some operation you’ve got here.”

  He smiled. “Thanks. We’re proud of it. Come on to my office and I’ll introduce you to my business partner and my assistant.”

  He led her down a long corridor that was lined with conference rooms with huge plexiglass windows that looked out into the hallway. Lola tapped on one as they walked by and smiled. “Bullet-proof?”

  Jake snorted. “Uh, yeah.”

  At the end of the corridor was a large double door. He placed his hand on a plate and placed his face next to a small hole, and the door opened and they went inside. A huge, dark-haired man in a polo shirt and cargo pants was standing behind a desk and looked up at their entrance. When he saw Lola, he grinned, stood up, vaulted the desk, and grabbed her up in a huge hug and spun her around. “Beans! What are you doing here?” He kissed her a huge smacking kiss on the lips and dropped her to her feet. She was hugging him, but when he saw Jake standing behind her, not looking too happy, instantly pulled back from Lola. He turned to face Jake and automatically stood at attention. “Sir.”

  “Relax, Matt.” Jake rolled his eyes. “I take it y’all know each other?”

  Lola spun around to face Jake as Matt looked relieved. “Hell yeah! Matt and Mike are cousins and they went through basic training together, and they were in the same SEAL unit. The two of them and my brother have all been friends since elementary school.” She poked Jake in the chest. “Remember when I told you I was the flower girl at Mike’s wedding? Well, Matt was the ring bearer and his wife is the one who helped me make all those jello shots.”

  Jake was smiling at her enthusiasm. “And ‘Beans’?”

  She rolled her eyes. “Matt started calling me that because I was such a tall, skinny teenager. He told me I looked like a beanpole and thankfully, he’s the only one who still calls me Beans.” She turned to smile at Matt. “I knew you did security stuff, but I didn’t realize this is where you worked. I haven’t seen you since my brother’s engagement party a couple of months ago.”

  Matt shrugged. “I’ve been here several years now, ever since I got out. I started in the personal security side, but then Jake needed a logistics guy and it turns out I have a knack for it.”

  Jake grinned. “I’ll say. Matt is actually director of operations for the computer and investigative side of the business. He coordinates everything that’s going on, keeps everything running smoothly, and handles any bullshit that comes up.” He turned to look at him. “Why are you out here at Marie’s desk? Is she out today?” Jake turned to Lola. “Marie is my personal assistant and she usually sits out here.”

  Lola looked serious. “Let me guess. She’s both a personal assistant and an ex-CIA assassin.”

  Jake laughed and grabbed Lola’s hand and pulled her back to his side. “Better. Personal assistant and the most efficient person I’ve ever met. She’s freakishly organized, can cut through any red tape, and can do anything with a computer, so that’s more helpful to me than assassination skills.” He kissed Lola’s forehead and then looked at Matt. “Seriously, is she okay?”

  Matt looked between Jake and Lola, obviously trying to decide the dynamics between the two. He frowned as he came to the conclusion they were together and answered. “She had to leave because of a sick kid, so one of the ladies from downstairs is answering your phones. I just came out here while she took a quick break.”

  Jake nodded. “Thanks for taking care of it. We’ll be in my office for a while if anyone needs anything.”

  Lola blew Matt a kiss as Jake pulled her toward his office. “See you later, Matt.”

  Matt stared at Jake as if trying to silently tell him he’d better treat her right. “Yeah. Later, Beans.”

  Jake pulled her into his office and shut the door and locked it behind them. As they walked toward his desk, he pointed out the features of his office. “Bathroom with a shower over there, closet with extra clothes over there, the windows are bullet-proof and surveillance-proof and can be frosted over so you can’t see through them with the touch of a button. That’s pretty much it.”

  Lola was amused by the fact that he still seemed a little irritated about Matt’s connection to her. She smiled at him. “Fancy.”

  He walked behind his desk and sat down, tossing the box of trackers on its highly polished surface. Lola perched on the edge of the desk next to him. “Damn Lola, every time I turn around it’s like I run into another overly protective older brother. And I still haven’t even met your actual brother yet.”

  Lola shrugged. “Growing up, I hung out with a lot of guys, thanks to my brother and all his overly alpha male friends.”

  “Your brother isn’t military.”

  She shook her head. “No, but he played high school football with all these guys who ended up in the military, so I’ve been surrounded by a ton of them all my life. And my brother is about your size and even more overprotective than Mike and Matt, so I’m sure that will be tons of fun for you.”

  Jake rolled his eyes. “Great.” He opened Jerry Jeff’s box of trackers and waved his hand toward her. “Okay, sweet thing, let’s get the clothe
s off. I need your bra, I’ll need your pants, and I need your shoes.”

