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Hot Off the Ice Boxed Set: Books 1-3

Page 78

by A. E. Wasp

Sergei tilted his head down and kissed Alex. They hadn’t shared so many kisses in days. “I do not know what you mean. You have not been difficult. You work too hard, and take too much on yourself.”

  Alex pushed Sergei gently on the side. “Roll over.” When he did, Alex straddled Sergei’s lap. Looking up at Alex from on his back was one of Sergei’s favorite views. He ran his hands over Alex’s muscular thighs, feeling only skin no matter how far up he reached.

  Smiling, he slid his hands around Alex’s hips. Nothing. His sexy boyfriend was naked underneath his shirt. “Kiss me, lyubov moya.”



  Alex couldn’t say no to that. Sergei kissed with all the focus he had in the net. His hands spanned Alex’s back, thumbs pressing into the divot under his hips, rough fingers scratching down the bumps of his spine.

  Alex’s knees were drawn up alongside Sergei’s body, and he couldn’t stop rocking his body back and forth. Sergei’s cock dragged along the crack of Alex’s ass with each small movement. He could feel the heat of it, even through the cloth. Alex clenched around it with a whine as it pressed against his entrance. It was driving him crazy, and he never wanted it to stop.

  He had been so exhausted earlier, he’d thought it would take a moment for him to get in the mood for sex. He’d been very wrong.

  Dragging his mouth away from Sergei’s lips, Alex bit and sucked a bruise into the junction of Sergei’s neck and shoulder. It had become his new favorite place, the muscle firm under his jaw, the skin soft and salty on his tongue. He caught Sergei’s skin between his teeth and nipped sharply. Sergei hissed, his cock jerking against Alex’s ass.

  “Alex,” Sergei warned, his voice sending a thrill down Alex’s spine. He rocked down harder into Sergei, splaying his hands across Sergei’s perfect chest. He thumbed across Sergei’s nipples, admiring the way they hardened. They would look so good with bite marks around them.

  “Alex,” Sergei repeated more sharply, grabbing Alex’s wrists to stop them from moving.

  “Yes, Serhoya?” Alex batted his eyelashes innocently. He knew exactly what Sergei wanted, of course. He could see it in the dark flash of Sergei’s eyes, feel it in the way Sergei’s hand clamped down on his wrists harder than he was probably aware of, in the bunching of Sergei’s thigh muscles as he got ready to make his move. He’d been wondering how long it would take Sergei to break.

  “Brat,” Sergei growled, flipping them with a hip thrust and roll that ended with Alex flat on his back, arm stretched out over his head, and thighs clamped against Sergei’s hips.

  He grinned as Sergei loomed over him, dark promises in his eyes. His grin slid into a moan as Sergei ground down onto him. Sergei’s breath was hot against his cheek.

  “You like to play games?” Sergei purred into his ear before biting down on his earlobe.

  Alex shuddered.

  Sergei rocked his hips hard and purposefully against Alex’s cock as he bit down on the edge of Alex’s jaw, dragging his tongue across the light dusting of stubble. “Maybe we play one called see how long it takes Alex to cry and beg me to fuck him? Will he beg me to let him come?”

  Holy crap. Alex had never even imagined hearing delicious filth like that come out of Sergei’s mouth. His eyes rolled back in his head, and that game was almost over before it had a chance to start.

  Sergei chuckled evilly—in Alex’s opinion—at the way his body convulsed. “Not yet, zaichik,” he said, lifting away from Alex’s body. “Simon did not say so.”

  “Control freak,” Alex panted.

  Sergei pulled Alex’s shirt off, then stretched Alex’s arms up until his fingers brushed the headboard. “You love it.”

  Alex didn’t bother denying it. “Fuck yeah,” he groaned, both in answer to the accusation and in response to the way Sergei was wrapping Alex’s fingers around the slats in the headboard.

  “Don’t let go,” Sergei warned as he slithered down Alex’s body, pulling his boxers off and throwing them to the ground.

  Sergei slid his big, warm hands all over Alex’s skin, sweeping up from thigh to nipples and back down again. Sergei kissed the inside of Alex’s thigh, then gave a sharp nip before licking up the side of Alex’s cock. Alex bit back a whimper, but the jerk of his cock and the abortive hip thrusts gave him away. Sergei chuckled and licked around the head with just the tip of his tongue.

  Ostie d’crisse de tabarnak, they’d barely started, and Alex was already so close to begging for it. He exhaled heavily through his nose, chest heaving, as he tried to pull himself back from an orgasm.

  Sergei looked up at him, eyes black with lust, fingers bruising Alex’s hips. The thought was almost unbearably erotic. Alex wanted to have Sergei’s fingerprints tattooed into his skin. He lifted his head to look at Sergei stretched out between his legs. His lips felt raw and swollen from his time spent cataloging Sergei’s skin with his mouth.

  “Shit,” Sergei cursed reverently, eyes locked onto Alex’s mouth.

  Sergei’s hot breath on his skin made Alex’s cock jump, a pearl of precome beading at the top. Sergei stretched out his tongue to taste it, and Alex had to close his eyes, head falling back down to the pillow with a thump.

  If this was what it was like having sex with someone you love, Alex didn’t know how people survived it. Sergei’s mouth closed over the top of his cock and Alex shuddered. Sergei smiled around him. Nothing he’d ever done before had even come close to this level of intimacy. Sergei knew everything about him, and there was no place to hide.

  Not that he wanted to.

  Hands pressing on Alex’s hips, Sergei knelt between Alex’s legs and slid his mouth up and down Alex’s cock. The perfect pressure, perfect heat, in no rush, like he could do this all night. Pleasure surged through Alex with the rhythm of Sergei’s mouth, and his hips thrust up and up against Sergei’s hands, not chasing orgasm, just moving with the tide of Sergei and love and ecstasy flooding him.

  Sergei had certainly mastered the art of blowjobs very quickly.

  Sergei abruptly pulled off, and Alex shouted wordlessly, hands clenching around the headboard. He panted, teetering on the edge of orgasm. He lifted his head up to check on Sergei.

  Sergei was panting hard, too. His head rested on Alex’s thigh, eyes closed as his hands clenched and unclenched around Alex’s hips.

  “Serhoya, mon choux?” Alex asked, concerned. Sergei’s face was screwed up like he was in pain. “Are you okay?” Alex rested his hand on Sergei’s head.

  Sergei pushed into the touch, rubbing his head against Alex’s palm, kissing wherever he could reach. “Da. Da.” His voice was shaky. “It’s just...just...”

  Alex wound his fingers through Sergei’s hair and tugged gently. Sergei hissed at the sensation. “Yeah,” Alex echoed in agreement with the emotion Sergei couldn’t find words for. He had thought this night was going to be something he could do for Sergei. Something he owed Sergei, in a way. Instead, he realized that he desperately needed this connection, too. He could feel Sergei’s love refilling his emotional tank. He’d been feeling alone, like he was drowning, when the shore had been there the entire time.

  Sergei pushed up onto his knees, leaning over Alex and trapping him in the cage of his body. He rested his forehead against Alex’s. “It is just, I love you so much. And never, I never…” He stopped, inhaling with a shudder as Alex’s hands caressed his body from shoulders to ankles, following the curve of his body.

  “Yeah,” Alex repeated, tilting his head up to capture Sergei’s beautiful mouth. “Me, too. Never like this. No one.” He hooked a hand around the back of Sergei’s neck, pulling him down and kissing him long and deep, the urgency building back up as Sergei opened for him.

  Sergei sank down on top of him, pressing them together chest to groin, and Alex moaned. “I loved you for so long,” he admitted to himself as much as to Sergei. “Loved you for forever.”

  Sergei whimpered at his declaration. Alex would laugh at him, but Sergei’s cock pressing against h
is and sliding through the slickness between them felt so incredible Alex could barely think. He could come just like this, but it wouldn’t be enough.

  He needed to get Sergei inside his skin, tucked up near his. And if he was completely honest, he was dying to feel Sergei’s porn-worthy cock pounding into him. With a groan, he yanked Sergei’s mouth away from the dirty and probably illegal things he’d been doing to Alex’s neck. “Câlissé, Sergei.” He tugged Sergei’s head back by his hair. Sergei’s expression was wild, his dark eyes almost black. “Are you going to fuck me, or what?”

  Sergei groaned and rolled off Alex so quickly Alex couldn’t hold back a chuckle. “Eager?” he taunted as Sergei dug through the nightstand drawer.

  Sergei cursed and hung his head.

  “What?” Alex asked.

  “I, um, the lube. I left it in the bathroom.” He wouldn’t make eye contact.