  Jake started digging through the box, and by the time he looked up, Lola was sitting on the desk in her panties and socks with her clothes on the floor at her feet. He stopped and stared at her nipples, which tightened into hard little points as he watched. Lola smiled at him, cupped both of her breasts, and pinched her nipples. As he watched, she dropped one hand and slowly trailed it down her stomach. She had just reached her panties and her fingertips were just starting to reach into them when he finally shook himself back to awareness. He reached into his desk drawer and pulled out a Tshirt and handed it to her. “For God’s sake, woman, put on this damn shirt. I’m trying to protect you and you’re distracting the hell out of me again. Let me get this done and then maybe we can take a little time to play.”

  Lola smiled to herself as she pulled his Tshirt over her head. It was huge on her, but because she was tall, it barely covered her butt and she knew she could tease him to distraction. He was already selecting several trackers, and she leaned over his shoulder to watch where he placed them.

  He slid the first one into the hem of her jeans. “You don’t have to cut the seam or sew them in?”

  He shook his head and held it up so she could see the tiny tracker. “No, they’re super small, plus Jerry Jeff tapered them so they slide in between the stiches without having to cut the seam. And if the stitches are too close together, I can snip one stitch, insert it, and then a dab of glue keeps the cut stitch from slipping out and makes sure the tracker stays in place. They’re also easy to get back out so the pants can be washed.” He did the same thing on a side seam near the top of the pants, placed one near the top of the underwire of her bra so it wouldn’t chafe her skin, one in her purse, and inserted one in the shoelace of her shoe. When he was done, he sat back in his chair and pointed to his handiwork. “Voila, baby. Check it out. No way you can see them unless you know they’re there.”

  Lola reached over his shoulder, picked up her pants and bra, and inspected it. “You’re right. I know where they are so I could find them and remove them if I needed to, but there’s no way anyone else would be able to see them.” She shook her head. “That Jerry Jeff is something else.”

  He agreed. “No kidding. He’s a genius with anything electronic, not just computers. Once he decides these trackers are ready for commercial use, he will make millions on them, but he could care less.”

  Lola was confused. “Since he designed these as an employee of your company, while working for your company, technically, this technology belongs to you, along with any patents, doesn’t it?”

  Jake shrugged. “Probably. Technically, I guess. But these are straight from the devious mind of Jerry Jeff Jenkins, and I think the patents and the product should belong to him. I benefit from them too. We have a separate contract so that I won’t have to pay any royalties to him directly, I don’t have to pay for the trackers, and we’ll always be ahead of the game technology-wise, so it’s all fine with me.”

  Lola smiled inwardly. He was such a sweetie. And she loved the fact that he passed over a chance to make a huge amount of money because it offended his sense of fairness. The more she got to know Jake, the more she liked him.

  He was reclining in his chair, with his hands laced behind his head and his legs spread. Lola walked around in front of him, stood between his legs and leaned her butt against the desk. She leaned forward and kissed him, a slow, long kiss with a lot of tongue, that made him groan. “So is there anything else we need to take care of today?”

  “Nope. We’re pretty much done until Jerry Jeff and the professor can figure out exactly what we’re dealing with.” He pulled her down so that she straddled his lap. “You got any ideas of how to kill some time?” He grabbed the hem of the shirt she was wearing and pulled it over her head. She leaned forward and rubbed her breasts against his chest as she kissed him sweetly, then not so sweetly. The kiss got more passionate as his tongue swept into her mouth and he pulled her hips tight against him. When they finally came up for air, he used both hands to push her hair out of her face. “Tell me what you want, Lola, or if you prefer, I can tell you what I want.”

  Lola smiled. “How about I show you what I want?” She climbed off his lap and slowly slid her panties to her feet. “I’m leaving the socks on. My feet are cold.” He smiled at the picture she made as she bent over, naked except for her socks, and pulled his shirt from the waistband of his pants and pulled it over his head. She knelt down and took off his shoes and socks, and unbuttoned and unzipped his pants. As she slid her hands into the sides of his pants, she whispered for him to lift up, and he lifted far enough so she could pull his pants and his boxer briefs completely off. She threw his clothes carelessly to the side. Lola gave him a wicked smile as she leaned forward and kissed and nipped and sucked her way up his inner thighs. “This is what I want, Jake. You, right here, right now. Ever gotten a blow job at your big fancy desk, boss man?”

  He pulled his hand through her shiny hair. “Can’t say that I have, Ms. Lola. But I’m pretty excited to try it out.”