  Alex snorted a laugh, and Sergei glowered at him. Alex smacked him on the side. “Well, go get it!” He laughed as Sergei hurried away.

  He wasn’t laughing when Sergei came back, stalking toward the bed, hips rolling, hand sliding up and down his huge, hard cock, and eyes dark and intent on Alex.

  Alex’s mouth flooded and he had to swallow hard to avoid drooling. Sergei saw his throat bob and grinned at Alex. He gave a hard stroke of his cock, and his eyelids fluttered.

  Lord have mercy. Sergei was nearly seven feet worth of sex on legs, and he totally knew it.

  Well, two could play that game. Alex might not be as buff as Sergei, but he knew by now that Sergei liked looking at him just fine.

  He reached back over his head and, grabbing the slat of the headboard again, pulled his knees up and fanned out his thighs. “How do you want me?” he asked with a smirk.

  Sergei stopped at the foot of the bed, gaze burning across Alex’s exposed body. Heat flooded Alex, the flush on his cheeks spreading down his neck and chest. Shameless, he spread his legs wider, tilting his hips up, biting his lower lip. “Anything you want. However you want me.”

  Sergei’s hand tightened around his dick, clear fluid dripping from the tip to Sergei’s fingers. “Jesus, Alex,” Sergei whispered, voice raspy. “Like that, just like that.”

  He climbed back between Alex’s legs, just where Alex thought Sergei should stay for the next century. Putting a hand on the inside of Alex’s knees, Sergei gently pushed them wider apart until Alex felt the burn in his groin muscles.

  Sergei bit his lips, eyebrows drawing together like he was solving the problems of the universe as he fumbled the cap on the lube and squirted way too much onto his hands.

  Alex’s laugh turned into a grunt when Sergei quirked an eyebrow and slid one finger into Alex without warning. “Still funny?” he asked, fucking Alex slowly.

  “C’mon, Serhoya. Don’t be a tease.” Alex felt like he’d been hard for hours. The teasing had been awesome, but now he’d really like Sergei to just pound him into the mattress and bring on the mind-blowing orgasm he could feel building in his spine and the back of his throat.

  Sergei seemed to be on the same page, and, faster than Alex thought possible, he felt a delicious burning stretch as Sergei slipped a third finger in him. They both groaned as Sergei twisted his hand inside Alex, fingers dragging across that perfect spot that had Alex seeing stars.

  Sergei had one arm wrapped around Alex’s knee and the other braced against the bed. Shameless, Alex thought again as he drove his hips up and down, fucking himself on Sergei’s hand. He clenched around the fingers inside him, trying to get more pressure, and Sergei moaned like he was dying.

  He cursed in Russian, voice broken and wrecked. “Going to come, Lyosha, just from this.”

  Alex thrashed back and forth, sweat sliding down his temples, gathering in his collarbones. “Fuck me. Come on. God. Do it.” He sent up a silent prayer that he wasn’t being loud enough for Allie to pick up on the monitor.

  “Yes, yes,” Sergei repeated mindlessly to himself as he scrambled to his knees. Hands shaking, he lined himself up and pushed slowly but inexorably into Alex.

  Alex breathed heavily through his nose, eyes rolling up into his head at the feeling of Sergei forcing his way deep inside Alex. Right where he belonged.

  Sergei stopped, resting on trembling arms, head hanging down between his shoulders. “Okay?” he asked, breathless.

  Alex nodded, afraid to move, afraid he’d shatter.

  Sergei lifted his head up like it weighed a million pounds. “Yeah?” He didn’t sound convinced.

  Alex shifted his hips, trying to get Sergei deeper. “Fuck yeah. Now move. Please, for the love of God.”

  Sergei barked a laugh. “Bossy,” he panted. “Okay, fine then.”

  The way he said that made Alex nervous, so he tightened his grip on the headboard, just in case. Sergei sat back on his haunches, hooked his arms under Alex’s knees, and used his freakish strength to drag Alex’s ass higher up his thighs.

  Alex yelled loud enough for Allie to hear without the monitor as the move impaled him on Sergei’s cock. Then Sergei started pounding hard and fast, driving the air out of Alex’s lungs and the brain cells out of his skull.

  He moaned and whimpered continuously as Sergei stretched him out, filling him perfectly, and punching against his prostate every other thrust. Whoever said size didn’t matter had obviously never slept with Sergei. His high-pitched gasps rang in his ears.

  Even with his arms braced, Alex’s head knocked against the headboard as Sergei fucked him. His groin muscles screamed with the stretch; his neck was bent so hard that oxygen was becoming a scarce resource. Alex was in heaven. He had to close his eyes against the enormity of the feeling.

  Sergei cursed steadily under his breath. “Not going to last,” he groaned.

  Alex risked a look. Past the view of his cock jutting rock hard and red from between his legs, dripping a pool of hot liquid onto his stomach, was Sergei, biceps bulging and the corded muscles of his neck and shoulders straining. “God, Alex,” Sergei exhaled with something like awe as their eyes locked.

  Words poured out of Sergei’s mouth, most of it in Russian, and Alex could only make out the two most important words: Alex, and love.

  “Sergei!” Alex cried as he came helplessly, white-hot sparks flashing down his spine as his release pulsed out of him in time with Sergei’s thrusts. His body arched, lifting him up until only his shoulders and head were on the bed. One hand flew off the headboard, flailing toward Sergei. Sergei grabbed it, grounding Alex as his orgasm swelled and peaked until he could die from it.

  Sergei slammed into Alex one last time, coming with a quiet “Oh” and a full-body shudder before his muscles locked up. Alex felt him thicken and pulse inside of him, and as Sergei’s fingers dug into his legs, Alex’s pleasure crested again and he shouted as a second orgasm followed the first.

  They stayed locked like that for long seconds, Sergei clutching Alex’s legs to him, Alex’s thighs wrapped around Sergei’s waist, until their hearts stopped pounding and their breathing slowed.

  Alex dropped his legs with a moan. Sergei slumped heavily to the bed, twisting as he did to land mostly on Alex’s side. The weight of his body forced the breath out of Alex’s lungs.

  Alex threw his arm around Sergei. “Holy shit.”

  Sergei laughed in agreement. He tugged off the condom with a grimace, dropping it over the edge of the bed into the garbage can. Reaching down, he grabbed his briefs and tossed them to Alex to clean up with.

  Alex swiped half-heartedly at the mess on his stomach and chest. He’d hate himself in the morning for not cleaning up better, but he wasn’t getting out of bed unless the house was on fire. Even then, he wasn’t sure his legs would hold him up. “Good job.” He shot Sergei a shaky thumbs up and a cheesy but sincere smile. “Gold medal worthy.”

  They traded sloppy kisses, all wet lips and slippery tongues, until Sergei dropped back down onto the bed. “Love you,” he murmured, half asleep.

  Alex pulled Sergei
into him and kissed the top of his head. “If you really loved me, you’d get up with the babies in the morning.”

  Sergei opened one eye to glare at him.

  Alex laughed. “I’m joking. I’ll do it.”

  Sergei pushed himself up onto his elbow. “No. I will do it. But you, too, must do something for me.”

  “What?” Did he want a drink of water? A cup of tea?

  “You hire nanny.”

  Oh, that. He’d already decided to. Sergei didn’t deserve a bitchy partner too tired to have sex just because Alex had issues with thinking he should be able to do everything. Alex would learn to suck up failure to make things better for everyone else. “Actually, if it’s okay with you, I’d like to hire Allie as the nanny. She could use the income—”

  Sergei didn’t let him finish. “It is a brilliant idea. She is okay with it?”

  “It was her suggestion,” Alex admitted.

  “Allie is very smart woman. I am glad she leave that Chuck.” Sergei dragged Alex into his embrace, positioning him like a living teddy bear. Alex loved it when Sergei did that. He never slept as good alone as he did when Sergei was home.

  “I am, too.”

  Sergei kissed the back of Alex’s neck. “Go to sleep, zaichik.”

  Alex realized he could sleep freely, knowing that someone he trusted would be there to handle things if the babies woke up in the middle of the night and that he could finally, wonderfully, sleep past seven in the morning. It felt like Christmas and his birthday all rolled into one.

  Once again, he’d been an idiot, and it had taken Sergei to make him see the error of his ways. Now that he had more help than he knew what to do with and more free time, he vowed to make things perfect for Sergei. He had no excuses anymore.



  “Do you think a Cat in the Hat theme is too tired?” Alex asked Sergei. He frowned at his phone as he tapped rapidly through the multiple Thing 1 and Thing 2 pins, then decided to add a few to his Babies’ First Birthday Pinterest board just in case. Was he taking the easy way out? “Are people going to think, like, oh, God, this is the best he could come up with?”


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