  She wrapped her hand around him, squeezing firmly, then bent down to lick her way from where she held him with her fist to the tip. When she reached the top, she wrapped her lips around him, swirled her tongue, and sucked strongly. Jake felt like the top of his head was going to blow off. She pulled her lips off him and smiled. “Any requests?”

  Jake shook his head. “This is your show, sugar. I would say that you might want to make it pretty quick because I guarantee someone will be trying to get in here to show me something, ask me something, or get me to sign something, so we’ll have distractions pretty soon.”

  Lola nodded. “That I can do.” And with that, Lola got busy. She started, licked up the sides and around the head, following the long licks with tight strokes of her fist. With her other hand, she fondled his balls, first pulling on them gently, then massaging them more firmly as she rubbed and kissed and licked him from the base to the tip. Finally, she took him into her mouth and then sucked him all the way to the back of her throat.

  He almost lost it then. A shuddering groan rumbled up from his chest and he tangled both hands in her hair as his head dropped back on the headrest. “Holy shit, Lola. That feels amazing.” He pulled her hair to the side so he could watch as her tight mouth moved up and down and her hands squeezed and massaged in time with her movements. Within a few minutes, he felt his balls draw up and he knew he was about to come. He warned her, but she shook her head and continued, and two strokes later he exploded so hard he literally saw stars.

  Jake collapsed back against his chair, his eyes shut, and his hands tangled loosely in her hair. Lola gave him a couple of long gentle licks, and a gentle kiss on the tip and then pulled back, stood up between his sprawled legs, and propped her butt against his desk. She smiled down at him, loving the fact that he looked so wrung out. She leaned forward and mussed his hair. “How you feeling, big guy? Did I wear you out that quickly?”

  He opened his eyes and smiled at her. “You absolutely did. That was amazing.” He leaned forward and rested his forehead against her stomach as she smoothed his hair. After a few moments of enjoying her petting him, he lifted up his head and winked at her. “Let’s see if I can return the favor.”

  He ran his hands up the side of her thighs and pushed her hips further back until she was sitting on his desk. Jake laughed as he lifted her feet, still with her socks on, and placed them on the arms of his chair. “I like the socks, Ms. Lola. Not usually what I’d consider a sexy look, but on you, it totally works.”

  She grinned and leaned back so that she was propped up on her elbows and could see what he was doing. He scooted his chair closer and put his hands on her knees and pulled them apart so that he could get even closer. Lola was neither shy nor modest, but she felt exposed sitting on his desk with her legs spread wide around his shoulders and him staring so intently between her legs. Just as she was about to say something, J
ake slid his hands around her hips, yanked her to the edge of the desk, and latched his mouth onto her.

  Lola felt her eyes roll back in her head and she collapsed back on the desk, her back arching as he sucked, and licked, and nipped her, devouring her like he couldn’t get enough. Just when she was about to explode, he suddenly pulled back with a long, unhurried lick. She grabbed his hair to pull his mouth against her, but Jake resisted. He used the flat of his tongue to lick long strokes until he felt her start to move against his mouth. Then, he blew a hot puff of air on her, and slowly thrust one, then two of his thick fingers inside her. As she writhed and moaned, he flicked and swirled his tongue, pumped his fingers in and out in a firm, unhurried motion until he could feel her excitement building again. Once he could tell she was on the edge, he thrust his fingers deep inside and held them there while he sucked strongly until her orgasm crashed through her. She shook, she moaned, and she tried to pull his mouth away, but he stayed with her until she finally collapsed against his desk in a sweaty, boneless heap, her feet sliding off the arms of the chair to dangle over the desk.

  She was still lying there, trying to catch her breath when Jake lurched out of his chair. He bent over to grab his pants, grabbed a condom out of his pocket, ripped it open with his teeth, and rolled it on with quick jerky movements. He hooked his arms under her bent legs, jerked her to the edge of the desk, and slammed himself into her so hard that she knew she’d feel it the next day.

  Jake tried to get some control and stay still long enough to give her time to adjust to him inside her, but it was a losing battle. He gave one slow, measured thrust, but then he started hammering into her so hard she was afraid she was going to fly off the other side. She grabbed the edge of the desk to anchor herself, and he pulled her legs even farther apart so he could watch them where they were joined as he thrust inside her.

  Lola couldn’t tear her eyes away from him. His light green eyes were intent and focused, and his jaw was clenched as he buried himself inside her again and again. She let go of the desk and grabbed his hips, pulling her even deeper inside her with every stroke. Jake sped up even more and she could feel him getting even bigger and thicker as he got closer to the edge. Finally, he broke. He threw his head back and groaned as he slammed inside her once, twice, again, and finally held himself deep as he let go, with Lola right behind him. He collapsed on top of her, both of them breathing in short, jerky bursts of air.


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